Mei Terumi,"Oh no! Another girl is going to fall for Uzumaki Naruto's tenderness.""

"The hero saving the beauty, ah, is the easiest way to make a girl fall in love with the man."

Yamanaka Ino,"This scene is so romantic, why didn't I encounter it?""Hyuga

Hinata,"Naruto-kun is such a good person"

"It's just a shame, the way Karin looks at Naruto is obviously different."

Karin,"I really want to cry, Naruto is really strong and gentle."

"In the parallel world, wasn't I saved by Sasuke and Naruto? I have a pretty good life."

"If only I could stay by his side, I would feel safe."

Uzumaki Kushina,"How pitiful! How could a member of my Uzumaki clan fall into such a pitiful state?"

"Looking at her frail body, it was obvious that she was treated very badly."

"Haha, Sarutobi Hiruzen is really unqualified to be Hokage"

"The Uzumaki clan, who were allied with Konoha, had such a miserable end."

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"Don't put all these accusations on me, as if I am a bad person who has done all kinds of evil."

"When the Whirlpool Country asked for help, we sent people to help."

"Who knew that when they got there, the country had been destroyed and no survivors were found. We in Konoha did what we should do."

"What else do you want me to do?"

"I'm usually busy with so many things, and if someone else comes, they may not be able to do as well as I do."

Senju Hashirama,"Sarutobi Hiruzen, what did you say?"

"The country of Uzumaki was destroyed?"

"I really don't know what useful things you can accomplish after becoming Hokage."

Senju Tobirama,"I'm sorry, brother, it's all my fault that I was blinded back then. I chose the wrong person."

"This is what has caused Konoha to become like this......."

Uchiha Madara,"Haha, Konoha should indeed be destroyed, he is too corrupt."

Uzumaki Naruto,"There is one more reason to kill Sarutobi Hiruzen."

【After Karin hastily answered Uzumaki Naruto's question】

【Then he finally fumbled around, picked up the glasses that had fallen, and put them on.】

【Her vision suddenly became clear, and she could see clearly the face of the person who saved her life.】

【The other person's handsome appearance and the image of someone who had just saved her from danger......】

【It quickly echoed in her heart, and completely occupied Karin's mind.】

【Uzumaki Naruto reached out his hand to Karin who was still lying on the ground.】

【"You should be from the Uzumaki clan."】

【"But your country was destroyed and you had no choice but to end up in the Kusagakure Village?"】

【"It's okay, don't be afraid, I'm also from the Uzumaki clan"】

【"However, it seems that my father's genes are too strong, so I don't have red hair."】

【Uzumaki Naruto's heroic act of saving a beautiful girl, as well as this gentle conversation, or the blood of the same clan, and the strong and confident feeling he exudes......】

【It quickly caused ripples in Karin's cold heart.......】

【After the country of whirlpools was destroyed, Karin and her mother, who were members of the Uzumaki clan, drifted to the Kusagakure Village.】

【There, those damn ninjas just used her mother as a medical kit.】

【After being injured, he survived by sucking his mother's blood】

【That's how it was. Those man-eating demons sucked Karin's mother to death.】

【Karin's heart also died completely at that moment】

【She couldn't feel any warmth in this world.......】

【But today, that dead heart seems to come back to life.】

【Uzumaki Naruto is the ray of light in Karin's despair, giving her new hope.】

【After Karin was stunned for several seconds, she realized that Uzumaki Naruto reached out his hand to her.】

【She immediately held Uzumaki Naruto's hand and was pulled up by him.】


【Uzumaki Naruto said,"It's okay, no matter how much suffering you've gone through, it's okay, it's over."】

【"You look like you are not as old as me. If you don't mind, you can call me brother."】

【"If you don't mind, you can stay with me in the future, and we can work together to restore our country."】

【Holding Karin's hand, Uzumaki Naruto did not let go for the time being.】

【He transferred some of the Nine-Tails' chakra to her, quickly healing Karin's injuries.】

【At this moment, Karin felt warm both physically and mentally.】

【Uzumaki Naruto was in front of her, as warm and dazzling as the sun.......】

【Karin said in disbelief,"Really?......Really?"】

【Uzumaki Naruto smiled warmly and said,"I should have no reason to lie to you."】

【"I don't know if you have opened Kagura's mind eye. If you have, you should be able to feel something."】


【Karin is the one who opened Kagura's heart eye】

【Through her keen perception, she only felt kindness in Uzumaki Naruto. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【She felt that the other party was extremely powerful, even beyond her understanding, far beyond anyone she had ever seen.】

【I didn't mean to treat her like a blood bag.......】

【"Woo woo woo......"】


【Karin covered her face and started crying.】

【Then she started to cry loudly】

【All the grievances I have suffered over the years seemed to burst out at this moment.】

【Uzumaki Naruto gently patted Karin's shoulder and said,"It's okay, it's all over."】

【From the scars on Karin's body, Uzumaki Naruto could tell that her fate in the Kusagakure Village was not good.】

【He asked,"Where are your other two teammates?"】

【Karin sobbed and said,"They......them......leave......Next I'm leaving......】

【At this point, because Uzumaki Naruto had completely gained Karin's trust, she seemed to open up all of a sudden.】

【Tell all the grievances you have experienced.......】

【"Those two hateful guys didn't treat me as a human being at all. They beat and scolded me at every turn on the road......."】


【Uzumaki Naruto listened to her talk quietly.】

【Uzumaki Naruto asked,"Want to kill them to vent your anger?"】

【Karin said without hesitation,"I want to!"】

【She wiped away her tears, her eyes filled with rage for revenge】

【"Sense their location and I'll take you there for revenge"】

【Karin immediately sensed the location of the two Kusagakure teammates through Kagura's mind eye.】

【Uzumaki Naruto used the Flying Thunder God Technique and quickly brought Karin to the two people.】

【The two were about to start cursing, saying that Karin had exposed their location.】

【The next moment, he was controlled by Uzumaki Naruto and could not move.】

【Uzumaki Naruto said,"Go, kill them with your own hands, and put an end to your weakness."】

【"You have to remember that no matter what time it is, having strength is king, so that you can avoid being hurt."】

��Karin took the kunai viciously and went forward to end the lives of the two men.】

【The blood splashed on her face, but it made her suddenly enlightened at this moment.】

【"Naruto brother, thank you......Thank you"】

【From this moment on, the way Karin looked at Uzumaki Naruto changed completely.】

【In this world, there is only Uzumaki Naruto, no one else】

【Uzumaki Naruto picked up Karin and quickly used the Flying Thunder God Technique to come to an inn and arranged her】

【"Take a shower and have a good rest, it's safe here"】

【Uzumaki Naruto handed Karin a kunai with the Flying Thunder God mark】

【"I'll come see you later in the evening."】

【"If there is any emergency on your side, use chakra to input it, and I will rush there immediately."】

【Karin nodded heavily】

【After Uzumaki Naruto left, Karin's eyes became confused again.】

【All of this really feels like a lifetime ago."Is this a dream?"】

【Karin couldn't believe this was real.】

【However, she tightly grasped the Flying Thunder God Seal Kunai】

【Feeling the pain of the kunai piercing my flesh, I know that this is all real......】

【"Naruto's brother......"】

Uzumaki Kushina,"This little girl will never fall in love with anyone else in her life."

"Alas, once you see Naruto, you will regret it for the rest of your life"

"I don't know if this is a good thing or not."

Hinata Hyuga,"Sure enough, there is one more competitor, but no matter what, you are also a latecomer."

Yamanaka Ino,"I am really worried about the me in the parallel world."

"How can I fall in love with such a charming person like Uzumaki Naruto? It is bound to be very hard......."

Say goodbye: Hạnh

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