Comprehension Against The Sky, Graduation Project Nantianmen Project!

Chapter 108 Controllable Thermonuclear Fusion And Chips! New Idea Of ​​Mecha Device! [3 Requests For

Trinity Industrial Group.

building no.1.

Project meeting room.

Sitting next to Sun Xiaoyu were Zhao Fei, Yang Hui and Luo Man.

Looking at Luo Fei sitting on the main seat, talking with eloquence and passion.

For a while, I couldn't help being a little stunned.

Is this person really our strong Luo Fei?

That, junior brother Luo Fei who blushed when he first entered the lab and introduced himself.

That, when he first came to the lab, he didn't like to talk, and he only knew how to bury his head in the work assigned to him?

He unexpectedly transformed into the chairman of the Three Body Industry Group!

Be their "boss"!

The change in life came so unexpectedly, so suddenly.

For a moment, let them be a little skeptical.

This is true.

Or is it a dream?

"Senior Brother Zhao Fei."

At this time, Luo Fei suddenly mentioned Zhao Fei.

Still using the school's title, without calling Director Zhao the "position":

"The next period of time..."

"Probably within three months, I will spend more time here in Jinling."

"During this time, we have worked together to push forward the experimentation and research and development of TGL-1 materials as much as possible.

TGL-1 is the name of carbon fiber steel aluminum alloy composite material.

Different from the international common naming rules, Luo Fei is directly replaced by the first letter of pinyin.

Zhao Fei nodded and said:

"The experimental equipment and equipment have been debugged, and the experiment can be started.

He also has great expectations for this project.

If the results are achieved, not to mention success and fame, but it is the impact of this material on the aerospace industry.

It is impossible to limit!

Luo Fei nodded, looked at Yang Hui again, and said:

"Brother Yang Hui, you don't have any projects for now."

"My suggestion is to continue to study this graphene material and move towards the direction of carbon-based chips.

"It's kind of hard, but it can be tried."

Yang Hui nodded, not knowing what to say.

After a while, Tuan said:

"I'll try my best. The current characteristics of this material are still too vague."

"In addition, if there is research in the direction of chips, should some equipment be added?"

Good guy!

Add equipment as soon as you open your mouth.

Luo Fei smiled and nodded, saying:

"This meeting will be discussed again. In principle, it will be made up if necessary."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Senior Sister Luo Man who was "fooled" by Senior Brother Zhao Fei, and said:

"Senior Sister, you can work with Brother Zhao Fei on the research and development of TGL-1 materials for the time being."

"If there is a new aerospace material research and development project that needs to be opened in the future, you will be in charge.

Roman nodded, raised his eyebrows, and said:

"Okay, I'll listen to the boss' arrangement!"

Luo Fei shook his head with a smile, looked at the four of An Xin on the other side, and said:

"How are the 03-A1 and 03-B1 projects going?"

03-A1 is the military exoskeleton armor item 293.

03-B1 is a civilian exoskeleton device project.

An Xin immediately replied:

"The research and development of 03-B1 is progressing well, and the speed of 03-A1 is a little slower.

"Right now, 80% of the mechanical part of 03-B1 has been completed.

"Several other big items are being superimposed with more data processing."

"Overall, 03-B1 can be completed within a week, and start-up experiments can begin.

"03-A1 is still two weeks away."

This progress is still good.

In just over three weeks, An Xin and the others have formed a research and development team of thirty people.

It also pushed the two exoskeleton projects for military and civilian use to this point.

Luo Fei couldn't help but nodded, and asked:

"Have you run into any trouble?"

After speaking, he immediately added:

"Well, if there is a problem."

"After the meeting, I will go to your mecha research and development center in the next two days.

An Xin nodded.

They did not address specific issues directly at the meeting.

The meeting is almost over here.

Luo Fei closed the notebook, glanced over everyone's face, and finally said:

"Currently, the group is a start-up with few projects and few talents."

"However, the more this is the case, the more effort is required from everyone!"

"Once the company's two major projects are completed, it will be the time for Santi Industry to fully exert its strength!"

"Everyone, come on!"


Suddenly there was applause.

Luo Fei froze for a moment, it was Roman who clapped.

Everyone was also taken aback.

next moment.

"Crack clap clap!"

There was a neat applause in the meeting room.

Although there are not many people, it is very enthusiastic.

after the meeting.

Luo Fei returned to his office.

Start to think about which R&D centers and R&D teams need to be added to the Three Body Group.

Xuannv generation machine.

That is, the research and development of Xuannv No. 1 will be moved here soon.

The same is true for the Baidi generation machine.

The question now is whether to engage in the research and development of the second-generation Xuannv machine?

Xuannv No. 1 has not yet started mass production.

After all, he had just completed two full-cycle single-task experimental projects for four weeks.

A new round of data analysis is also required.

Another reason.

It is the new carbon fiber steel aluminum alloy composite material TGL-1, whether it can be developed in time.

Then it was used in the production of Xuannv No. 1 star.


After the TGL-1 material was developed.

There is also a question of line design.

Just like the (ccee) LF-1 material that has been developed for more than half a year, there is also a new stealth coating material.

Years later, the production line was finally designed and mass-produced.

In addition to the above.

Luo Fei now has two non-personal projects, and he is hesitant about how to make efforts.

One is the controlled thermonuclear fusion project.

One is the chip project.

These two projects, in addition to the establishment of two new R & D teams.

It's a question of direction.

Controllable thermonuclear fusion is okay.

Chips are a big problem.

The current preliminary idea is to make carbon-based chips.

But whether it is carbon-based or silicon-based, the underlying logic of the two chips is the same.

So Luo Fei still has an idea of ​​wanting to completely bypass this underlying logic.

But there is currently no other direction.

Think for a while.

Luo Fei decided to form a team for the time being, and then set a direction after having a team.

So I called Yang Xiaozhi and asked her to come over.

At the same time, there is Sun Xiaoyu.

After both of them came, Luo Fei said directly:

"The company now needs to set up two R&D centers."

"One is the controllable thermonuclear fusion research and development center, and the other is the chip research and development center."

Sun Xiaoyu nodded.

Yang Xiaozhi was a little surprised, and said:

"I understand the chip."

"Is controlled thermonuclear fusion the thing I know?"

Although Yang Xiaozhi knows a lot of things.

But she didn't know anything about Jinwu.

So I don't know that the problem of controllable cold nuclear fusion has now been solved.

Moreover, both miniaturization and miniaturization have been solved.

Luo Fei nodded and said:

"The project of controllable thermonuclear fusion must be carried out.

"This is not only a project I want to work on personally, but also an opinion from above."

Yang Xiaozhi opened his mouth, finally nodded and said:

"I get it, and I'll be reaching out to people in both fields as soon as possible.


Seeing Yang Xiaozhi understand the importance of the matter, Luo Fei said:

"Xiaoyu, laugh, you guys should give the domestic laboratories in these two fields a thorough investigation as soon as possible.

"If possible, just like the exoskeleton R&D team, directly hire a team.

"At worst, we need to recruit a few capable R&D personnel who can be in charge."

The second daughter received the task and started to do it.

Luo Fei went to the Tianma laboratory located in the basement of Building 1.

Tianma Laboratory today.

The overall area is much larger than the original Tianma Laboratory in Pantao Laboratory.

The equipment is also more complete.

It is no exaggeration to say that Luo Fei can almost complete the manufacture of a Xuannv fighter here!

Of course, there is also a yellow box.

However, now that Luo Fei came to Tianma Lab, he didn't continue to study riding the yellow armor.

Just take a look at it out of habit.

Then he left Tianma Lab.

Armor R&D Center.

The appearance of Luo Fei made the other 20 people respond besides An Xin.

There was an uproar.

"Is this our boss?"

"It's too young, isn't it? It can't be a rich second generation, right?"

"I feel a little familiar, as if I've seen it somewhere!"

"Really? It seems that I also feel a little familiar... Fuck! It's him! Graphene magic horn!"

"Oh my god! Really! Luo Fei, Luo Fei, yes, why didn't I think of that?"

"So, our boss is also engaged in scientific research?"

In these whispered discussions.

Luo Fei saw the civilian exoskeleton device 03-A1, which was 80% completed.

Same as An Yi said.

Progress is really good.

Except for the mechanics part.

Control system, sensor system, drive system and power system.

It also unfolded well.

"What are the problems now?"

Luo Fei came here, not only to confirm the progress, but also to solve the problem.

An Xin's team is strong enough.

Most of the problems have been solved internally, but there is still a problem.

There is no solution yet.

Anxin said:

"Now it's motion capture, and one are.

"Too much data to process."

"That requires a powerful processor, which is no small problem."

Luo Fei nodded.

This problem is not too different from the problem he encountered in the current yellow battle armor.

However, the requirements and usage scenarios of the two are different.

After a while, Luo Fei said:

"I think you guys are overcomplicating things."

"Does the exoskeleton device necessarily need to complete very complex and delicate movements?"

"My suggestion is that there can be, but it is not necessary for the time being."

An Xin nodded subconsciously, thoughtfully.

The three of Jin Lei were puzzled for a moment, and they also thought of something. They looked at 03-A1 thoughtfully.

The other R&D team members were puzzled.

What does it mean to have, but not necessary?

Does the exoskeleton device not need to complete very complicated instructions and is suitable for more usage scenarios?


Seeing An Xin's eyes gradually brighten up, Luo Fei said:

"The process of research and development, the way of thinking has to be changed."

"Your thinking now is, with control

A system that gives instructions to mechanical devices to make them act.

"no problem."

"But it's more like a robot idea than an exoskeleton."

"The development of the exoskeleton, the mechanical drive itself, is valuable.

"Don't blindly let the control system give all the instructions."

"Instead, the control system works with the mechanical drive to direct the movement of the mechanism.

The research and development ideas mentioned by Luo Fei.

An Xin couldn't help but nodded, and said:

"I know what to do.

Luo Fei smiled and said:

"Well, tell me."

"Simplify instructions, optimize instructions!"

An Xin said two words and said:

"Simplified instructions refer to simplifying many complex movements into some simple movement instructions."

"The optimization instruction is that the use of people has not been considered before."

"The next thing I want to do is to combine the active instructions of people with the instructions of the control system.

to be honest.

It is to design the exoskeleton device so that it is not so smart.

The specific logic is this-

When a person uses an exoskeleton device, he has to lift his feet to walk.

The control system will receive this instruction.

Then, the control system analyzes the instruction and issues the instruction about lifting the feet and walking in the control system.

In general.

It is the exoskeleton device under this research and development idea.

Not to move with the heart, but to move with the movement.

At this time, a member of the R&D team raised his hand and asked doubtfully:

"If you do this, will you be a little behind?"

"After all, the current mainstream research and development of exoskeleton armor is all developed in the direction of conscious robots.

"And what we did was purely an unconscious dead thing."

Many people also think so.

Luo Fei didn't speak, but looked at An Xin.

It is better for him to explain this kind of problem himself.

Well, Luo Fei also learned this method of bringing projects from Professor Cheng.

An Xin then said:

"Whether you are behind or not depends on which angle you look at it from."

"What we're doing is an exoskeleton device, not a robotic exoskeleton."

"It is true that the current mainstream design concept is to design a highly intelligent thing.

"It only needs the user to issue an instruction, and it can take corresponding actions, just like a tool man."

Everyone nodded.

The mainstream R&D thinking is indeed like this.

An Xin said:

"However, let me ask you a question."

"If you are a disabled person with limited mobility, such as paralyzed legs."

"In this case, you want to watch a robot move more freely than yourself."

"Or because there is a device that can help you walk freely?"

Everyone couldn't help being taken aback.

After assuming in my heart, I suddenly found out.

As long as it is not a person who really wants to lie still, no one will refuse to walk upright, right?

Lying in bed, or sitting in a wheelchair.

After all, I will feel like a useless person.

And to be able to walk, to walk like a normal person, is a normal person!

Figure this out.

Many people's thinking quickly changed.

Seeing this, Luo Fei also nodded in satisfaction, saying:

"Good, keep going."

"For the 03-B1 project, you should try to advance the progress as much as possible."

An Xin responded with a full mouth, saying:

"According to the current research and development ideas."

"In a week, the first-generation finished products of 03-A1 and 03-B1 should be able to be produced!"

Come out of the Mech R&D Center.

Luo Fei went directly to Brother Zhao Fei's Aerospace Materials R&D Center.

Compared with the internal and external skeleton device project.

Luo Fei is more concerned about the projects of Senior Brother Zhao Fei.

It is also the most difficult project so far.

After research and development, it is also a project with the highest value.

Because in Luo Fei's opinion.

Materials are the foundation of future technologies.

Without materials, there is no future!

Unless, Luo Fei is now starting to change the thinking of research and development, personally targeting alien colonization.

Set up a base on the moon, or farther away on Mars, and live happily.

Then leave the earth people on the earth.

And develop an AI virtual game similar to the number one player, let them indulge in it.

Forget everything about the real world!

Even, like the Matrix, people on Earth can be used as nourishment.

Sounds like a sci-fi movie, but it's not impossible.

After all, data is also a kind of nourishment!


Luo Fei quickly put aside these dangerous thoughts.

Looking at the experimental design process written on the blackboard in the laboratory, I asked:

"Have you found a way to induce the formation of B2 crystals?"

"Not yet."

Zhao Fei shook his head and said:

"At present, there are several general ideas, and I am preparing to discuss them with you, and then start the experiment.

"Okay, let's discuss it then. 27

Continuous bursts of updates, a little tired! This chapter is an hour later than scheduled! Sorry!

PS. The next chapter is at 15:00 pm! Good afternoon!!.

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