Complete Body

Chapter 860: : Contract of offer

This is a galaxy war without suspense. If millions of warships are chasing each other and attacking this is a matter of course, then a shuttle machine in front of him actually returns the powerlessness of an elite fleet. There is absolutely no civilization. Believe!

The golden light was extremely dazzling, and painted the most cool traces in the starry sky. After each attack of the Suzaku, there were always countless Nierya Xingrao warships exploding.

At the beginning, the crew of Neilya Xingrao could also attack with the rich combat experience and the Suzaku, but slowly the mentality of each crew member changed drastically. When facing an indestructible ship, What is emerging in the hearts of the crew is despair and helplessness!

After half an hour, more than 60,000 attack ships disappeared into the starry sky. After a while, nearly 200,000 ships sent out the most beautiful fireworks.

Looking at the warships that consumed extremely fast, Mo Qiu's face was extremely pale, and the cruel facts were bloodier than expected!

Even a close-knit galaxy war cannot have such a large loss rate. What a shuttle brings to them exceeds their cognition!

"Master Mo Qiu, let's retreat quickly, otherwise the entire fleet will be destroyed. This shuttle is terrible. We have never been in such a situation. All our attacks are ineffective and simply exceed our technological level! "

"Master Mo Qiu, now the other party's offensive frequency is getting faster and faster. At this speed, after three hours, our fleet will be completely lost! Mine, why do you encounter such terrible earth people!"

"Call the main fleet, the right wing begins to retreat, we can't resist the other's attack, the **** shuttle is too powerful!"

In the cockpit of the main battle planetary carrier, all the information was extremely chaotic, and the crew and commanders began to flee the battlefield.

"Everyone, let Master Mo Qiu accept the truce, we are willing to accept any conditions on earth!"

In the observation ship, Neilia Xingrao was also aware of such an outcome for the first time, and decided to order peace!

"Dear marshal, if you accept the truce, you will serve the Earth in the next 10,000 years. Even if we agree, how will the Galaxy Alliance reply?" Someone asked.

"Strength is everything, who of you can stop her? The armistice is just an amnesty. If the other party gets into our mother star, do you think the Galaxy Alliance will send fleet assistance? Or will they resist the shuttle attack?" The handsome coach said in a deep voice.

"But this is too suffocating, **** Mo Qiu, it seems that he should be sent to Xingnuxing to transform!"

"He is not wrong, what is wrong is that we met an earth man who should not deal with it! Surrender is not the result, but another beginning!"


'S decision to let the core members feel helpless.

When Mo Qiu heard this instruction, the whole person was stunned. Although he knew that the confrontation would not change the cruel ending, but the coach decided to negotiate and meant that the Neilian star would really submit to Under the low-order earth.

Mo Qiu was too unwilling, and even more terrifying, he also foresees his own ending!

Nilya Xingrao fleet withdrew from the battlefield, Luoxi did not pursue, she knew that she wanted to achieve the goal.

It didn't take long for Guru Mo Qiu to appear in front of her with a frustrated face.

"Master Mo Qiu, are you gathering the fleet and launching a new round of fire attack?" Luo Xi looked at Mo Qiu Road.

"You ...! In order to avoid more casualties, we decided to accept your conditions!" Mo Qiu stared at Luoxi with extreme resentment!

"Oh! The Neilians are willing to surrender at the foot of the earth?" Luoxi said calmly.

"Yes! We didn't lose, we just didn't want to lose any more!" Mo Qiu tried to get his self-esteem back!

"No matter what reasons you have, since I am willing to choose a truce, I naturally accept it! However, I need to get your commander's consent contract, otherwise there is no proof!" Luoxi Road.

"Do you still want to give a contract?" Mo Qiu did not expect that Luoxi actually thought of this!

"This is natural. In case you repent and attack the solar system, even if I win this bet now, but the entire solar system is destroyed, I am the last loser!" Luoxi replied.

"But I can't take the lead in giving the contract" Mo Qiu was a little embarrassed!

"You can pass on my proposal. Since you want to solve the problem, you must be more thorough. Of course, if you don't want it, I won't force it. But maybe Neilyastar has irreparable losses. You can't blame me!" Luoxi Looked at each other and said leisurely.

In the face of the dripping water from Luxi, Mo Qiu knew that this matter could not be ended!

"How is this possible, and I still want to grant a contract. The commander's oral truce is already the greatest favor. Unless the other party is also a god-level civilization, the contract can be made!"

"But we are now asking for a truce, and although the requirements of the consent contract are a bit excessive, it is a guarantee!"

"I now suspect that this earthman ~ ~ encountered more than our imagination during the decade of disappearance, otherwise how could such a shuttle be built! If the contract is given to them, give them a copy Guarantee, we might as well get a benefit! "

When the core members of these observing ships were informed that Luoxi needed to grant a contract, some captains of the fleet immediately objected, but some of them looked farther and naturally willing to accept!

"Also, I am afraid that this matter will not be known to other civilizations and races, if we and the earth people agree to a contract, they can become our secret weapon!" There is the captain of the general fleet.

"Do you think she will agree?" Guru Mo Qiu first questioned.

"There is nothing impossible in this universe, if we can provide assistance to the people of the earth, in case we will encounter a dilemma in the future!" The captain replied.

"If we have this idea, simply put it forward, it can also be one of the terms of the grant contract!"

"I think this earthman is not a difficult person, she will naturally also consider the benefit relationship of this clause to both parties! In fact, we will counterattack regardless of everything, the solar system will definitely be destroyed, no matter how powerful she is, it is impossible to protect the entire earth Safe! We can re-establish the center of power on other planets even if Neilia is destroyed! This cannot be done by humans! "

Obviously, after this interstellar war without suspense, Neilya Xing Rao the wise man made the right choice. After all, he can achieve the ultimate goal in the most peaceful way. Why not do it!

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