【The scene switches to Uzumaki Naruto practicing celestial arts.】

【At this moment, he was becoming more and more proficient in refining the fairy chakra, and the speed of refining was steadily increasing.】

【When the accumulation is almost enough, Uzumaki Naruto once again enters the Sage Mode and feels the powerful force.】

【This time, Uzumaki Naruto did not launch Rasengan or other attacks to test his actual combat ability, but instead carefully felt the power of Sage Mode.】

【He was discovering the deeper changes in himself after entering the Sage Mode.

Jiraiya,"You are indeed a genius. It seems that Uzumaki Naruto is now ready to discover the characteristics of the Sage Mode."

"As far as I know, the three holy places can all cultivate the Sage Mode"

"But apart from the overall power increase, the focus of each Sage Mode is somewhat different."

"For example, the Sage Mode learned from Myoboku Mountain mainly improves the ability to attack."

"If the Sage Mode is learned from the Ryuchi Cave, it will make the user have a certain snake nature and focus more on perception ability."

"In terms of character, they will become more cunning and cold."

Tsunade,"That's true. As far as I know, if you learn the Sage Mode from Shitbone"053" Lin,"

"They have a very strong ability to recover. If you ask my grandfather, you will know this."

Senju Hashirama,"That's right."

"I am looking forward to what kind of characteristics Uzumaki Naruto will gain when he enters Sage Mode through the Nine-Tails."Sage Mode is a high-level energy that most people will never come into contact with in their lifetime, and many people are very curious.

Orochimaru,"Is it possible that it is a super strong understanding?""

"After entering Sage Mode, Uzumaki Naruto's talent will be further enhanced."

The Fourth Raikage,"I think this is unlikely."

"After all, the characteristics are definitely related to Sage Mode"

"Jiuwei's comprehension doesn't seem to be very strong.

Jiuwei,"If I were to say, my strongest point would probably be my attack ability."

"It seems that after Uzumaki Naruto entered Sage Mode, his attack characteristics also increased."

"It will definitely be far better than the Sage Mode of Myoboku Mountain"

"After all, those toads can be knocked down with just one tail in front of me."

Toad Wentai,"Nine-tailed, you are a little too arrogant......."

Nine Tails,"Not convinced?"

【Apparently, Uzumaki Naruto noticed this characteristic】

【He opened his eyes, gathered a Rasengan in his hand, and observed carefully.】

【"It seems that after entering Sage Mode, my magic has become more powerful."】

【"It carries the power to destroy everything"】

【Uzumaki Naruto extracted some of the energy from the Rasengan, turned it into a small ball, and then hit a tree.】

【According to normal energy, the power of this small Rasengan is only enough to punch a hole in the tree.】

【In fact, this is indeed the case】

【However, his Rasengan is different from the usual Ninjutsu mode.】

【Surprisingly, starting from this hole, the spider web spread outwards, and the tree soon withered.】

【A smile appeared on Uzumaki Naruto's face, he verified his idea】

【"Sure enough, it's just as I thought."】

【"After entering Sage Mode, my moves carry the power of destruction."】

【"This can greatly enhance my lethality."】

【"When my senjutsu chakra touches the opponent, even if he has a strong medical talent, he will still be destroyed."】

After seeing the effect of Uzumaki Naruto's senjutsu chakra and hearing what he explored, many people in the live viewing room couldn't help but take a deep breath.

This is really too scary.

Jiraiya,"I can't help but feel a little numb on my scalp, this is too poisonous!""

"If that is the case, then Uzumaki Naruto after entering Sage Mode is a poisonous snake!"

"You have to be very careful when fighting him."

"You can hit him, he's fine."

"But once his moves hit you, they immediately start to have destructive power......."

"It will destroy your body"

"It is very likely that even the most outstanding medical ninjas will not be able to save him!"

Senju Hashirama frowned deeply.

He had begun to be afraid of Uzumaki Naruto.

"At least, in my opinion, my recovery ability is very strong, but I don't dare to take Uzumaki Naruto's move."

"His characteristics after entering Sage Mode are too weird."

Senju Tobirama,"Has Uzumaki Naruto grown to the point where even big brother is afraid of him?"

"Suddenly I began to feel lucky that we were not from the same era as him."

"Otherwise, his brilliance, like the sun, will cover us."

"We are all like ants in front of him."

"No matter how talented a person is, he will suppress them."

"I'm afraid that my elder brother, who is known as the God of the Ninja World, will do the same."

Ohnoki,"That's right!"

"Also, everyone should not forget one thing, Uzumaki Naruto is only twelve years old now!"

"He still has many years to grow!"

Uzumaki Kushina,"Haha, there's no need to panic, fortunately, Naruto's personality is still good."

"He is always lenient towards his friends."

"I am just cruel to my enemies, isn't that what should be done?"

Uchiha Sasuke,"I envy myself in the parallel world, I have a friend like Uzumaki Naruto"

【Uzumaki Naruto stopped exploring the Sage Mode】

【He knew that strong strength comes from the continuous accumulation of daily】

【But at the same time, we must also pay attention to one thing, not to be too tired, to have a proper balance between tension and relaxation.】

【He used the Flying Thunder God Technique and flashed back to Uchiha Sasuke. 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Continue your journey to the Forest of Death】

【The second round of the Chunin Exam is still in progress】

【Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura cast curious glances at Uzumaki Naruto's disappearance.】

【The next moment, Uchiha Sasuke's pupils shrank slightly, he looked at Uzumaki Naruto and asked】

【"Naruto, have you become stronger again?"】

【"I feel that you are very different from when you left half a day ago.."】

【"It seems that you have undergone a qualitative change again."】

【Uzumaki Naruto smiled and said,"It seems that your control over the Sharingan has improved a lot."】

【"This little change can make you see it, it's amazing"】

【Uzumaki Naruto had nothing to hide from Uchiha Sasuke, so he told him about the Sage Mode.】

【After hearing this, Uchiha Sasuke immediately became excited.】

【Can't wait to practice Sage Mode】

【Uzumaki Naruto interrupted him directly,"Although your control of chakra is very sophisticated, it is still not enough to practice Sage Mode."】

【"While Senjutsu Chakra is powerful, it is also dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be assimilated into nature."】

【"Therefore, as a prerequisite for practicing Senjutsu Chakra, you need to be more precise in controlling Ninjutsu Chakra."】

【"This is why I told you not to rely too much on the Sharingan."】

【"First, practice the basic skills well. When the time is right, I will naturally help you practice the fairy chakra and enter the fairy mode."】

【Uchiha Sasuke always obeys Uzumaki Naruto's words.】

【He nodded excitedly,"I understand"】

Senju Hashirama,"I totally agree with Uzumaki Naruto's opinion."

"Basic skills are the most important. All ninjutsu is based on basic skills."

Uchiha Sasuke,"I understand. I will also focus on the finer control of chakra in my future training.""

"Lay a good foundation"

"I will definitely be able to learn Sage Mode in the future."

Uzumaki Naruto,"Same!""

"The destructive Sage Mode of my parallel world is so fascinating that I must learn it!"

【The three of them continued on their way】

【Just after passing a big tree in front, suddenly, I heard the roar of a giant bear. 】

0.9【Along with it, there came a girl, screaming in panic】

【A red-haired girl wearing glasses appeared in the sight of Uzumaki Naruto and his friends as she ran away, but was also tripped by a huge tree root.】

【Her eyes fell to the ground, and she instinctively fumbled around......】

【Behind her, a fierce-looking bear was chasing after her, trying to pounce and eat the girl.】

【Uzumaki Naruto, who possessed Kagura's mind eye and had considerable experience, was immediately moved.】

【"With red hair and such a huge amount of chakra......"】

【"Most likely, they are descendants of the destroyed Uzumaki clan."】

【"Maybe he has the same blood as me."】

【next moment】

【Uzumaki Naruto threw the Flying Thunder God Seal Kunai and instantly appeared above the big bear's head】

【The bear was crippled with a kick and fell to the ground.】

【"Someone saved me......"】

【By the time the girl reacted, Uzumaki Naruto had already arrived in front of her and asked】

【"May I have your name?"】

【The girl immediately responded,"Karin!"】

Say goodbye: Hạnh

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