Comprehension Against The Sky, Graduation Project Nantianmen Project!

Chapter 134 Sanctions Act! The Geng Spokesperson Who Drinks Water Tactically! [1 For Custom Order Fo

crooked house.

Inside the President's Office.

Everyone looked at this member of Congress with several layers of buffs.

For a while, I didn't know what to say.

It felt like a pile of shit was placed on the table.

There is no way to speak.

"You better shut up!"

In the end, it was the six-star general who was a real warrior, so I yelled at him/her.

Then he stopped looking at that person and asked other people, saying:

"Business wars, sanctions, multi-pronged approach."

"The purpose is to soften Huaxia, it is best to hand over the technology of XN-1 and new fighter jets."

"Well, the reason is that our technology was stolen!"

does this work?

Everyone could not help but frown.

The President also sighed and said:

"Today is different.

"Huaxia is no longer the Huaxia it used to be, this kind of way of throwing dirty water."

"No point, dare I say it!"

Everyone also nodded.

This approach, except for some verbal battles, is of no use.

Little Tommy then said:

"There is another situation, let me remind everyone."

"Our previous cultural invasion strategy in China is not going very smoothly."

"Why is it not going well?"

someone asked immediately.

Little Tommy said helplessly:

"Their XN-1 fighter."

"A World War I sneak attack defeated two of our FAE-22 fighters.

"This made ordinary people in Huaxia, inexplicably, start attacking our remote control dogs."

"Now, several famous dogs in their side have been beaten by everyone."

Everyone blinked.

What the hell is going on?

We have not really started a war with China, how many good dogs died first?

Fortunately, only non-personnel casualties.

Everyone ignored it.

At this time.

Someone suddenly thought of something and said:

"I suggest, even if we can't go to war directly with Huaxia."

"In addition to the commercial war and the "--one zero" sanctions, a new battlefield should also be opened!"

"For example, to the west of China and to the east of Europe."


When everyone heard it, they said that it was an old place where wars frequently broke out.

It is indeed a good idea to burn the flames of war there.

"What's the purpose?"

The member of Congress who was ignored forcibly interrupted.

Don't want to ignore him/her though.

The one who proposed, explained to the others:

"This battlefield, on the surface, is a war between two local countries."

"But in fact, it is us and Huaxia, from an international perspective, having a head-to-head wrestling!"

"So the main point of this matter is to pull Huaxia out!"

“Otherwise, we’d just be making some money. 11

That's not bad!

Make money, not shabby.

A five-star general in the military frowned and said:

"It's not easy for La Huaxia to enter the field."

"For a long time, Huaxia has been very restrained in order to provide itself with a more stable development environment.

"If there is no good reason, they will not participate in other countries' war girls.


Rabbits are so cunning!

While pretending to be innocent, he secretly armed himself.

Armed with teeth!

Everyone couldn't help but cursed in a low voice.

Afterwards, all kinds of Fang Lu were proposed.

Some are useful.

Some are nonsense.

The time has come to the fifth and second of the day.

Feel hungry.

The president, who didn't want to care about his food, blinked and said:

"in conclusion."

"First, start an all-round business war and sanction the semiconductor industry!"

"Second, open up a second battlefield and strive to bring Huaxia into the arena!"

"Third, continue to keep dogs, and don't let the self-confidence of ordinary people in Huazhen be too inflated!

"Fourth, splash dirty water and say that Huaxia used spies to steal our technological achievements!"

"Fifth, continue to send intelligence personnel to find out the researcher who developed XN-1 as soon as possible!"


The president said a total of eighteen points.

These later became the core of the "Crooked House Sanctions against China Act".

There are 18 crooked houses in history.

Early the next morning.

Captain Hu finally brought up a thick stack of manuscript paper.

Yes, he wrote it by hand.

Luo Fei counted it, and there are forty-nine pages!

According to a page of 600 characters, there must be about 30,000 characters.

for a while.

Luo Fei only felt that this material weighed more than a thousand catties.

"Look, am I right?"

Captain Hu rubbed his hands.

I probably got cramp in my handwriting, and complained:

"But it's hard to kill me!"

"Chief designer, writing this thing is much more difficult than flying a plane!"

"Ha ha!"

Luo Fei couldn't help laughing, and said with a smile:

"What Captain Hu is doing is much more important than flying an airplane!"

"To fly an airplane, you can only fly alone."

"But this thing can allow more people to fly planes!"

Listen to Luo Fei.

Captain Hu grinned, the kind that went up to the ears.

Luo Fei smiled and shook his head.

Start reading this document written by Captain Hu.

Forty-nine pages, I read a lot.

But counting words, in fact, he has no guest card.

However, what Captain Hu wrote was basically dry stuff.

There is no hydrological phenomenon.

Look at the document written by Captain Hu.

Luo Fei actually had the feeling of flying Baidi-1 himself.

too thin!

"Excellent writing!"

After reading it, Luo Fei praised and said:

"Captain Hu, hurry up and input this document into the computer.

"When you're done, send me a copy.

"no problem."

Captain Hu agreed first, then showed a troubled expression, and said:

"However, my pinyin is not good, and my typing speed is relatively slow."

"Why don't you just make a copy and give it to you, and send it to you when I finish typing later?"

Poor spelling?

This is the first time Luo Fei met him, and he said that his pinyin is not good.

However, isn't this just right?

Luo Fei took another look at Captain Hu's handwriting, it was powerful and beautifully written.

So, I have an idea.

However, instead of going straight to the point, he asked:

"If you don't have a good pinyin, why don't you use Wubi?"

Captain Hu shook his head and said:

"Wubi does not conform to writing habits."

"After using it for a while, I found that the strokes that affect my writing are smooth."

"So it was quickly discarded."

That's it.

That is to say, it is definitely no problem to memorize the root table.

It is no problem to memorize the root table.

It is not difficult to remember the positions of 26 strokes on the keyboard.

After all, the operations to be memorized on the Baidi Fighter are many times more complicated than those on the keyboard!

Thinking of this, Luo Fei Zuo Shen also said:

"Captain Hu, come with me, I'll show you something."

Captain Hu didn't know why.

However, he still followed Luo Fei to the place where he lived.

In the base, the most luxurious single suite.


As soon as the battle was out, Luo Fei took the captain to his house.

So he followed in curiously.

Luo Fei didn't notice the extra battle situation.

Get out your own mobile workstation.

After opening, Luo Fei pointed to the keyboard and said:

"Captain Hu, take a look, how is it different from other keyboards?"

What's different?

Looks more expensive and techy than my computer.

Other than that, what else is different?

Captain Hu shook his head and said:

"Did not see it."

It's kind of dark right now.

Luo Fei smiled and pointed to the keys with 26 strokes on the keyboard, saying:

"This keyboard is a keyboard based on the stroke input method I made."

"It's still under development."

"It just so happens that Captain Hu's pinyin is not good, but his handwriting is very good.

"I think Captain Hu will be the most suitable if he uses this keyboard and input method!"

Captain Hu's eyes widened.

Looking closer at the keyboard, I realized this and said in surprise:

"Trust me, have you changed the strokes?"

"Let me see, horizontal, vertical, slanted, vertical hook, horizontal bending hook, hiss!"

Captain Hu couldn't help taking a deep breath, and said:

"That is to say, as long as I can write a certain word."

"Using your keyboard, oh, and the input method, you can definitely type that character?"

Luo Fei nodded and said:

"Captain Hu understood correctly."


Captain Hu thinks.

This little invention is so useful to me.

So he rubbed his hands together and asked:

"So, chief designer, where can I buy this keyboard?"

"I think with this keyboard, after getting used to it, it will be at least as fast as my writing speed!"


one night.

Counting punctuation marks, I wrote more than 40,000 words.

It's really fast.

However, Luo Fei shook his head and said:

"This keyboard is currently only used internally by my company."

"Because it is still in the research and development stage, internal testing."


"So I can only use it after the research and development is completed and it goes on the market?"

Captain Hu was a little reconciled.

Such a keyboard and input method are simply tailor-made for yourself.

Still have to wait for it to be released.

It's so torturous!


At this time, Luo Fei smiled slightly and said:

"If Captain Hu is willing to join my keyboard and input method internal test."

"I can give a set to the captain."

"It's just that Captain Hu needs to sign a non-disclosure agreement and provide a user experience after use."

that's it?

When Captain Hu heard this, the request was not too simple.

Besides, the one who made this request was the chief designer of the Baidi No. 1 fighter jet!

Captain Hu had no reason to refuse at all, and said:

"Yes! Absolutely!"

After agreeing, busy asked again:

"Chief designer, when will this keyboard be delivered?"

Express delivery is definitely not acceptable, it is not safe.

Luo Fei thought for a while and said:

"Well, I'll ask my girlfriend to come over."

"Just right, I have to go back for two days, and when she comes, I will take a tour around here.

Having said that, he smiled embarrassedly and said:

"Speaking of which, after my girlfriend and I confirmed our relationship."

"I haven't really traveled anywhere yet."

Captain Hu only felt awe, and said:

"Chief designer, you must have been busy with the research and development of Baidi, so you don't have time to spend with your girlfriend."

"Haha, no way."

Luo Fei waved his hand, did not continue this topic, pointed to the keyboard and said


"Don't always call me the chief designer, just call me Luo Fei..."

"The name of my keyboard is called Bai Ze Keyboard, and the input method is also called Bai Ze Input Method."

"White Pond?"

Captain Hu felt a little familiar. Thinking of Baidi, he asked with a smile:

"Boss...Mr. Luo, is this Bai Ze and Bai Di brothers?"

Luo Fei did not expect that Captain Hu's associative ability is so strong.

He smiled, shook his head and explained:

"Bai Ze is an auspicious beast in ancient mythology."

"Can speak, understand the emotions of all things, and know the things of ghosts and gods."


Captain Hu suddenly realized, and said:

"Being able to speak, isn't this the combination of keyboard and input method!"

"Haha, that's a really good name!"

Hearing Captain Hu's hard explanation.

The battle situation that has been in the background, finally couldn't help it, and said faintly:

"Mr. Luo, I seem to remember."

"Someone said that this Baize keyboard and input method can only be used internally?"

"Why, when did Captain Hu become a member of your company?"

at the same time.

Huaxia Capital.

The Foreign Office is holding a regular press conference.

as usual.

Spokesperson Geng asked the domestic and foreign reporters present if they had any questions.

The reporter from Yingjiang looked at the reporter from a small country.

The reporter from the small country trembled all over.

Gritting his teeth, he stood up and said:

"Mr. Geng, our country's satellite accidentally discovered it."

"Your country's air force seems to be testing a more advanced fifth-generation fighter?"

"As we all know, your country already has XN-1 fighter jets that are dangerous to the world peace situation."

"Why develop more dangerous weapons?"


There were many reporters at the scene.

It's not all Yingjiang's younger brother, or the Western camp.

Hearing the questions, even questioning, from this small country reporter, he couldn't help frowning.

Huaxia is still developing fifth-generation fighter jets?

Some reporters also began to discuss in a low voice.

"Huaxia has developed another fifth-generation fighter?"

"Fack! Huaxia already has the XN-1 fighter jet, aren't you satisfied?"

"Hehe! You idiot! Your father Yingjiang, in addition to the Fak-22, there are also B-2, F-35 and other fifth-generation aircraft. When have they been satisfied?"

"You have no doubts, when will there be a guard in this reporter's country?"

"Hehe! You idiot! At first glance, it looks like cannon fodder launched by your father Ying Jiang!"

on stage.

Spokesman Geng frowned and looked at the reporter from the small country.

He wanted to drink water tactically, but finally held back.

This kind of cannon fodder role is not worth using tactics to drink water at all.

He doesn't deserve it!

So he said:

"Threatening the world peace?"

"Mr. reporter, are you accusing Sang and scolding Huai?"

"That's right, it must be uncomfortable to be forced to be cannon fodder, right?"

"So taking the opportunity of asking questions, it is also very witty to criticize Sang and scold Huai!"

Xiaoguo reporter's face was pale, and he was about to cry.

Although he didn't know that referring to mulberry and scolding huai is an idiom, the translator gave an accurate translation:

"Geng's spokesman said, you are pointing at Huaxia, but you are scolding Yingjiang.


Xiaoguo reporter quickly waved his hands, looked at Yingjiang reporter in horror, and said:

"I don't, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!"

After three consecutive denials, he passed out directly.


The Yingjiang reporter's expression was not good either.

He stared at the translator, as if he wanted to eat people.


The translator raised his eyebrows provocatively.

Then shouted:

"Come on, someone, a reporter has fainted!"


Watching the small country reporter being carried out.

Spokesman Geng sneered, and then asked:

"Guys, does anyone have any questions?"

"Hurry up, please."

For a while, no one asked any questions.

Because, they are still in shock.

This Geng spokesperson who has always been ruthless, but relatively gentle.

Naturally changed the style of the past.

A reporter from a small country fainted when he came up?

And, his reply.

It’s also very targeted!

Almost pointing to Eagle-chan's nose and saying:

"If you want to ask, just ask directly, don't send such useless cannon fodder!"

Some people whispered:

"Why is it suddenly tense?"

"It must be related to Huaxia's fifth-generation fighter jet that was discovered by the eagle sauce satellite!"

"Nonsense! It was discovered by the satellite of that small country!"

"Hehe! You idiot! At first glance, it is the cannon fodder pushed by your eggless father Ying Jiang!"

"Fack! Can you please stop being a fool?!"

"Hehe! Stupid!"

There was a lot of discussion.

But no one asked.

I'm afraid it will be regarded as cannon fodder between Yingjiang and Huaxia.


The reporter Yingjiang with a livid face couldn't sit still.

He stood up, looked at Spokesman Geng coldly, and spoke.

PS. Chapter 1 today! Chapter 2 tomorrow at 8:30! Good night!!.

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