Comprehension Heaven-Defying, I Create A Villain Longevity Family

Chapter 2 To Be Honest, You Have A Really Good Eye For People.

Chapter 2: To be honest, your judgment of people is really accurate.

Next, Chen Zhi began to observe the cultivation of the Innate Primordial Chaos Great Dao Sutra.

He had only just circulated for one week and a deep sense of exhaustion surged within him.

"The spiritual power of the fetus is still too weak." Chen Zhi couldn't help but sigh in his heart, then fell into a deep sleep.

In the blink of an eye.

A month had passed.

During this month, Chen Zhi spent most of his time in a state of deep sleep. Occasionally, when he woke up, he would start practicing the Innate Primordial Chaos Great Dao Sutra.

With his full comprehension, Chen Zhi's cultivation speed progressed rapidly, almost changing every day.

He could clearly feel that the deficiencies in his innate body were gradually being compensated for.

The originally blocked meridians in his innate body were naturally opened one by one through cultivation, moving towards the Innate Primordial Chaos Dao Body.

The blockage of these meridians represented the speed of cultivation. The more blockages, the slower the cultivation speed!

The reason why the unfortunate villain Chen Zhixing had such a slow cultivation speed, leading him to eventually give up on cultivation, was partly due to the excessive blockage of his meridians.

"Half of the blocked meridians have already been opened. In a maximum of three months, all the blockages will be cleared, and I will obtain a true Innate Primordial Chaos Dao Body."

Chen Zhi silently thought in his heart.

During this month, he not only laid a solid foundation but also, due to practicing the Innate Primordial Chaos Great Dao Sutra, his spiritual power had also greatly increased.

Previously, he would sleep for almost twenty-three hours out of twenty-four in a day.

But now, it was different. He could stay awake for at least three hours a day.

"Let's continue practicing."

Chen Zhi silently thought in his heart.

As an unfortunate supporting character, he had to make good use of his time!

Just at this moment.

"Wife, we haven't... done it for a long time."

"What do you mean by 'it'?"

"You know, that."

"Isn't that inappropriate?"

"What's wrong with it? I asked the doctor, as long as it's been a month and the condition of the child inside is stable, it's completely fine."

"Then let's follow your lead, husband."

Suddenly, Chen Zhi heard intermittent conversations in his ears.


Chen Zhi was instantly horrified.

I'm knocking on the roof tiles!

You're barging into my private residence without my consent?

Feeling his house slowly tilting backward, a rough hand reached up.

Chen Zhi quickly raised his little hand and swiftly performed a set of military punches on his belly.

In a candlelit room.

Ying Shuangshuang looked at her belly, which was rising and falling in succession, and was instantly stunned.

"What's happening to the child?"

Chen Tianliang was also taken aback, then laughed and said, "Hahaha, the child must be welcoming me!"

After speaking, Chen Tianliang reached out his hand and lightly slapped his belly, saying with a smile, "Baby, don't make a fuss. After Dad finishes, I'll tell you the story of the golden axe, silver axe, and iron axe."

I'll tell your uncle!

Chen Zhi was dizzy from the slap, rolling around with the amniotic fluid.

"You better not let me come out alive!!"

Chen Zhi gritted his teeth and firmly recorded this slap in his little notebook.

Fortunately, the premature meeting between father and son did not happen in the end.

Chen Tianliang, who was unwilling in his heart, was kicked and kicked out by Ying Shuangshuang.

Immediately after, Ying Shuangshuang sang a nursery rhyme to calm Chen Zhi down, and when he became quiet, she also began her cultivation.

As for Chen Zhi, after seeing his cheap old man leave, he quickly entered a state of cultivation.

Spring comes and autumn goes.

In the blink of an eye, two months have passed.

During these two months, Chen Zhi's foundation has become extremely solid, and most of the blockages in his meridians have been cleared.

It won't be long before his meridians are completely cleared, forming an Innate Primordial Chaos Dao Body!

In addition, Chen Zhi's spiritual power has also become much stronger, to the point where he can even project it outside and see things within ten meters.

It can be said that his rapid progress is also related to Ying Shuangshuang constantly providing him with precious materials.

As long as he cultivates and grows, he absorbs a large amount of energy from Ying Shuangshuang's body. If it weren't for Chen Tianliang often going out and risking his life to obtain precious materials, he wouldn't have grown so quickly.

He often sees Chen Tianliang return with injuries and exhaustion.

This couldn't help but move him a little.

Although his cheap old man is seen as a despicable person in the eyes of others, he is truly devoted to his wife and children.

On this day, Chen Zhi felt a surge of argument outside and immediately projected his spiritual power.

Inside a quaint and elegant hall, Chen Tianliang sat on a sandalwood chair, holding a completely red divine grass. Facing him was a middle-aged man dressed in a long robe and a hat.

"Third brother, what do you mean by taking my Fire God Grass?" the refined middle-aged man suppressed his anger and asked.

Chen Tianliang squinted his eyes and glanced at him, saying, "Fourth brother, we are family, don't be so petty. Besides, I said I borrowed it and will return it to you sooner or later."

"You've borrowed from me twenty-three times, but have you ever returned it?" the refined middle-aged man said bitterly.

Chen Tianliang was taken aback, then chuckled and said, "Fourth brother, you have a good memory."

The refined middle-aged man snorted and sighed, then earnestly advised, "Third brother, our Chen family is a prestigious family, and we are both strong in the True Self realm. Why do we have to act like this? Give me back the Fire God Grass and don't make me think you're a scoundrel."

Suddenly, Chen Tianliang slammed the table armrest.

The refined middle-aged man was startled.

Chen Tianliang nodded seriously and said, "Fourth brother, I won't hide it from you. You have a keen eye for judging people!"

"You..." The refined middle-aged man was infuriated, but after holding it in for a while, he spat out three words, "Shameless!"

At the next moment, the refined middle-aged man turned around and left, muttering curses as he went.

"Chen Tianliang, if I lend you anything in the future, I'll write Chen Tianchen's name backward!"

Watching Chen Tianchen's departing figure, Chen Tianliang muttered to himself, "What nonsense is he talking about? Writing it backward is still Chen Tianchen, right?"

Shaking his head, Chen Tianliang proudly handed the Fire God Grass in his hand to Ying Shuangshuang and said with a smile, "Here, wife, this is a good thing. It has great benefits for nurturing the body and soul. You should keep it."

Ying Shuangshuang, seeing this, felt helpless and couldn't help but laugh and cry, saying, "Tianliang, there's no need for this. Lately, you've been causing a lot of trouble outside, and many people have grievances against you. If you continue like this, you'll surely cause trouble."

"Cause trouble? Hmph, if the family wasn't so biased, giving all the good things to Chen Zhaosheng, would I end up like this?" Chen Tianliang's expression turned cold.

"Tianliang, don't say such things. Chen Zhaosheng is naturally gifted with an ancient physique and possesses the potential of an ancient saint. In the future, he might even reach the Saint Realm and lead our Chen family to regain its former glory as a true immortal family. It's only natural for the family's resources to be tilted towards him. Don't harbor resentment." Ying Shuangshuang quickly spoke up.

"Well, I understand," Chen Tianliang nodded indifferently and said, "They should, and I'll rely on my own means to provide food for my wife and children. That's only natural."

After a pause, Chen Tianliang changed the subject, "By the way, I heard that an ancient secret realm is about to open in the South Sea. There are many precious materials inside. I plan to go to that ancient secret realm and try to prepare some Foundation Building divine items for our child after they are born."

Upon hearing this, Chen Zhi, who had been observing the situation from the amniotic fluid, suddenly changed his expression.

The ancient secret realm in the South Sea?

That's not a Grotto-Heaven blessed land, but a dangerous place from ancient times. It's opening?!

(End of this chapter)

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