[In order to repel the reverse entropy, the three Kiana followed Xing's figure to the core power area.

Bud Yi: "Is this the core power zone... Is this "Sirin" the power furnace?"


The moment she came here, Kiana was a little in a trance.

Bud Yi asked worriedly, "Kiana? What's wrong with you!

Waving her hand, Kiana pretended to be relaxed, "Hehe~ It's okay, it's just a little tired after fighting for too long..."

On the opposite side of the three was Kokolia herself.

"Is it finally here?"

Kokolia's eyes were a little surprised, "Let me praise you first, you can actually get here with only three people." "

Bronia looked at the man, her eyes were in a trance, and she was a little overwhelmed, "Mom, Bronia..."

Kokolia: "Don't call me mother, we're enemies now." "

Squinting her eyes, Kokolia said seriously

Kiana: "You guy... What the hell is the purpose!"

Kokolia did not answer, but snorted coldly, "Hmph, you Valkyries who have been raised by the Mandate of Heaven will only blindly give away your humble life, what a pitiful." "

Kiana: "What do you say!" We are fighting to protect humanity from Honkai!"

Kokolia: "Fighting for humanity? It is so innocent and cute, your power has not destroyed the collapse, but has made it grow more wantonly. "

Bud Yi wondered, "What does this mean?"

Maybe it's a good mood, or maybe it's a wish that is about to come true, Kokolia patiently explained, "The birth and development history of human beings is accompanied by the invasion of collapse, and the constant struggle and struggle is just a needless survival." Collapse cannot be destroyed, and your struggle will only make the final destruction come faster. "

"Collapse will continue to evolve with the development of human science and technology, forever driving human beings to a dead end with a posture that is superior to human beings, this is the consciousness of the universe, the law of natural development, and the demise of human beings is inevitable."

Kiana::So..... Is the purpose of reverse entropy to destroy all human hope and make us sit still?"

Kokolia: "Don't be in such a hurry to draw conclusions, little ghost, no matter what the camp is, we are also human." No one wants to see their race destroyed by the boring laws of nature, so we are also looking for ways to save humanity. "

"Just..... Our method is to trigger the final Great Collapse, so that all the Collapse can be released so that humanity can be redeemed. "

When Kiana heard this, her eyes were full of surprise, this idea and plan were really crazy.

"You guys must be crazy! Ahem... If the Great Collapse is triggered, everyone in this world will die! I won't let you get away with it!!"

The corners of Kokolia's mouth rose, "It's really an impulsive young man, then let's try it." "

Kiana: "Woohoo..... The body is so heavy....."

Bud Yi: "Kiana! Are you all right!"

Kiana: "It's okay..... Senior Sister Bud Yi doesn't have to worry about me...."

Kokolia: "Are you really not good learners, is it okay to keep your life and enjoy the last life before the end comes?" You will witness a new journey for humanity, which will be two centuries


Kiana: "Nonsense! Such an ending will never be allowed to happen... The new life brought by death is a lie! I will save everyone!"

Kokolia: "Don't you understand!" The more the Mandate of Heaven seals and collapses, the more these silted collapse energy will accumulate, and only at the final moment of outbreak will it lead to the destruction of all mankind! Your current resistance is precisely the merciless slaughter of humanity!"

Kiana: "What.....?" "

Kokolia: "We are constantly raising the limits of human technological capabilities in the shadows of the world, and we use these technologies beyond Honkai to protect some of humanity before the evolution of Honkai." Then trigger the collapse, so that this part of the human race will survive!"

Kokolia: "And Bronia, you are the product of this technological limit, my daughters will become the original evolutionaries, across the scorched earth of destruction and the corpses of predecessors to create a new world after the collapse and dissipation, this is the only way to survive!"

Bronia lowered her head in silence, apparently not thinking it was right.

Kokolia: "Bronia, come back, go back to your mother, go to a new world with your mother, go back to the happy times when you were in the orphanage." "

Bronia: "I'm sorry, Mom..... If Bronia can only survive alone, I will choose to destroy with Sister Bud. "

Kokolia: "Yes..... Bronia, it looks like you've grown up. It's your choice, and mom won't interfere with your thoughts anymore. So as a guardian, let mom come to travel the last obligation....."

"Let the disobedient child be killed by his mother's own hands!"

Kiana: "The power furnace is right ahead!" I will never let you destroy Saint Freya Academy!"

Kokolia: "Hmph! Don't you understand yet! I have no interest in the human testing academy of destiny, and the stupid destiny will only be reduced to history in the final judgment, and no one will care if you have ever existed. "

"But in order to achieve human evolution, triggering the Great Collapse requires a power-up prop, and this prop is under the ground of this academy, and I just came to retrieve it."

Bud Yi: "Props? Could it be the thing you controlled Bronia to find in the church before?"

Kokolia: "That's right, the thing that was supposed to be delivered to the anti-entropy for safekeeping, but it was not successfully recovered because of the careful trick played by the bishop of destiny, and today I just came to get this thing back." "

Kiana: "What the hell is that..... What a thing!"

Kokolia: "It seems that Destiny has not done enough to educate the children he has cultivated, and you don't know that there is such a dangerous bomb hidden under the school where you live." "

"It was the product of the second collapse that erupted back in 2000 -- the Second Lawyer."

Bud Yi looked at Kokolia in surprise, "The second lawyer..."

Although she is also a lawyer, her knowledge of the second lawyer is only in the textbook.

Kokolia: "It seems that the days of peace have made you forget your identity, Raiden Bud Yi." Yes, there is the same thing buried under that church as you, except that you are still alive, and the body under it is just the remains of the Second Lawyer. "

Bud Yi: "These calendars are recorded in the Valkyrie's sources..... In the second collapse that broke out in Siberia in 2000, the Valkyries led by Destiny engaged in a fierce death match with the Second Lawyer, and finally eliminated the Second Lawyer..."

Kokolia snorted and scoffed at Bud Yi's words, "It's capture, not elimination, it's not a good habit to tamper with history." "

Kiana: "Call it a second law or something!" What's the use of that dead stuff .... Belch! Your purpose is definitely more than that!"

Kokolia: "Hmph, I thought that the Valkyries of Destiny were just machines that blindly obeyed orders, it seems that this IQ is not even as good as a machine, it should be called a puppet~"

Kiana: "What do you say!"

Kokolia: "Our purpose has never changed, triggering the Great Collapse and opening the door to the next era." And in order to cause the Great Collapse, two important things are needed, that is, the strongest weapon created by the Collapse to destroy mankind, one is the second law under the cathedral, and the other ... Guess what?"

Kiana: "Another thing..... Could it be?"

At the moment when Kiana was thinking, Xing, who had been silent, suddenly moved his hand and took advantage of the distraction of everyone to control the thunder bud clothes.

Raiden Bud Yi: "Ugh!! "

Kiana: "Senior Sister Nha Yi!?"

Kiana subconsciously raised her weapon and wanted to take the lightning bud back the clothes.

Kokolia: "That's right, that's the third lawyer "Raiden Bud!"

Kiana: "Let go of Senior Sister Bud for me!!"

Rushing towards Xing, Kiana fights alongside Bronia.

After Xing is controlled, it does not hinder the use of her abilities.

Kiana was hit by apricot and let out a mournful cry.


Kokolia looked at the chaotic scene with a smile, "Huh..... That's right, apricot. Unleash the power of gems in your body! You will be your mother's last hope, show your mother the fruits of your growth!"

Xing: "Yes.... Mom. "

Kiana: "Abominable!! I won't let you hurt Senior Sister Bud Yi!!."

Under the determination and unbeatable Xiaoqiang physique, Kiana and Bronia teamed up to defeat Xing.

Bronia caught the unconscious bud and silently retreated behind Kiana.

Xing: "Mom..... I'm sorry... I'm still too weak to even live..."

Kokolia: "Apricot..... Never mind. We'll be relieved right away. Mom will take you to the new one..... There will be no blood and killing there ..... Only endless wheat fields and melodious lullabies in the wind. "

Apricot: The cradle where Apricot hears her mother sing..... Good warm feeling...

Kokolia: "Sleep, the next time you wake up it'll be a new world." "

Xing: "Well, Mom...."

Kiana: "Ahem! Ahem! Woohoo!! Poof!!"

Bud Yi: "Kiana! Brace yourself! Kiana!"

Kiana: "It's over. I said I won't let you destroy everything I love..."

Kokolia: "Hmph, you are still too naïve. When this "Moonlight Throne" arrived in this airspace, everything was already doomed. "

Kokolia: "This furnace named "Sirin" is not only the power core of this battleship, but also the key to opening the door to a new world, the "Law Core" of the Second Lawyer. "

Kiana: "The Lawyer.... Core?"

Kokolia: "Everything is arranged... Whether it is the survival of human beings or the reincarnation of the world, we are just gravel in this turbulent galaxy, no matter how we struggle, we cannot stir up a ripple. "

Kiana: "It's just that you don't want to admit your possibilities..."

Kokolia: "Is it possible?" Then prove it to me..."

Under Kiana's gaze, a smug smile appeared on Kokolia's delicate face.

"Sirin, wake up, my last daughter, pave the way for mom. "


The fusion furnace behind him emitted a burst of purple light.


At the same time, the Moonlight Throne battleship trembled violently, and its hull continued to shake.

Kiana asked in panic, "Ugh! What happened....."

Bronia: "The collapse energy reaction of the giant crack was detected in the power furnace of the Moonlight Throne....... But the power of the battleship stopped, and the Moonlight Throne was falling. "

Kokolia: "Contact with the New World begins..."

"In the light of the recovery of this second lawyer, usher in the final collapse!! Hahahaha!!"

Kokolia laughed maniacally, her eyes full of madness. 】


The corners of the eyes of the Void Law in the space of consciousness twitched.

Although she trusted herself so much that she could destroy the world, it made the Void Law a little happy.

But whoever steps on a horse will be the daughter of this Kokolia!

And is there something wrong with the heads of people from another world!

She knew that her status as an Empty Lawyer was valuable, but she didn't expect that someone would be so bold as to fly all over the sky with her own Lawyer core.

Launch a surprise attack and attack St. Freya Academy in order to find his body.

"Abominable! What are you trying to do to my body! "

The Void Law feels sympathy for himself in another world.

It must not be nice to be remembered about the body every day.

——Promised Land of the Past Life——

"But since it is already considered a corpse, how can it be said that it is captured?"

Padolphyllis scratched his head and asked a little puzzled.

"Maybe, maybe, the body is still there, even if it is not completely wiped out?"

Blinking, the magician who was online again made a little joke.

Eden: "I just didn't expect that humans in another world were so crazy." "

Sakura: "I actually choose to cause the collapse of the world, and such a road to salvation will sooner or later lead to its own destruction." "

A thousand calamities: "Ignorance - arrogance and arrogance - heh, just by her, she is also worthy to save the world, huh -"

Mockery and contempt from a thousand calamities.

With the inscription of salvation, Kevin does not express this.

It's just that Kokolia's description of the collapse caught his attention.

Kevin: "Collapse will continue to evolve with human civilization and will always be one head above humanity." "

Otto: "Collapse will continue to develop with human civilization and will always be one head higher than human beings..."

Supporting his chin, Otto's eyes narrowed slightly.

"It seems that Kokolia in the other world knows a lot of things."

- St. Freya College -

Kiana poked the stunned Bronia, and then was directly photographed by the other party.

Clutching her little paws, Kiana muttered dissatisfiedly.

Bronia: "Mother Kokolia in the other world is really crazy. "

Teresa was also in chaos on the other side, "Celine? We still have this thing underneath St. Freya College! Nope! St. Freya College is just an ordinary school! And even if Celine's body is left, it is not something that can be preserved by a branch of his own, and it will definitely be kept by his grandfather himself! "

"So, what did the grandfather of the other world do to put the body of the Second Law under the Academy of Saint Freya!"

Mind storm, Teresa was almost confused by her various conjectures.

"She mentioned reincarnation just now, could it be that Ms. Kokolia of the other world knows the reincarnation of her own world?"

Raiden Bud Yi grabbed the words and questioned.

"No, it's possible." Fu Huamo clenched his chin and said his conjecture under the gaze of everyone, "According to the previous introduction of the final lawyer, the final lawyer of the other world has destroyed the world twice and is struggling in the third reincarnation. "

"The title of this video is Kiana of Honji, Ragnarok after incarnating as the Ultimate Lawr."

"So, the events that are being broadcast now are closely related to the reason why Kiana became a lawyer, and the time is very close."

"If nothing else, Kiana in the other world is now in the first or second reincarnation, and then dissipates with the collapse in the long years."

"Like we've seen before."

Fu Hua meant something, and everyone fell silent.

After all, you can't choose death freely, and the picture of being manipulated by Honkai to kill your loved ones and friends with your own hands is still vividly remembered.

Looking at Kiana, who is now accompanied by relatives and friends on the screen, and then thinking about Kiana, who is desperate to suicide and regains consciousness, everyone can't help but be silent, and their eyes are full of sympathy and pity.

ps: Ask for votes, ask for rewards, ask for flowers.

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