[At midnight on February 1, 2000, the researchers of the Mandate of Heaven in Siberia, a total of 322 researchers, suddenly disappeared overnight.

The surveillance equipment showed that the researchers seemed to see something scary before disappearing, but the cameras captured nothing except some white light.

Subsequently, Bishop Otto ordered that Teresa Apocales go to the Babylonian laboratory to conduct a thorough investigation into this mysterious event.

Thus began the second collapse.

Before Teresa arrived, Patrick, the A-class Valkyrie of Destiny, had led the other Valkyries to reach the Tower of Babylon first.

After Teresa joins Patrick, she begins to investigate the disappearance of the Tower of Babylon.

After Patrick's analysis of the video, the two finally decided to go to the reactor area of the Tower of Babylon together to investigate clues.

Teresa kept cheering herself up in her heart, and what she was most afraid of was ghosts.

Now the appearance of ghosts in the Tower of Babylon made Teresa feel panicked.

"Has the investigation progressed? Total.... I always feel like there will be ghosts running out. "

Teresa looked around nervously, afraid that a ghost would suddenly appear.

Patrick searches the side of the Collapse Energy Reactor.

"Nothing has been discovered yet... However, there is a slight residue of collapse energy here. "

Patrick crouched down and reached out to wipe the slight collapse energy on the ground.

"But why is it here..... And only such a small piece? "

Just as Patrick was thinking about whether to take the spectrometer to scan here, a weak cry for help came.

"Is anyone there!? Come to the rescue..... We! "

This sudden sound frightened the nervous and suspicious Teresa to bounce directly.

"Ghost.... The ghost appeared wow!! "

Patrick turned to look at the source of the voice, frowned, and retorted with a solemn face, "No, this is... The voice of a human maiden. "

With Teresa with him, Patrick searched for the sound.

The human girl's voice was a little weak, and she was not in a good state of age.

Following Patrick, Teresa looked around.

It wasn't until Patrick stopped that Teresa woke up like a dream.

"That's where the cries for help come from."

Patrick's voice was a little heavy.

Teresa poked her head out curiously, but was shocked by everything in front of her beyond belief.

"Here it is... Jail? How could the institute have such a place ?! "

With wide eyes, Teresa's tone was full of doubt and puzzlement.

When Teresa was still wondering why there was such a thing as a prison in the Babylonian Tower, a pair of hands did not know where to stretch out

"The ghost has appeared!!"

Reflexively hiding behind Patrick, Teresa was covered in cold sweat, and Patrick who was grasping with a pair of hands frowned, and quickly reminded.

"Don't be afraid, Teresa!"

"You see, that's not a ghost."

Patrick took a step forward and grabbed that hand.

The girl inside the prison was exposed to the two.

"They're just ordinary human girls."

The thin girl had tears in her eyes, and she was forcefully grabbed by her wrist and stuck to the iron door, but she still did not forget to send out a cry for help.

"Save.... Save us..."

Teresa chose to save them after seeing the girls for a short period of stunned.

Patrick stood aside, neither approving nor stopping Teresa's behavior.

"Come, come out, you're all safe."

Teresa broke open the doors of these prisons and held out her hand to the poor girls.

The girls looked at Teresa warily, but were still infected by her kindness and did not show hostility towards the girl who looked about their age.

“..... Thank you. "

The girl with short brown hair politely thanked Teresa.

"No... You're welcome! This is because there is no key to open the door like this. "

"Not because I like to use brute force!"

Looking at the iron door that was blasted out of a hole by the fist, Teresa was a little weak.

"From the computer terminals, they are ... Experimental subjects in the Advanced Systems Division. "

"What is being done on them is the study of the adaptability of the human body."

When Teresa heard this, she glanced at the girls gathered together, their arms covered with bandages.

"No wonder... They were covered with bandages and wounds. But why is it that they are not mentioned in the mission information..."

Patrick calmly explained, "Because there is no need for this, you know.... Destiny recruits thousands of such subjects every year. Most of them are orphans, and no one cares if they live or die..."

"Nope! Not without people! Teresa's azure blue eyes were full of determination, "At least I will care about them!" "

Teresa turned around and put her hands on the girl who had just thanked herself.

"You guys hide here first, wait a few days, I'll send you away!"

Patrick's eyes widened, and his tone was a little anxious, "Wait! Teresa, you are breaking the rules! According to the regulations, the experimental subjects must be returned to the headquarters. "

"They have all been injected with avalanche energy, we can't let these experimental subjects go, it's too dangerous!"

Of course Teresa knew what Patrick said, but she wouldn't give up on these poor children.

To this end, Teresa plans to send the children to the St. Freya Academy that she applied for.

Either become a normal person, or choose to be a good Valkyrie!

The purple-haired girl walked past Teresa silently, without saying a word, and the hatred in her golden eyes was shrouded in darkness.

"It's really good at saying beautiful things."

If a wistful voice sounded, Teresa was a little dazed, "Did anyone speak just now?" "】

A blazing flame burned up and down Ying's body, and he left the promised land step by step.

The maniacal laughter of a thousand calamities can be faintly heard, as well as the roaring explosions.

"Hahaha——! Don't stop, let everything burn out! You bastards——! "

Clenching his fists, Qian Qian was reminded of the past by Xilin's affairs.

Thousand Calamities: Made, originally Lao Tzu thought he was a cynic and then transformed into a lawyer to destroy the world. Whoever stepped on the horse wanted to get it was actually similar to what happened to his beloved Sakura's sister who became a lawyer.

This horse can still endure!

If this can be endured, he will change his surname to Aponia!

Pado swallowed his saliva and glanced at Sakura next to him with a calm look in his eyes.

As a cat who lived to the end of the law, he also understood that incident back then.

Seeing Sakura so calm, Padolphyllis breathed a sigh of relief, in short, Sister Sakura didn't know about it.

Su on the side was still the same as before, his eyes closed.

But from Suna's almost dead fly's brow, we can tell that the other party's mood is very bad.

As a good-hearted doctor, he felt disgust and contempt for this act of Manifest Destiny from the bottom of his heart.

Even Dr. Mebius, Sue felt was more ethical than the researcher in the Babylonian Tower.

At least Mebius treats herself and her subjects equally, and only after completing the experiment herself will she conduct the experiment on others.

Even for the sake of human righteousness, these children should not be stuffed in prison, not to mention the situation here is still icy and snowy.

Sue's knuckles turned white, and finally opened weakly.

"Poor child." Alicia was worried about it and compassion for it.

I am also saddened by the malice it has suffered.

But whether it is attachment out of love or revenge out of hate, these are emotions that the lawyer himself possesses as a human being.

Not cold machinery, but thinking as a person and venting your emotions.

Alicia was happy with Celine while she had a smile on her sunny face.

If it weren't for the fact that she was just a memory, I'm afraid that the hand holding the bow would start to move now.

"Celine, she's a kind child." Aponia was a little surprised and a little happy.

Celine used butcher knives on the researchers who had blood on their hands, but laid down the blade on girls who were as poor as herself.

This shows that Celine is not controlled by the desire to destroy human beings, and she still has her own goodness in her heart.

- Inverse Entropy Headquarters ——

"Bah! Why didn't Gootto die——! The mess he made himself, one after another, asked us to reverse entropy to wipe his ass! "

With fire in his eyes, Dr. Tesla's mood that had just rested was now excited again.

After scolding Otto, Tesla couldn't help but feel some emotion and sympathy for Celine.

"Damn, if Celine had been brought to reverse entropy by us first, it would never have been possible to become like this!"

Einstein took a sip of coffee and did not reply.

In the past, there were no ifs, what happened was what happened.

It can only be said that the world is impermanent.

Compared with the above people who are accustomed to human experiments, Kiana in the dormitory of St. Freya College is a three-view explosion.

"This! How is this possible! Great aunt! Why would Destiny allow these things to happen! Obviously, we are Valkyries fighting for mankind! "

Kiana asked anxiously, her eyes full of confusion, covering her chest, her head messed up.

"Academy, I've never heard of such a thing!"

Teressa, who was questioned, blushed and wanted to explain something, but lowered her head, because of this matter, their destiny had indeed done it.

And without the permission of the bishop, no one in the organization of the Mandate of Heaven, a monarchy of a somewhat religious nature, would have the audacity to disobey Otto.

This kind of thing, even if Otto pampered her in every way, could not be completely banned.

Teresa, who had a messy brain, did not expect Wendy, who was far away in the Atlantic branch and was recommended by her to do human experiments and had disabled legs.

"Let me answer that question. Are you right, my dear Teresa~"

The voice from Lord Bishop came from Teresa's communicator.

When she heard this voice, the Void Lawyer in the depths of Kiana's consciousness suddenly rioted, gritting her teeth and staring at the source of the voice.

"Whew – it hurts!"

Covering her head, Kiana squatted down uncomfortably.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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