Comprehension Against The Sky, Graduation Project Nantianmen Project!

Chapter 96 Unarmed Confrontation! Ambassador Hu, Please Look Up At The Sky! [5 For Custom Order And

at this time!

D country dock.

Things have happened for more than ten minutes.

The pier was originally a place where people gathered, and this kind of thing was discovered.

In particular, Fobole from the Ugly Country stopped Huaxia's cargo ship.

Many people think that things are going to be lively!

As a result, many local media have appeared.

After roughly knowing what was going on, the live broadcast started immediately.

After briefly describing the situation in the live broadcast, he asked:

"What reason!"

"Let the falconer of the gargoyle be able to enforce the law on our country's docks?"

"What reason!"

"Let Yingjiang bring the army and Fobole's people to our country so arrogantly?!"

"I don't know if there is any prohibited equipment that Fobole claims on this cargo ship!"

"But what does it matter to him?"

"What are we selling, why should they agree?!"

As soon as you hear this, it is the media of country D itself.

Relatively speaking.

Country D and Eagle Sauce are at odds.

Moreover, country D doesn't listen to Ying Jiang, Cup Yue, Ou Meng, etc.'s instigation, everything is based on interests.

Make money if you have money, get out if you have no money.

Therefore, the relationship between Country D and Huaxia is still good.

We have always been trading partners, and there have been no conflicts or frictions.

At least so far, so it is.

At least it was like this until Xuannv appeared.

at this time.

Some Chinese students from country D also appeared on the pier.

They were playing in a nearby place, and when they heard the situation here, they rushed over together.

After knowing the specific situation.

It is also filled with righteous indignation to start the live broadcast:

"Friends in China, I'm currently at a pier in country D!"

"Now something happened that made me angry!"

"One of our cargo ships sailed back home normally after purchasing some goods in country D.

"But I don't know why, Fowler from Tian Country suddenly stopped me!"

"The current situation is "080" and Fobole actually wants to inspect the goods on our ship! They will also be detained!"

"Shameless! We buy things in country D, why should we ask them to agree?"

"Also, when will Fobole be able to enforce the law in other countries?"

"This is more than absurd! It is simply absurd!"

"I saw that our ambassador has passed, I hope to stop these vicious dogs!"

"Also, why didn't the people from Country D come forward?"

The presenter was furious.

His live broadcast room also quickly gathered a lot of people.

Hearing what he said, many people were also very angry, and began to curse and comment on the barrage:

"Damn it! Ugly country is crazy, right?"

"What the hell is going on? Why is Fobole able to enforce the law in country D?"

"Hehe! I seriously doubt that the attitude of country D toward China [has changed!"

"Why are they so brave? Aren't they afraid that Xuannv will fly over and give him a headshot?"

"Xuannu is in the country, so it's hard to say if it's not convenient for Fang to fly there."

"And even if Xuannv flies here at Mach 2.5 cruise speed, it will be two and a half hours later!

"Fuck! Then go and fuck the ugly country garrison over there!"

Why stop our cargo ship?"

After Ambassador Hu arrived at the scene.

Seeing that the situation was tense, he quickly boarded the boat.

I saw Zhao Fei and Yang Hui already on the boat, each holding a mop in his hand, as if he was holding a gun.

Confront the ugly soldiers with guns on the opposite side, as well as Fobole's people.

Zhao Fei even yelled at Fobole who wanted to get on the boat:

"This is our cargo ship, and the equipment on board is purchased. You have no right to detain our ship!"

"People from our embassy will be here soon!"

"If you dare to board the ship, this is a matter of diplomacy!"

Seeing this, Ambassador Hu couldn't help secretly sighing for their bravery.

The figures of the two of them have no advantage at all compared to the burly Ugly Soldier on the opposite side.

The mop in his hand has no ability to fight back against the real guns and live ammunition in front of him.

Although their legs seemed to be shaking.

But never back down!

And next to the two, there was actually a Chinese person.

Although he didn't hold anything in his hand, and he didn't say anything to Fobole's people, but judging from his position.

He is with our people!

Ambassador Hu took a deep breath and walked forward quickly with the people.

"I'm the ambassador to country D, what's going on?"

Ambassador Hu didn't talk to Chouguo first, but asked Zhao Fei and Yang Hui in as calm a voice as possible.

When the two saw Ambassador Hu, they immediately became excited.

Zhao Fei hurriedly said:

"Ambassador, you are here!"

"It's these people who blocked the cargo ship we were going back to!"

"I still want to come up and steal our equipment!"

Yang Hui teased Zhao Fei and added:

"It's still hard to say whether to shoot the equipment or use other reasons to withhold our equipment.

"In short, they are making trouble out of no reason at all!"

"All of our equipment has no problems, there is a purchase contract, and all of them are exportable equipment!"

Ambassador Hu nodded, patted the shoulders of the two, and said:

"You two are doing great."

"In the face of the enemy's guns, we did not take a step back and defended our dignity!"

Zhao Fei and Yang Hui pulled the corners of their mouths to laugh, but they couldn't.

Their bodies are still tense at this time.

Because of the appearance of Ambassador Hu, I felt a little relaxed at first, and then became weak for a while.

"Help them up."

"There's chocolate water or something, give them some to eat first..."

Ambassador Hu told Xiao Lai and others who came together.

Although the confrontation time between the two was not long.

But in this case, the consumption of physical strength is great.

Ambassador Hu turned around at this moment.

Looking towards Fobole, a guy who looked like the boss asked because of his voice:

"Your Excellency, why did you stop Huaxia's cargo ship?"

"I need a good reason!"

"Otherwise, this is a diplomatic issue. Do you want the two countries to go to war?"

Fobole on the opposite side hesitated for a moment, but said forcefully:

"We received a report."

"On this cargo ship, there are dangerous items hidden by a fugitive we have been arresting!"

"So, I just wanted to go up and search."

Fobo Le's voice fell.

Zhao Fei, who just took a bite of chocolate, immediately retorted loudly:

"You're talking nonsense!"

"What you just said is not the reason at all!"

"You clearly said before that there is a problem with our equipment

"Return the dangerous goods hidden by the fugitive?"

"You thought you were 007, or Ethan?"

"Why didn't you say we have washing powder on board?!"

Ambassador Hu couldn't help laughing when he heard Zhao Fei's complaints.

But professionally he held back.

Looking resolutely at Fobole on the opposite side, he asked:

"If there is no reasonable reason, please get out of the way immediately!"

"Otherwise, I will regard you as provoking a war between the two countries!"

"Your Excellency, don't say that you are unpredictable!"

Fobole's people did not back down.

Especially after hearing the words "Don't say things are not predictable", he sneered and said:

"Mr. Ambassador, this is country D, do you think you are Bei Bang?"

"Please let us go up and search!"

"Can you afford the consequences if dangerous goods hidden by fugitives enter your country?"

"I can't accept this reason!"

Ambassador Hu flatly refused, saying:

"I can tell you responsibly that this Huaxia cargo ship represents the territory of Huaxia at this moment!"

"Even if your president is hiding inside, you can't come up and search!"

at this time.

Xiao Lai suddenly whispered to Ambassador Hu:

"A few international students want to come up and broadcast the situation here for domestic viewing..."

Ambassador Hu frowned, and turned his head to see a few Chinese people who were stopped outside.

International students coming up.

It was the anchor, and three other friends.

Ambassador Hu thought for a while, then nodded and said:

"Let them come up, but don't get too close, the other party has a gun after all."

"Also, tell them not to make too much noise.


Xiao Lai glanced at the gun of Ugly Soldier and gritted his teeth.

Turn around and notify the foreign students.

"Hello, can we go up there?"

Seeing Xiao Lai turning back, the international student immediately asked.

"The ambassador agreed."

Xiao Lai said something, and when several people were cheering, he immediately said:

"But the ambassador told me not to get too close, the gun in Ugly's hand."

"Also, after the past, try to keep quiet and don't interfere with the ambassador's negotiations with Tian Guofobole's people.

"We understand!"

The four nodded at the same time and said in a low voice.

Then he followed Xiao Lai and boarded the boat.

And the reporters from country D's media on the pier were almost drooling with envy when they saw this scene.

They also want to come up.

But after receiving the notice from above, we can only report from a distance, not close.

This announcement made them feel a little subtle.

At the same time, also feel angry.

on board.

"My name is Lu Zhou."

The overseas student anchor asked Xiao Lai in a low voice, saying:

"I haven't asked yet, how do I call you?"

Xiao Lai did not say his name, but said:

"You can just call me Xiao Lai, that's what we angels have always called.

"...Mr. Lai."

Lu Zhou finally used this title, pointed the camera at Fobole on the opposite side, and asked:

"Can you briefly tell me what happened here?"

"Why did Fobole in the ugly country stop our cargo ship, and what is their reason?"

Xiao Lai looked at Ambassador Hu.

After thinking about it, I understood the intention of Hu Tiantian to let these people come up.

It should be hoped that they will pass the news back to the country.

So he sneered and said:


"There's no reason at all!"

"No reason?"

Lu Zhou couldn't believe it, and said:

"There is no reason, why can they stop our cargo ship?"

"At first."

Xiao Lai said with a mocking tone:

"They said there was a problem with the equipment procured on board."

"After the people from our embassy came."

"Corrected again, saying that there were dangerous goods from their fugitives hiding on board


The four of Lu Zhou were stunned.

After a while, Lu Zhou complained angrily:

"Aren't they playing rogue?"


Xiao Lai sneered and said:

"The Ugly Country has been acting like a rascal, do you only know now?"

"Ugly country dares to let Fobole, swaggeringly, enforce the law at the pier of country D, isn't it a rascal?"

When the four of them thought about it, it was really like this!

Lu Zhou turned the camera to Ambassador Hu, as well as Zhao Fei, Yang Hui and others behind him, and asked:

"What's the ambassador's attitude?"

"Our attitude is very clear..."

Xiao Lai said with a serious expression:

"This cargo ship represents China's territory at this moment!"

"If people from Ugly Country come up, it will be announced to the outside world that Tian Country will go to war with Huaxia!"

The four were shocked.

Then he stared dumbfounded not far away.

Ambassador Hu and others were unarmed, confronting the Ugly soldiers and Fobole on the opposite ship with submachine guns!

Suddenly, a kind of hot blood circulated in their bodies.

"Sorry, it's not convenient for me to accompany you all the time."

"Right here, don't get too close, it's dangerous."

Xiao Lai said something and strode towards Ambassador Hu.

The four of Lu Zhou were silent for a while.

After a while, Lu Zhou said to the audience in the live broadcast room:

"Everyone already understands the truth of the matter, right?"

"The Ugly Country is too shameless, let Fobole go to other countries' docks to enforce the law.

"You still use such a rogue excuse!"

"This is tolerable, which is unbearable!"


Countless viewers were also angry.

The barrage has already started to flash, and it has already boiled and exploded.

"What the hell is the dangerous item hidden by the fugitive? Why do I think it might be washing powder?"

"Looking at this battle, I feel that it is more likely that the Ugly President has been arrested by us!"

"Where is Xuannv? Let Xuannv go out! At this time, the only way is to show your fangs!"

"Is it possible that this is China's tacit approval?"

"If you want me to say, it might be caused by Xuannv! Without Xuannv, country D wouldn't let Fobole come!"

"I'm messing with you! What's showing you?"

"Please let us go!"

Ambassador Hu took a step forward, stared into Fobole's eyes, and said in a deep voice:

"You, a little Fobole, can't afford the consequences of a war between the two countries!"

Boss Fobole's eyes twitched.

Suddenly realized that I seem to have accepted a fatal task!


Who is killing Lao Tzu?

Boss Fobole roared inwardly, but he didn't dare to retreat.

Because I withdrew, I realized that Ying Jiang was intimidated.

He is now completely in a dilemma.

In this case, only one method of death can be chosen.


I don't want to die!

Boss Fobole was struggling with excitement in his heart, and finally he said forcefully:

"Let our people go up and search."

"If you can't find it, I personally apologize to the owner of the cargo ship!"

"You personally?"

Ambassador Hu sneered and said:

"Your Excellency, are you joking?"

"You stopped our ship as Fobol, and you want to search our ship.

"There are also ugly soldiers with guns and ammunition."

"In this case, can you still represent yourself personally?"

"Also, you said the owner of this cargo ship?"

"Haha! Before you stopped it, its owner was just an enterprise."

"But since you stopped 0.8, its owner is Huaxia!"

"So, Your Excellency, what qualifications do you have to apologize in your personal capacity?"

"Let's get out of the way and let our cargo ship pass!"

The boss of Fobo Le, his face turned red and white.

Bite almost to pieces.

Some were ridiculed by Ambassador Hu, and some were opposed to those who assigned him tasks.

at the same time.

Ambassador Hu's words, without saying a word, were transmitted to the live broadcast room.

The barrage swiped the screen again.

"Hoho! The ambassador's words are so good!"

"Seeing them unarmed facing a group of ugly soldiers with live ammunition, the blood boils!"

"So, why can't we carry guns on our ships even when we go abroad?"

"Dude, are you out of your mind? Have you ever seen a cargo ship with a gun?"

"What's the use of carrying a gun? A few words from the ambassador are more effective than a gun! Didn't you see that Fobole's face turned pale?"

"I just said, is it possible that his face is white?"

Time passed by every minute and every second.

The two sides have been confronting each other, and Fobole's people have not backed down.

Naturally, Ambassador Hu would not let them come up.

In this tormented atmosphere.

The time went from half past eight in the morning to quarter past ten in the morning.

at this time.

Ambassador Hu's satellite phone rang suddenly.

After being stunned for a while, Ambassador Hu connected the phone, and then a voice came from the opposite side:

"I'm Liang Yiqian from the Political Work Administration!"

"Comrade Hu Yide, now, look up to the sky!"


Ambassador Hu looked bewildered, raised his head, and looked towards the sky.

In the sky, there is nothing but a faint cloud.

What's the meaning?

Ambassador Hu looked puzzled, and was about to ask Liang Yiqian what he meant.


A small black dot in the sky suddenly broke into his eyes!

PS. The next chapter will be updated at 20:00!!.

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