Comprehension Against The Sky, Graduation Project Nantianmen Project!

Chapter 133 Aerospace Transport Plane! Comprehensive Sanctions Against Huaxia! [7 For Custom Order F

Dinner is a simple celebration feast.

Captain Hu ate the food in twos and twos, and then went back to write flight experience materials.

Luo Fei asked to write as detailed as possible.

This is no small task.

Because Baidi No. 1 still needs to do testing immediately after the test flight, as well as collect various flight data.

So everyone hastily ended the flight test - the celebration banquet.

after dinner.

Luo Fei, who was queued out of work, and the war situation slipped on the airport runway.

Luo Fei looked up at the stars in the sky and said:

“I found that I still like it here.

Zhan Si also looked up at the starry sky, and said half aloud:

"It seems that your usual living conditions are not too different from here."

"When I was with you last week, every time I looked for you, I said that you were doing experiments in your own laboratory."

Luo Fei smiled.

It seems to be the case.

Zhan Si looked at Luo Fei and said:

"You don't have to push yourself so hard."

"The Nantianmen plan is grand."

"The more ambitious it is, I hope that you, the person in charge, will always be in charge of the lower levels."

"You see what I mean?"

The war situation has contacted many people engaged in scientific research.

There are also the same as Luo Fei.

But these people will not be like this all year round, every day.

Basically, every time it is a critical time for research, I will forget to eat and sleep, and often stay up all night.

And what about Luo Fei?

Although it is not sleepless nights, staying up all night.

But it seems that apart from scientific research, he has no life of his own.

In other words, scientific research is his life.

The battle situation is very worrying, if this continues, can one person survive?

He felt that Luo Fei seemed to be burning himself desperately.

Think about it.

Luo Fei said:

"Battle situation, this year is the 65th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China."

War situation nodded.

He didn't interrupt either, he was giving an introduction first.

Sure enough, I heard Luo Fei say:

"My wish is to wait until the founding of the People's Republic of China for a hundred years.

"We can already drive the Luanniao space platform and sail into the depths of the universe."

"Our generation is lucky to see further into the future.

"So, I hope to touch the future."

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and continued to look at the starry sky, and asked a question:

"Zhan Si, can you understand what I mean?"

The war situation said nothing more.

he said.

I hope that Luo Fei will take care of himself and not let his body collapse.

And what Luo Fei said.

It is because I will not let my body become a drag, so that I cannot go to the stars and the sea.

Neither of them spoke anymore.

Walking under the quiet night sky.


Luo Fei thought of an idea that he had thought of before.

He spoke again and said:

"I want to add a small plan to the Nantianmen project."

"It's called the Gypsophila Project."

"The goal is to have our satellites, from low-Earth orbit to high-Earth orbit, cover the entire sky!"

The battle situation is silly.

Luo Fei said, he said directly, saying:

"Okay, why do you want to launch satellites all of a sudden?"

"Our satellites are still too few."

When Luo Fei remembered the test flight, Feng Jiu reminded Yingjiang that the satellite was monitoring, and said:

"Let's not talk about it, it will develop into the aerospace stage in the future.

"A large number of satellites are definitely needed as communication base stations for aerospace vehicles."

"Just now, don't you think hygiene is not enough?"

"Before Xuannv cruised around the world, the Beidou satellite was almost operating at full capacity.

The battle was silent.

Compared with Ugly Country, China's satellites are indeed pitifully few.

But the Gypsophila project?

From low-earth orbit to far-earth orbit, full of satellites?

Although the battle situation is clear, Luo Fei's words must be exaggerated.

But, it's also pretty scary.

It sounds a bit like a satellite version of the Dyson sphere project.

However, after thinking about it, I still asked:

"Do you want to use the Three Body Industry Group as the main body?

"Engage in this star-filled project?"

sharp enough.

Luo Fei smiled and nodded, saying:

"Commercial use of satellites is definitely a major trend in the future."

"The sooner we start, the sooner we can occupy the tracks."

"You can't wait for someone else to take the track."

Think of the Starlink project where some people call God directly, but it will definitely bring a disaster.

Luo Fei felt that the Starry Sky Project must be implemented.

Can't do it!

Zhan Si couldn't help nodding.

Because the matter of occupying the orbit is indeed too important.

So asked:

"I hear what you mean, you want to study rockets by yourself."

"And build a rocket launch base?"

After all, send the satellite up.

Not without rockets.

There are rockets, and there are no readily available rocket launch sites, nor are they convenient.

The battle situation was not considered.

Can Luo Fei and his Three Body Industry Group build rockets?

"It doesn't have to be a rocket either."

Luo Fei thought for a while and said:

"My idea is to see if an aerospace spacecraft can be developed."

"This spacecraft is different from Xuannv and Baidi."

"It's more like a spacecraft, or transport aircraft, that can travel back and forth between the ground and space.

"Of course, people can also be transported."

"It will be useful when the Luanniao Sky Platform is built."

Speaking of this, Luo Fei suddenly realized.

In the Nantianmen project, there has been an aerospace transport plane missing!

Whether it's Xuannv, or Baidi, as well as the Thunderbird I added, or the Yingying Battle Armor.

These four things are all combat aerospace vehicles!

But it has never been considered that an aerospace transport aircraft is needed!

It's impossible to let something as big as a luan bird run back and forth between the ground and space, right?

That would be indecent.

The battle situation was probably also thought of, but he didn't say anything.

Just nodded and said:

"The Yun-20 we are studying now, can't it be used?

The fat girl who made her first flight last year?

That fat girl nicknamed Kunpeng?

Luo Fei thought about it.

Although the fat girl is really cute.

However, it does not conform to the consistent style of the Nantianmen project.

Even though, she has a nickname of Kunpeng.


It has the same name as the Kunpeng operating system to be developed by Santi Industry!

never mind.

Either go back and give the operating system a name.

Either rename it or rename it.

Luo Fei shook his head and said:

"Yun-20 does not quite meet the requirements of the Nantianmen plan."

"The aerospace transport aircraft I imagine may be more like a helicopter, or the kind with side rotors.

"As for Yun-20, she is too much like a skyplane."

The corner of Zhan Si's mouth twitched.

I found that I wanted to complain, but I didn't know where to start.

However, even when it comes to transport aircraft.

Luo Fei has a suggestion, saying:

"Battle situation, there is actually a suggestion."

"Like Yun-20, Jian-20, and other aircraft under development.

"They can add a Jinwu + Feiliu power system model.

"Models with traditional engines can be used for foreign trade in the future."

"The model equipped with Jinwu and Feiliu can be used as a supplementary air force besides Xuannv and Japanese Emperor."

as far as I can tell.

China's air force and high-end fighters are still too few.

Less quantity and less type.

Even a mysterious girl before made Ying Jiang a little timid.

But with Eagle Sauce's talent pool, if they really work together, they may not be able to develop good things.

Zhan Si also understands this.

After considering the feasibility of Luo Fei's suggestion, he nodded and said:

"Let's wait until after the National Day."

“It is necessary to call relevant personnel together and hold a meeting to discuss it.

After all, it is not a trivial matter.

It is unacceptable to pat your head to make a decision.

China enters the night.

On Yingjiang's side, it has entered the daytime.

In China, the sky is full of stars at night.

On Yingjiang's side, in broad daylight, it was gloomy and scary.

Crooked House, the atmosphere is particularly dignified.

As if the next second.

The sky above Crooked House looks like it's about to rain heavily.


Fark! Fark! Fark!"

Crooked House, inside the President's Office.

A lot of big shots.

Everyone is exhaling fragrance.

Little Tommy sat in the corner, trembling a little.

The president's face was dark, gloomy as if he could drip water.

Wait until everyone is finished.

The President only cursed Fark in a low voice, and then said:

"Everyone, China is forcing us!"

"They thought that one XN-1 was not enough, and even made another fifth-generation machine!"

"What is this for?"

"Do you think that our previous generosity is not to be considered, is it weak and deceitful?"

All the big guys have already finished faking.

I'm in a good mood right now.

Listening to the president's impotent rage, there was no change in mood.

As for being magnanimous for a while, or being weak and deceitful?

They don't know about this either.

The only problem is that during this period of time, capital money has not been given happily.

Of course, none of this is embezzlement, nor is it corruption.

These are political investments.

Take what you need.

In line with the laws and regulations of eagle sauce.

"Guys, are you ready to be indifferent?"

Seeing that the crowd looked like wooden statues, the president was even more annoyed, saying:

"Tell me, how do we deal with it?"

"Don't think that this matter has nothing to do with you, let me, the president, take the blame!"

"If in my term, Ugly Country is suppressed by Huaxia."

"In the future, you are the trash president and his trash leadership team

This is very serious.

Your president is useless, what does it matter to us people?


The healthy six-star general rolled his eyes and said:

"If you want me to say, just one word, let's go to war!"

"Only by going to war can Huaxia's aggressive footsteps be stopped!"

That sounds good!

How to start a war?

There's XN-1 in "Like a ghost.

I don't know if it is now parked on top of Crooked House!

"What's wrong with them having XN-1?"

The six-star admiral saw how scared these people were, and cursed a bunch of insects in his heart, saying:

"Isn't there already information that there is only one XN-1, and it is still an experimental model?"

"Then why are you afraid of it?"

"Find some cannon fodder and bring it!"

"At that time, without XN-1's containment, wouldn't Huaxia be squeezed by us at will?!"

is a good idea.

But who will be the cannon fodder?

The five-star general of the air force only felt his scalp itching, and immediately said:

...asking for flowers...0

"Your Excellency, we, Eagle Sauce, have never played like this!"

"This so-called practice of sacrificing the ego for the sake of the overall situation is very inhumane!"

Everyone nodded.

I was afraid that I would be that cannon fodder.


The six-star general sneered and said:

"When it's time for the survival of the country, you talk to me about humanity?"

"Aren't you going to talk to me again about equal rights?",

"In this cannon fodder group, there are men, women, blacks, whites, Asians, and transgender people?"

The five-star general of the Air Force was so scolded that he couldn't speak.

The others were also dumbfounded.


This old guy who is about to die.

How do you know the basic composition principles of a team so well?

for a while.

Only one congressman said:

"Everyone, I don't think starting a war is the best choice!"

Because there is a war now, do you have any ideas about where the fire will start?"

"Huaxia, I don't think we can get in!"

"On our side, it is also impossible to let the flames of war burn to our door.

Everyone nodded.

Yingjiang started a war with Huaxia, and indeed still faced this problem.

distance is too far.

A suitable war outbreak zone is needed.

If it was before.

They will definitely choose those messy countries in the south of China.

But now, it's not easy.

First of all, it's not very easy to let those useless little brothers take action.

Now Ah San didn't even dare to show her teeth.

Secondly, if Ying Jiang fights in the past, the battle line will be too far away, and supplies will not be delivered.

It's like giving it for nothing!

"You're talking nonsense!"


The six-star general became angry at this moment, looked at the congressman, and said:

"What exactly do you want to say, you might as well say it directly!"

Those outside of Congress.

Especially the bigwigs in the military, all of them held back their laughter.

My heart is very refreshing.

"The old guy did a good job!"

"These bastards in Congress have never said anything useful except nonsense all day long!"

"Slap me, you know how to talk about cars!"

"It's no use relying on your status to get into Congress!"

The congressman's chest heaved violently.

As a trans man, s/he feels humiliated.

No, it was discriminated against.

However, people in Crooked House had to bow their heads.

Grabbing his emotions, the congressman said:

"In my opinion, the first is the business war!"

"Immediately implement a comprehensive blockade on China, especially the semiconductor industry, and comprehensive sanctions!"

"I believe that with the influence of our eagle sauce, it will still be effortless to do this now!"

"After all, there are too many people who don't want to see Huaxia rise!"

It's an old-fashioned proposition though.

But the explanation that follows is a bit of a big picture concept.

Unlike some people.

His mouth was clamoring to sanction Huaxia.

But I don't know what the meaning of sanctions is.

"What is the goal of the business war?"

At this time, the President asked a question and said:

"We can't have endless business wars."

"If there is a complete blockade, the domestic semiconductor industry will also be severely affected."

"After all, Huaxia is the biggest market, not one of them!"

The president spoke out.

The members of Congress also stared wide-eyed, their faces full of disbelief, and said:

"How can this be?"

"How could Huaxia be the biggest market, they have money to spend?"


for a while.

Inside the President's Office.

People who have any fundamental prejudice against Huaxia are all black with question marks.

Then, just find out.

Among them, there is a waste!

Nobody wants to talk to this crap.

So the president turned his attention to Little Tommy, who wanted to paint himself with invisibility paint.

"Mommy Fuck!"

Little Tommy cursed in a low voice.

Then he looked at the congressman and asked:

"Mr. Congressman..."

Then, before he could speak further.

The congressman immediately said angrily:

"Please call me MP, are you discriminating against the transgender community?

Little Tommy took a deep breath, forced a smile, and said:

"Okay, my lord MP.

"Where did you get the information that Chinese people can't afford semiconductor products?"

"Isn't this a well-known thing?"

Instead, the member of Congress looked at Little Tommy like a fool, and said:

"Why, don't you think so?"

"In such a poor place in China, is there anyone who can afford semiconductor products?"

Little Tommy felt that if he said a word more, he would be an idiot.

But he could only say helplessly:

"Since China can't afford semiconductor products."

"Why do we have to work so hard to sanction their semiconductor industry?"


The member of Congress blinked, showing a silly expression, and said:

"Didn't you keep saying that you want to sanction China's semiconductor industry?"

PS. Today's last chapter! After 00:00 is tomorrow's first chapter!.

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