Comprehension Against The Sky, Graduation Project Nantianmen Project!

Chapter 109 Nano Robots! Luo Fei's Scientific Talent! [4 For Custom Order For Full Order]

"The first type of thought is this.

Brother Zhao Fei drew a circle on a noun on the whiteboard and said:

"It's the idea of ​​using an inducer as you said."

"Inducing the formation process of B2 crystals, and their distribution during formation.

"I thought of three inducers that might work, and Roman thought of one."

"However, whether these four inducers can play a role depends on the experimental results.

Luo Fei nodded.

Material development is like this, ideas are on paper.

Only by falling into the experiment can we verify whether this idea is correct or not.


After careful observation of this train of thought, these several inducers-after.

The heaven-defying perception has not been triggered, and Luo Fei has some doubts that these four inducers may not have any effect.

In other words, the effect is average.

But the specific effect depends on the experimental results.


Luo Fei sighed slightly inwardly.

There are still some limitations to this hack of heaven-defying perception.

It is not as powerful as those systems that directly do tasks for lottery, or buy skills or blueprints with points.

Shake your head.

Get rid of this thought of lack of heart.

Luo Fei asked:

"You said that the first type of thinking is the thinking of the inducer.

"Is the second type of idea the research and development idea of ​​a non-inducer?"


Hearing Luo Fei ask this, Zhao Fei couldn't help but smile a little, and said:

"The formation of B2 crystals is at the microscopic level."

"But the same thing, I think it can be thought of as growing crops."

"Like sesame."

"When planting, they are planted one by one, but when they mature, they are planted one by one."

"In the middle, there were several thinning processes.

"And my thoughts."

"It is to use the method of thinning to disperse the crowded B2 crystals."

Zhao Fei said at the same time.

Draw diagrams on the other whiteboard.

have to say.

This idea is very bold, or very novel.

Luo Fei hadn't thought of it before.


Luo Fei frowned and looked at the diagram for a while, then said:

"So, in fact, your idea is not to induce the formation of B2 crystals.

"It's a rearrangement and combination of naturally formed B2 crystals, right?"

Zhao Fei was stunned for a moment, nodded and said:

"Well, it is indeed such an operation.

"Then it's a little too difficult."

Luo Fei didn't say no, it was just theoretically analyzed:

"Inducing the formation of B2 crystals with an inducer [albeit a microscopic response."

"But in terms of operation, we still operate from a macro perspective."

"And the second way of thinking you mentioned is purely an operation on the micro level."

"Even at the atomic level."

"Moreover, it also involves the rearrangement and combination of B2 crystals, how to control it?"

"Do you use a computer?"

Luo Fei thinks that this idea is less a fantasy

Not to mention, whether it is possible to manually manipulate the B2 crystal at the microscopic level of the atom.

Or computer intelligence.

The single condition for the formation of B2 crystals is to fuse aluminum and iron atoms, which requires high temperature.

There is no way to operate!

Zhao Fei also opened his mouth, and suddenly realized that it seemed that there was really no way to operate it.

At this time, Roman suddenly said:

"Then is there a way to use an inducer?"

"Like the kinesins in our bodies that move things around, move these B2 crystals?"

"Then give these porters a programming treatment."

"That way, it can transport the B2 crystals into the right place and form new arrangements."

Zhao Fei's eyes lit up first.

Then it went dark.

This idea is very creative, but it is still impossible to implement.

Not to mention what kind of porters are needed during the formation of B2 crystals, this can be done.

It is the kinesin in the human body, the complex mechanical structure, there is no way to make it!

On that tiny scale.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fei smiled bitterly and said:

"Roman, the porter you're talking about is probably a nanorobot, right?"

Roman nodded.

Nano-robots are not her field of research, but she has also come into contact with some.

That's why I came up with this idea.

Luo Fei also found it interesting.

But just for fun.

Because nano-robots are still a theoretical thing right now.

In the laboratory, it is said that there is no mass production.

Even if one or two are made, most of them cannot handle the B2 crystals.

Because of this crystal, it is very tough.

Let a nanorobot about the size of the B2 crystal go in, and it's hard to say whether it can pull the B2 crystal.

But at this moment!

The voice of AI intelligent space suddenly sounded in Luo Fei's mind!

And, it's a series!


【By observing the induction scheme for the formation of B2 crystals in steel and aluminum alloys, you have an epiphany, and you know the principle of inducing B2 crystals and the manufacturing method of the inducer!】


【By observing the handling scheme of B2 crystals formed in steel and aluminum alloys, you have an epiphany, and you know the principle of handling B2 crystals and the manufacturing method of nanorobots!】


Luo Fei was dumbfounded.

Damn, is this too exaggerated?

Feeling the sudden influx of a large number of manufacturing methods for B2 crystal inducers and B2 crystal transporting nanorobots in the brain.

Luo Fei was completely dumbfounded.

He still thinks nothing about the method of making the inducer.

But this B2 crystal-carrying nanorobot, "It's a bit against the sky!


It is indeed a heaven-defying perception!

Luo Fei clenched his fist lightly, feeling ecstasy in his heart.

Then, start looking.

I want to know why the synthesis scheme of two kinds of steel and aluminum alloys was given at once.

After all, in Luo Fei's opinion.

If the handling plan is feasible, the induction plan is not necessary anyway.

After reading it.

Luo Fei suddenly realized.


These two schemes involve one of the most serious problems.

cost problem!

With his current understanding of the principles of the two schemes and methods of manufacturing inducers or nanorobots.

If the induction program is used.

The performance of the manufactured TGL-1 material can meet the theoretical requirements.

Moreover, the cost is also controllable.

Mass production is possible.

But the scheme of transporting nanorobots with B2 crystals.

Although the performance needs to be improved by an order of magnitude.

But the cost.

Under the current conditions, it is almost uncontrollable!

In other words, it can only be done in the laboratory, or produced in very small quantities.

It cannot be mass-produced at all!

Unable to mass produce.

This is a key to limiting material development.

Because whether it's Xuannv, Baidi, or even Thunderbird, Luanniao and Chengying after that.

And his own yellow battle armor.

Both require a large amount of TGL-1 materials with tons as the basic unit of measurement!


Luo Fei thought about it, a small amount of production can also play a big role!

At this moment, Zhao Fei saw Luo Fei staring at the whiteboard without speaking.

I thought he was thinking of something else.

then asked:

"Luo Fei, do you have any other ideas?"

Roman also looked at Luo Fei.

She was very curious about how this junior brother had such a great research and development talent!

I am also curious as to why Zhao Fei, as a senior brother, followed suit.

Luo Fei came back to his senses, took a deep breath gently, and said:

"The idea of ​​the inducer is good, and the idea of ​​the porter is also amazing.

"However, the difficult problem now is the choice of inducer."

"There are also porters, which is the research and development of nano-robots that Senior Sister Roman said.

Zhao Fei and Roman nodded.

Indeed, these two schemes sound very simple.

But it is extremely complicated to operate.

Moreover, there is a key problem.

Whether it is an inducer or a nano-robot, they can at least withstand high temperatures above 1500 degrees.

It's not that there are no materials that can do it.

It's a material that they can currently think of that can withstand such high temperatures.

That is to say, those four inducers are not sure whether they will be effective.

At this time, Luo Fei picked up the marker pen.

Under three of the inducers on the whiteboard, write a few percentages and say:

"I have an idea."

"With this ratio, these three inducers are synthesized into a new inducer."

"Theoretically speaking, the probability of achieving effective induction of B2 crystals is higher.

Zhao Fei and Roman frowned at the three proportions.

To be honest, they knew that this could indeed synthesize a new induction material.

But, theoretically, how can it be deduced?

I have no idea at all.

However, even if Luo Fei said this idea is feasible, it’s okay to try it.

Roman thought for a while and asked:

"Luo Fei, how do you feel, it seems that you have a powerful computer in your brain that can process data?"

"In the previous research and development of LF-1 material, you also provided the theoretical ratio."

"And that ratio, I studied it later, is the most reasonable ratio!"

Zhao Fei never thought about it.

At this time, I also felt incredible, saying:

"Another point is that in materials science, many theories are relatively simple."

"To be honest, I really haven't seen anyone who can predict the performance of material experiments!"

Luo Fei smiled.

He said the excuse that he had thought of a long time ago, and said:

"In the previous interview with Yang Ma, I said a word, I don't know if you still remember it?"

"Which name?"

Zhao Fei shook his head.

How could Luo Fei remember what he said for several minutes?

His impression of that interview was only envy and checkers.

Roman also shook his head.

Luo Fei grinned and said:

"I said at the time that I couldn't simulate the trajectory of electrons in my brain."

"Actually, I can!"


Zhao Fei and Roman were puzzled, then shocked.

How can this be?

In the brain, simulate the trajectory of electrons?

Supercomputers don't dare to be so arrogant, do they?

Seeing that the two didn't believe it, Luo Fei said:

"I don't know why."

"Probably because I have a better understanding of the trajectory of electrons."

"And simulating the trajectory of electrons in the brain is different from simulating on a computer.

...asking for flowers...

"I don't need a lot of calculations, just a general impression."

"Like these three inducers."

After synthesis, I have a general image of the internal atomic composition.

"How the atoms are arranged, how they move, how the weak mutual force works..."

Hear here.

Zhao Fei frowned and thought about it, nodded, shook his head again, and said:

"I can also figure out how the atoms are arranged."

"But the trajectories of the rearranged atoms still have weak mutual forces."

"This is simply unimaginable!"

Roman asked Luo Fei, saying:

"Are you serious about what you said?"

Luo Fei nodded.

Roman was speechless, then shocked, and said:


"Junior Brother Luo Fei, you are so awesome!"

"Some numerologists can calculate formulas in their brains. I already think it's amazing."

"You can calculate the synthesis of compounds in your brain!"

"This is no longer simply awesome!"

"This is pervert!"

Roman's series of awesome words, and the last sentence is abnormal.

It made Luo Fei face black.

Zhao Fei said with emotion:

"It can only be said that this is a very special scientific research talent!"

"In even more irresponsible terms, this is a super scientific intuition!"

After speaking.

Zhao Fei shook his head, no longer entangled in this shocking matter, and replied:

"And what about this nanorobot?"

"Luo Fei, you don't want to tell me that you also have the idea of ​​making nano-robots?"

Of course there is!

But Luo Fei didn't say it directly, but said:

"I'm still very interested in nanorobots, and I'm going to study them."

"Even if it cannot be used in the research and development process of TGL-1 materials, it can still be used in other research and development projects."

Not good!

Zhao Fei didn't know why, but he felt relieved.

But immediately, feeling a little lost again, said:

"Although the handling scheme of nanorobots is difficult, if it is feasible."

"The performance of the TGL-1 material we developed must be even more terrifying!"

"Moreover, we can also design the arrangement of B2 crystals, so as to obtain materials with different properties!"

Luo Fei and Roman couldn't help but nodded at the same time.

If the arrangement and combination of B2 crystals can be designed, the properties of the material can indeed be manipulated at will.

And, imagine something bolder.

There are many experiments at the microscopic level, which can also be operated with nanorobots.

Of course.

Things are not as simple as imagined.

Whether the rearranged B2 crystal can stabilize its position is also a big question.

The same is true for other experiments.

There is a weak mutual force between atoms, if they are too far away, the force will disappear, and if they are too close, they will repel.

"No more nanobots!"

Zhao Fei clapped his hands suddenly and said:

"Since the inducer solution is the most reasonable."

"Then let's start the experiment, first synthesize Luo Fei's inducer.

"Five inducers, that is, at least five sets of control experiments."

"It's a lot of work to do it!"

Speaking of which.

Zhao Fei took a look in the laboratory, there was less than one experimental tool person.

He said helplessly:

"It would be nice if it was near Huagong University."

"Otherwise, your senior brother and I will give an order in the school, and tens of hundreds of people will come to work!"

You are bragging!

Luo Fei ignored Zhao Fei's arrogance and said:

"Then work hard, brother and sister, one person can be used as two people.

"I'll look back and think of a way. Can the professor get us some people?"

Hear Luo Fei's words.

Zhao Fei and Roman were speechless for a while.

Who could have imagined that Luo Fei actually invited Professor Cheng, the giant Buddha?

Although they don't often stay in Jinling's Santi Industrial Group, after all, there is an experimental base to be responsible for.

However, how much influence will an academician of the two academies have on a newly established group!

Just think about it and you will know.

"so be it."

Luo Fei felt that there should be no business of his own here for the time being, so he said:

"I still have some confidential projects to do, so I won't do experiments with you."

"Okay, you go."

The two have no opinion.

However, Roman still opened his mouth, wanting to ask:

"That Xuannv No. 1, was it developed by your Pantao laboratory?"

Roman is not just guessing.

Instead, she discovered that the security of the Pantao laboratory was stricter than that of the entire experimental base.

Combined with some news.

And Luo Fei is now the chairman of Santi Industrial Group, a company that must have an official nature.

She had this impossible guess.

But in the end still did not ask.

Because if it was true, if she asked, it might cause trouble.

If not, there is no use asking.

Luo Fei, who left the aerospace research and development center, didn't know that Roman actually had such a guess.

He is now standing at a fork in the road, not knowing where to go next!

I am asking for a reward from a handsome reader with a lot of money, and a monthly ticket, thank you!!

PS. The next chapter will be updated at 17:00 3!.

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