【"Why does Lord Hokage have such an expression?"】

【"Is there really something else going on here? He looks very nervous."】

【"Could it be that Uzumaki Naruto is actually the descendant of some important figure, and we have been mistreating him all these years?"】

【"He has been practicing hard and enduring for so many years. Will he want revenge and overthrow our village in the end?"】

【"Stop talking, stop talking, just watch quietly, the situation is definitely not what we think"】


【Suddenly, the atmosphere around became very subtle.】

【After thinking about it, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly let out a long sigh.】

【"Naruto, I know you resent me for not taking good care of you over the years."】

【"But as a Hokage, I really have no control over many things."】

【"I have a very busy job every day and have to worry about all the big and small things in the village......."】


Uzumaki Kushina,"This old man is trying to play the sympathy card again."

"This face is really disgusting."

"Damn, really, I don't know how I can have the nerve to say these things"

"Talking about all this nonsense, what does it have to do with Naruto's miserable situation?"

"Are you trying to shirk responsibility here?"

Uzumaki Kushina directly blasted in the live broadcast room.

Orochimaru took the opportunity to fan the flames and said

"Haha, this is one of the real reasons why I defected from the village"

"I really can't stand this old man's hypocrisy."

The Fourth Raikage,"It's embarrassing to be with such a hypocritical person."

Ohnoki,"I really want to use Dust Release on him and destroy him directly."

"It's just a disgrace to our film industry.""893"

【"I just told you the reason for hiding your identity."】

【"Originally, I wanted to hide your identity as the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, but something unexpected happened....."】

【"This is indeed my fault. I failed to manage my subordinates well."】

【Uzumaki Naruto sneered. He knew that the other party was trying to shirk responsibility.】

【How can the dirty true intentions of this old man Sarutobi Hiruzen be exposed directly?】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen continued】

【"Originally, I protected you very well, but I didn't expect that Danzo spread rumors about you."】

【"By the time I wanted to stop it, it was too late."】

【"I have already given Danzo a severe punishment, of course, I have never told you this."】

Danzo,"This old man is really disgusting. He calls me out to take the blame again at this time."

"So all the dirty things that happened in Konoha were done by me, why am I so bad?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"Do you think you are a good guy?"

Shimura Danzo started to curse

"Do you think you are a good guy?"

Anyway, Sarutobi Hiruzen's situation is over now.

After the movie is over, there will be a lot of people who want to kill him.

Shimura Danzo is not afraid anymore and starts a fight directly.

Uchiha Madara,"It's quite interesting to see two dogs biting each other."

Senju Hashirama,"Why is the top management of Konoha so messed up?"

"If I can be resurrected, Konoha's top brass will have to undergo a major reshuffle."

Senju Tobirama,"I'm sorry, brother. It was all because of my poor judgment back then."

"The village was in a mess."

【Uzumaki Naruto quietly looked at the third generation of dog thieves】

【This also made Sarutobi Hiruzen realize that Uzumaki Naruto was much more difficult to deal with than he had imagined.】

【The more you talk, the more mistakes you make. Sarutobi Hiruzen stopped and continued to blame others.】

【"Well, Naruto, you have suffered a lot these years. I know how to make it up to you."】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen cleared his throat and looked at the confused audience standing around him.】

【"Next I have a big announcement to make, about Uzumaki Naruto's identity"】

【Everyone's eyes immediately focused, and they were all waiting】

【The most excited person at the scene was Uchiha Sasuke】

【He knew deeply that when Sarutobi Hiruzen announced Uzumaki Naruto's identity】

【It means that their efforts over the years have not been in vain.】

【A ray of light representing victory shone on their faces.】

【Nara Shikamaru,"Uzumaki Naruto really did it, I'm so excited for him"】

【Akimichi Chouji,"I'm so excited that I want to cry, what should I do?"】

【Uzumaki Naruto was very calm. It was nothing. He just took back what was rightfully his.】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen said,"In fact, Uzumaki Naruto is the son of the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze."】

【"Uzumaki Naruto's father, Minato Namikaze, and his mother, Kushina Uzumaki, died in order to seal the Nine-Tails and save the village."】

【"I chose to keep it secret because I was afraid that the exposure of his parents' identities would put Uzumaki Naruto in danger."】

【"From today on, I am very pleased to see Naruto's strong strength"】

【"I hereby announce that I will reveal his identity, hoping that everyone will change their previous views on Uzumaki Naruto"】

【"He is the descendant of a hero and should not be hated by everyone."】

【"This is why I issued a ban on you not to insult him."】

【"From now on, if anyone is found calling him a demon fox again, he will be severely punished."】

【As soon as Sarutobi Hiruzen said this, the crowd around him was immediately shocked.】

【"What? He is the child of the Fourth Hokage, so he is the descendant of a hero?"】

【"What have we done over the years to isolate children like this?"】

【"If the Fourth Hokage knew this, they would be very disappointed."】

【"Why didn't we think of this before? He looks a lot like the Fourth Hokage, with blonde hair and blue eyes......."】

【People said they were quite shocked.】

【They never expected that the fox demon in their eyes would turn into a hero.】

【Many people felt guilty.】

【There are also many people whose psychological changes are very strange, as if they can't stand others being better than them.】

【But almost everyone has one emotion, which is fear.......】

【These people know very well what they have done to Uzumaki Naruto over the years】


【Uzumaki Naruto glanced at the ninjas and villagers surrounding him.】

【The Uzumaki Naruto at this time is no longer the ignorant him in 4 years, without any threat.】

【On the contrary, he could easily kill most of the people at the scene, as easy as crushing an ant.】

【This makes his gaze extremely intimidating. The villagers and ninjas who are swept by his gaze will involuntarily lower their heads.】

【"I hope you know one thing"】

【"Over the years, you have done a lot and are very sorry to me, but I am a magnanimous person and I will not argue with you insignificant and ignorant people."】

【"I also hope that you will never make the same mistake again. I don't want to hear the word"demon fox" anywhere again."】

【"Otherwise, I might not be able to control this spiral shuriken."】

【"As the Hokage of the village, the Third Generation might deal with you in a gentle way."】

【"But I obviously don't have that concern."】

【"Anyway, I didn’t get any warmth in this village since I was a child."】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"If one fails by accident, the worst that can happen is that one will defect, right?"】

【"Of course, you are the ones my father and mother protected with their lives."】

【"I don't want to destroy this place unless necessary."】

【"Did you hear everything clearly?"】

【Originally, the scene was very quiet, but as Uzumaki Naruto said his last words】

【Everyone immediately, as if driven by instinct, began to respond.】

【"Listen carefully, listen carefully, in the future, such things will not happen again"】

【"It was our fault in the past. We were deceived by rumors. We will compensate you in the future."】

【Some children were even scared to tears.】

【"I won't dare to talk nonsense anymore. Please don't kill us."】


【Sarutobi Hiruzen did not stop Uzumaki Naruto's behavior at this moment】

【Because he knew that Uzumaki Naruto had been suppressed for so many years and needed an outlet.】

【He also heard that Uzumaki Naruto was not so hostile that he wanted to kill everyone here, so there was still hope.】

【He also wanted to live in the village that his parents protected, Konoha.】

【Then, Uzumaki Naruto, this powerful weapon, belongs to Konoha.】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen thought,"What Uzumaki Naruto lacks is nothing but warmth. From now on, if I give him enough warmth, he will definitely be in my hands and will not be able to escape from my palm.""】

Uzumaki Kushina,"Bah, you old thief Sarutobi Hiruzen, you are always daydreaming"

"Hehe, but if you have such an idea, you are destined to be played around by Naruto."

"Just think about it this way, Naruto still needs some time to grow up"

"In the end, he will smash your dog head with his own hands."

"Oh, it feels like a long sigh of relief, Naruto's identity is finally restored"

"At this moment, I even felt tears welling up in my eyes."

Yamanaka Ino," Yes, yes, I'm really excited!........."

"Naruto has been hiding for so long, and now he can finally show up with an open and aboveboard identity."

"All of this is the result of his hard work."

"It really makes people feel passionate and excited."

Haruno Sakura,"Naruto-kun's performance in facing those ignorant villagers just now was really domineering."

"Look at their ugly faces, they changed immediately."

"No one dared to say a word, as expected, strength is everything."

Uchiha Sasuke,"Conquer people with virtue, strength is everything"

"All the words that Uzumaki Naruto said were verified in him."

"I want to follow this footsteps"

"The glory of our Uchiha clan should not be wiped out by Konoha, and its future will surely be full of brilliance."

Mei Terumi,"The hormones emanating from Naruto-kun really make people feel obsessed all the time."

"The Q&A session will come soon. I hope to draw something that can travel through time."

"I want to go to a parallel world, meet Naruto-kun, and imagine a beautiful future with him."

Uchiha Madara,"I would like to call Uzumaki Naruto at this moment, particularly domineering"

"There is infinite glory and future"

"I hope to have a chance to fight him, so that I will have no regrets in my life."

Senju Hashirama,"I hope so too, Madara, let's go together."

Uchiha Fugaku,"If at that time, my Uchiha clan was not led by me, but by Uzumaki Naruto..."

"It will definitely not lead to the night of genocide."

Uzumaki Naruto,"The me in the parallel world is so handsome at this moment, okay?"

"I must keep up with his pace, and one day, I will also say this in the village"

"Let those villagers who bullied me feel scared."

Hinata Hyuga,"I really want to cry. All the grievances Naruto-kun has suffered before have been vented at this moment."

"I suddenly felt my chest was so relaxed."

Hinata Hanabi,"I can't stand it, I can't stand it, Uzumaki Naruto is so handsome......."

"I feel like I'm going to pass out......."

【Seeing that the time was almost up, Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke】

【"Okay Naruto, that's it for today. You've been training hard, and it's time to go back and rest."】

【"I will issue a formal document about your identity later, so that everyone in the village will know it."】

【"From now on, Konoha will be your warmest home, no need to have any grudges"】

【"As for Danzo, I hope you can forgive him and not hate him. He has also contributed a lot to the village over the years."】

【"Oh, forget it, you have your own ideas, I won't say anything more"】

【Uzumaki Naruto still had a cold face and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen】

【The other party's methods are so crude. What's the meaning of these last two sentences?】

【Isn't it just to attract the hatred of Danzo and try to weaken the evil things he did in the third generation by 3.5?】

【Maybe if it were another 10-year-old child, he would really be fooled by the third generation of thieves.】

【But Uzumaki Naruto is not that simple, he is not that easy to fool】

【He knew very clearly that neither of them was a good person.】

【Uzumaki Naruto said calmly】

【"My father and mother must have left behind a lot of inheritance."】

【"Now that my identity has been revealed, just return those things to me."】

【When Sarutobi Hiruzen heard this, he suddenly coughed.】

【"cough cough......"】

【So many years have passed, and everything that should have been spent has already been spent. How can there be any inheritance?】

【But at this moment, it is obviously not appropriate to say no......】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen tried hard to hold back the bleeding in his heart, and said with a smile on his face】

【"That's for sure, I'll give it to you later."】

【"By the way, from now on you should stop living in your little dark room and move back to your original home."】

【"I will arrange someone to clean it for you in advance."】

【"I hope that returning to that house, with the traces your parents once left behind, will help you grow better."】

【"Konoha is the warmest place"】

【"Jiraiya, and Kakashi, you should take better care of Naruto from now on."】

【"Pay attention to his all-round development of morality, talent, physical fitness and beauty."】

【"Okay, that's all for today. I have other things to arrange."】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen left here in a state of embarrassment. Today was indeed quite embarrassing.】

【Sasuke, Kakashi, Hyuga Neji, and some of the others returned to their residence.】

【Let's start celebrating today's victory.】

Say goodbye: AnubisAurora

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