Might Guy,"I suddenly realized that Uzumaki Naruto is really evil, and he is a good robber."

"80 million taels, that's a lot of money, how many years will it take me to earn that much?"

Uzumaki Kushina,"Hahaha, I'm so happy, Naruto really knows how to make money." Momochi Zabuza

,"Although this is a lot of money, I must give it to the parallel world."~"

"Uzumaki Naruto is such a weird kid. He really wants to kill people."

"I still have lofty ideals that must be realized."

Bai,"Master Zabuza, I will repay the debt with you."

"As long as we work hard, we will definitely be able to pay it back one day."

Uzumaki Naruto,"Suddenly I wonder if I missed out on 80 million taels?"

"Sasuke, why didn't we think of this path at the time?"

Uchiha Sasuke,"Naruto, don't think about things that you shouldn't think about. Look at your own strength."

Kakashi,"Naruto, don't be proud of yourself just because you saw the parallel world."

"We in this world were almost crippled when we were dealing with Momochi Zabuza."

【This sum of money really made Momochi Zabuza feel very distressed.】

【He gritted his teeth and said,"We are here to redeem someone, so should we also be counted as being redeemed?"】

【Uzumaki Naruto rolled his eyes at the other party】

【"What do you think?"】

【Momochi Zabuza was asking for trouble. He gritted his teeth helplessly, unable to beat him, he could only agree to the other party's conditions.】

【"I can only give you 30 million taels at most, and I will slowly raise the remaining 50 million for you later."】

【Uzumaki Naruto was not afraid that the other party would run away. After all, he had already imprinted the Flying Thunder God Mark on both of them.】

【Be there for them at any time】

【The young boy Bai beside Momochi Zabuza suddenly said】

【"Don't kill me, sir. You don't have to redeem me. As a tool, I am ready to sacrifice at any time."】

【"You also need to kill the Fourth Mizukage and restore the glory of the Mist Village, which will cost a lot of money."】

【Momochi Zabuza just said coldly】

【"As a tool, you should play the role you need to play"】

【"I redeemed you, and you need to earn more money for me, do you understand?"】

【The young man lowered his head, and Momochi Zabuza turned around and prepared to get money for Uzumaki Naruto.】

【Not long after, Momochi Zabuza returned and gave the agreed 30 million taels to Uzumaki Naruto.】

【At the same time, he took out an IOU, which stated that he owed Uzumaki Naruto 50 million taels, and signed it.】

【Momochi Zabuza was very frustrated and was about to leave, but at this moment, Uzumaki Naruto called him back.】

【"I can give you another way out. You don't have to return the remaining 50 million taels to me."】

【Momochi Zabuza instinctively felt that Uzumaki Naruto was a difficult boy to deal with.】

【After hearing the other party's suggestion, he took a step back.】

【"tell me the story"】

【"I just heard from the young man next to you that you want to kill the Fourth Mizukage, take charge of the Hidden Mist Village, and restore its glory, right?"】

【"But let me ask you a question, are you sure you can kill the Fourth Mizukage?"】

【"You must be unsure, right? If you were sure, you would have succeeded long ago. How could you defect to Wuying Village and be so embarrassed, like a lost dog?"】

【"And the fact is that after defecting, your life has been very miserable."】

【"He has ended up working as a thug for a black-hearted businessman named Cardo. What future can he have?"】

【Being stabbed in the back by Uzumaki Naruto, Momochi Zabuza's face turned red and he became angry.】

【"You don't need to tell me what's going on with me. I have my own way."】

【After being angry, Momochi Zabuza was curious again, what did Uzumaki Naruto mean by that?

Uzumaki Kushina,"I'm familiar with this plot. Before, Hyuga Neji, Kakashi and others were all talked to in this way by Naruto."

"After that, they were convinced by Naruto's virtue and became his staunch allies."

Kakashi,"Is that so? Then Momochi Zabuza is a good candidate. He is quite powerful." Uchiha Sasuke,

"I suddenly have a hunch that Uzumaki Naruto is going to support puppets and control the Kirigakure Village."

"There is another point. It coincides with his purpose."

"This time he came out just to kill someone and test his knife"

"I guess he is most likely to let Momochi Zabuza take him back to Kirigakure Village, make a scene, kill the Fourth Mizukage, and then take control of this already messed up village."

Uzumaki Naruto,"In the parallel world, my strength has finally accumulated enough, and I am going to start annexing other ninja villages?""

Senju Hashirama,"From this point of view, this should be the trend."

"But I think Uzumaki Naruto's ambition is too big and he will fail easily."

Senju Tobirama,"Brother, I think Uzumaki Naruto has a high chance of success."

"After all, his strength now exceeds that of most people."

"Moreover, even if his conspiracy fails, he has nothing to fear. A Flying Thunder God will just fly away. Who can stop him?"

"Don't forget, he is only 12 years old this year, he is too young, there is plenty of time to realize his dream."

Uchiha Madara,"Is the world really going to change because of the existence of Uzumaki Naruto?"

【Uzumaki Naruto said to Momochi Zabuza,"That is to say, with your strength, the hope of killing the Fourth Mizukage in your lifetime is very slim."】

【"Now let me ask you a question"】

【"If I tell you now that you can buy the life of the Fourth Mizukage for only 50 million taels, would you be willing to buy it?"】

【Momochi Zabuza said without hesitation,"Of course I am willing.""】

【Anyway, he has already owed 50 million taels for no reason. It doesn't make much difference to him if he owes another 50 million taels.】

【What's more, you can buy the head of the Fourth Mizukage with money. Where can you find such a good thing?】

【But Zabuza Momochi still couldn't keep up with Uzumaki Naruto's train of thought. He wondered what this guy was trying to do.】

【Uzumaki Naruto asked,"Okay, let's move on to the next question."】

【"If I give you 100 million taels and ask you to work for someone for your whole life, would you be willing?"】

【"This person can support you and make you the ruler of Wuying Village."】

【"Moreover, I will not let you do anything that goes against the interests of Wuying Village, but will only reduce killing and promote prosperity."】

【Momochi Zabuza would be overjoyed to hear this】

【To support him to become the ruler of Wuying Village, he needs to be given another 100 million taels, and the price is just to be his subordinate for life. Where can I find such a good thing?】

【He is now taking on missions every day and is displaced. Doesn't he suffer from other people's bullying?】

【In that case, not only can I realize my dream, but I can also have a stable job!】

【"no problem"】

【Momochi Zabuza was excited and suddenly felt that his luck had come.】

【Uzumaki Naruto smiled】

【"It's settled then. Come here and sign your name."】

【"Then,���Let's go directly to the Hidden Mist Village, and I'll help you kill the bad guy, the Fourth Mizukage."】

【"Afterwards, you will take charge and bring order to this filthy place called the Hidden Mist Village."】

【"And, I hope that there will be a steady stream of powerful ninjas growing up from here."】

【"Kakashi-sensei probably told me that before you defected, you had a certain reputation in the village."】

【"It shouldn't be difficult to do this."】

【Uzumaki Naruto took out a piece of paper with what he just said written on it. It was what he had written when Momochi Zabuza went back to get the money.】

【After Momochi Zabuza signed the contract in a daze, he felt that happiness came too suddenly, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong.】

【Was he being taken advantage of?】

【"What about the 100 million taels? When will you give it to me?"】

【Uzumaki Naruto said directly】

【"You owed me 50 million ryo before, plus the 50 million ryo I gave you for helping you kill the Fourth Mizukage, that's 100 million ryo."】

【"Let's go, my new subordinates."】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Uchiha Sasuke, Kakashi, and Haruno Sakura beside him were all stunned by Uzumaki Naruto's actions.】

【Pure empty-handed tricks】

【Originally, Uzumaki Naruto was going to go to the smoky and chaotic Mist Shadow Village to kill people and sharpen his sword.】

【Now, on the basis of completing his own goal, he also accepted Momochi Zabuza as his subordinate to help him manage the Mist Shadow Village in the future.】

【Uchiha Sasuke and the others can't even count them, how many birds with one stone is this?】

【So while we were chatting and laughing, we were playing a big game of chess, right?】

【On the way to Wuying Village, Momochi Zabuza and the young boy Bai reviewed the incident.】

【"So, that is to say, I lost 30 million taels today, and I paid for it myself. I hired a lifelong boss for myself?"】

【"Have I become a puppet?"】

【The young man covered his mouth and smiled.】

【"Lord Zabuza, this is the truth, but can't we achieve our goal?"】

【"The goal we have been striving for since we defected from the Hidden Mist Village is about to be realized."】

【"According to Uzumaki Naruto-sama, we are now in a win-win situation."】

【"Uzumaki Naruto-sama and his people only win people over with virtue, and will never bully others by taking advantage of their power."】

【Momochi Zabuza simply didn't bother to think too much. He quickened his pace.

Might Guy,"Good fellow, I originally thought that Uzumaki Naruto was very mean to ask for a ransom of 80 million taels out of thin air."

"I didn't expect that this wasn't the end of his evil heart."

"He actually fooled people with just a few words and made them work for him for the rest of their lives!"

"This is even more heartless, there's no end in sight."

"The point is, Momochi Zabuza, that idiot, agreed, signed a contract with him, and sold himself out." 0Please give me flowers0

Uzumaki Kushina,"Ahem, Might Guy, don't say that."

"Naruto said it very clearly, this plan is beneficial to both sides, this is called mutual benefit."

Uchiha Madara,"I would like to call Uzumaki Naruto a genius of logic!"

"His philosophy of winning people over with virtue can bind people's hearts more than the will of fire."

I have to say that Uzumaki Naruto handled it very well and very cleverly."

"Not only did he achieve his goal, but he also made Momochi Zabuza willingly serve as his subordinate."

Senju Tobirama,"I think Uzumaki Naruto has developed a new ninjutsu called the Mouth-to-mouth technique."

"If it were someone else, they would probably force Momochi Zabuza to do this."

"But then the other party will definitely not be willing."

"If it is handled like Uzumaki Naruto, it will be very sophisticated and perfect."

"Wiping out the other party's debt and helping him kill the Fourth Mizukage was equivalent to giving him 100 million ryo to achieve the goal of restoring the glory of the Mist Shadow Village."

"Momochi Zabuza was grateful for the kindness and money he received. He would definitely serve Uzumaki Naruto well and be a good subordinate."

Namikaze Minato,"After all, they have a common goal."

"Of course, Naruto's goal, including Momochi Zabuza's goal, is bigger than his."

Momochi Zabuza," I really feel that if I say this, it seems like I have earned a lot."

"Uzumaki Naruto knows how to deceive people."

"If he only wants me to work for him for a while in exchange for killing the Mizukage, I may not be happy about it."

Bai,"In that case, Lord Zabuza will feel a little wronged, and he has no choice but to make this choice because of the other party's power."

"But now it is like this. If Uzumaki Naruto gave Zabuza-sama 100 million ryo, then the nature of the matter is different. It is equivalent to the other party being employed. Zabuza-sama is working."

"The degree of effort is definitely different. Although the 100 million taels also came from Lord Zabuza, it is a different matter."

【If ordinary people want to enter the Mist Shadow Village, they need to take a boat from the pier to cross the sea and enter.】

【Uzumaki Naruto naturally didn't need it. He kept throwing out kunai with the Flying Thunder God mark to transfer space.】

【At a very fast speed, he led everyone directly into the Shuiying Building】

【When Uzumaki Naruto and his friends appeared in the Mizukage's office in the Mizukage building, they saw that the person sitting in the Mizukage's position was not the Fourth Mizukage Karotachi Yagura.】

【It turned out to be that abominable mysterious masked man】

【The fourth Mizukage, Karotachi Yagura, stood next to the mysterious masked man, like an attendant.】

【"I didn't expect you to be here."】

【"No wonder the Bloody Mist Village happened. With such a high-pressure policy, it was common for ninjas to kill each other and casually kill civilians."】

【"It turns out that behind the scenes, you are the cruel guy in power"】

【Seeing Uzumaki Naruto suddenly appear here, the mysterious masked man was also confused】

【Last time, he was hit by a Rasengan, which broke his arm and caused his internal organs to spit blood. He took a long time to recover.】

【I was plotting something at the moment, but suddenly I saw this disaster star.】

【Now is not the time for him to gather all his strength to capture the Nine-Tailed Fox.】

【The mysterious masked man used space-time ninjutsu without saying a word and disappeared】

【Uzumaki Naruto tried to use the Flying Thunder God Technique to chase after him】

【However, he discovered that something seemed to be blocking the Flying Thunder God Seal. If he forced his way through, Uzumaki Naruto would consume a large amount of chakra.】

【"The other party must be hiding in his Sharingan space."】

【"If I force my way in, that will be the opponent's home turf, and I have consumed a lot of chakra, so I might be in a disadvantageous situation."】

【"Don't be in a hurry, let's deal with the cruel guy, the Fourth Mizukage, Karotachi Yagura, first."】

【"Mysterious Masked Man. Maybe this place was yours before, but now it's mine."】

Momochi Zabuza,"I said that the series of things that the Fourth Mizukage Yagura Karuta did were completely ruining the village, and he didn't seem to care at all."

"It turns out that he is involved with this psychopathic, mysterious masked man who is eager to cause chaos in the world."

"It seems that they have a bigger plan."

Minato Namikaze," According to my experience of fighting with the mysterious masked man, the fourth generation Mizukage, Karutagi Yagura, should have been controlled by the other party's Sharingan."

"In fact, he is now a puppet."

"Therefore, those seemingly unreasonable policies of the Hidden Mist Village were actually made by the mysterious masked man."

"This guy has lost all his humanity. It seems that he is very happy to see disasters happen in various villages."

"Back then, when he controlled the Nine-Tails and destroyed Konoha, the scene was similar to today's."

Kakashi,"Who is this person?""


Why does he have such a strong hatred towards this world?". Hạnh

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