Comprehension Against The Sky, Graduation Project Nantianmen Project!

Chapter 79 Draw A Pie For Ying Jiang! Technology Explosion! [Add 9 For Custom Order And Full Order]

Luo Fei shook his head.

He also didn't know if he would appear in "Focus Interview".

But it is estimated that it is very likely.

After all, they are all graphene drivers.

When talking about graphene, how can you bypass yourself?

It must not be because in the previous interview process, some of the words I said were outrageous, which may cause controversy.

Will it be like the "News Network" a few days ago, only showing a few seconds of footage?

"Shall we go back after watching?"

Sun Xiaoyu also looked forward to it.

Although the ratings of "Focus Interview" are not as good as before, the influence is still not small.

Luo Fei nodded and said:

"Well, it's about 20 minutes long, watch while eating.

"Focus Interview" begins.

And did not directly start today's topic, graphene materials.

Instead, start with the country's semiconductor industry and chip industry.

In the picture, there are some semiconductor industry clusters under construction, and some chip laboratories.

have to say.

From the beginning, Yang Ma's pattern came up immediately.

This is the beginning.

Also released another major signal:

The semiconductor industry, the chip industry, and the country are not only investing, but also paying close attention.


The host naturally cut into today's topic from the semiconductor industry——

Graphene material.

This time, many people who are unfamiliar with the name graphene understand what it is probably.

What is the use in the end.

"The host has also done a lot of work."

Sun Xiaoyu listened to the comments inside and said with a smile:

"Although some things are exaggerated, and the time factor is deliberately hidden."

"Well, it's a bit like your Nantianmen plan, hehe.

Luo Fei smiled and shook his head, not knowing what to say.

The host said:

The discovery of the graphene magic angle effect will have an extremely profound impact on the semiconductor industry and the chip industry in my country and the world.

Even "847" even changed the entire semiconductor and chip industry!

There is no problem with these words.

But to be more rigorous, a time unit should be added.

It may be 10 years, it may be 20 years, or even longer.

When Luo Fei crossed over, the other world was already 10 years later.

The research on graphene materials has not made much progress, and it seems to be a bit outdated, and the popularity has dropped sharply.

However, ordinary viewers do not know this.

They won't check it out either.

Just need to know that the graphene material is awesome.

And the Huaxia scientific research team that discovered the magic angle effect of graphene materials needs to be even more awesome.

"Brother, look, it's our professor!"

At this time, an interview session appeared on TV.

The first interviewee to appear.

Impressively, he is the person in charge of this national key experimental base, the mentor of Luo Fei and Sun Xiaoyu, the academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the project leader of graphene material research——

Cheng Yuan is Professor Cheng Cheng.

Luo Fei smiled and became serious, wondering what Professor Cheng would say.

The interview time is short.

Basically, Cheng Bian is equivalent to a scientific explanation.

After that, it was Senior Brother Yang and the others.

The time for everyone to appear is about a minute or two.

However, to Luo Fei's slight embarrassment, they almost all mentioned their own names!

"I suddenly had a premonition!"

Sun Xiaoyu was born in a military family.

I still have a deeper understanding of CCTV's news and focus interviews, and said:

"Whether it's an interview with Professor Cheng or an interview with other senior brothers and sisters."

"Your name was mentioned, and the host also specifically asked about your name and identity.

"This should be a foreshadowing!"

"Brother, I think that your interview footage will be longer, maybe not shorter!"

Luo Fei was stunned for a moment, as if it made such a reason.

at this time!

The host said:

"From Academician Cheng and others, we heard a name repeatedly, Luo Fei."

"It's a very common name."

"But this month, in Nature, the most authoritative international scientific research journal, this name was dubbed the title of 'Graphene Controller'!"

"Next, let's go to this young researcher, graphene master, Luo Fei!"

at the same time.

Many people who usually like to watch "Focus Interview" are also watching it in front of the TV.

Although graphene materials are far away from most people.

But after being introduced by the host and Professor Cheng and others.

They learned that this material was actually related to the mobile phone and computer they used when they came here.

So I started to get a little curious.

At this time, I was even more curious when I heard the host say Luo Fei, the master of graphene.

The screen changed.

It's a sort of patio.

The female reporter of "Focus Interview" and a handsome boy who looked very young.

If there are people in the experimental base, there are people watching the show at this time.

You must be able to recognize it.

This patio is a patio in the base where researchers usually rest and chat.

"Student Luo Fei."

During the interview, the previous simple exchanges on study and life were cut off.

The female reporter directly asked:

"By the way, how did you discover the magic angle effect of graphene?"

In the screen, Luo Fei thought for a while, then smiled and asked:

"Do you want to listen to something boring, or something more interesting?"

The female reporter froze for a moment, then said with a smile:

"Let's talk about the more interesting ones first. Audiences like interesting science stories."

"Let's talk about the boring stuff later."

In front of the TV, many people also laughed.

"This young scientist named Luo Fei is quite funny."

"Is he Luo Fei? No wonder people say he's handsome. In Yangma's camera, he's still so handsome!"

"At such a young age, I have already cracked the magic angle effect of graphene. People are more pissed off than others!"

"Boring and interesting? What's the fun in doing scientific research? It's nothing more than boring!"

When the audience is discussing or thinking about it.



Luo Fei smiled, decided to make up a story, and said:

"For a while, I was obsessed with the game of checkers, the kind of marbles, the host has also played it?"

The female reporter nodded and said:

"I've seen it, but I haven't played it much."

Luo Fei nodded slightly and said:

"When I am tired from studying, I play chess with myself."

"Down with yourself?"

The female reporter was a little puzzled and said:

"I remember that the game of checkers needs at least three people to play, right?"

"Two people can play together."

Luo Fei shook his head and said:

"I'd just play six characters by myself, and then I'd often get a bunch of huddles in the middle."

The female reporter widened her beautiful eyes.

The audience in front of the TV also had expressions of disbelief.

"One person playing six people?"

"This is too exaggerated!"

"It's outrageous enough for me to do two things at once. You actually play six people by yourself?"

"I, who play chess with myself, can't understand this kind of pretentious marriage at all!"

"Sure enough, those who engage in scientific research have different brains from ordinary people!"

Many people don't know whether to complain or to be shocked.

in the TV screen.

Luo Fei continued:

"After playing a lot, I found a small problem.

"These marbles can only fall into small pits, no matter how you put them, they will fall into them.

"Ordinarily, this is a very normal phenomenon, after all, the pit is used to put marbles.

"And, physically, that's what gravity does."

The female reporter nodded, knowing that the key part was coming.

Just listen to Luo Fei continue to say:

"My checkers board is plastic and the colors are brighter."

"I just found that if you put the marbles on the edge, in the sunlight, there are more colors."

"Again, this is also caused by the refraction of light."

"I used marbles to fill up the pits in the middle hexagon, and observed all the intertwined effects.

"Then I thought, what if all the marbles didn't fit right into the hole?"

"Will the intertwined color effect be different?"

The female reporter couldn't help but nodded as she imagined that scene.

Many people also have that picture in their minds.

Luo Fei continued:

"After this incident, I thought about it back and forth for several days."

"Discoveries can't be made unless you're in space, or in the vacuum of a laboratory.

"At that time, I was writing an undergraduate graduation project, so I gave up on it."

"But one day, when I was half asleep and half awake during my lunch break, a picture suddenly appeared in my eyes!"

"All the hexagonal marbles in the middle are placed on the chessboard, and they are automatically rotated by a small angle!"

"Then it's such a small angle, the colors become more colorful!"

"I woke up immediately!"

"Because I suddenly thought, will there be some special phenomena when rotating two layers of graphene?"

"But due to the technical conditions at the time, this can only be regarded as a conjecture."

"Until that day, I entered Brother Yang's laboratory and found that he was researching graphene materials..."

"You already know the next thing, under Senior Brother Yang's operation, the demon fish was discovered.

The female reporter opened her mouth and asked after a while:

"Is this thing true?"

"Do you think it's ridiculous?"

Luo Fei watched the host nod subconsciously, and said with a smile:

"Actually, this is true, but I'm not sure if there will be any special phenomenon when rotating two layers of graphene.

"Because in the brain, I can't simulate the movement of electrons."

The female reporter nodded.

Xin said that if you can simulate electronic movement in the brain, it would be absurd.

Putting this thought aside, the female reporter asked:

"What about the boring statement?"

Luo Fei spread his hands and said:

"The dry words are, coincidence, and luck."

"Materials science is different from other disciplines. It has a lot of pitfalls and is very metaphysical."

"If you don't have luck, it's really difficult to make results."

The female reporter couldn't help but nodded.

As for luck, it seems that Luo Fei's senior brothers have all said it.

The audience in front of the TV was also a little unbelievable.

Is the magic angle effect of graphene discovered in this way?

Scientists are also playing a game of checkers, should I buy a pair for my son to cultivate his interest?

Maybe some inspiration, too?

At this time, Luo Fei who was also watching TV...

I didn't know that someone had the idea of ​​buying checkers.

in tv.

Finished asking the graphene question.

The female reporter changed the subject and asked


"It is said that the topic of your postgraduate graduation project is the Nantianmen Project. Can you tell me what it is?"

At this moment, Luo Fei stared at the host on TV again.

Xin said that if I didn't know that you were in the original world when I was traveling, it hadn't been revealed that you were 50w.

His usual words and deeds are also relatively positive.

I guess someone should check you out.

in tv.

Luo Fei shook his head, and decided to draw a big cake, to see if he could get Ying Jiang and them hooked.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"As it is uploaded on the Internet, the Nantianmen Project is a strategic air and space defense system."

"Its core is an air-space strategic defense system composed of a large-scale strategic air-space carrier platform, aerospace unmanned fighter aircraft, aerospace fighter aircraft and aerospace tactical armor."

The female reporter thought for a while, although these things are very tempting, she still said:

"Is this thing too far away?"

The audience in front of the TV also felt that it was too far away.

But thinking that Luo Fei discovered the magic angle effect of graphene, and wrote a paper in some natural journal.

Also on the news network and focus interviews.

And being so young and overconfident isn't a big deal.

"If you don't do it, it must be very far away.

"If you do it, you may see it."

on TV.

After Luo Fei finished speaking, he looked up at the female reporter, and suddenly said in a different tone:

"There is a more interesting concept, do you want to listen to it?"

Fun little concept?

The female reporter was stunned.

I was attracted by this word, but also by Luo Fei's tone of voice.

In front of the TV, it is also tender.

What is Luo Fei's playful little concept?

at the same time.

A small group of people who watched "Focus Interview" on their computers discussed it in the comment section.

"Does anyone think that this Luo Fei is different from the science student he imagined?"

"Is it too handsome? Haha!"

"I said yes, he seems to have a strong self-confidence!"

"I have seen many interviewed scientific researchers. It is better to be older, but it is difficult for young people to speak freely.

"I feel like this is a kind of talent. This guy is probably a social cow?"

"You are wrong, Luo Fei is my first senior brother, he is not a social cow at all, on the contrary he is a bit out of place."

"I don't think it's appropriate to use the word out of gregariousness when it's used on people who engage in scientific research.

"The story he just told is quite interesting, it reminds me of benzene ring!"

"There are also some experiences in high school, the experience of half asleep and half awake before seeing pictures!"

"This buddy is going to be a big hit this time! After all, this is a focus interview!"

In the cafeteria.

Sun Xiaoyu also looked at Luo Fei curiously, and said:

"Brother, what kind of concept are you talking about?"

"You'll know it when you read it."

Luo Fei drank the warm Xihongshi Seaweed Egg Drop Soup and looked at the TV screen.

in tv.

The female reporter asked curiously:

"What is the concept?"

"Technology Explosion!"

"Technology explosion?"

The female reporter frowned 2.9 times and thought about it, then shook her head and said:

"I've heard of the Big Bang conjecture, but I haven't heard of the technology explosion concept."

"What is this technology explosion?"

Many viewers in front of the TV were also very curious.

Some people frowned and thought about it, as if they were guessing, but they couldn't tell if they were right.

At this time, Luo Fei on TV said:

"Humans have spent hundreds of thousands of years from the age of hunting to the age of agriculture.

"It has been used for thousands of years from the agricultural age to the industrial age."

"It took only two hundred years to go from the industrial age to the atomic age."

"After that, it took only a few decades to accelerate into the information age!"

"Human civilization has a history of 5,000 years, and the life history of the earth is billions of years.

"But modern technology was developed over a period of three hundred years."

The female reporter nodded involuntarily.

Thinking back a little, it is indeed such a law of development.

So asked:

"So, your guess is?"


Luo Fei made an explosive gesture with both hands, and said:

"On a cosmic time scale, this isn't a technological development at all, it's an explosion!"

"The possibility of a technological leap is the dynamite buried inside civilization. If it is ignited by internal or external factors, it will explode with a bang!"

"I call this phenomenon the Technology Explosion'!"

"The instinct of survival compels it to unleash its full potential in a short period of time."

"Scientific and technological achievements that could have been realized in hundreds or even thousands of years have been condensed in a few decades, so it looks like an incredible technological explosion and a great leap forward in civilization."

"This is the 'Technology Explosion'!"

The last chapter of the first day has been updated! A total of 13 chapters with 65,000 words!

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