Comprehension Against The Sky, Graduation Project Nantianmen Project!

Chapter 80 A Dangerous Signal! A Signal Of Fear! [1 For Custom Order For Full Order]

The female reporter imagined that kind of scene.

A picture of an explosion.

Human civilization, which has been relatively quiet for nearly three hundred years, suddenly exploded.

Many people in front of the screen were also lost in thought.

They feel that the concept is relatively easy to understand.

But I don't know why Luo Fei suddenly mentioned this concept?

The female reporter also asked:

"Is the concept of technological explosion integrated with the Nantianmen Project?"

"You can think so."

Luo Fei nodded approvingly and said:

"Since mankind entered the information age, most of the technological development has been related to information technology.

"This is understandable, after all, informatization is the basis of long-distance communication."

"But now there is a very dangerous signal."

"Danger signal?"

The female reporter was completely taken away by Luo Fei, she leaned forward slightly, and asked:

"What danger signal?"

"Escape from reality and seek happiness in the virtual world."

Luo Fei said:

"And this kind of demand will make the Internet develop in the direction of virtualization."

"Have you noticed that in recent years, apart from countries, people have lost interest in stars and seas?"

"More and more people are starting to stay at home."

"If things go on like this, the technological explosion must be in the Internet field."

"Of course, I don't think the development of virtual technology is a technological explosion."

"In my opinion, the next technological explosion direction of human beings should aim at the starry sky above their heads!"

"If human technology is not locked by the starry sky, it is locked in the network by the Internet instead.

"In my opinion, that will be the greatest tragedy that mankind has experienced in the development of civilization for thousands of years!"

The corner of the female reporter's mouth twitched.

She suddenly realized that she didn't know what to say.

In front of a future scientist who is worried about the future of mankind, he is very small.

In front of the TV.

Many people also began to think about the status quo that Luo Fei mentioned.

Then I suddenly discovered that many of them now spend more and more time on their mobile phones every day!

And the time to talk to the people around you is getting less and less!

Are we really locking ourselves into the Internet?


The female reporter took a deep breath, regained her rhythm, and replied:

"You proposed the Nantianmen plan."

"It's trying to lead the next technological explosion of human 21 into practical technology, right?"

What the female reporter said was still very forbearing, and she didn't directly mention military technology.

In other words, aerospace strategic weapon technology.


Luo Fei exhaled lightly and said:

"In fact, the concept of technological explosion is also one of the theoretical foundations of the Nantianmen Project.

"If there is no technological explosion, if human technology is a steady and average development, I will not propose it."

"As long as we continue to complete technology accumulation in this direction."

"The expected technological explosion will come in the not-too-distant future!"

"I really hope to see that day come!"

The female reporter was a little excited. After she finished speaking, with a smile on her face, she said:

"Okay, thank you Luo Fei for accepting my interview..."

Next, back to the director room.

The host began to make some summaries, and today's "Focus Interview" is coming to an end.

But the discussion on the Internet has just begun.

"Luo Fei's technological explosion sounds a little reasonable."

"This concept is a summary of human development so far. Someone may have discovered it, but it has not been summarized.

"Technology explosion, really has that sense of picture!"

"Do you think, what Luo Fei said, we will really lock ourselves up with the Internet?"

"I can only say that the time I communicate with my mobile phone every day now far exceeds the time I communicate with people!"

"Now everyone is really more and more addicted to the Internet, and it is enough to survive without going out.

"The Internet is a double-edged sword, both advantages and disadvantages!"

"Isn't there already a virtual game? Anyway, it's quite popular."

"You said, is Luo Fei against the Internet and virtual games?"

"Probably not, he just doesn't want the next technological explosion to happen only on the Internet, but in reality.

"Especially in the area of ​​aviation industry products, don't you want to miss the technological explosion?"

inside the base.

Luo Fei and Sun Xiaoyu took the plates back.

left the cafeteria.

Recently, the scientific research task is not so heavy.

As usual, the two took a walk within the safe range of the base after the meal.

Behind him, naturally followed by two soldiers with guns.


Sun Xiaoyu thought of what Luo Fei said on TV, and asked curiously:

"Are you worried that most people will be addicted to the Internet?"

"Not worrying."

Luo Fei thought of the scene a few years later in his previous life, and said:

"Yes for sure!"

"The Internet has shortened the distance between people and the distance between people and the world."

"This, I also agree.

"However, what cannot be ignored is that the Internet is also reducing the distance between people and between people and the world."

"Virtual technology has already started, and many teams of intelligent systems are also developing it."

"These things cannot be stopped, and there is no need to stop them."

"But what I think is that human beings can't be locked in the Internet, and they have to go out of this starry sky above their heads!"

Sun Xiaoyu nodded, also acknowledging what Luo Fei said.

Although she doesn't have much time to play with her mobile phone and read the headlines.

But I also noticed that in the base, many people are playing with their mobile phones while eating!

Luo Fei looked up at the starry sky.

The weather is fine today. Although the lights in the base are not small, they do not completely cover the starry sky.


Let him unconsciously indulge in it.

Luo Fei knew that what he said in the interview sounded alarmist.

It may also be attacked or ridiculed by some Internet companies.

After all, my current status and status, as a student, is still too low.

However, when I think of the time when the Metaverse and Mr. AI came out in the previous life, people looked crazy.

He couldn't help feeling worried for a while.

As for these two things, who is the most motivated and earns the most money?

Mascus horse gang leader.

He wants to lock humans in the virtual world, and then drive a big rocket to grow potatoes on Mars.

In the eyes of the horse gang leader, there is no human beings.

There is no such thing as stars and seas. In his eyes, there is only the concept of money that can change.

Just compared to more people.

The leader of the horse gang has a farther vision and can accept temporary failure.

Of course, it's just that he has more money.


Sun Xiaoyu yelled when she saw that Luo Fei was just letting her lead her away, distracted all the time.


Luo Fei smiled apologetically and said:

"Oh, I thought about something and lost my mind."

"I know."

Sun Xiaoyu herself would be distracted, and suddenly asked in a low voice:

"Brother, you said that this technology exploded, and there is also the Nantianmen plan."

"Did you accept the commission from the Strategic Deception Bureau?"

Luo Fei was stunned for a moment, then asked with a smile:

"Why do you say that?"


Sun Xiaoyu analyzed:

"You use the technological explosion as a theory of the Nantianmen Project."

"It's nothing more than wanting to prove to more people that this plan is feasible."

"It doesn't matter if our people believe it or not, they are already doing it anyway."

"But those Western countries in Ugly Countries, will they believe it?"

"I don't believe it right now, but what about when the real identities of you and the Nantianmen Project are revealed a little bit?"

"By then, will they follow?"

"It's like doing the space race back in the day!"

Listening to Sun Xiaoyu's analysis, Luo Fei couldn't help laughing.

After thinking about it, Luo Fei said:

"You're only half right."

"Which half?"

"From the beginning to the end, I never thought of fooling anyone."

Luo Fei walked to the bench that he usually sat on for a while until here. After sitting down, he said:

"Xuannv's successful test flight has proved that the Nantianmen plan is real."

"And the technological explosion is also summed up."

"I will say this, it doesn't matter what happens to Yingjiang and the others, I just want to give myself some confidence.

"The technological explosion happened in the history of human civilization, and it also happened in the history of Chinese civilization."

"What we are doing now is to make China's next technological explosion happen in the field of aerospace and military industry."

"As for what they do with Eagle Sauce, to be honest, I don't care."

"And, don't you think, it's like when materialists and idealists confront each other.

"Materialists take bricks, but idealists can only talk hard."

"When we have the military strength of the Nantianmen Project, Yingjiang, who is blindly developing virtual technology and artificial intelligence, how should we resist?"

"It can't be, they uploaded their consciousness to the Internet, right?"

"Hey, if they do this, I'll wash the floor at Yingjiang's side."

"And then physically turn off the Internet, do you think they still know if they exist?"

Sun Xiaoyu gave her senior brother a blank look.

She found that after her Xuannv flight test, this always gentle senior brother has become more and more advocating force.

However, for the eagle sauce and those people, it's good!

So he didn't say anything, turned his face to the side, rested his head on Luo Fei's body, and looked up at the starry sky.

When the weather is clear, the starry sky is really beautiful.

The moon is not big, but it is also beautiful.

"Everyone, tell me."

Crooked House, a group of talented people, old and young gathered together, the president said with a dark face:

"How do you see the focus of this issue of Huaxia?"

"From the day we compromised, the international community has been watching whether there will be a conflict between us and China.

"Everyone, the situation is already very serious!"

"You don't want the father who is behind the money, who will have no money to support you in the next session, right?"

Listen to what this plumber smells like.

Everyone in the office couldn't help but clenched their fists, then loosened them, and clenched them again.

Finally, a member of parliament spoke up:

"The focus of this issue of Huaxia seems to be talking about graphene materials."

"Actually, they are suing the body industry, and they are working on chips!"

"Everyone, Huaxia is the main exporter of chips in our country. Knowing this, what does it mean?"

After the members of the meeting finished speaking, another member also spoke:

"China suddenly engages in the semiconductor industry and the chip industry. This is a dangerous situation!"

"Want to sanction their semiconductor and chip industry again?"

Immediately someone retorted:

"Chip sanctions?"

"Don't you know the reason why Huaxia is now making a big deal of chips?"

"It is a

A country that doesn’t want to be strangled by other countries in any field!”

Especially, there is a lesson from the past next door!"

"They have the most complete work system in the world."

"Although the chip is difficult, if Huaxia and the others really want to do it, do you think they won't be able to do it?"

"Why are Huaxia's previous chips controlled by us?"

"Because our chips are good?"

"No, it's just an appearance.

"The essence is that we have squeezed out the living space of their domestic chips!"

"With capital chasing profit, no one will study chips anymore."

"It's different now, when the state gets involved in this matter, things have gone sour!"

The man's voice fell.

Immediately there was a sound of cursing.

"Huaxia doesn't talk about business rules at all!"

"Normal commercial behavior, their country intervenes, condemn them!"

"This country has been secretly preparing to give us a backhand blow! No martial arts! Sneak attack!"

"Sanction! I don't believe that they can withstand our full force of sanctions!"

"Continue to promote culture invasion! Let Hollywood make a few more blockbusters to open the eyes of their ordinary people!"

"Look for experts, talk about science without borders, and change the integration of global technology!"

Listen to this mess of voices.

The president, whose face was already dark, turned even darker.

These people say, it's still the same old way.

But now there is a mysterious girl standing there, like a sword of Damocles, hanging over their heads.

At a time like this, is the old trick still useful?

Can you open your eyes to those Hollywood blockbusters?

At this time.

Tommy Jr., the director of CSRC, spoke up and said:

"Everyone, don't you notice anything else besides the chip?"


"Little Tommy, you'd better speak clearly!"

"Stop talking nonsense, speak quickly!"

Everyone immediately stared at little Tommy.

Some people had sneers on their faces.

If it wasn't your father, where would you be qualified to stand here?

Little Tommy blushed slightly, and said:

"What I want to say is that Huaxia is making gods!"

"If you have finished watching this issue of China's focus."

"You can see that the young man who appeared at the end is what we must pay attention to!"

Little Tommy's words made many people frown slightly.

The president was also puzzled, smiled and shook his head and said:

"Tommy, are you talking about the lithene driver?"

"No kidding, he's just a tall, handsome young man."

"Even if Huaxia wants to create a god, it will not choose a scientific researcher who looks like a vase!"

"It's just luck to discover the magic angle effect."

Others thought about agreeing with the president.

But they hated the president very much, Tian kept a straight face and didn't speak.

"No, Your Excellency the President."

Little Tommy said solemnly:

"What I want to say is not his identity as a graphene driver."

"Didn't you notice that he mentioned the concept of technological explosion in the interview?"

"The current situation in Huaxia [is] saving up a chance for a technological explosion!"

"They missed the last technological explosion. Based on my knowledge of China, they never want to miss the next one!"

"And this, Luo Fei..."

Little Tommy called out Luo Fei's name almost accurately, and said:

"He came up with the concept of a technology explosion, and Focus unleashed that concept."

"It's a signal that scares me!"

Little Tommy and even the word fear.

Everyone in the office couldn't help but frown.

The concept of a technological explosion is just a concept, how can it be frightening?

Not a big mushroom bomb.

The president thought about it with his somewhat intelligent but not much brain, but he couldn't figure it out.

Then he asked little Tommy, saying:

"I don't see where is the fear you speak of?"

"Your Excellency the President, Members of Congress, and Ministers."

Little Tommy said gravely:

"The Tech Explosion isn't a particularly advanced concept, but it's a useful weapon!"

"This is equivalent to giving confidence to many people, as long as they enter into the accumulation of technology, the technology explosion will happen!"

"In physics, this is called quantitative change causing qualitative change!"

"As for the country of Huaxia, it is the country that is best at causing quantitative changes to cause qualitative changes!"

Little Tommy's words finally made everyone look dignified.

The tech explosion sounds generic, but it's not very intuitive.

Quantitative change leads to qualitative change, which is very straightforward.

The President nodded and asked:

"What do you think?"

Little Tommy showed a smug smile on his face, and said:

"Contact this person, and then give him Eagle Doctor citizenship!"

"In this way, I believe that no Chinese person will believe what he said!"

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