Comprehension Heaven Defying, Creating High-End Great Primordial! Shocked Tongtian

Chapter 200 The Battle Is Fierce, And Henry Chu Encounters A Mysterious Woman!

This mountain range is huge, and Henry Chu is not sure where he went.

"Huh?" At this moment, Henry Chu discovered the sound of fighting coming from the other side of the mountain range, and the fighting seemed very tragic!


Henry Chu rushed over following the sound of fighting. When he arrived, he saw a group of young people besieging a woman.

This is a beautiful woman with an unparalleled appearance. She dances gracefully in a white dress, like a fairy descending from heaven. She is so beautiful.

The woman has an exquisite face with oval seeds, and her skin is as white as snow, flawless and can be broken by blows.

"Bai Linglong, although you are the daughter of the Bai family and are very powerful, and are also known as the top genius in the ancient Grandmist country, you will definitely die today!" A man in black robes threatened coldly.

"Bai Linglong, I advise you to be obedient and surrender, otherwise don't blame us for destroying the flower with our ruthless hands!"

Dozens of geniuses smiled ferociously, with evil intentions in their eyes.

They are all disciples of the Grandmist ancient country. They have noble status and are usually aloof. 25

"Whoever dares to touch a hair on my head, my father will never let you go!" Bai Linglong shouted sweetly, her cold face flashing with anger.

"Master Bai? Haha, Bai Linglong, don't forget, this is the secret realm of Panlong. Your father is not in the ancient country of Grandmist. Even if you scream, no one can save you!" The man in black robe sneered ferociously.

"Hmph! Stop talking nonsense, catch her, take her home, and let Father reward us for playing with."

Another young man in purple had an evil smile on his face, as if he wanted to pounce on her in an attempt to taint Bai Linglong.

"Beasts! You bunch of beasts, I will never let you go even if I'm a ghost!" Bai Linglong roared angrily, struggling desperately to resist.

"Bitch! If you don't eat the toast, you will be fined with wine!" The young man in black robe had a sinister look on his face and slapped him away.

Blood oozed from the corners of Bai Linglong's mouth, and her cheeks were red and swollen.

"Pfft!" Another young man in blue shirt took the opportunity to draw his sword and stab it out. Bai Linglong's shoulder was scratched and blood spurted out.

"You bitch, I want to see how long you can hold on!" the black-robed young man shouted coldly, and kicked Bai Linglong hard in the back.

"Ah!" Bai Linglong screamed and flew out directly.

"Hahaha!" The other young people laughed sarcastically.


However, at this moment, a sharp sword light shot over from a distance, tearing the air and making a harsh sonic boom, which scared everyone all over.

"call out!"

The sword light was fleeting, as fast as lightning, and penetrated the black-robed young man's shoulder in the blink of an eye.

"Ah!" The young man in black robe suddenly screamed miserably. The severe pain made him twitch all over and almost fainted.

"Who!" Everyone's expressions suddenly changed, and they all turned their heads to look, and suddenly saw a young man in black coming flowing in the wind.

The visitor was tall and tall, with a handsome face and deep, dark eyes, shining with indifference and aloofness.

At this moment, the young man in black is holding a long sword, and the sharp blade exudes a cold and sinister aura, giving people a very oppressive feeling.

"What do you want to do! I am the grandson of the third emperor of the ancient Grandmist country. Are you tired of living?"

The young man in black robe yelled ferociously, his eyes cracked, full of resentment and anger.

The young man in black is about twenty years old, with a tall and slender figure, a resolute and cold face, and sharp eyes. He is Henry Chu who has seen injustice on the road.

"Boy, who are you? How dare you interfere in our affairs!" The young man in purple shouted coldly, obviously they did not know Henry Chu.

"You don't care who I am! Get out!" Henry Chu shouted coldly, his tone was extremely domineering and merciless.

"You bastard! If you dare to speak to us like this, do you believe Lao'zi will chop you to death?" a young man in a green shirt cursed.

Henry Chu was too lazy to answer and rushed to Bai Linglong's side, when she helped him up.

"Who are you?" Bai Linglong said in shock, feeling quite grateful, but still wary.

"How are you?" Henry Chu shook his head and asked, then took out a few healing pills and stuffed them into Bai Linglong's mouth to help recover from the injury.

"Thank you." Bai Linglong thanked her quickly, feeling even more surprised.

"Where did this kid come from? How dare he stop us from doing something good! Are you really impatient with life?"

"It doesn't matter who he is, it's a matter of luck!"

Seeing Henry Chu's intervention, the faces of many young people darkened slightly, and their eyes became sinister.

"Swish, swish, swish."

In an instant, more than ten young people took action at the same time, using various skills to attack Henry Chu crazily.

Henry Chu glanced at them indifferently and did not avoid them. Instead, he showed a playful sneer.


In a sudden moment, Henry Chu activated the true energy in his body, a majestic and powerful aura filled the air, and the surrounding grass instantly solidified.

"Bang bang bang!"

In the next moment, all the moves were bombarded on Chu Xuan's body, and there were continuous explosions. The scene was very spectacular.

"Puff puff!"

However, the moment those attacks touched Henry Chu, they collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Henry Chu stood still and allowed them to bombard him, but he was not damaged at all.


Everyone's expressions changed drastically, they were all frightened, and their hearts were beating hard.

"What a terrifying defense! His power is so terrifying that he can withstand our attacks!"

"What kind of strength does this guy have?"

"How can this be?"

Everyone was trembling with fear, and their eyes looking at Henry Chu became fearful.

Henry Chu slowly raised his head and stared at the person who had just taken action: "It's your turn now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Henry Chu stepped forward, and with a whooshing sound, 370 turned into an afterimage and passed by.

"What a fast speed!" Everyone's expressions changed drastically. Before they could even see clearly what was going on, they heard a muffled sound and fell unconscious on the spot.

"Who are you?" Luo Yun asked in panic, his face full of horror.

Suppressing them with just his breath, Luo Yun was very sure that Chu Xuan was by no means an ordinary person.

"Kill your man!" Henry Chu said coldly, and then suddenly swung his sword and swept away.


Chu Xuan slashed down with his sword, and a fierce sword light burst out from the tip of the sword.

Sweeping out with overwhelming power, he easily cut off Luo Yun's neck, blood flowed wildly, and his head fell to the ground.

Henry Chu sheathed his sword and walked to Bai Linglong expressionlessly.

Henry Chu said nothing, but looked at Bai Linglong quietly, with a flash of pity in his eyes.

Bai Linglong's pretty face was pale and scarred, her chest was stained red with blood, and she was in a miserable state.

"Thank you! If it weren't for you, I would be dead." Bai Linglong gritted her teeth and said gratefully, with two lines of tears flowing from her beautiful eyes.

"Your name is Bai Linglong?"

Henry Chu asked.

"Well, thank you for saving me." Bai Linglong nodded and thanked weakly. She didn't know why she believed Henry Chu inexplicably. After all, the two of them had never met each other.

"My name is Henry Chu." Henry Chu said calmly, without seeming to have any mood swings. .

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