[Looking at this intruder, Bronia's eyes did not have the slightest bit of hostility.

Bronia: "Xing, stop quickly." Bronia doesn't want to fight you. "

Xing: "Boom~ It turns out that you really rebelled, my mother has always said that you are an important chess piece planted in the destiny of heaven, and now the chess piece jumps backwards, presumably my mother is also very uncomfortable~"

As soon as the words changed, Xing raised the scythe in his hand, his face full of killing intent, "But it doesn't matter if a waste like you doesn't exist, it's enough for me to have one of my mother's chess pieces!"


Bronia looked at the crazy attacking apricot and summoned the heavy bunny to fend off.

But after the previous battle, most of the work of the heavy bunny was beaten to scrap.

"Aha!! Even your strongest main gun is scrapped, what capital is there to fight with me! Just let me tear you down along with this piece of scrap!!"

It is impossible to make effective attack methods, which also leads to the fact that apricot attacks cannot be effectively contained.

But here is not the only wounded Bronia.

In the battleship of Destiny, you an anti-entropic enemy still want to be singled out one-on-one!

It's impossible to think about.

Xing was defeated and retreated, how arrogant he was when he came, and how depressed he is now," "Uh.... Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!!! You guys who get in the way!!"

Looking at Xing's stubborn appearance, Kiana couldn't mention how happy, "Hmph~ Think that one person can defeat us?" It's too small to look down on the Valkyrie of Destiny!"

Bud Yi: "Bronia! Didn't hurt!"

Bronia: "Bronia is okay. "

Xing: "For... Why are there always so many people gathered around you guy! Obviously nothing can be done! It's obviously a waste!"

Bronia: "Apricot.... Strength is not all we are alive, Bronia is not a weapon..."

Looking at the apricot, Bronia said seriously.

But apricot doesn't think so.

"Huh..... Hahaha!!! You guy actually tells such jokes!! It was so much fun!! If it's not a weapon, what's the point!! Mom won't love me anymore!!."

Years of misconceptions, coupled with mental problems, have made Xing have his own way of thinking.

"Ahhh.... Forget it, there is no interest anymore .... I'm going to kill you!!."

"Xing, that's enough. Retreat first, you can't win them now."

Kokolia's voice came from the communication.

"Mom!? No!! Trust me! I'm sure to put them all..." Xing's face was full of panic, completely losing her previous crazy look.

"This is an order."

"Goo-goo..... Uh-uh-uh-a!!!!!a Damn it! Damn it!!! You give me a walk and see!!."

Unwillingly, he retreated under the orders of Kokolia. 】


"Hehe, do it on the territory of our destiny, there are good fruits for you to eat!"

Dean Teresa in St. Freya Academy looked at Xing's hurried retreat, not to mention more relief.

"Sorry, Headmaster, Xing is a good boy, but there are some personality problems. I promise, the apricot that Bronia knows is definitely not what it is on the screen. "

Teresa waved her hand, "It's okay, it's okay, anyway, it didn't work out in the end." "

Infinite Tower Himeko was a little lucky, "Fortunately, this Hyperion is not from our school, otherwise I wouldn't be able to repair it if I sold the head of the academy!" "

Inside the Paradise of the Past.

Alicia's eyes looked carefully at the screen, and every now and then a smile or two appeared.

Because the Promised Land Hall is not much big, the fusion warrior's hearing is very good, which also causes her muttering from time to time to be heard by everyone.

"Oh, hey, this girl is so beautiful."

"Wow~ this girl is so cute,."

"Well, it's like holding them in your arms and rubbing their faces hard~"

The corner of Mebius' eyes twitched, snorted coldly, and turned away directly.

This promised land hall, don't wait, Alicia, this angry pink fat woman!

After leaving everyone's field of vision, Mebius reached out and pinched his face, soft, slippery, and felt very good.

"No, what am I doing!"

Lowering his hand, Mebius was startled by his actions.

Alicia in the hall had no idea about this.

- Inverse Entropy Headquarters ——

"Kokolia this woman . The adopted daughter under her hand, one and two are so fierce!? "

Tesla opened his mouth wide, forgiving her for not understanding.

"In a sense, the masters are in the people."

Einstein sighed.

It is clear that the anti-entropy is because he does not like the Valkyrie cultivation method of the Mandate of Heaven, and instead uses a milder mecha to fight Honkai.

How can Kokolia's two daughters all have a terrifying combat power that kicks titans as toys!

Einstein always felt that Kokolia's luck was too good, or rather, too good at raising children.

I have never heard that her two daughters have artificial stigmata containing the Mandate of Heaven!

——The depths of the Quantum Sea ——

The daughter of the long-sleeping quantum opened her eyes.

When she saw the silver-spiral-haired Bronia on the screen, Quantum's daughter shed longing tears in the corners of her eyes.

"Sister Bronia.."

Then he saw that Apricot attacked Bronia and injured Bronia.

"Abominable! Wait for me to get out! Just let me tweak her! "

The azure blue eyes were replaced by red, and another consciousness went online, clenching his fists unpleasantly.

Uncle Xing, who was far away in the Kokolia orphanage, sneezed, maybe even she didn't know it, and she was inexplicably remembered and hated by Xi'er.


[Kiana subconsciously wanted to catch up, but was stopped by Limitless Tower.

Limitless Hime: "Kiana! Don't chase it! Solve the other anti-entropy weapons on the Hyperion first!"

Kiana: "Gee..."

"The situation of the fusion furnace is not good, it is difficult to ensure navigation so far!"

"Boom-" The successive roars of artillery fire showed the powerful offensive of anti-entropy.

Kiana: "Wow!! Isn't this being chased and beaten! We have to fight back!!"

Scratching her head, Kiana was very upset.

Limitless Ta Himeko: "The next wave of attacks is coming!"

Teresa: "Ugh! You can't let the Hyperion be a live target, you have to think of a way..."

Limitless Tarakiko also found it tricky, "The difference in firepower with enemy warships is too great, and now the Nexus system cannot be used, otherwise..."

Kiana: "Oops! How angry!! If I can get to the opposite battleship, see if I don't detonate it!!"

Kiana turned her head unpleasantly and saw Bronia floating aside, motionless, which made Kiana suddenly alert.

"Uh... Bronia, you say something too! Is it controlled again?"

Bronia shook her head and said no, "If it can reach the Moonlight Throne, Bronia should have a way to paralyze it." "

Kiana: "Hmm! Really?"

With her eyes shining, Kiana saw the hope of tearing down the Moonlight Throne.

Bronia nodded, "When the chip controlled Bronia just now, the network connected the anti-entropy system, and there was a structural diagram of the battleship, if it could destroy the power core of the Moonlight Throne from the inside, it could be stopped." "

When Jiko heard this, a smile appeared on her face.

"Treat others the way they are... Hmph~ Leave it to me in this case!"

Just do what you say, and under the circumstances of the plan, Himeko, as the only chief of Hyperion besides the head of the academy, gave the order.

Limitless Tower Hime: "Hyperion, full speed ahead!" Target anti-entropy battleship!"

Hearing this order, Teresa's eyes widened.

"Hey! Wait a minute! Himeko, calm down!"

Jiko Limitless: "Peace of mind!" I will control the strength~ just hit an opening in the enemy battleship and jump off the deck~"

The tone was light, as if it were some trifle.

Teresa: "What a ghost! You didn't drink a bar before you left! It's more dangerous than drunk driving!!"

Limitless Tower Himeko: "The fifth squad is on standby on the deck, remember to grab the fixtures!" Hyperion! Attack!"

Hyperion activated and crashed towards the Moonlight Throne, and the violent crash, as well as Hyperion's violent trembling, made Teresa let out a lovely cry.

Teresa: "Woo!!!oo

The three of Kiana took advantage of the opportunity to jump from the splint to the moonlight throne and act according to the plan.

Kiana: "Whew~ it's really exciting!"

Bud Yi: "Is this the interior of the Moonlight Throne..."

Limitless Ta Himeko: Squad 5! Please answer when you receive the newsletter!"

Kiana: "Received received ~ We have arrived inside the enemy battleship and started fighting~"

Limitless Ta Himeko: "Understood. The Hyperion will provide fire assistance from the outside to attract enemy forces as much as possible, but the time it can buy is extremely limited, and we must hurry!"

Bronia: "The anti-entropy mecha troops have gathered here, ready to fight. "

Kiana: "Holle~ Let's do it!"

Limitless Ta Himeko: "Then.... Finally, there was an order from Principal Teresa. "

Limitless Hime: "I must come back alive!"

Against the fire inside the anti-entropy, the three of Kiana advanced towards the deepest part of the Moonlight Throne with some difficulty.

Kiana: "Ahem! Although the Hyperion attracts many enemies, there are too many enemies!"

Bud Yi: "After all, it is deep into the enemy's nest, and this degree of hindrance is of course..."

Bronia: "The front is the power core area of the Moonlight Throne, and if it can be linked to the control system of the power furnace, Bronia has a way to paralyze it." "

Kiana: "In other words, just kill a bloody path!"

Bronia: "There's no better way to do it at the moment. "

Bud Yi: "Understood, you must be careful." "

Just as the three of them were heading towards their target, a familiar enemy appeared in front of them.

Xing: "It seems that your interest is really high~Good, good~ It's really exciting to wipe out the hopes of others in the cradle~Kukuku~"

Bronia: "Apricot..."

Bronia: "We grew up together in my mother's orphanage, whether it was Apricot or Ciel, Bronia didn't want to hurt you..."

Xing: "Do you still look like the Virgin?" Xi'er that guy is the same, he looks really weak


Xing: "Have you forgotten what your mother said?" Only those who have power can survive, so apricot will become the pride of mom! And you will humbly regret your incompetence and go to death!"

Bronia: "Apricot, that's enough, it's all over." "

Xing: "Why!" Why! Why can't I win you every time! Obviously such a weak guy!! Why"

Bronia: "Bronia used to be the same as Xing, she felt that as long as she was strong enough, she could protect the people around her... However, both Ciel and you ended up out of Bronia's reach. "

Bronia: "However, with the help of Sister Bud and everyone, Bronia began to be able to touch what she wanted. "

Bronia: "The body that is like steel in order to become stronger seems to be gradually filled, and warm blood flows with warm blood. "

Bronia: "Although she can't smile smoothly now, Bronia's heart must be smiling now." "

Xing: Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!! I can kill you all by myself!"

Bronia: "I'm sorry, apricot..."

Xing: "Let go!" Let me go!! I don't need your mercy!"

Bronia: "I'm sorry to let you go through so much alone..."

Xing: "Don't look at me like that!" No!! No!!!! "

Bud Yi: "Danger!!"

Looking at Apricot who was stimulated by Bronia to a sudden burst, Bud Yi quickly pulled Bronia to avoid Xing's attack.

Xing: "To be able to force apricot to this extent, I really underestimate you." "

Kiana: "Is this guy's expression just as controlled as Bronia!?"

Bronia: "Mom, please stop." "

"Bronia, it seems that you have forgotten our purpose... I'm waiting for you in the power zone, it's time to make a break. "

Leaving these words, Kokolia manipulated Xing's body and left. 】

"Mother Kokolia, how could it be..."

Xi'er, who took over her body again, looked at the manipulated apricot and fell into a state of doubtful life.

The mother of Kokolia in memory is still gentle and kind, and she is responsive to her children's needs.

Although life is a little poor, Kokolia's mother will find a way to do her best.

Very well cared for the children in every orphanage.

Will remember what everyone likes and hate to eat.

But now the Kokolia mother on the screen is full of strangeness.

"It's cruel."

Sister Bronia, it must be very sad.

After all, this is the enemy of Kokolia mother and apricots.

Although Xing's temper is very bad, she is also the sister of Bronia's sister and everyone's relative.

- St. Freya College -

Limitless Tajiko directly poured herself a glass of wine, and then let out a long breath.

"I'm too bold in another world! actually directly let Hyperion crash into the battleship of anti-entropy. "

Teresa nodded her head matter-of-factly, "Compared to your current appearance as an alcoholic, you in another world are much more serious." "

Bronia: "Compared to this, I have never seen this battleship in reverse entropy, but it seems that Mother Kokolia in another world is even crazier than now, why?" "

"Hey, what's this, if Bronia your mother does the same in this world, Miss Ben will definitely take you to wake her up."

Kiana patted her chest and said with conviction.

Fu Hua groaned, piercing Kiana's beautiful illusions.

"In a sense, Kokolia shouldn't fight you alone, and you probably won't be able to beat that apricot."

"What a joke! Miss Ben is super brave or not, if it is an apricot in the other world, since Kiana in the other world can win, then it is not natural that Miss Ben can win! "

"Stupid Kiana, apricot is more powerful than you think."

Rolling her eyes, Bronia said without hesitation.

Just looking at Kiana's expression of indifference, Bronia didn't say anything.

Anyway, with himself here, sooner or later, Xing will meet Kiana, probably.

PS: Ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for rewards!

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