Comprehension Heaven Defying, Creating High-End Great Primordial! Shocked Tongtian

Chapter 201: Everyone Has Their Own Agenda, And Trouble Suddenly Arrives

Bai Linglong was stunned for a moment, then asked: "Are you here to take the assessment too?"

"No." Henry Chu shook his head.

Bai Linglong frowned and thought to herself: "If it's not the case, why did you save me? Could it be."

"Do you think I am a prodigal?" Henry Chu suddenly asked.

Bai Linglong lowered her head and said in shame, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."

"It doesn't matter, I don't mind." Henry Chu shook his head.

"My name is Bai Linglong. Bai Linglong raised her head, her eyes flashed with a strange light, and there was an inexplicable throbbing in her heart.

"I remember you." Henry Chu nodded slightly, then turned and left.

Looking at Henry Chu's leaving figure, Bai Linglong couldn't help but ask: "Hey, what's your name?"

"Xuan Chu." Henry Chu waved his hand and walked towards the entrance of the valley without looking back.

"Aren't you afraid of getting into trouble?" Bai Linglong chased after him and asked. She always felt that Henry Chu was special, and a strange feeling arose in her heart.

"I won't be afraid." Henry Chu replied calmly, and the figure disappeared from sight.

Henry Chu's attitude was confusing, and Bai Linglong couldn't guess what he wanted to do.

"Forget it, I'll leave quickly to avoid being bullied again later." Bai Linglong shook her head and immediately turned around and left.

As night falls, the mountains become eerily silent.

On a towering peak, Chu Xuan sat on a stone to rest.

Henry Chu closed his eyes and nursed back to health, his whole body shrouded in light golden light, like a golden warrior.

"The aura of this Grandmist world is much richer than that of the Great Primordial. No wonder geniuses from other planes want to come here to practice."

Henry Chu murmured to himself, then opened his eyes and looked at the hazy moon at the end of the sky.

"At noon tomorrow, the Dragon Gate will open. I hope to meet some interesting opponents." Henry Chu grinned, with a look of anticipation flashing in his eyes.

He got this important information from Luo Yun's Najie, which undoubtedly opened the door to a new world for Chu Xuan.

Henry Chu has just arrived in the world of Grandmist and feels very unfamiliar with everything here and needs to explore slowly.


Suddenly, the roar of wild beasts came from the jungle. The sound was very ferocious and violent, like thousands of thunders exploding, causing the trees to shake violently.

"What?" Chu Xuan's expression suddenly changed, his figure flashed, and he quickly ran towards the source of the sound.

Not long after, Henry Chu saw two black figures flying quickly, as fast as ghosts, and there was no trace of them at all.

"Ho ho ho."

A series of roars spread throughout the forest, and hundreds of meters away, a dozen demon leopards were chasing a black bear.

The black bear is huge, five to six feet tall, with shiny black hair, thick and powerful limbs, rough skin and thick flesh. Even True Immortal seems to be unable to withstand a punch.

Although the black bear is large, it is very agile. In the blink of an eye, it can fly several feet away, shake off more than a dozen demon leopards, and escape deep into the mountains.

"What a fast speed!" Henry Chu's eyes widened a bit, and he was surprised.

Those two strange black shadows are none other than the Demon Leopard.

"call out."

At this moment, two rays of cold light struck through the air, accurately hitting the two demon leopards.

The black shadow shot out like lightning, instantly killing the two demon leopards and separating them!

"Is this an immortal beast? Its strength is so terrifying." Chu Xuan took a breath of cold air and felt a storm in his heart.

Although Chu Xuan did not witness the horror of the immortal beasts with his own eyes, he could guess that even the previous Great Primordial beasts were far behind compared to the immortal beasts.

Henry Chu now finally understands the difference in strength between the Great Primordial World and the Grandmist World.

“Not bad, very good!”


At this time, a hearty laugh suddenly sounded.

Henry Chu was suddenly startled. He hurriedly looked back and saw a black shadow rushing over.

This black shadow is a man!

The man was extremely handsome, with a devilish smile on his face.

"Who are you? Why are you trespassing on my territory?" Henry Chu asked with a frown.

"Hey, don't worry, I don't mean any harm, I'm here to talk about cooperation with you." The man in black smiled.

He had just been hiding in the dark and saw Henry Chu attacking Luo Yun, so he tracked him all the way here.

Henry Chu breathed a sigh of relief: "What is your purpose?"

The man in black smiled slightly: "My name is Ye Tianshu, and I am the grandson of the patriarch of the Ancient Soul Clan. Tomorrow at three o'clock at noon, our family will host a banquet in Fenghua Building to entertain all our friends. I would like to invite you to attend."

"Ancient Soul Clan?" Upon hearing this name, Chu Xuan's face sank slightly.

"How about it? Do you dare to take it?" Ye Tianshu said with a provocative smile.

Henry Chu shook his head and sighed: "I haven't fully understood the situation here yet, so if I go there rashly, wouldn't it be troublesome if it causes a misunderstanding?"

"Don't worry, I promise you won't cause any misunderstandings." Ye Tianshu patted his chest and vowed: "My grandfather is the leader of the Ancient Soul Clan, you can come with me, it is absolutely safe.

"I won't go." Henry Chu refused coldly, stood up immediately, and said lightly: "I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

After finishing his words, Henry Chu turned and left.

"Hey. Wait a minute!" Ye Tianshu immediately shouted: "Don't refuse in such a hurry.

I know you must have some concerns. Don't worry, we are absolutely safe and we will never hurt you. "

Ye Tianshu walked over as he spoke.

Henry Chu stopped and said calmly: "Your grandfather probably won't hurt me, but what about the other people in the Ancient Soul Clan?"

"Others?" Ye Tianshu was stunned, and then retorted: "Our family is not that kind of people. We follow the rules and will never bully others."

"Besides, the Ancient Soul Clan is protected by a powerful formation, which will definitely guarantee your safety after entering."

"Formation?" Henry Chu was startled, then shook his head and said: "Sorry, I'm not interested in following you."

"Are you sure?" Ye Tianshu frowned.

Henry Chu said seriously: "I'm sure, thank you for your kindness, and say goodbye."

(King Zhao's) Chu Xuan had just taken two steps when Ye Tianshu shouted angrily from behind: "If you dare to take even half a step, you will be dead tonight. Don't you want to live anymore?"

"Oh? Are you threatening me?" Henry Chu paused, slowly turned around and looked at Ye Tianshu, with a cold smile on his face.

"Hmph!" Ye Tianshu glanced at Henry Chu arrogantly and snorted coldly: "Do you know how powerful the Ancient Soul Clan is? With your strength, you are nothing compared to our Ancient Soul Clan."

"Is the Ancient Soul Clan awesome?" Henry Chu curled his lips and said with disdain: "I dare to kill anyone, let alone a waste like you?"

"Arrogant!" Hearing this, Ye Tianshu became furious, his eyes flashed with angry flames, and he gritted his teeth and cursed: "You bastard, how dare you insult our Ancient Soul Clan?"

"I not only want to insult you, but also throw you into the poisonous fog swamp." Chu Xuan stared at Ye Tianshu coldly, with a murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

"How dare you!" Ye Tianshu said ferociously, his eyes glowing red. .

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