Comprehension Against The Sky, Graduation Project Nantianmen Project!

Chapter 94 Baidi Has A Big Problem! Pause Assembly Now! [3 Requests For Custom Orders And Full Order

The assembly of Baidi gradually got on the right track.

Every day, Xia Gong and his team will carefully stuff something into Baidi's body.

One part after another, one accessory after another.

It seems that after Xuannv's assembly.

The collaboration ability of this team has been raised to a higher level.

So far, everything is going well.

However, on this day, Luo Fei discovered a big problem with Baidi!

"Stop for a moment!"

Luo Fei stood in front of the elevated bridge of Baidi, called to stop the clanging assembly workers, and said:

"There is a very serious problem, let me directly address it here."

"If this goes on like this, I feel that Baidi will soon become Bai Deng, have diarrhea, and become a rare sect!"

Everyone stopped and looked at each other.

They didn't quite understand what Bai Deng and Rare Zong meant.

"What's wrong?"

Xia Gong came to Luo Fei and asked in a low voice.

Then I saw the notebook in Luo Fei's hand, which was full of questions.

Glancing at it, I saw a sentence.

Take another look at the small piece of metal in Luo Fei's hand.

I didn't feel anything at first, but in an instant, I was sweating profusely, and shouted loudly:

"Everyone stop!"

"Stop all of them for me and come down to listen to Mr. Luo's lecture!"

Chen Zhe also looked at Luo Fei, not quite understanding what the problem was.

He feels that Baidi's assembly work has always been smooth, and he strives for perfection.

But judging by Xia Gong's reaction, the problem may not be small!

Luo Fei took out the notebook he used to write down the little problems he found every day, and said:

"What is being assembled now is the front fuselage."

"The front fuselage is the skeleton of aluminum alloy."

"It is composed of nearly 4,000 parts including the radar fixing frame, cockpit, nose landing gear wheel well, power distribution lines and pipes, instrument support, electronic equipment bracket and canopy base.

"There are also two aluminum alloy beams running through the front fuselage."

"What I want to talk about now is the issue of the aluminum alloy material of the skeleton and the girder."


Everyone was taken aback.

They all thought it was a problem of assembly, but now it sounds like it is a problem of materials?

"Shouldn't it?"

Xia Gong didn't speak, but Chen Zhe looked puzzled and said:

"Luo Fei, the aluminum alloy we use is the aluminum alloy with the best performance."

"If that's still a problem, then?"

Xia Gong took another look at what was written in Luo Fei's notebook, frowned and thought for a while.

I don't know what to say.

Because he found out that he didn't quite understand.


Luo Fei sighed, showed everyone the metal block in his hand, and said:

"This is the aluminum alloy used by Baidi now, I will do a test in the next two days.

"The performance is really good, and it doesn't seem to be a problem with Baidi."

"But the 980 is far from the performance I need, especially the strength, it is too soft!"

too soft?

This is a bit exaggerated, right?

This aluminum alloy material is used in aerospace rockets, how can it be soft?

It is harder than steel!

"It's well known."

Luo Fei decided to teach them a lesson, saying:

"It is mainly eight metal elements that affect the performance of aluminum alloys.

" are vanadium, calcium, lead, tin, bismuth, antimony, beryllium, and sodium, respectively.

"Others, iron and silicon, titanium and boron, chromium and strontium, and copper, magnesium, manganese, and zinc."

"According to the different uses of finished aluminum all-gold materials, the elements added in the processing process, these impurity elements have different structures due to different melting points, and the compounds formed with aluminum are also different.

"As a result, the performance of aluminum alloys has many differences."

"The aluminum alloy material we are using now has only barely enough strength."

"There is another problem, that is, it is too heavy!"

Having said that, Luo Fei looked at Chen Zhe and He Qiang and asked:

"When you two calculated the design empty weight, did you use this material?"

The two nodded.

"That's it."

Luo Fei nodded, turned to Xia Gong and said:

"Baidi's assembly work, please stop."

"I will continue to assemble after I solve the aluminum alloy problem."

Without even thinking about it, Xia Gong agreed directly.

Chen Zhe was somewhat puzzled, and said:

"Old Luo, if the assembly work stops, we will run out of time!"

"And, as you said about this aluminum alloy, its strength is sufficient for the time being!"

"Just tell me, what does it mean that it is enough for the time being?"

"It is enough for the time being, that is, it is enough for low-speed flight."

Luo Fei glanced at the impatient Chen Zhe, and said:

"Using this material, you designed the maximum flight speed of Baidi to be Mach 3, right?"


Chen Zhe nodded, he knew all the data about Baidi by heart.

"Too slow!"

Luo Fei said something too slowly, then shook his head and said:

"Not too slow, but too dangerous!"

"You also know the performance of Jinwu and Feiliu, and how powerful Feiliu's thrust is.

"Let me tell you so."

"If the pilot accidentally increases the thrust, Baidi's speed can probably reach Mach 4 or more!"

"At this speed, this aluminum alloy material can't hold it at all!"

"Fighter damage is a small problem, what if it disintegrates in the air?"

When Xia Gong heard the word disintegration, he felt cold sweat all over his body.

Just the picture he came up with was enough to scare him.

Chen Zhe looked at Luo Fei with a frown, and said:

"How could a pilot accidentally give high thrust?"

"And, on the main controller, isn't it possible to control the power of the Jinwu and the thrust of Feiliu?"

Everyone couldn't help nodding.

From takeoff to landing, the power output and thrust of the aircraft are definitely different.

These are all controlled by the main controller.

How is it possible to increase the thrust to the point where the aircraft cannot bear it?

Also, how could the pilot be careless?

"These are ideal situations."

Luo Fei shook his head and said:

"The biggest question, don't you see it yet?"

"Now it's the aluminum alloy material, which completely limits the performance of Jinwu and Feiliu!"

"Everyone, are we going to install Jinwu and Feiliu on a backward fighter?"

Speaking of the last sentence, Luo Fei's voice increased a lot.

A lot stricter.

Everyone was stunned.

For a while, I didn't know what to say.

It seems that this is indeed the case.

If Baidi is an old plane, or it was built before Jinwu and Feiliu.

It's okay to change hair now.

But Baidi is a new creation!

The newly built aircraft can't let its power system give full play to its performance!

This is a big problem!

But what about Xuannv?

At this time, someone suddenly discovered this question, raised his hand and asked:

"Mr. Luo, the aluminum alloy material used by Xuannv is also this one, right?"

"Why is it that Xuannv's speed has exceeded Mach 4, but there are no problems in the two test flights?"

When everyone heard it, they thought it was right.

Why is Xuannv okay?

"Why can Xuannv only fly Mach 4?"

"Didn't go to a higher speed?"

Luo Fei asked a few questions back, seeing everyone's suddenly enlightened expressions, he said:

"Yes, there are also problems with Xuannv's materials.

"It's just that, compared to Baidi, Xuannv is much lighter and carries a lot less load."

"This allows her to give full play to the performance of Jinwu and Feiliu."

"But that's all!"

Only then did everyone understand.

Then it was shocking again.

It turns out that Mach 4 is not Xuannv's limit speed!

This is really, unbelievable!

At this time, Chen Zhe asked:

"Do you want to improve this aluminum alloy material now?"


Luo Fei nodded and said:

"It was my fault that I ignored the problem of aluminum alloy material before."

"Now that we have discovered it, we can no longer use this aluminum alloy material as a skeleton for Bai Di!"

This feeling.

It's like using the bones of an old man in a young man's body.

Looks energetic in performance.

But let him do a 100-meter sprint, it is estimated that several bones will be broken on the spot!

"But, is there enough time?"

Chen Zhe asked a question, and added:

"I mean, can you temporarily use this material to assemble the current Baidi No. 1?"

"After you improve the aluminum alloy material, will you use it on the second Baidi fighter?"

"After all, while current materials can only be developed to speeds up to Mach 3."

"But, Lao Luo, you don't think Mach 3 is very slow, do you?"

Is Mach 3 really slow?

Maybe besides not being able to catch up with Xuannv, I have to beat all the fifth-generation fighters!

Xia Gong also said at this time:

"Boss Luo, what Chen Gong said is not wrong."

"I think we should make two preparations, one is to complete the assembly of the current Baidi fighter jet.

"Then wait for the new aluminum alloy material to be developed, and the Baidi after the second one will use this material."

"Besides, didn't Xuannv say that the production of (ccd) will start after one more test flight?"

"I think the problem with Xuannv is the big problem."

What the two said made Luo Fei feel awkward for a while.

Intellectually, they are right.

Emotionally, Luo Fei really didn't want Baidi, a young man, to use the bones of a hundred-year-old man.


That girl Xuannv seems to use the bones of a centenarian!


Luo Fei found that his persistence seemed meaningless.


Sighing, Luo Fei waved his hand and said:

"That's all right, you guys continue, this White Emperor, it's just like this for the time being."

After finishing speaking, he shook his head, turned around and left in the sunshine.

Seeing this, Chen Zhe opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to persuade him.

He said he knew Luo Fei's mood at the moment.

Instead, he stood in his position, the chief designer of the Nantianmen design.

It is definitely necessary to strive for perfection every step of the way.

But the problem now is that many technologies and materials cannot meet the requirements.

Therefore, we can only temporarily compromise on the current technology and materials.

"Xia Gong, senior brother Chen Zhe, please continue."

"I'm going to persuade my brother."

After Sun Xiaoyu finished speaking, she chased after him.

"Luo Fei, is he okay?"

Xia Gong looked at the direction Luo Fei was leaving, and was a little worried about his state.


Chen Zhe shook his head and said:

"Luo Fei's attitude towards scientific research is much purer than mine."

"You are like this Baidi, I think, maybe

Just let him fly. "

"As for whether the speed can reach the theoretical design value, I may ignore it first."

"But Luo Fei is a person who pursues perfection."

"His research and development idea is that the designed things must be higher than the theoretical value!"

"You are like Xuannv's take-off distance. The theoretical value Zhang Tao said at the beginning is 120 meters."

"The results of it?"

"Until now, no one knows whether 49 meters is the limit take-off distance or not!"

Xia Gong was stunned for a moment, and somewhat understood Luo Fei's mood just now.

After a while, he frowned and said:

"Chen Gong, do you think Luo Fei is showing off his skills by doing this?"

"Ha ha!"

Chen Zhe couldn't help laughing, thought for a while, and said:

"I remember Luo Fei said a word when I was an undergraduate.

"Technology is used to show off, if it can't be used to show off, it is his failure as a researcher!"

Xia Gong was silent.

This kind of realm, it can only be said that he probably can only look up.

However, thinking about my pursuit of manufacturing technology, it seems that I can't understand this ultimate pursuit of perfection.

Turning to look at the two aluminum alloy girders, Xiagong suddenly asked:

"You said, Luo Fei has roughly solved the problem of the new aluminum alloy?"


Chen Zhe was stunned for a moment, and said incredulously:

"Can't you?"

"This aluminum alloy, let alone the best material we can produce in China.

"Even internationally, it is the best.

"I know he wants to improve, but how could he think of a way to improve so quickly?"

This is exaggerated!

Even if it has been accepted that Luo Fei is an exaggeration.

Chen Zhe still couldn't believe it.

"Did you forget the LF-1 material on the Golden Crow?"

Xia Gong reminded Chen Zhe, saying:

"Although I was not in the Pantao laboratory at the time, I heard about it later."

"Luo Fei developed LF-1, a new type of carbon fiber ceramic composite material, because the performance of the current high-temperature-resistant and heat-resistant ceramic material is not up to standard!"

"Anyway, this matter is about to become a myth in Pantao Lab!"


Chen Zhe was stunned.

It suddenly occurred to me that the name Luo Fei had given to their seven-member R&D team was the Mythology R&D Team!

Although it's been a while since I mentioned it.

But at this moment, Chen Zhe seemed to realize the real intention behind Luo Fei's name!

"Perhaps, he has really arrived!"

Chen Zhe was still a little shocked, then he sighed and said:

"But seeing that he finally compromised, it is estimated that he only has a solution for the time being. Can it be done without reason?"

"After all, this is different from the Golden Crow."

"The White Emperor now has alternative materials, and the materials that the Jinwu will use were urgently needed at that time."

"That's true."

Xia Gong nodded, shook his head, and said:

"Let's continue the assembly work, there is not much time left for Baidi to assemble!"

Afterwards, Luo Fei was no longer discussed.

Instead, he directed the team to continue the assembly work on the first floor of Baidi.

the other side.

Sun Xiaoyu chased all the way to the reading room.

Seeing Luo Fei sitting in a chair, staring at the piece of aluminum alloy metal on the cup in a daze.

His brows were also tightly frowned.

Walking over gently, standing behind Luo Fei, reached out and gently pressed his brow with his fingers.

"Brother, do you feel helpless to compromise?"

Sun Xiaoyu asked softly.


Luo Fei let out a long breath, leaned on Sun Xiaoyu's chest, and said:

"It can't be said that it's a compromise and helplessness."

"I just reflected on myself."

"After Xuannv's first test flight, she should start improving this material."

"Xuannv's smooth sailing, and everyone's joy, made me a little carried away."


Sun Xiaoyu gently pressed Luo Fei's empty hole with two fingers, and said:

"It's a good thing to say it here."

"If you put it outside and they hear it, you must be pretending!"


Luo Fei was silent.

It seems that there is indeed a bit of pretentiousness.

However, he himself has no proof!


Luo Fei let out a sharp breath, letting himself out of the lost mood.

In an instant, he regained his enthusiasm and said:

"In any case, the performance improvement research and development work of this aluminum alloy material will start immediately!"

"Shaking people, I need to pick someone up!"

To develop materials is to do experiments.

Luo Fei immediately thought of Brother Zhao Fei who had assisted him in the development of LF-1 materials before.

So I called Yang Xiaozhi and asked if they had returned from their business trip.

Then, he got a news that shocked him and made him furious!

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PS. The next chapter is at 14:00 pm! Good afternoon!!!.

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