After Bishop Otto's communication with Teresa, Celine in the screen fights Patrick.

Patrick pinched the time of the moon dark wind, inexplicably swelled, and fought with the Second Law who had not yet fully awakened.

Then the number of Destiny was scarce, and Patrick, second only to the three S-class Valkyries, was defeated by Celine with one move.

Patrick who watched Patrick get done by the second lawyer and almost died.

Kiana and the three felt that Bishop Otto's words just now were correct, and the only one who could oppose the lawyer was the lawyer.

Clenching her fists, Kiana was a little confused.

What has happened to be able to become a final lawyer in the future?

Can my current self really overcome the consciousness of the lawyer, gain the power of the lawyer, and become the hole card of mankind against the lawyer?

Kiana still has some understanding of her own situation, but she is not completely unclear.

When Siberia was surrounded by Valkyries, when she opened her eyes again, she saw that her father had lost an arm, and the side was full of scorched earth from high temperatures.

Kiana turned her head to look at the bud clothes next to her who were full of thoughts and some mental trance, and couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Can you really stay here without causing them harm?


After Patrick escapes, he joins the anti-entropy ally and the two Doctors.

They were told about the situation inside the Tower of Babylon and the information of the Lawyers.

At the same time, Teresa and the others, who were surrounded by Avalanche Beasts on the side of Babylon Tower, also waited for the support from Siegfried and the other two A-class Valkyries of the Snow Wolf Team.

The owner of the anti-entropy alliance, Walter Young, the First Lawyer, chooses to ally with Siegfried in order to fight the Second Lawyer.

With Otto's permission, the Mandate of Heaven and Anti-Entropy formally made a covenant.

To stand on the same front for the future of humanity.


Alicia sighed, her good-looking brows furrowed.

"What's wrong, Ellie?"

Eden turned his head and asked.

"It's nothing, I just think that people in this era are really too contemptuous in their attitude towards lawyers."

"Moreover, Celine is obviously a very well-behaved child." Alicia thought back to Patrick's attitude towards Celine and frowned.

After a slight pause, he said with a slight ease, "If I were there, it is estimated that Celine would have been abducted home by me by now, and then become my lovely sister~"

Eden laughed dumbly, not having the slightest doubt about Alicia's words.

Indeed, if Patrick's place is replaced by Alicia.

I am afraid that this lovely second law has been abducted home by Alicia, and then willingly called her sister.


[Seventeen kilometers outside the Tower of Babylon.]

The purple vortex distorted the surrounding space, and a figure flew out of it, it was Celine who escaped from the Tower of Babylon.

Panting, thinly dressed, and extremely weak, Celine knelt in the snow.

"First time doing such a long teleportation, whew... I feel like all my strength is about to disappear..."

"Why, you must let me escape. Even if it's fighting the Valkyries... I won't lose either! "

Turning his head to look at the mosquito beast, his dissatisfied look was completely dumbfounded when he saw what was behind it, in front of him.

A round object wrapped in an unknown object, Celine watched the mosquito collapse beast directly get in.

"Wait for me."

Celine got up and chased after it, her body directly through the external entity.

There is a different world inside, but it is the biggest harm to Celine.

Celine saw her childhood self crying at her deceased mother's bedside, the last thing Celine could not forget, but it was re-enacted before her eyes.

An unknown consciousness appeared in her ear, whispering to her.

Tear open the heart of a human being, and you can truly become a lawyer!

According to the agreement between Siegfried and Walter, Tesla must lead the Titan troops to be stationed thirty kilometers away from the Tower of Babylon.

When Tesla shivered in the cold wind with the mecha troops and was forgotten.

The anti-entropy alliance lord Walter, and Dr. Einstein have entered the interior of the Tower of Babylon and joined Teresa.

"Thank you Lord Bishop for your enlightenment. So, let's investigate from the vicinity of the Honkai furnace. "

"I don't know if the two of you know that in the area below the Honkai furnace, there is a prison where the experimental subjects are imprisoned."

Einstein's words silenced Teresa.

Einstein understood Teresa's mood and did not delve into it, but said that he wanted to check the concentration of collapse energy in these children.

After Einstein's examination, there was not a single person here whose collapse exceeded the target.

"Wait a minute... It seems that there is a girl with purple hair missing. After careful comparison, Teresa found that the purple-haired child seemed to be missing.

"Lord Alliance, can you know the location of the other party?"

When Einstein heard this, his face became serious.

"I can't sense her, she's not in the Tower of Babylon." Walter shook his head, understood something, and the solemn atmosphere began to rise.

Einstein stood at the remnants of the collapse energy found near the collapse furnace, "A large number of collapse energy remains, and the nearby space is also very unstable, it seems that the collapse energy was used to tear the space and fled outside the tower." "

"Tear space?!" Zigfei's eyes widened, as if asking again if this was really something that could be done?

"The weather in Siberia makes our detectors particularly insensitive, and I hope you have a better way to find someone in the vast snowfield."

Teresa and Ziggy looked at each other, then shook their heads at the same time.

Obviously, in the harsh weather of Siberia, there is no good way to find a lawyer who can tear space apart.

"Now enable the fallback." Einstein turned to look at Teresa, "Miss Teresa, please borrow Judas' vow." "

Teresa blinked in confusion, but still took Judas' vow under Einstein's gaze.

The huge cross was erected on the floor, and Teresa was full of doubts.

"I took the vows of Judas, but... Judah's distance to the enemy was only a hundred meters. "

"Miss Teresa, you're not all right. Among the ancient ruins we have unearthed are some information about Judas' vows. "

"Judas' oath, as well as Mr. Zigfei's Heavenly Fire Holy Tailor, are all weapons made by the ancient civilization - the Key of God!"

"In addition to being used as a weapon, Judas has four uses."

"Now, Miss Teresa, I have injected the Avalanche energy left by Miss Purple Hair into Judas, please activate Judas' hunting mode to find the target."

"I... I've never heard of this feature... I don't know how to use it. "

"The soul steel that makes up the key of God can feel the user's thoughts, so you can touch Judas and think about tracking the enemy in your mind."

Teresa's hand was forcibly pressed on Judas by Einstein.

Judas' vows exude a dazzling brilliance, and Judas' vows, which sensed Teresa's thoughts, changed from the original height of one person to the size of Teresa's slap.

The eight chains are oriented in eight directions, with Teresa as the center, exploring in eight directions, looking for the enemy.

"Soul Steel is made of nanometal, and Judas' hunting mode is to convert the soul steel inside the cross into chains. At the limit, Judas could track targets within a radius of two hundred kilometers. "

Suddenly, the chain retracted, pointing in the same direction.

“...... It seems that the target has been tracked, Lord Teresa, please go immediately, we need you to lead the way. "

Holding the glasses, Walter watched Einstein help explain her weapon to the people at home word by word, and I didn't know that I thought that Einstein was the inventor of this weapon.

Just as they were about to leave, the alarm of the Tower of Babylon sounded again, and about three hundred broken beasts were coming towards it.

Walter stopped Zigfried, who wanted to go out and destroy the Honkai Beast immediately.

"The Honkai Beast is delaying time and can't be counted."

"Einstein, you stay and guard the Tower of Babylon. Siegfried and Teresa, please come with me. "


"I know, if the opponent is an enemy who can tear space, then letting Salome and them act together is just a delay."

In the purple dark space, Celine's consciousness was seduced, tearing the space and tearing the human heart!

Running all the way with Judas' vows, he unsurprisingly found Celine's location.

Judas' vow's powerful mechanism makes the blacksmiths of the continent of Tivat very curious about its creators, what kind of technology and materials were used to create such an artifact.

"This is where Judas directs."

"But what exactly is this? That purple-haired girl, will she be in this? "

A huge sphere wrapped in purple-white unknown substance, how Walter felt strange how to see it.

"Don't touch it."

"A huge collapse energy suddenly appeared in that egg, get out of there quickly!"

Looking at Teresa's unconscious movements, Walter instinctively stopped her.

Teresa was about to get away, but a lot of gray-purple hands reached out from the huge egg and dragged her into the egg.

"Teresa, hold on, I'll save you now!" Although Teresa and Ziegfried usually ridicule each other, their relationship is very good.

Now as soon as Teresa had an accident, Ziggy immediately rushed up in a panic and prepared to pull her out of the pile of hands.

"Zigfei, calm down, we haven't figured out the details of our opponent yet. Rushing forward will only lead to danger. "

"Send to death?"

"Even if it is dangerous, I will go to save Teresa. The people of the Kaslana family will never give up their comrades. "

"If you're afraid, go back, I'll be enough alone."

Breaking free from Walter's hand on his shoulder, Siegfried's personality is truly an impulse passed down from the Kaslana family lineage.

Reaching out and stroking the egg, Ziegfried was wondering what was going on with those hands just now.

The sound of a kara came from the egg, the giant egg shattered, and a huge broken beast was born from it, breaking out of its shell.

The giant Honkai Beast let out a huge roar, and the Queen's knight launched a surprise attack on the confused Zigfei.

At the same time, Teresa, who was pulled into the egg by a bunch of hands, only felt that she had fallen into the water, and heard some whispers in her ears.

"Both of your parents died of a disease called Honkai."

"But don't be afraid, our Destiny Organization will adopt you."

"In addition, you are lucky to be born with antibodies against Honkai - for the sake of humanity, you need to help participate in some experiments."

"It will hurt a little at first, but don't be afraid."

Teresa watched Celine being taken away by the researchers, and couldn't help but shout, trying to stop all this, but everything was in vain.

Teresa watched Celine fall in prison in pain, the pain that could wash away the pain injected into her body, the pain that almost tore her brain apart, the malice and indifference of human nature, Teresa watched the past that happened in front of her.

"Aphrola, Agata, Bella, you guys have a good rest."

Thin in shape, wearing only a thin white coat, he stepped barefoot on the snow, and in front of him was a simple small grave with a few branches inserted.

No one remembers them, and no one mentions dead subjects.

"Hey! Is the scrap buried? Hurry back and continue the experiment, I don't want to continue wasting time on this garbage! "

Teresa looked at Celine, her eyes full of sadness and a few imperceptible tears in the researcher's eyes.

"I'm sorry..." Teresa didn't know how to comfort the troubled girl, she was also a clone born from Otto's experiments, and no one knew Celine better than her.

But Teresa can't, her weakness and powerlessness can't save everything here.

The teardrops slipped and fell to the surface of the water, the human heart has been torn apart, and now only the second law Celine exists here!

"Do you just remember the fake apology now?! Too late! I want revenge! "

"None of the destined people can live"

The lawyer's hatred of humans and Celine's hatred of destiny were infinitely magnified and rose to hatred of humans.

No one else knew all of this, and Teresa, the only one who knew, had no way to get Celine to give up her hatred.

"Those hypocritical, selfish adults, I will not let any of them go!"

Celine, who has become a lawyer, shows the posture of an empty lawyer.

"However, I can be a horse, you look about the same age as me."

"And you also have the smell of Honkai on your body - how? Do you want to become my subordinate? In this case, I will let you live until the moment when the world is destroyed. "

In the face of Celine's invitation, Teresa refused directly without thinking, hatred cannot solve anything.

"Please give up your revenge, otherwise, I will definitely stop you here!"

Holding Erlang's legs, Celine floated in the imaginary space, holding her chin with one hand and feeling very bored.

"It's a pity, it's rare that I shared my experience with you, I thought you would understand me."

With a snap of her fingers, Celine took the vow of Judas from Teresa's hand, and the hand constructed by her own imaginary authority threw Teresa out of imaginary space and under Baikal, an ice lake on the southern edge of Siberia.

Teresa, who sank in the lake, thought of Einstein's words and felt the Judas vow with her heart.

With the help of Judas' power, he returned to Celine in imaginary space.

Holding Judas' chains, Teresa looked wary, "You can't get rid of me, Judah links us together!" "

"Give up, I don't want to fight you." For Celine, even this

Teresa's repeated persuasion annoyed Celine, who had seen her as a child before and did not want to do anything to her, but the tantrum Celine no longer cared who she was.

"I don't know how bad it is, waste my good intentions!"

"To kill you, just one second is enough."

The conversation with Teresa wasted what little patience Celine had left.

The Spear of Void appeared out of thin air from the imaginary space.

Teresa confidently lifted Judas up and stood it in front of her.

Then in Celine's disdainful eyes, the spear of Arkon passed through the Judas Oath, and then turned into reality from the void.

As Celine said, in a second, Teresa was killed once.

Outside, Ziegfried, defeating the queen's knights with the help of Walter, looked at the empty shell, his eyes blank.

Ziegfried: "There is nothing in the shell, where exactly was Teresa taken." "

Walter: "They're here, you just can't see them." "

"Harnessing the ability to manipulate space – creating imaginary space superimposed on real space."

"She's hiding here!"

Tearing the space with his bare hands, Walter looked at the Empty Lawyer in front of him, "The game of peek-a-boo is over!" "

The eyes of the Law of Void and the Law of Reason met in the air, and for the first time in history, the two Laws met. 】

PS: Ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for rewards

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