【In the Mizukage Building, the Fourth Mizukage Yagura Karatachi cannot play to his strengths】

【He immediately used the escape technique to escape to the sea, followed by Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Kakashi, and Momochi Zabuza.】

【This is exactly what Uzumaki Naruto meant. When he was in Konoha, he had been practicing his ultimate move, but he didn't have a good understanding of the destructive power of his ultimate move.】

【Now that we have come to the Land of Water, the Hidden Mist Village, we can let loose as much as we want.】

【He was in a good mood, and Uchiha Sasuke was in the same mood as him. The stronger the enemy, the better. 】

Uchiha Madara,"Looking at the surging fighting spirit in them, it's like a beast attacking."

"This battle will surely cause the earth to break apart and the sky to collapse. It is even possible that the terrain will change and the sea water will evaporate."

"I just don't know if they will fight too hard and destroy the Mist Shadow Village."

Madara, I guess the scene you mentioned is unlikely to happen."

"Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke are very powerful, but the problem is that the strength of the Fourth Mizukage, Karutagi Yagura, is not comparable to theirs."

"It's not that I look down on him. This kid-looking guy probably won't be able to withstand a few moves from Uzumaki Naruto and his gang and will be killed."

【The fourth Mizukage Yagura Karuta pulled out the strange-looking stick-like weapon on his back.】

【For him, this was a tool that could cast spells quickly. He waved it forward and shouted,"Water Escape, Water Rush Wave!"】

【Taking advantage of the sea, huge waves rushed to the sky】

【At the same time, the Fourth Mizukage Karutagi Yagura quickly activated the Mist Hiding Technique, obscuring everyone's vision.】

【The Water Style Water Dragon Bullet Technique followed closely, and multiple water dragons surged from the bottom of the sea, rushing towards Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Kakashi and the others at high speed.】

【On the sea, the 507 ninjutsu descended like a disaster. As expected of the Fourth Mizukage, he must have some tricks up his sleeve.】

【Fire Style: Great Fire Extinguishment, Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique, Rasengan, Rasenshuriken, various Water Styles......Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke and others took turns to use it】

【"Naruto, on this sea, let's use the Thunder Release Kirin together, it will definitely be more powerful."】

【Today, the two finally had an opportunity to fully display all the ninjutsu they had learned. They felt very proud and excited.】

【Kakashi saw that something was wrong and had already taken Haruno Sakura to hide somewhere else.】

【At the same time, in their hearts, they were terrified.】

【"Are these two little devils going to use their power to destroy the world?"】

【"The Fourth Mizukage Yagura Karuta's seemingly powerful water-style ninjutsu was no threat to the two."】

【"The two's attacks were easily neutralized, and it looked like a tickle."】

【"Sure enough, the Fourth Mizukage Karutagi Yagura also felt the pressure. His face turned pale and he looked like he was about to cry. He could see the gap between himself and Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke."】

【The commotion here naturally attracted the attention of the ninjas in the Mist Shadow Village.】

【The elder master of the Hidden Mist Village and the outstanding ninja Terumi Mei arrived quickly with their elite troops.】

【When they saw Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke performing powerful, overwhelming ninjutsu, as well as the thunderclouds and the world-destroying thunder that gathered on the sea, their legs went weak.】

【Mei Terumi's mind is now occupied by only one thought:】

【"Where did this powerful ninja come from? Judging from the momentum today, is he going to destroy my Hidden Mist Village?"】

【"Is that overwhelming power of thunder a super S-level ninjutsu?"】

【However, when Mei Terumi saw the two casters clearly in the dazzling ninjutsu, she was so shocked that she couldn't even speak.】

【"it turns out......Are they actually two kids around 10 years old?"】

【"Could it be that they also look younger like the Fourth Mizukage?......"】

【The Yuan Master beside him was the same, and at this moment, he was only shocked.】

【They even forgot that they came here to support their Fourth Mizukage.】

【It was the overwhelming power that occupied their minds, and they had no intention of resisting.】

【Not to mention those ordinary elite ninjas】

【As a human instinct, they just want to escape at this moment.】

【Zabuza Momochi and the young boy Bai, who were watching the battle, swallowed their saliva at the same time to ease their nervousness and suppress their fear.】

【Momochi Zabuza once again felt fortunate that he put down his beheading sword when he was fighting with Uzumaki Naruto.】

【Fortunately, I didn't try to resist, otherwise, I would have died miserably, without a single body left.

Uchiha Madara,"At this moment, what Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke showed was an art, the ultimate art of ninjutsu. The scene of this war was so beautiful."

Senju Hashirama,"I just feel itchy in my hands and my heart, wanting to join this war."

"I wonder if my Wood Release Ninjutsu can withstand the attacks of Uzumaki Naruto."

Senju Tobirama,"Uzumaki Naruto's Ninjutsu gave me some inspiration. I really want to be resurrected and create some Ninjutsu."

"The question-and-answer session should be here soon. I must answer correctly this time. I hope that the reward will allow me to be reborn directly into a parallel world."

Zabuza Momochi," I am thankful for my wise behavior in the parallel world."

"My surrender at that time was a direct change of my fate."

【Mei Terumi and Master Yuan finally overcame their psychological fears and decided to go and help.】

【The fourth generation Mizukage, Karotachi Yagura, has been suppressed】

【If they don't go up, the Fourth Mizukage Karatachi Yagura might die at any time, and it would be useless to go there at that time.】

【Although the role of these little ninjas who went forward to help might not be that great, the belief that they must defend the village to the death against foreign enemies is implemented in their hearts.】

【However, at this time, Momochi Zabuza suddenly appeared, stopped them, and said】

【"Don't go up to help. The Fourth Mizukage is controlled by an evil mysterious masked man. Now he is just someone else's puppet."】

【"Or, there is another possibility that he himself conspired with the evil man."】

【"No matter what, this person will only bring harm to the development of our Kirigakure."】

【"Mei Terumi, Master, let's unite and overthrow him."】

【"Then restore the glory of the Hidden Mist Village"】

【Mei Terumi and Master Yuan ignored them, feeling conflicted. They had already gone forward bravely, but now someone came to dissuade them, making them hesitate again.】

【Momochi Zabuza once again released important news】

【"I found those two helpers, and they will support the development of Wuying Village in the future."】

【"I have already talked to them. The leader, the yellow-haired genius boy, also advocates the idea of making Wuying Village better."】

【"His ultimate goal is to achieve peace in the entire ninja world."】

【"Following him, we will have a better future!"】

【Although, Momochi Zabuza was originally a ninja who was not good at speaking.】

【But it was too brainwashing for Uzumaki Naruto to think so. Momochi Zabuza agreed with him from the bottom of his heart. At this time, he also persuaded him with reason and emotion.】

【"If the Fourth Mizukage continues to be in charge, the talent of the Mist Shadow Village will be completely withered, and more people will defect. In the end, it will only perish."】

【"Destruction before construction"】

【Mei Terumi and Master Yuan have been having a headache about this for a long time. This is their biggest concern.】

【After hesitating, Master Yuan said】

【"Momochi Zabuza, I can see that you really want to make Wuying Village better."】

【"This time, I will bet my future on you and trust you once. I hope you won't let us down."】

Uzumaki Kushina,"As expected, are all the old guys in the village hypocritical?"

"Even if you don't agree with Zabuza Momochi's suggestion, what can you do?"

"If you rush forward, you will be killed by Naruto."

"In the face of absolute strength, any small ideas are futile."

Master Yuan,"......"

Mei Terumi,"I in the parallel world, do I need to think about this? I'll just follow Uzumaki Naruto."

"Must be in the early���If you get on his big ship, maybe you can get a good position." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Otherwise, it will be too late to follow suit at a later stage."

Namikaze Minato,"I don't know how Naruto will deal with other things after defeating the Fourth Mizukage Karatachi Yagura."

"Such a large village of Wuying cannot be properly managed by Momochi Zabuza alone."

"Mei Terumi and Master Yuan also have considerable reputation in the village. It is necessary to win over these two people."

"If you can't win him over, the best way is to get rid of him early so he doesn't get in the way."......"

"No wonder Naruto is so evil, it turns out there is a reason behind it"

"You guys are not good people......."

【The Master put forward his own ideas】

【"Momochi Zabuza, I hope to save the life of the Fourth Mizukage, we have something to ask him"】

【Momochi Zabuza said helplessly】

【"It seems that what I said does not count. It depends on the Fourth Mizukage's luck."】

【Mei Terumi, the master, could clearly see the current situation and simply stopped talking.】

【Faced with such a powerful attack, the Fourth Mizukage Yagura was panicked and furious.】

【I saw that in the next moment, his body was covered with red chakra.】

【Behind him, three tails grew out.】

【His body quickly transformed into a tailed beast. He was covered in a thick turtle shell covered with spikes..】

【A roar startled the sea.】

【"I've always felt that something was wrong with you. You are indeed the Three-Tails Jinchuriki."】

【Uzumaki Naruto laughed loudly】

【"This is not a coincidence, I am also a Jinchūriki"】

【"But you are still a little naive to transform into a tailed beast in front of me"】

【The Nine-Tails hidden in Uzumaki Naruto immediately became excited】

【"Is it finally my turn to come out? I'm dying of suffocation"】

【The next moment, Uzumaki Naruto chose to use the power of the Nine-Tails to transform into a tailed beast.】

【Uchiha Sasuke saw this scene and sensibly withdrew from the battlefield】

【He knew that Uzumaki Naruto would directly resolve the battle next. He just needed to finish it off.】

【The fourth generation Mizukage, Yagura, who transformed into a tailed beast, seemed to have the intention of retreating.】

【While the other party was hesitating, Uzumaki Naruto had already rushed forward.】

【One punch knocked down the fourth generation water shadow, Karatachi Yagura】

【The fourth generation Mizukage, Yagura Karatachi, who transformed into a tailed beast, was knocked over in the sea, but he didn't dare to show his head again, and swam down to escape.】

【Uzumaki Naruto directly used the Flying Thunder God Technique and quickly flashed to the side of the Fourth Mizukage Yagura and controlled it.】

【The fourth Mizukage, Karujutsu Yagura, was beaten back to his original form and fainted.】

【Uzumaki Naruto released the tailed beast mode and said to Uchiha Sasuke】

【"Come and interrogate, what is the relationship between this guy and the mysterious masked man"】

【Terumi Mei and Master Yuan, who were watching the battle with Zabuza Momochi, had cold sweat on their foreheads.】

【"Not only does the opponent have such elusive abilities, but also extremely powerful escape techniques and ninjutsu. He is also the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki."】

【"And judging from the appearance, he did not lose his mind after the other party turned into a tailed beast, proving that his relationship with the Nine-Tails in his body is extraordinary."】

【"This also means that the opponent may have more abilities of the tailed beasts that have not been used."】

【"If the other party really wants to, they can easily wipe out our Wuying Village. They have the strength to do so."】

【Mei Terumi and Master Yuan began to feel lucky that they had not acted rashly.......】

Uzumaki Naruto,"How could this happen? Didn't I hear that the tailed beasts are all very powerful? Why did the three-tailed beast escape?"

Senju Hashirama,"The strengths of the tailed beasts vary greatly. The strongest among them is the nine-tailed beast."

"At the very least, there needs to be three or more tailed beasts, united to fight the Nine-Tails, to have a chance of victory."

"Not to mention, now you in a parallel world have joined forces with the Nine-Tailed Fox to fight the enemy"

"It was a strong combination, and it was good enough that the three-tail didn't cry on the spot."

Uzumaki Kushina,"The speed of resolving the battle was really too fast. The three-tail didn't even have time to condense the Tailed Beast Ball, its strongest killing move."

Nine-tail,"You said it as if no one could do it."

"I guarantee that as soon as that guy starts to gather the Tailed Beast Ball, I will make him unable to see the sun tomorrow."

"The tailed beast that dares to shout in front of me must not have been born yet."

【Uchiha Sasuke was originally going to use the Sharingan to interrogate the Fourth Mizukage Karatachi Yagura】

【At the moment of using it, he also found some clues about the other party. He was controlled by the illusion.】

【Then he casually dispelled the opponent's illusion.】

【The Fourth Mizukage Karujutsu Yagura's eyes became clear, he smiled bitterly and said,"Thank you."】

【Uzumaki Naruto snorted coldly】

【"Sure enough, it was that mysterious masked man who did all this behind the scenes."】

【Uzumaki Naruto keenly analyzed some situations from this incident.】

【Found some common ground】

【That is, the mysterious masked man has a special interest in the tailed beasts.】

【"In the future, the mysterious masked man will definitely have his eyes on the tailed beasts."】

【Originally, according to Uzumaki Naruto's idea, he wanted to help Momochi Zabuza and directly kill the Fourth Mizukage Karatachi Yagura.】

【After all, this is a brutal guy, so just kill him.】

【But now it seems that the other party was mainly controlled by the mysterious masked man and had no choice but to do a series of brutal things against the Hidden Mist Village.】

【Moreover, the Fourth Mizukage, Karotachi Yagura, did show remorse and hatred for the mysterious masked man.】

【He also begged Uzumaki Naruto to spare his life. He wanted revenge and make up for his mistakes towards the Mist Shadow Village.】

【After Zabuza Momochi and his men knew the whole story, they begged not to kill the Fourth Mizukage Karatachi Yagura, so that he could take the blame and make meritorious contributions.】

【Uzumaki Naruto also thought that keeping the Three-Tails next to him would be more conducive to involving the mysterious masked man.】

【For various reasons, Uzumaki Naruto decided to hold the Fourth Mizukage Karatachi Yagura hostage.】

【In this regard, the Fourth Mizukage Yagura was also helpless, but he had no choice but to obey and stay with Uzumaki Naruto for the time being.】

【Afterwards, Momochi Zabuza began to take over and organize the Kirigakure Village according to Uzumaki Naruto's instructions.】

Say goodbye: Hạnh

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