Comprehension Heaven Defying, Creating High-End Great Primordial! Shocked Tongtian

Chapter 210 Chu Xuan’S Strength And The Endless Emergence Of Strange Monsters


While Chu Xuan was galloping, he raised his palm and blasted out a thick purple-gold electric light.


The giant snake roared and went straight forward without fear.


In an instant, the two touched each other, and a loud and ear-piercing sound suddenly erupted, and a circle of energy ripples visible to the naked eye was produced, raging in all directions.

This wave instantly enveloped the boulder passage, causing many boulders to explode and collapse, sending debris flying.

Seeing this, Henry Chu's face changed slightly, and he quickly increased his spiritual power to protect himself.

Fortunately, he activated the Nine Turns of Thunder Control Technique in time and resolved the aftermath without causing any losses.


However, at this moment, a dull thunder suddenly sounded into the void!

Immediately afterwards, dark clouds filled the sky and strong winds rose, creating a scene of doomsday.

"Huh?" Henry Chu was surprised.

I saw dark clouds rolling in mid-air, and streaks of silver lightning criss-crossing, swimming like a thunder dragon, which was amazing.

"Heavenly calamity?" Henry Chu took a deep breath and couldn't help but gasp.

He didn't expect that the giant snake would actually cause disaster. It was really outrageous.


The violent storm poured down, and in the blink of an eye, the location of the giant snake was submerged, leaving only lightning in the sky.

After a while, the thunder disappeared, the disaster ended, and the dark clouds dispersed.

Chu Xuan stared for a long time, but still saw no sign of the giant snake.

He slowly exhaled a long breath and his face became slightly more relaxed.

Fortunately, that guy didn't survive the thunderstorm, otherwise he would have been in big trouble!

However, because of the previous battle, Henry Chu and his companions had separated.

He searched for a long time but failed to find a companion. In the end, he had no choice but to choose to explore alone.

"I hope we won't encounter monsters here again!" Henry Chu muttered to himself.

At this moment, a deep beast roar suddenly came from the forest in front of the mountain!

When Chu Xuan heard this, his expression suddenly changed, and he immediately quickened his pace and walked away quickly.

Soon after, he came to a huge rock and hid himself to observe the situation in the valley ahead.


Low roars of beasts kept coming from the depths of the valley, their voices filled with rage and resentment, and even mixed with an unspeakable sadness.

Hearing these weird screams, Henry Chu felt very strange, and there were waves of inexplicable feelings in his heart.

He vaguely guessed that there might be some kind of huge ferocious beast hidden in the valley ahead, but he didn't dare to make a conclusion about what it was.

And just when he was hesitating, a red light suddenly shot out from the depths of the valley and rushed towards Chu Xuan.

"Huh? This is it." Chu's eyebrows raised, the corners of his eyes twitched, and a chill suddenly surged in his heart!

Then a lion covered in flames jumped out of the darkness and pounced on Henry Chu.

"Damn it!"

Henry Chu's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately retreated.

However, this lion was very fast and extremely powerful. Just as Chu Xuan was about to get away, he was still hit on his right shoulder, and he suddenly let out a scream.


This fire lion looked up to the sky and roared, its eyes extremely cold and ferocious.

"What on earth is this?" Chu Xuan gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, and turned red with joy.

The fire lion shook its huge tiger body and slowly approached Henry Chu with heavy steps.

Henry Chu's face was livid, and he cursed in his heart: "Damn it! How can there be such a ferocious beast here?"

Ho ho ho!

The fire lion let out a low and violent roar, approaching step by step.

"Hmph! Lao'zi wants to try today. What skills do you have to keep me here?" Henry Chu's face was twisted and his eyes were extremely gloomy.

He knows that fighting alone is definitely no match for Fire Lion. Only by using the Nine Turns of Thunder Control Technique can he have a chance to compete.

However, just when he was about to activate the Nine Turns of Thunder Control Technique, the Fire Lion suddenly let out a roar that shook the valley.

Three roars that shocked the whole world erupted in unison, causing the entire passage to buzz and tremble.

Henry Chu's mind was violently dizzy, and he almost fell off the cliff.

But at this moment, the fire lion had quickly moved in, opening its bloody mouth and biting at him!


There was another terrifying roar, and the fire lion's sharp claws were like hooks and grabbed hard, and it was bound to tear Henry Chu into pieces!


At the critical moment, Henry Chu bit the tip of his tongue and forced himself to calm down.

Then he folded his arms and swung out with all his strength. Two dazzling purple lights shot out instantly, bombarding the fire lion with destructive power!

Bang bang bang!

Three shocking loud noises rippled out in an instant, making the entire land buzz as if it would collapse at any time.

However, the three strong spiritual powers canceled each other out and failed to harm the Fire Lion.


The Fire Lion seemed to have expected it and was not obviously injured. Instead, it took the opportunity to approach Henry Chu and attacked him crazily with its sharp claws.

"Damn it!" Henry Chu shouted angrily and had to do his best to deal with it.


The violent roar shook the entire passage and shook it to the point of collapse.

However, although Chu Xuan was powerful, he could not take any advantage at all when facing such a fire lion.

After a brief confrontation, he gradually showed signs of decline. 【013604325Feilu153063231】

"Damn it! What on earth is this?" Henry Chu gritted his teeth and cursed secretly, feeling very angry in his heart.

He originally thought that the Nine Turns of Thunder Control Technique he practiced was enough to cope with everything, but he didn't expect that this fire lion was completely beyond imagination.

"This can't go on like this!"

The corners of Henry Chu's eyes contracted, and he was restless inside. But seeing the fire lion getting more and more courageous as he fought, the pressure in his heart also doubled!

"Ho ho ho!"

The Fire Lion kept roaring angrily, and its huge body kept approaching 087, showing its strong physical advantage.

Chu Xuan, on the other hand, was clumsy and fell into trouble one after another. The situation was precarious!

"No! If you keep going like this, something will happen sooner or later!"

Henry Chu gritted his teeth and cursed secretly, with a look of madness in his eyes.


Blue light shined all over Henry Chu’s body, and a layer of dazzling thunder appeared on his body!

"Nine-turn Thunder Gang! Suppress it!"

As he roared fiercely, a powerful aura suddenly burst out!


Before he could finish his words, an astonishing loud noise suddenly erupted from Rizhou!

At the same time, several dazzling thunder and lightning also flashed across the void in an instant, directly attacking the Fire Lion.

"Ho ho ho."

The fire lion let out a shrill roar, and its huge body began to tremble under the raging thunder and lightning!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Henry Chu laughed wildly, and involuntarily jumped to the top of the fire lion's head, and punched it down with his hand.


The fire lion suffered a heavy blow and suddenly spurted out blood, and its huge body instantly collapsed to the ground.

"Hmph! How dare a fire-attributed beast dare to compete with me? What a dream!"

Henry Chu shouted coldly, and flew down without hesitation towards the fire lion paralyzed on the ground.

However, at this moment, the corners of his eyes suddenly twitched and his heart skipped a beat!

A strong sense of crisis suddenly came, and Henry Chu turned around subconsciously. .

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