【Back to Minato Namikaze's house】

【Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Hyuga Neji and others were all very excited】

【Uchiha Sasuke laughed loudly, holding Uzumaki Naruto's hand and said】

【"You don't know how excited I am right now."】

【"We have actually come to this day step by step"】

【"Naruto, I'm so happy for you."】

【"Looking back on that time, the expression on the face of the old villain Sarutobi Hiruzen is very funny."】

【Hyuga Neji is not very good at expressing himself, he is even more passionate】

【In his mind, the step he took today was the beginning of the journey. They won.】

【This is a good sign】

【It also means that the things they planned are not illusory, but can lead to victory.】

【Killing three generations of thieves for revenge is not just a dream, it can be achieved】

【Kakashi and Jiraiya also smiled with relief.】

【They still have some love for Konoha.】

【The way Uzumaki Naruto dealt with the villagers today made them feel that it was appropriate. At least he didn't kill them all at once.】

【As for the third generation, they have no say over it. It doesn't matter who becomes Hokage.】

【Then, Hinata Hyuga, Ino Yamanaka, Sakura Haruno, Hanabi Hyuga, Shikamaru Nara and other friends also arrived.】

【Congratulations everyone】

【As a ritual, everyone and Uzumaki Naruto cleaned the house again.】

【Uzumaki Naruto put the picture frames of his father Minato Namikaze and mother Kushina Uzumaki on the wall of the living room】

【Finally I feel like home】

【This is very important to Uzumaki Naruto, as it affirms his efforts in recent years.】

【But when Hyuga Hinata saw this portrait, she blushed first】

【Hinata Hyuga was thinking】

【"Naruto-kun has already met my parents. Now, I have also come to his house and met his parents......."】

【Yamanaka Ino interrupted Hinata Hyuga's fantasy】

【"Hey, hey, hey, what nonsense are you thinking about? Stop fantasizing."】

【"I tell you, if there is a mistress in this house in the future, it will definitely be me."】

【Soon, Haruno Sakura also joined the fight between the women.......】

Uzumaki Kushina,"Hahaha, there's nothing to argue about. After all, Naruto has a broad mind."

"But it looks like this picture feels so warm."

"It's okay, our house is big, everyone can live here."

Namikaze Minato,"That's the good thing about Naruto, he always knows how to unite with his classmates"

"Now, these friends who came to his house will also help him conquer the world in the future."

"I don't know when the inheritance that Sarutobi Hiruzen took away from me and left for Naruto will be delivered to me?"

"If it's less, I'll make him suffer."

Uzumaki Naruto,"I really envy myself in the parallel world."

"At the same time, I am still attending classes in school."

"I wanted to say something to Sakura, but she ignored me. How could this be the same treatment I get in the parallel world?"

Akimichi Choji,"Uzumaki Naruto, don't sugarcoat your behavior."

"According to my understanding of you, you are sleeping in class at this moment."

Uchiha Sasuke,"It's good that you can figure it out. Now you finally know why others don't like to play with you."

【Just as Uzumaki Naruto was chatting with his friends, there was a knock on his door.】

【Uzumaki Naruto opened the door with some confusion and found several villagers standing outside.】

【The moment they saw Uzumaki Naruto, their bodies subconsciously stiffened.】

【Apparently, it was because the power of Uzumaki Naruto's Rasenshuriken frightened them at that time.】

【It makes them feel fearful and lingering for a long time.】

【The villagers who knocked on the door put on smiles, and handed over the fruit baskets in their hands with apology and flattery.】

【"We were wrong in the past. We didn't know the truth and caused you a lot of trouble. Please forgive us."】

【"I hope we can live in harmony in the future"】

【Uzumaki Naruto's expression remained unchanged. He nodded slightly and turned inside without taking the fruit basket.】

【"This thing is no longer necessary"】

【Uchiha Sasuke felt emotional here】

【"Sure enough, the truth only exists in the cannon. When you have enough strength, you are right."】

【"Before today, I had forgotten how long it had been since these people smiled at us."】

【"One is a fox demon who is regarded as a disaster, and the other is an orphan whose clan was exterminated......."】

【"Haha, human hearts are really interesting."】

【This happened many times afterwards.】

【Someone sent me an apology letter.】

【In this regard, Uzumaki Naruto said that he did not have much interest】

【He only believes in one truth: to win people over with virtue and to control everything with strength.】

【The villagers who have expressed their wish to ask for forgiveness from Uzumaki Naruto now feel uneasy when they see that he has not accepted anything from anyone, and think that they have not done enough.】

【The destructive power displayed by Uzumaki Naruto did make them panic, and they instinctively wanted to seek some sense of security.】

【I don't know who came up with the idea, that is, let Danzo, who spread the rumors, personally apologize to Uzumaki Naruto.】

【This idea immediately became an outlet for those villagers who wanted to express their opinions. They tried their best to promote】

【back���The idea is very simple. They have to get rid of this blame and not attract the hatred of Uzumaki Naruto.】

【So, under the leadership of a prestigious villager, they united and wrote a petition to the Third Hokage.】

【I hope that Danzo can personally come forward to apologize to Naruto and give him an explanation. 】

Mei Terumi,"Haha, that's how human nature is."

"People will pick on the one who looks weak and bully him."

"Now, Uzumaki Naruto is a butcher who can kill them at any time."

"However, as the village's Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, he seemed much softer."

"Of course, we can put pressure on him to get him to push out other criminals."

Danzo, I'm going to be fooled by the third generation of thieves again."

"He is the one who benefited, but now he wants me to take the blame, right?"

Gaara,"I seem to have seen some different meanings in this. Maybe someone is secretly pushing this matter."

"Is it someone from Sarutobi Hiruzen's side, or is it someone from other big families in the village who secretly supports Uzumaki Naruto?"

Hinata Hiashi,"If you say so, my first guess is that my eldest brother, Hinata Hiashi, sent someone to secretly promote this matter."

"As the patriarch of a large clan, he cannot act rashly, but he will also stand in the dark and invest his chips."

"Uzumaki Naruto changed Hyuga Hinata. My elder brother saw it and had a good impression of him."

"In addition, Uzumaki Naruto is a very ambitious and capable boy."

"It is hard to say who will have the final say in Konoha in the future."

Hinata Hiashi,"If you analyze it this way, there is nothing wrong with it."

"I think if Naruto in this world could do what Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world does, I would help him."

"Who knows, in the future, Uzumaki Naruto will really become my son-in-law"

"There is one more thing. After all, that old man Sarutobi Hiruzen forced you to death, brother."

"I have to get some compensation from him."

"At least it's a good thing that Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen are not on the same page."

The Fourth Raikage,"This should be the so-called, when the wall falls, everyone pushes it down."

"As Uchiha Sasuke said, people's hearts are really complicated."

Orochimaru,"Uzumaki Naruto is right about one thing, that is, these villagers are all ignorant." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"In fact, I totally don’t understand you guys, how did the Will of Fire come out?"

"Why should we protect these ignorant people?"

"In my opinion, these ignorant villagers are not qualified to be my experimental subjects."

【The villagers' petition reached Sarutobi Hiruzen, who frowned.】

【This feeling of being threatened by the villagers made him feel uncomfortable instinctively.】

【Moreover, he had been playing political conspiracies all his life, but he felt that someone behind the scenes seemed to want to push】

【"Are you trying to speed up the breakup between Danzo and me?"】

【"Haha, but it's a pity that you don't understand at all. I am the Hokage and Danzo is just my subordinate."】

【"He has to do whatever he is told to do. I don't care."】

【"I really didn't expect that Uzumaki Naruto would grow to such a terrifying state without paying attention."】

【"More or less, there are some mistakes."】

【"But I think there is still a chance to make up for it. From now on, I need to spend more energy on him and give him more warmth."】

【When Danzo got the news, Sarutobi Hiruzen actually asked him to personally apologize to Uzumaki Naruto.】

【He was so angry that he smashed the table in front of him.】

【"You old thief Sarutobi Hiruzen, you've gone too far"】

【"What a coward! How could I, with my status, apologize to a little kid?"】


【After Danzo vented his anger, he sat down quietly and accepted the fact helplessly.】

【Although he has his own power root, he is still under the jurisdiction of the Hokage and he cannot disobey his orders.】

【Moreover, the strength displayed by Uzumaki Naruto today also frightened him.】

【"I was really not paying attention, Uzumaki Naruto has grown to that point."】

【"It's all because of that old thief Sarutobi Hiruzen. He's so indecisive. I told him that Naruto would be trained by me, but he refused."】

【"Until today, I realized that raising a tiger can bring harm."】

【Danzo finally calmed down.】

【"Well, just go see him once."】

【"Uzumaki Naruto is a rare fighting force for Konoha"】

【"Maybe in the future, when I become the Hokage, I can still use his"】

【"Now go over and say a few nice words to him, that would be considered as respecting a wise man......."】

Uzumaki Kushina,"Hehe, this Danzo really has a good plan, what good thing is he thinking of?"

"Someone like you wants to become Hokage and want Naruto to be your fighter?"

"It's just wishful thinking."

Senju Hashirama,"Tobirama, this is also the person who followed you back then, right?"

"Not good in brain, not good in heart"

"With his IQ, he was played around by Uzumaki Naruto every minute, and he still wanted to use him?"

Senju Tobirama was helpless,"Brother. I don't know why I didn't have good vision back then......."

"I didn't realize that there was such a bad-hearted idiot around me. I was too young back then."

Uzumaki Naruto,"This Danzo looks disgusting."

Uchiha Sasuke,"I don't know why, but when I see this person, I feel hatred for him.""

"He has a chilly aura that makes people feel uncomfortable."

【Danzo finally convinced himself psychologically and came to apologize to Uzumaki Naruto】

【It was at night when he quietly appeared outside Uzumaki Naruto's house.】

【As if sensing an uneasy aura approaching, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke both opened their eyes and woke up.】

【They quickly entered combat mode, flashed out of the house, and stood in front of Danzo.】

【Danzo showed a sinister smile and said shamelessly】

【"Uzumaki Naruto. I am very pleased to see you grow to where you are today."】

【"As we all know, your father, Minato Namikaze, is a hero of Konoha and deserves respect from everyone......."】

【Uzumaki Naruto rolled his eyes, not wanting to listen to what the other person was saying.】

【Using the violent energy of the Nine-Tails' chakra, he instantly came behind Danzo and kicked him.】

【"If you have nothing to say, get out of here."】

【This sudden attack made it impossible for Danzo to dodge.】

【Danzo suppressed his anger and stood up.】

【He wanted to pull out his right arm and untie the bandage, but he held it back. Now was not the time.】

【Danzo is also a ruthless person】

【With an apologetic smile on his face, he continued】

【"Today, I mainly want to say sorry to you."】

【"Because of me, your childhood was miserable."】

【"Of course, you also used this as motivation to grow step by step to where you are today, which can be regarded as the fulfillment of my beautiful wish back then."】

【"In fact, the reason why I spread those rumors was because I wanted you to grow up better. It would be a deterrent to the villagers so that they couldn't hurt you."】

【"My original intention was definitely good......."】

【Uchiha Sasuke shouted】

【"I've never seen anyone as shameless as you."】

【Before Uchiha Sasuke used Chidori, Uzumaki Naruto had already made the Rasenshuriken】

【Uzumaki Naruto understood that this Danzo came here to provoke him today.】

【What kind of bullshit is that? 】

Uzumaki Kushina,"Yes, Naruto, go and get him directly, this Danzo is really shameless!"

"Why are all the high-ranking officials in Konoha such annoying people? Are there no normal ones?"

"You brought me suffering, but you turned around and said,"These are what made me grow up?"

"Don't be angry, my wife, when we are resurrected, it will be the death of this Danzo.""

【Danzo also realized that what he said seemed wrong, and quickly changed his attitude.】

【He had seen the power of Uzumaki Naruto's Rasenshuriken before, so he didn't want to be hit by it at this moment.】

【"All in all, it was indeed my fault. Today, I solemnly apologize to you."】

【"These are some wind escape ninjutsu scrolls that I worked so hard to collect as an apology to you."】

【"Please accept it"】

【"It's late today, I won't bother you any more, bye."】

【Danzo turned and ran, jumped onto the roof, and disappeared into the night.】

【Uzumaki Naruto looked unhappy and stopped Uchiha Sasuke and said】

【"Did you just notice that the other person's right arm was wrapped up?"】

【"I felt a bad vibe from it."】

【Uchiha Sasuke nodded and said】

【"I feel the same way. This guy's appearance makes me feel very uncomfortable."】

【Uzumaki Naruto said,"If you have a chance, check him out."】

【"I feel that this person has a shocking secret"】

【"He was also there on the night of the genocide."】

Say goodbye: AnubisAurora

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