Comprehension Against The Sky, Graduation Project Nantianmen Project!

Chapter 95 The Equipment Ship Was Detained By Fobo In Europe? Please Kill! [4 For Custom Order For F

Zhao Fei and Yang Hui's business trip.

The destination is Europe.

Mainly country D.

At present, the most advanced equipment for researching materials science is still here.

At the beginning, it was very smooth.

After all, the two of them came to purchase.

To put it bluntly, they are here to give money to country D.

Perhaps coupled with the awe that Xuannv gave to the world, the two of them realized that a customer is God.

This was a feeling I had never had before.

However, Zhao Fei and Yang Hui did not enjoy the feeling that the customer is God.

They keep their mission in mind.

In a short period of time, a lot of banknotes were thrown out.

Also exchanged back a lot of equipment for research materials.

Until everything is done.

None of them, the last time, that is, three years ago, when they were graduate students.

When I went out to buy equipment with Professor Cheng, I made things difficult.

On this day, watching with their own eyes that all the equipment was loaded onto the cargo ship, the two were slightly relieved.

Although it's been smooth sailing.

But when they are abroad, the two dare not relax their vigilance for a moment.

Always keep one sentence in mind -

There are always people who want to harm me!

At this moment, it is completely relieved.

Seeing that the cargo ship was ready to set sail, Zhao Fei let out a long breath and said:

"We can go back when the ship is out to sea!"

Yang Hui nodded, staring fixedly at the cargo ship without speaking.

"Lao Yang."

At this moment Zhao Fei pinched his arm and said:

"Oh my god, this time the two of us spend money, it's really like water!"

"I feel like I'm spending all the money I can spend in my life."

"No, not just this life!"

"It may be money that can be spent in ten lifetimes, but in this short period of more than half a month, all of it has been spent

At the end, Zhao Fei felt a little numb.

If it wasn't for Yang Hui's insistence on bargaining with others, he would probably have to learn from those big dogs.

Become a big coin!

"well enough."

Yang Hui watched the cargo ship start to leave the dock, and said:

"I have no concept of money, as long as it can be replaced with equipment, it is worth it!

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help feeling:

"The energy of our junior brother is really strong!"

"Tell me, who paid the money?"

"Who else?"

Zhao Fei pointed to the top and said:

"This kind of financial resources may be available to many domestic companies."

"However, there will definitely not be any company in China that spends so much money to buy so much scientific research equipment at once!"

"It's too exaggerated, Lao Yang, I'm numb to the core!"

Yang Hui nodded and said:

"The boat will go out to sea soon, let's go back too."

"What time is the plane coming?"

"Two hours later..."

As soon as Zhao Fei said this, his eyes suddenly widened. Looking ahead, he hesitated and said:

"Why did the boat stop?"


Yang Hui was also stunned for a while, and quickly looked over.

Only then did I realize that the boat that was supposed to start to speed up slightly stopped unexpectedly!

"what's the situation?"

"Go and ask!"

The two felt a little uneasy, and hurried to find the person in charge of the dock.

"Sir, what happened to our ship?"

"What's wrong?"

The two continued to ask the person in charge of the dock.

"have no idea."

The person in charge of the pier is a typical D countryman, shaking his head, guessing:

"Maybe there is a small problem, but it should not be big."

"Otherwise, they should have called for help at the pier.

Speaking of this, the person in charge of the dock suddenly let out a sigh and said:

"No, why do I look at it, as if someone is going to stop your boat?"


The two were stunned for a moment, and immediately looked over, but didn't understand the situation, and asked:

"Sir, why did someone stop our boat?"

"Can you see who it is?"

"Sand color!"

At this time, I heard the person in charge of the dock swear a national curse, and then said cursingly:

"It's the ugliness! It's the nasty Phoebe!"

"This group of Fobo Le, go to the docks of other countries to make trouble every day, I really want to mess with him!"


Are the Ugly people blocking our boat?

Zhao Fei and Yang Hui looked at each other, and instantly realized that something was wrong.

At this time, I heard the person in charge of the dock asking them, saying:

"May I ask what is on your ship?"

"Supposedly, although Ugly Country is strong, it won't be able to stop an ordinary cargo ship casually, right?"

"You won't be transporting things from Ugly Country, will you?"

"How can it be!"

Zhao Fei directly shook his head and said:

"We bought some ordinary experimental equipment and equipment."

"And they are all produced in your country!"

"Let's not talk about Ugly's equipment, there's not even a bag of Ugly's washing powder!"

Hear Zhao Fei's words.

The dockmaster couldn't help grinning.

Although people in country D always like to keep a straight face.

But Zhao Fei's complaint still touched his heart.

"That would be strange."

The person in charge of the dock smiled very briefly, frowned and said:

"If there is no so-called 'violation', shouldn't Ugly Country do this?"

"They seem to be driving the cargo ship to the dock."

"Two friends from China, I suggest you contact the embassy immediately, as well as people in China."

"I don't quite understand this matter, but it feels a little troublesome."

"Thanks for reminding!"

Zhao Fei also felt that something was wrong, so he planned to call the company first.

But Yang Hui asked the person in charge of the dock with a puzzled look on his face, saying:

"If I remember correctly, this pier belongs to country D, right?"

"Why would Fobole of the Ugly Country stop a cargo ship that hasn't left the port here?"

"Also, isn't Fobole only able to enforce the law on the territory of the Ugly Country?"

"Isn't that reasonable?"

"Ha ha!"

The person in charge of the dock smiled again, but sneered, and said:

"My friend from China, you are so naive!"

"Reasonable? When did the Ugly Country ever talk about reason?"

"On this planet, besides your country, is there any place that Phoebe dare not go?"

Yang Hui froze for a moment, then smiled wryly.

It seems that, as the person in charge of the dock said, there is nothing wrong with it!

"How to say?"

Seeing Zhao Fei finish the phone call, Yang Song asked:

"What does Mr. Yang say? Do you need to call the embassy?"

"let's hit!"

Zhao Fei nodded and said:

"President Yang said that she will contact Luo Fei first, and then think of other ways."

"Let us contact the people in the embassy first, and we must not let Fobole board the ship and seize the goods!"

"Otherwise, put a bag of washing powder for us, and it will be troublesome!"

Yang Hui was speechless.

Zhao Fei then called the embassy of country D and reported:

"Hi, I'm from Huaxia!"

Hearing the accent of a Chinese on the other side, he felt very cordial, but he also knew that there might be a problem, so he hurriedly asked:

"Excuse me, are you coming to country D, have you encountered any trouble?"


Zhao Fei directly identified himself, explained the situation, and said:

"I'm a procurement officer of the Three Body Industry Group, and I'm here in country D to purchase a batch of scientific research equipment."

"All the equipment was purchased through legal channels, and there is no illegal activity."

"Also, the total value of this batch of equipment is 2 billion Chinese dollars!"


In the earpiece, there was a noise.

After a while, the other party immediately said:

"You go on!"

Zhao Fei didn't ask what happened, but continued:

"Now when the equipment is going out to sea through a cargo ship, it is stopped by Fobole of the Ugly Country!"

"I don't know what their reason is, but it must be unreasonable!"

"I've contacted China, and she told me to contact the embassy first, and we can't let Fobole's people board our cargo ship. If they say they want to inspect the cargo and detain the ship, they can't agree!"

The person opposite instantly understood the seriousness of the matter.

Immediately said:

"What's your name?"

"My name is Zhao Fei, and I came with a colleague named Yang Hui!"

"Which pier are you at now?"

Afterwards, Zhao Fei said the name of the dock, and the person opposite immediately said:

"Okay, I see, I will report the situation to the ambassador of the embassy in country D now!"

"In this way, if they insist on going to the general inspection, you should try to negotiate first!"

"If all goes well, we'll be there in fifteen minutes!"

"Okay! Trouble!"

After speaking, the other party hung up the phone.

Zhao Fei believed it.

As long as you are not a bad person and you hear that it is a device worth 2 billion, you will definitely not be delayed.

Then, he looked at the cargo ship approaching the pier.

At the same time, I also saw some soldiers with guns, and Fobole in a suit!


Zhao Fei took a deep breath and walked over bravely.

Before the people from the embassy arrive, he is the last line of defense for this ship's equipment!

Yang Hui was stunned for a moment, and quickly chased after him!

The person in charge of the dock was stunned, and hurriedly shouted:

"Come back quickly!"

Neither of them have any weapons, the past is courting death!"

However, Zhao Fei and Yang Hui didn't seem to hear it at all.

Run towards the pier where the boat is docked.

"Sha Yishi!"

The person in charge of the pier looked helpless, and in the end he didn't know what was wrong, so he followed him.

D country embassy.

It was time to go to work in the morning.

Hu Yide, the ambassador to country D, started his work as usual.

Looking at the memo again, there are a few things to attend to today.

Which one should be dealt with first and which one can be dealt with last.

at this time.

Boom boom boom!

The office was suddenly knocked.

Ambassador Hu looked up and said:

"Come in."

Then, a young man rushed in through the door.

It seemed very reckless.

Ambassador Hu subconsciously wanted to reprimand him.

For example, this is a foreign country, so you can't lose the face of the country.

But immediately realized that something might be wrong.

Although country D is not one of those countries where wars are fought every day, something will inevitably happen.

So he asked urgently:

"Xiao Lai, what's wrong?"

A young man named Xiao Lai immediately reported loudly:

"Ambassador, one of our cargo ships was stopped by the people from the ugly country Fobole at the ** pier!"

"The caller said that the cargo ship on this cargo ship is a total of 2 billion worth of equipment!"

Ambassador Hu was shocked for a moment, stood up abruptly, frowned and asked:

...asking for flowers......


Said why Bole stopped our cargo ship?"

Ambassador Hu did not doubt it.

Why would it be Fobole's people who stopped the cargo ship.

In China, I saw all kinds of ghosts walking in the night and all kinds of ghosts appearing.

In foreign countries, the same fantastic things can be seen everywhere!

"The caller said there was no illegal equipment on board!"

After Xiao Lai finished speaking, he suddenly remembered that he forgot the key information, and said:

"Oh, by the way, he said he is the purchasing staff of the Three Body Industry Group!"


Ambassador Hu was even more shocked immediately, and asked urgently:

"You mean, the person who reported the case said he was from the Three Body Industry Group?"

"Are you sure you heard and remembered right?"

"Of course not!"

Xiao Lai fully assured:

"This name is easy to remember, I will remember it immediately!"


Ambassador Hu knows too well what the Three Body Industry Group means.

After thinking for a while about how to deal with it, he immediately ordered to Xiao Lai:

"Go arrange a car now, within ten minutes, I will arrive at this pier!"


Xiao Lai froze for a moment, turned around and ran out.

Ambassador Hu sorted out his clothes habitually, took his mobile phone and satellite phone, and went out.

at this time.

The satellite phone rang.


"Uncle Hu, it's me, laugh!"

"Have the people on your side already called back?"

"Yes, are you leaving now?"

"I'm going over now!"

Ambassador Hu walked out as he spoke, and asked:

"This batch of equipment, are you sure there is nothing that can be used by the population of Tian Country?"

"Absolutely not!"

Yang Xiaozhi promised:

"It's all equipment that can be exported to Europe and country D!"

"Okay, I see."

"Hang up first, I'll talk after I get in the car.

Ambassador Hu hung up the phone and thought while walking:

"So, Ugly Country wants to give us a break on the European side?"

"No, no matter what, we can't let them succeed!"


After Luo Fei hung up the phone.

Shocked and furious again.

"Brother, what happened?"

Sensing Luo Fei's anger, Sun Xiaoyu quickly asked in a low voice.

Luo Fei took a deep breath and said:

"Our equipment ship was stopped by Fobole's people at the port of country D, and they wanted to detain it!"

In one sentence, there are three countries.

But Sun Xiaoyu instantly understood what happened.

In country D, it was enforced by Fobole of the ugly country.

It sounds ridiculous.

Instead of being angry, she asked:

"How to do this?"

"If the people in the ugly country of Fobole are unreasonable, isn't it too young?"

It's really not easy.

Luo Fei shook his head and said:

"Yang Xiaozhi said, because people from the embassy were rushing to the pier.

"The current method is to stabilize the situation first, and say nothing to let Fobole's people board the ship!"

For a while, Luo Fei couldn't think of a good way.

After all, he is not abroad now.

Moreover, country D is not Huaxia, so it is impossible to deal with problems as conveniently as in China.

If people from Fobole dare to come here...

Luo Fei thought for a moment and said:

"Xiaoyu, you go out first, I have an important call to make."

Sun Xiaoyu nodded, walked out of the reading room, and closed the door behind her.

Then he stood one meter away from the door and guarded the door.

Reading room.

Luo Fei used the landline in the corner to make a call.

Immediately after connecting, he said:

"Comrade Li Li, I'm Bai Ze!"

"I have an urgent matter to talk to Comrade Dangkang, is it convenient?"

Li Li, Director Liang was stunned for a moment, and immediately said:

"Wait a minute, I'll ask."

The phone didn't hang up.

Luo Fei heard Director Liang get up, leave the office, and confess that no one is allowed to enter the room.

Then there was a long wait.

About five minutes passed.

Someone came back quickly, and then Director Liang said:

"Comrade Bai Ze, I will transfer Comrade Dangkang's call to you now."


After a while.

The elder's voice came from the phone:

"Comrade Bai Ze, do you need me urgently?"

"Comrade Dangkang, it's like this...

Luo Fei quickly explained the matter on the phone, emphasizing:

"This shipment of cargo is not the most important thing. As for the equipment, we can get it back later.

"Even if I lose it, I can earn it back elsewhere.

"However, Comrade Dangkang, I think the Ugly Country is definitely testing us for this incident!"

The Great Elder was silent for a moment, and asked:

"how do you want to do it?"

Luo Fei took a deep breath and said in a harsh voice:

"Comrade Dang Kang, on New Year's Eve, we burned nine characters on the nine-dash line in the South China Sea."

"Now, I want to tell them that it is not a fireworks to celebrate the Spring Festival!"

"Those who offend China will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

Please give me some rewards from the handsome and domineering boss, thank you!!!

PS. The next chapter will be updated at 17:00!.

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