Comprehension Against The Sky, Graduation Project Nantianmen Project!

Chapter 81 The Miniaturization Of Jinwu And Feiliu Is Successful! Group Structure Problem! [2 For Cu

island nation.

The cabinet is also meeting.

After watching Huaxia's new "Focus Interview".

The person sitting on the main seat said:

"Huaxia seems to be really rising! Gentlemen, how should we choose?"

"Stop them! Stop them at all costs!"

"Has Yingjiang-san ignored it? If Yingjiang-san doesn't, then we have to take action!"

"We must not allow them to rise smoothly!"

"This country is terrible! Gentlemen, you don't want to see Huaxia rise again, do you?"

The person in the main seat looked at the plumber with a speechless face.

After a while, wait for the sound in the meeting room to quiet down.

The person in charge said:

"Does this young man who brought up the technological explosion need special attention?"

The main position, let everyone start thinking.

Unlike Yingjiang's brain with a direct circuit, the island country has a deep understanding of China.

I am also very sensitive to the signals released in "Focus Interview".

"This young man named Luo Fei is very strange."

One thought for a while and said:

"The technology explosion theory he proposed was not something particularly advanced."

"But, coming from a young man's mouth, that's something to be treated with caution.

"In addition, the Nantianmen plan he proposed sounds very romantic, and it does not conform to China's usual military development ideas, but I always feel something is wrong!"

"It's very wrong!"

Another immediately said:

"This Nantianmen project sounds exaggerated.

"An air and space strategic defense system, with the current technical conditions, cannot be achieved within a hundred years!"

"But, everyone, think about their Xuannv?"

"What kind of technique was used on Xuannv, no one has analyzed it yet!"

"Especially the engine technology!"

"I doubt that they have made a major breakthrough in engine technology!"

Needless to say, everyone in the conference room already knew about this.

Another said:

"I still think that the concept of technological explosion is very dangerous!"

"It will become an ideological weapon, just like our common prosperity in the past, it will arm the Chinese people!"

"I suggest that one of this young man should be approached."

What this person said made everyone in the conference room think again.

Suddenly, I also felt the horror of the concept of technological explosion.

The person in charge then issued an order, saying:

"Let's wait and see Ying Jiang's reaction."

"If they're unreliable, then we're going to have to do something about it!"

"This young man named Luo Fei, also try to get in touch."

"But be careful, if Huaxia officials are not stupid, they will definitely pay attention to him!"


the other side.

As a good son of Eagle Sauce. 600

But he keeps calling Yingjiang Ouba's stick, and he is also in a meeting.

"The situation is serious, Smecta!"

When the host spoke, he habitually pouted and said worriedly:

"Eagle Sauce Ouba looks a little scared of Huaxia's Xuannv Fighter, what should I do?"

The people below also had grievances on their faces.

Then Smecta Smecta chattered:

"Let Eagle Sauce Ouba sanction them!"

"As long as Eagle Sauce Ouba makes a move, we will follow immediately!"

"We can't let Huaxia rise again, otherwise, we will call them father again!"

Here is, someone came up with a genius idea:

"Is it possible to find an expert in history to prove that this Luo Fei is from our Bangzi country?"


Everyone was dumbfounded.

Then I felt that although this matter is not reliable, it seems to be worth a try.

At least, a seed of no doubt can be planted for ordinary people in China.

"Also, I suspect that they must have stolen Yingjiang Ouba's technology!"

"Otherwise, it would be impossible to create a fighter jet with a speed of Mach 4 like Xuannv!"

This time, no one felt right.

Although Bangzi is the son of Yingjiao Ouba.

Although it is even more shameless than Eagle Sauce.

But, the Yingjiang technology that Huaxia stole?

Will anyone believe this?

If Eagle Sauce has this kind of technology, why not build the Xuannv fighter himself?

It's so funny in the world!


The host couldn't stand it anymore and said:

"We must continue to pay attention to the actions of Eagle Sauce Oppa, and we must keep up with the pace of Eagle Sauce Oppa!"

"This time, it's different from the past."

"That Xuannv Fighter is so beautiful......scary!"


Pegasus Lab.

Luo Fei looked at the little Golden Crow with a faint blue light, and couldn't help admiring.

With this thing, maybe the Iron Man armor is not far away!

Yes, Luo Fei still wants to make receivers.

And for the time being, it is not a mecha like Chengying, but a restored Mark3 humanoid armor.

In addition to feeling handsome.

Many technologies in the Iron Man armor can be used in the Nantianmen project.

Like the life support system.

This technology can allow pilots or astronauts to survive in more extreme environments.

There is also internal cushioning system technology.

The speed of the battle armor is so fast, sometimes it does not slow down when it lands.

A strong internal buffer system is necessary so that the users of the armor will not be subjected to strong shocks.

Colonel Rhodes was hit by the phantom on the armor, and the armor went on strike.

Why is Man of Steel (ccdg) in a hurry?

Just because the armor stopped working, the buffer system inside also stopped working.

Falling from high altitude, either injury or death.

However, these need to be solved step by step.

After all, there are too many technologies involved in Iron Man armor that are not available now.

After solving the miniaturization of the Golden Crow.

The next step is the miniaturization of Feiliu.

With the little Golden Crow's experience, Luo Fei is full of confidence in the miniaturization of Feiliu.


It is to disassemble, adjust and polish the previously completed Feiliu miniature model, and then assemble it.

The closer the model is to the real thing, the greater the chance of triggering the "defying sentiment".


The more exquisite the workmanship of the physical objects you come into contact with, the more advanced the knowledge you will get after being enlightened.

This is the experience Luo Fei slowly summed up.

Things went well.

a week later.


【Through observing and feeling the device of the micro electric propulsion system, you have an epiphany, and you know the principle and manufacturing method of the micro electric propulsion system!】

It worked!

Luo Fei was overjoyed.

Subsequently, Yinhuang's knowledge about the principles of miniaturization of electric propulsion systems and manufacturing methods.

It poured into Luo Fei's brain.

Like Jinwu, this knowledge was quickly integrated with Feiliu's principles and manufacturing methods.

Save a lot of storage space.

"I see!"

After reviewing the principles of miniaturization of electric propulsion systems.

Only then did Luo Fei realize that he had been making a mistake all along.

Made a controllable cold fusion miniaturization almost exactly the same mistake.

That's what he simply thought.

Miniaturization is to reduce the size of the device to the same proportion!

But the truth is not so.

In the process of miniaturization, there are components that need to be added.

There are also elements that need to be subtracted.

Similarly, the miniaturization of Feiliu also faces two main problems.

One is temperature control.

One is enough thrust.

Regardless of the weight of the battle armor plus the person, it is only 300 kilograms.

But I want the battle armor to be able to easily have a sonic boom and accelerate instantly like in the movie.

Without enough thrust, it simply can't be done.

The theoretical thrust calculated by Luo Fei should be at least 0.5 tons.

That is to say, it should be slightly more than the weight of the armor plus the person.

Of course, bigger is better!

Vigorously can fly bricks, let alone a 300 kg brick!

Half a month later.

Luo Fei has successfully miniaturized Feiliu!

Little Golden Crow + Little Feiliu.

Luo Fei looked at the performance test data of Xiaofeiliu based on Little Golden Crow and was very satisfied.

power on.

The regular output power of Little Golden Crow has just reached the design theoretical value of 500,000 kilowatts.

The maximum power is higher than the theoretical value, reaching 2 million kilowatts.


Thrust up.

The conventional thrust of Xiaofeiliu exceeds the theoretical value at the time of design, reaching 0.8 tons!

And the maximum thrust has reached 2 tons.

These two data.

It was tested by Luo Fei by installing Xiao Feiliu on the Golden Crow and the Little Golden Crow respectively.

Simply perfect!

Compare the minimum thrust required by Xuannv to 10 tons.

In other words, five such little Feiliu were tied together and directly mounted on Xuannv.

Can make Xuannv take off!

Simply exaggerated!

Looking at the data, look at the little Jinwu and Xiao Feiliu on the test bench.

Can't help feeling.

Sure enough, controllable nuclear fusion and electric propulsion system are the key for human beings to enter the sea of ​​stars!

Let go of the data.

Luo Fei looked at the nearly one-to-one model of the Mark3 armor.

I began to think in my heart:

I hope that when I enter the headquarters of the group next year, the Iron Man armor can be produced!"

"With this thing, my safety can be truly guaranteed."

"The next step is to solve two key problems inside the armor."

"Intelligent system, and computer core!"

"After solving these two key problems, the others can be temporarily unused, and unmanned test flights can be performed."

Intelligent systems are a thing.

But a computer core consists of several important components.

Chips, storage elements, and CPUs and the like.

At present, the most advanced small computer in the world cannot meet the requirements of War Armor.

So, Luo Fei needs to make all DIY!

However, there is currently no time to do this.

Because Baidi's aerodynamic layout, that is, the manufacture of the airframe, has been completed on time!

Unfortunately, immediate wind tunnel experiments were not possible.

Tomorrow is the Spring Festival!

The people in the wind tunnel laboratory.

People including the base and the laboratory still have to go home for the New Year!

After all, Baidi's progress is so fast that no one has the heart to let the researchers and staff of Pantao's laboratory.

Even the Spring Festival has to be spent in the laboratory.

Luo Fei is alone, with nowhere to go, and plans to live in the base.

At this time, he had to leave the base due to the mission he received within a month.

A certain military airport in Beijing.

Luo Fei met Zhang Tao, Xia Gong and others who were refreshed.

Similarly, I also saw Director Liang, code-named Li Li, and the battle situation, code-named Meng Ji.

Moreover, there is also General Sun, code-named Jingwei.

Yes, these people represent

The Political and Industrial Administration, the Military Industry Administration and the military.

Chaodong is a member of the leadership team of Santi Industry Group.

At the same time, he is also a member of the Nantianmen Project Executive Committee.

Among them, as mentioned earlier, Director Liang is still the liaison officer.

After the headquarters of the Three Body Industry Group is completed, it is estimated that his job will undergo a change.

After taking a look at Xuannv's situation.

Luo Fei, Director Liang, Zhan Ji, and Admiral Sun were in a small conference room with extremely high confidentiality standards.

Several tasks were discussed.

"According to your request, Santi Industrial Group is designed as a park, which is the current conceptual design.

Director Liang took out a printed text, put it in front of Luo Fei, and said:

"There are a total of three design proposals, you have to look at it first, if you are not satisfied, let them do it again."

at first.

The idea of ​​the rest of the group is to build the form of the headquarters building.

Like Stark Tower.

But Luo Fei refused and chose the form of a corporate park instead.

Because Santi Industrial Group is not exactly a company, but a research and development base.

In this case, the building is inconvenient to accommodate one laboratory after another.

Moreover, the working environment of the building is too closed.

The park is much better.

The building does not need to be too high, the green plants are shaded, and the flowers and plants are everywhere.

When researchers are tired from scientific research, they can walk out of the laboratory at any time, take a walk in the park, and get inspired.

In the building, it is estimated that you can only have a cup of coffee.

Luo Fei quickly read through the three proposals, thought for a moment, and said:

"I am quite satisfied with the park planning of Plan 1, but the architectural style is too rigid and the industrial flavor is too strong.

"The architectural planning of Scheme 2 is not bad, the group layout is dense and dense, and it feels a bit like a traditional garden.

"I think the architectural style of Scheme 3 is good. It has a sci-fi flavor, but it is too sci-fi.

"My suggestion is to combine these three options."

"The park planning concept of plan one, the architectural planning concept of plan two, and the architectural style of plan three are required.

"It means that the architectural style has less sci-fi taste, and there are too many arcs and too much redundant space at present."

Director Liang wrote it down and said:

"I think it's time for you to consider finding a professional manager.

"Santi Industrial Group, you definitely won't have time to take care of it when the time comes."

"Military use is easy to solve, just go to you directly.

"But what about civilian products?"

"Civil products involve a lot of commercial activities. Without professional managers, can you manage them?"

War also said:

"There is also the issue of the planning and design of the park. You also need someone to help you look after it."

"Santi Industrial Group, it is inconvenient for us to intervene too much, you have to form a team yourself.

Admiral Sun nodded, but did not speak.

Luo Fei also frowned.

Director Liang really needs to think about it.

The Three Body Industry Group needs someone like Iron Man's Pepper and Professor Lu's senior sister.

to manage the company.


Luo Fei suddenly thought of Sun Xiaoyu.

But no, Sun Xiaoyu did not learn from Shang, but engaged in scientific research like him.

Either be responsible for specific projects in the future.

Or his research assistant.

Therefore, it needs a person who is capable, experienced and trustworthy.

As for ideological and moral issues, I believe there will be no problem with Director Liang and the others.

When Luo Fei was in trouble.

Admiral Sun suggested:

"Well, you can ask Xiao Yu about it. She has an acquaintance, Fa Xiao, who studies business management."

"I know people and they are reliable, but I don't know much about them after generations."

Admiral Sun still knows Sun Xiaoyu's childhood.

Luo Fei instantly understood that most of Sun Xiaoyu's family members were also soldiers.

Then he nodded and said:

"That's fine, I'll go back and ask Xiao Yu."

Speaking of this, Luo Fei suddenly thought of a question and said:

"Can you talk to Xiaoyu about the matter of the Three Body Industry Group?"

"Chief, Xiaoyu will definitely do scientific research with me in the future...

Admiral Sun rolled his eyes and ignored Luo Fei.

Zhan Si and Director Liang wanted to laugh, but they held back anyway.

After a while, Director Liang coughed and said:

"The matter about Sun Xiaoyu has also been discussed in the organization."

"The manager we need to find is mainly responsible for the civil and commercial fields of Santi Industrial Group.

"If it is reliable, more things can be known in the future."

"But for the time being, we suggest that Comrade Sun Xiaoyu be in charge of the military industry."

"In terms of research and development, Luo Fei, it's not that I don't recommend her to do it."

"A girl who engages in scientific research projects in the military industry every day, her body can't bear it."

"So, it is more appropriate to let her be your project assistant to manage military projects.

After Luo Fei listened, he glanced at Admiral Sun.

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