Comprehension Heaven Defying, Creating High-End Great Primordial! Shocked Tongtian

Chapter 211 Mysterious Monster Appears, Amazing Recovery Ability

I saw a huge gray-haired ape walking slowly with heavy steps.

"Damn it! Why is there such a thing here?"

After seeing the appearance of this monster beast clearly, Chu Xuan's pupils shrank sharply and turned pale in horror!

This is a behemoth that is five to six feet tall, with dense gray hair all over its body, thick and powerful limbs, and a rough and ferocious head that makes people shudder.

What frightened him the most was that it exuded a strong evil spirit, and it was also a powerful monster!


The gray-haired ape roared angrily, its scarlet eyes revealed a bloodthirsty and cruel gaze, staring at Henry Chu in the air, and a low and strange roar came from its throat.

"Damn it! This guy is too strong!"

Henry Chu took a deep breath, sweat broke out on his forehead, and his heart beat wildly.

Although this gray-haired ape has not completely transformed, judging from the aura emanating from it, it is at least beyond the level of the mythical Golden Immortal.

What frightened him even more was that the bloodline of this gray-haired ape was obviously far superior to that of ordinary monsters, and the pressure it unleashed was even stronger than that of a real top powerhouse!

"Ho ho ho ho!"

The gray-haired ape ran wildly, roaring and rushing towards Henry Chu.


Henry Chu gritted his teeth and cursed, not to be outdone, and stepped forward to greet him.


Two huge figures intertwined in an instant, fighting fiercely!

The gray-haired ape has rough skin and thick flesh, and its defense is unparalleled. Even if Chu Xuan uses thunder skills, it is difficult to kill it, and even suffers heavy losses every time it collides.

However, this also aroused Henry Chu’s anger, and he felt extremely aggrieved.

At this time, the gray-haired ape was obviously angry.

It roared furiously, its attacks became more and more fierce, and its moves became even more fierce and violent!

Henry Chu didn’t dare to neglect, he could only cope with it with all his strength, struggling hard, the situation was precarious!

Fortunately, he has the strength to surpass the mythical Golden Immortal, otherwise he would have been defeated and died.

But even so, the situation is still very dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will die!


Another loud noise spread throughout the corridor, and the two huge figures separated instantly.

Henry Chu was forced to step back more than ten feet before he could barely stand still, his face turned pale for a while.

The collision just now caused him to suffer serious internal injuries.

But at this time, he couldn't care much and immediately activated the power of thunder to adjust his breath and heal his injuries.


The gray-haired ape kept roaring, with murderous intent in its bloody eyes!

"Damn it! This beast's defense is too exaggerated. If you continue to fight like this, it will consume a lot of my blood and essence!"

Henry Chu gritted his teeth and cursed secretly, knowing that he was no match for the gray-haired ape.

And he was vaguely aware that the gray-haired ape didn't seem eager to devour him, but wanted to capture him alive.

"This beast's IQ is no weaker than that of humans!"

Henry Chu's brows furrowed, and his face was uncertain as his thoughts were racing.

After a moment of weighing, the corners of his eyes suddenly lit up!

"Hehe! Although this evil has good qualifications, he has not transformed after all. He must have a weakness?"

There was a gloomy cold light in Henry Chu's eyes, thoughts were rolling in his mind, and he made a quick decision.

"In that case, let me try my 'Spirit-Slaying Sword' on you!"

Henry Chu shouted coldly and waved his right hand suddenly.


Accompanied by a scream, a three-foot green blade shot out of the air and floated in front of him.

Buzz buzz!

The green light flashed, creating circles of light blue ripples, flowing slowly and endlessly like water waves.

Henry Chu raised his arms together, causing the green light to sway, as if a swimming fish was dancing happily.

The next moment, Henry Chu grabbed his right hand from the air, and the green light suddenly condensed into a three-foot long sword, spinning in his palm!

"Spirit-cutting sword, go!"

Chu Xuan suddenly made a swipe with his long sword, and green light burst out, hitting the gray-haired ape's chest directly.



The gray-haired ape screamed in pain, its huge body staggered back, and green liquid spilled from its mouth.

"Huh? You can actually block my sword?" Henry Chu was slightly surprised.

This sword was made with all his strength, and its power was definitely far superior to that of the mythical Golden Immortal, but it actually failed to kill the gray-haired ape instantly.

"Ho ho ho!"

The gray-haired ape was so angry that it threw its head back and roared at him again. 【013604325 Feilu153063381】

"Haha, you are indeed an extraordinary beast, but do you think Lao'zi can't really do anything to you?"

Henry Chu shook his head and sneered, with a cold arc at the corner of his mouth.

The gray-haired ape is extremely fast and can arrive in an instant!

But Chu Xuan was happy and unafraid, holding the sword in his right hand and slashing it diagonally to his chest.


The gray-haired ape was caught off guard and was immediately struck by the blue light. His body was shaken violently and he flew out on the spot!

But it didn't seem to cause fatal damage.


Henry Chu's eyes shrank, and the corners of his eyes twitched fiercely, showing a look of shock.

This gray-haired ape’s defense is so terrifying?

Although he didn't use all his strength with this sword, it was not far behind. He thought it would be enough to kill the gray-haired ape, but he didn't expect that the opponent was only injured.

"Ho ho!!"

The gray-haired ape roared wildly, gray light surged around his body, and rushed towards Henry Chu again like a moving mountain.

……court death!"

Henry Chu's face darkened, purple light suddenly appeared all over his body, he flicked his wrist, and swung out a sharp sword again!


The gray-haired ape was forced back again, and a slender sword mark appeared on his chest, dripping with blood.

"Hmph! This beast is still young after all. If it is given another few hundred years to practice, it will definitely be even more terrifying!"

Chu Xuan's eyes flashed with a frightening cold light, and he held the sword in his right hand and slashed repeatedly.


In an instant, a violent and harsh roar followed, and the sword was fierce and sharp!

"Ho ho!!"

The gray-haired ape screamed and dodged again and again, with several slender wounds already appearing on his body.

"Hmph! Even if I exhaust my cultivation today, I will kill you!"

Chu Xuan's face sank, the sword in his hand glowed brightly, and an astonishing murderous aura filled the void!


Chu Xuan raised his arms, and the three-foot long sword in his hand flew out wildly.

In an instant (Li Nuozhao), several dazzling sword lights suddenly bloomed, carrying overwhelming terrifying power, and slashed hard at the gray-haired ape.


The gray-haired ape let out a shrill scream, and a few more wounds were added to its body, making the message even more confusing.

"It is indeed a treasure of heaven and earth. The body of this evil beast can withstand my full attack. It is really not easy!"

Henry Chu took a deep breath, and his expression became extremely solemn.

However, he was not afraid, but was full of excitement and expectation.

"Hahaha! Today I will kill this beast and take away all the treasures from it!"

Henry Chu couldn't help laughing wildly, looking at the gray-haired ape as if he was looking at a rare treasure!

This monster beast is full of treasures, and its flesh and blood contains rich spirituality, comparable to the top medicinal poplar.

Moreover, the blood of the monster beast is pure, the body is strong, the bones are hard, and the skin is extremely tough. It is also an excellent material for casting weapons!

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