Otto's eyes narrowed slightly, and his granddaughter looked at him nervously and vigilantly, which really made him a little sad.

"Bishop Otto, is what is said on the screen true?"

Kiana shook her head and questioned Otto, not knowing why, now she had a strong hatred and disgust for the bishop of Destiny in front of her.

The originally cheerful and optimistic face is now full of disgust.

Otto propped his chin, the corners of his mouth raised, and did not deny it.

"As you can see, what is said on the screen is indeed true, and Destiny does recruit experimental subjects every year for the study of collapse energy."

"And then, after you know the news, what do you want to do?"

Kiana clenched her fists and said without hesitation, "Of course it's all stopped!" "

Sneering, Otto shifted his gaze to Teresa, "So my lovely granddaughter, do you think so too?" "

"Mandate should completely ban human experimentation?"

Kiana turned her head and looked at Teresa expectantly.

Teresa suddenly became the center figure, and she looked at Otto in confusion and met Otto's gaze.

Deep down, he was apprehensive, but still said firmly, "I don't think this is right!" "

Otto did not deny it, and even nodded his head in affirmation.

"Yes, we all know that this is wrong, but you should also know that human experiments can never be forbidden on the road to collapse."

"Today you saved this hundred people out of kindness, tomorrow, another hundred innocent people will be victimized, and what you do will not change the status quo except to comfort yourself."

"You know, giving hope and despair is even more desperate."

"But they are all innocent children!" Kiana's head flashed the faces of some girls she had never seen before, and great sadness surged in her heart.

Otto: "In the face of Honkai, everyone is innocent. "

"In order to fight the collapse, we have to sacrifice something for every step forward."

"Those who have died, those who have disappeared, are irretrievable to us."

"However, the matter of the Tower of Babylon is indeed due to my poor supervision."

"Although I consider myself ruthless, as a bishop of destiny, for whatever reason, I will not buy and sell a group of children and send them to the laboratory of Babylon for human experiments."

"All you see about those kids, I can tell you is one thing."

"Those researchers seem to you to be heinous, and in fact they are, but you cannot deny that on this basis, the artificial stigmata they have developed has made an indelible contribution to the cause of mankind fighting collapse."

"And, you know. Siberia at that time, material was tight and politics was chaotic. Even if the poor orphans had not been brought into the Babylonian laboratory, they would have died due to various causes of war and society. "

"Of course, I don't deny that maybe some children will be able to have a whole new life."

"But you have to understand that there were no ifs in the past."

"All we can do is move on."

Otto's words plunged the room into silence.

Kiana frowned, her face was full of confusion, she always felt that something was wrong, but in her mind, she hadn't thought of it yet.

The queen snorted coldly in the consciousness space, irritated and wanted to rush out and punch him.

As an adult, there was no need for Infinity to talk to the Archbishop of Destiny on such matters.

There is no right or wrong in the adult world.

And the Valkyries of Destiny are basically the product of human experiments.

"As far as Bronia knows, the anti-entropy research mecha is used to resist Honkai, why not destiny?"

Otto chuckled, "Do you think the anti-entropy mecha is useful in the face of the real Great Collapse?" "

The contempt in the mouth of the Mandate Bishop was obvious, which made Bronia, who was born in anti-entropy, a little dissatisfied, "In Bronia's opinion, the mecha of anti-entropy effectively reduces casualties, and ordinary people have the ability to fight against Honkai on the battlefield of Honkai. "

Otto clasped his hands to his chest with a wistful smile on his face.

"First of all, I have to remind you, this young lady of anti-entropy."

"The cost of the anti-entropy mecha excludes ordinary people from the source."

Bronia was silent.

Indeed, the cost of the reverse entropy mech is extremely expensive.

But Otto did not stop, illustrate with facts.

"Classmate Fu Hua, I've heard of you, an excellent A-grade Valkyrie in my granddaughter's academy."

"In that case, you should know the description of the Void Law in the Second Collapse Battlefield that year."

Fu Hua's brows furrowed slightly, not knowing what Otto suddenly called her for, but he still answered honestly.

"The second lawyer, born in Siberia, has the ability to freely manipulate imaginary space..."

Halfway through Fu Hua's words, Otto came out and followed her words.

"According to rough statistics, on the battlefield of the second collapse, along with the birth of the second lawyer, there are a total of 500,000 collapse beasts."

"In order to eliminate these broken beasts, Heavenly Mandate emptied almost all of the heavy weapons arsenal in an hour."

"But these losses have no meaning in the face of the Law of Emptiness."

"The anti-entropy mecha also has no effect in front of the so-called lawyers."

"In that battlefield, in addition to the anti-entropy alliance master who is also a lawyer, there is only an S-class Valkyrie equipped with the key of God."

"Kiana, and Raiden Bud Yi... As subjects of the Destiny and Anti-Entropy Practitioners, you are individuals created because mankind understands that only the Lawyer can defeat the Lawyer. "

"So, for the sake of humanity and the future, please continue to work hard."

Turquoise eyes swept around everyone's faces, and Bishop Otto's communication hung up directly.

Inside the mysterious room of the Mandate Headquarters, Otomo groaned with his chin clenched.

"Although on top of this, I also have my own selfishness."

As far as Kiana's young people are concerned, they can't talk about the Archbishop Otto of the Mandate of Heaven.

Taking the initiative to admit mistakes frankly, and then using some human righteousness to deal with the current situation of collapse, can make these children without a little faith fall into self-doubt.

Not to mention that at this age, they do not have their own way of thinking about problems, all rely on the indoctrination of the people around them, and it is easy to think according to each other's thinking.

As Otto expected, Kiana and the others, including Teresa, looked confused, sitting on the sofa and falling into self-doubt.

Occasionally a look of struggle flashed on his face, but it was quickly replaced by confusion.

Even if this is wrong, it should be prevented, but what new way can they prevent these things from happening?

The answer is, no.

Human experimentation is available in almost every country, and even if it is explicitly prohibited, there are people who risk the law to conduct experiments in private.

Ji Zi and Fu Hua looked at each other and sighed one after another.

This kind of thing, in addition to others to persuade, you have to think clearly and understand it yourself.

Limitless Towers clapped their hands, causing the group of people who had been swirled in by the bishop's words to divert their attention.

"I said are you stupid, is the point here?"

"Isn't the point of Destiny doing something to compensate for this kind of thing after it happened?"

Teresa listened to Himeko's words, and her mouth opened wide, as if the smog in front of her had been swept away.

"Yes!" With a sharp pat on the head, Teresa sobered up.

"After that, Grandpa also made new measures for this kind of thing."

"The part of the Mandate of Heaven that involves human experiments will be declared in advance, and then let the Valkyries choose for themselves."

"Children who voluntarily die are recorded and their families are compensated."

Relieved, Teresa patted her chest.

I didn't think of this kind of thing just now, and after thinking about it so carefully, it seemed that Grandpa had also done his best to deal with it in the most appropriate way.

"So the Archbishop is still a good man?"

Kiana thought along with Otto's words and found that the other party was indeed right.

The Void Law was almost pissed off listening to the words of this stupid container!

In front of her, the party who was experimented on by humans, she said that her enemy was a good person!?

If this were in the movie, Otto would be the culprit to be disposed of after Celine, a victim of human experimentation, went crazy.

Then Celine committed murder because she went crazy and was killed by the real protagonist at the end of disposing of the culprit.

At this point, the movie ends.

No matter how you think about it, Celine is a poor person caught in the middle, and of course, the victims who are innocently implicated are even more pitiful.

ps: After writing and writing, today something is more late.

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