Complete Body

Chapter 859: : War

"Academician Lu looks like you really have patience, and are so confident that one person and one ship wants to deal with our millions of warships?"

When Mo Qiu led the fleet to appear in front of the Suzaku, he directly connected to the other party's picture. Although he was a little nervous in his heart now, the surface still seemed extremely powerful!

"Master Mo Qiu, millions of ships are not worthy of me too much. Since I am here, I naturally have the ability to cope. But now we need to solve the consequences of this gambling contract. I do n’t know if you can make the decision or say Want to ask the Union Commander? "Luoxi smiled slightly.

"Since I'm here, I naturally have the right to make the decision!" Mo Qiu didn't know why he was a little flustered!

"Can you really be the master?" Luoxi asked afterwards!

"What do you think?" Mo Qiu asked back.

"Since it's not easy to come here, I naturally need to solve all the problems at once. If you can't make the decision, I can wait, and I am willing to give you a chance!" Luoxi's words are very casual, and it sounds like Mo Qiu has chosen a chance. Actually I told the other party that this time, the two sides will absolutely have to solve everything, without any room!

"Listen to what you want, what do you want?" Mo Qiu did not dare to respond at this time, he asked back!

"I said it last time, and of course I still confirm it this time. I won this bet about the Neilian star submitting to the earth people, 10,000 years of the earth! If I lose, just deal with it, I Representing people on earth! "Luoxi said.

"You take humans too seriously, do you think they can be compared with Neil Yaxing?" Mo Qiu's face became very poor.

"It is indeed impossible to compare, but this bet can determine everything. Isn't the winner the king? If you can't decide to apply, I have already said that. You can also choose to retreat, but once you retreat, then you will not be allowed to do so in the future. Anyone who appears in the earth can touch the star field, otherwise I will kill them! "Luoxi said lightly, but his tone seemed extremely domineering.

"You ..., dare to threaten us?" Mo Qiu did not expect that Luoxi would say such a thing.

"Why don't you dare, since we don't have any faces to keep between us, then naturally we must make all the words clear! Of course you can also say it." Luoxi said with no mercy.

"Very good!" Mo Qiu felt that he had fallen off, and he had just said that he could bear any consequences, but he naturally couldn't decide what he proposed by Luoxi, and he needed to report to Shangshuai!

"I have enough patience to wait, don't worry!" Luoxi looked very relaxed!

Faced with the attitude of Luoxi, Mo Qiu said that he was really flustered and surrendered to the people of the earth. It is absolutely impossible for him to make a promise. Once he fails, the Neilian will definitely tear him into pieces!

As a teacher, Mo Qiu has never been so passive. The superior sense of divine civilization makes him feel that there is nothing he cannot do in this universe, overlooking all sentient beings, and dominating hundreds of millions of lives, never It is so!

Looking at Mo Qiu's disappearing figure, Luoxi knows that since the other party has taken this step, the ending will not be under the control of Neilya.

Luoxi is the master of this universe!

Three days later, Master Mo Qiu obviously received criticism from the members of the alliance. No matter how he explained it, this interstellar war would definitely be fought.

Although the detection report was like a heavy hammer that prevented Mo Qiu from breathing, he knew that no matter what, this battle was inevitable!

Faced with the conditions of Luxi, no Neilian star would agree, but now the opponent's one man and one ship's momentum leaves all the guru and the chief fleet captain speechless.

"It seems that your choice is difficult. If you can't bear the consequences, I can understand that you Neiliyaxing can issue a statement that you will not be hostile to the earth in the future!" When Luoxi received Moqiu's connection again, Looking at each other's expressions, you know that this matter not only embarrassed Mo Qiu, but also made Neiliyaxing unable to make a decision!

"You are too arrogant, we will definitely not accept this statement, and we will never die after three days!" Guru Moqiu has been suppressed by other alliance members in the past few days and cannot be justified. Facing this condition of Luxi, Despite their indignation, none of them could stand up and take the challenge of Luxi!

"Endless? It seems that the Neilians are afraid, while I still have patience, you must give me an answer, a choice between winning and losing." Luo Xi stared at the other side and asked.

"We have no answer, we will take extreme measures for your arrogance !!" Guru Moqiu obviously cannot face the aggressiveness of Luxi.

"I understand that since you think you don't need to obey the rules, then I don't need to be kind to you anymore, the Neilians will die in this universe!" Luo Xi stared at Mo Qiu and said one by one.

"Do you think you dominate everything? Accept the madness of the Neilian star!" Guru Moqiu said aloud!

After Mo Qiu's figure disappeared, the Neilya star fleet immediately started with full force ~ ~ The powerful defense network issued by the shield ship protected all the attack ships in it, and the huge planetary mothership exuded the power. Let the whole starry sky tremble!

"Since you are not willing to accept my proposal, then you must bear all the next!" Luoxi looked at the millions of warships that were being enclosed by the speed, and the expression of Luxi looked cruel!

A few minutes later, hundreds of millions of carrier-based planes flew towards the Suzaku, like a huge mouth that devoured everything, unstoppable!

The Suzaku did not have any evasion, but it still docked quietly in the starry sky. In the face of such a number of carrier aircraft, it did not retreat in the slightest!

Instantly tens of thousands of high-energy beams directly hit the Suzaku, and the millions of kilometers of large beams of light formed illuminated half of the starry sky!

After the light disappeared, the golden Suzaku docked in the starry sky without damage. Obviously the first round of fire did not pose any threat to it!

"This!" Although Mo Qiu had prepared in his heart before, the scene he was actually seeing still shocked him!

At this time, when the Neilian star saw the scene in front of the observation ship carrying countless core members, everyone could not speak.

They have also experienced countless galaxy wars, and have seen extremely powerful opponents. If the planetary carrier can withstand the fire of hundreds of millions of attack ships, they believe!

But the shuttle in front of him also did this. Although the previous data report made them ready, they were still shocked when the real picture appeared!

"It seems everything is true, **** Mo Qiu!" Someone directly blamed Mo Qiu!

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