Comprehension Heaven-Defying, I Create A Villain Longevity Family

3. Chapter 3 Goodbye Mom, I Will Sail Away Tonight

Chapter 3: Goodbye, Mother. Tonight, I will embark on a long journey.

Chen Zhixin's mind sank.

If he remembered correctly, the so-called ancient secret realm was actually a dangerous place of ancient evil!

In the game plot of "Great Cultivation," why did the unfortunate cannon fodder Chen Zhixing become corrupted, with a twisted and distorted personality, causing him to offend the protagonist and be killed by the protagonist?

A large part of the reason was related to this so-called ancient secret realm.

Because Chen Tianliang had gone to that dangerous ancient place, and then was secretly plotted against there, causing damage to his Great Dao foundation. His cultivation fell from the True Self realm to the Astral Wandering realm, and his path of cultivation in this lifetime was completely cut off, leading to a series of chain reactions.

The Chen family was not an ordinary family and had four legitimate branches.

Chen Tianliang was not the eldest son, but rather from the third branch.

However, because of Chen Tianliang's strong strength and extraordinary combat power, he still had a certain status among the children of the four branches.

But with Chen Tianliang's cultivation plummeting and unable to cultivate anymore, his status within the family immediately declined.

Chen Zhixing, who had low talent for cultivation since childhood, naturally was not valued and suffered a lot of bullying.

Although Chen Tianliang appeared to have no shame, he was actually extremely proud and couldn't accept such a blow.

So he placed all his hopes on Chen Zhixing.

If Chen Zhixing didn't work hard in his cultivation during his childhood, he would be scolded or beaten. He was either blamed for being stupid or mocked for being a waste.

It was these various reasons that led to Chen Zhixing gradually falling into a state of rebellion with the mentality of "since you all think I'm a waste, then I'll show you how much of a waste I can be." Eventually, he completely brought disaster upon himself.

"So, the reason Chen Tianliang went to that dangerous place back then was for me?"

Chen Zhixin sighed.

Everything in the world has its causes and effects.

He didn't expect that the final consequences had already been planted when he was still in the womb.

"No, I must stop all of this!"

A sense of urgency surged in Chen Zhixin's heart.

Playing around was one thing, but he couldn't joke about his own father.

After all, Chen Tianliang was his father in this lifetime. He couldn't just watch Chen Tianliang head towards his doom.

Just as Chen Zhixin was contemplating...

"Tianliang, is that ancient secret realm dangerous or not?"

"I don't know. It's a new secret realm, and no one knows what's inside."

"Oh, Tianliang, why don't we just forget about it? The child will be born in a few months, and I don't want you to take risks at this time."

"Hahaha, don't worry, my dear. The secret realm won't open for another half a year. By then, the child will definitely be born. And this time, when we go to the secret realm, I will have a few old friends with me. We are confident."

"Well, it's up to you. I support whatever you do."

Hearing his parents' conversation, Chen Zhixin quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

That's good.

There is still half a year, and there is still time to change everything.

In the blink of an eye, another three months passed.

Chen Zhixin was already eight months in his mother's womb.

At this moment, Chen Zhixin's little hands and feet had completely formed, and even a patch of black hair had grown on his head.

Under the influence of various precious treasures provided by Chen Tianliang, Chen Zhixin's development was excellent. His black hair was thick, his bones were strong and sturdy, and his heartbeat was strong and powerful.

His spiritual power had even reached the point where it could extend fifty meters outward.

At this moment, inside Ying Shuangshuang's bulging belly...

Little Chen Zhixin sat cross-legged, closing his eyes tightly.

A large amount of spiritual energy was being absorbed through the umbilical cord.

As Chen Zhixin operated the "Innate Primordial Chaos Great Dao Sutra," this spiritual energy immediately circulated and rushed towards the Heavenly Gate acupoint on top of his head.

That was the last blockage in his meridians.

As long as this blockage was cleared, he would obtain the Innate Primordial Chaos Dao Body!

From then on, he would be pure and undefiled, and his path of cultivation would be smooth sailing without any obstacles.


A muffled sound was heard as the last blockage in the Heavenly Gate acupoint was unsurprisingly cleared.

[Ding! You have cleared all the blockages in your body and obtained the Innate Primordial Origin Dao Body!]

[Ding! All the spiritual energy in your body has been transformed into the power of the Primordial Origin of heaven and earth!]

A system prompt sounded in Chen Zhixin's mind.

Chen Zhixin could clearly feel that at this moment, he was extremely close to heaven and earth.

As if he had become the darling of heaven and earth, if it weren't for Ying Shuangshuang's obstruction, countless spiritual energies of heaven and earth would be rushing into his body.

In addition, the spiritual energy he had accumulated in his dantian was also rapidly transforming into the even more powerful Primordial Origin power!

(Note: The translation provided is a direct translation and may not capture the full literary or cultural nuances of the original text.)

At this moment, there was a sense of enlightenment in Chen Zhi's heart.

If he wanted to, he could even break out right now!

"Uh, breaking out right now would be too shocking. I would definitely be seen as a demon fetus."

Chen Zhi quickly shook his head. It had only been two months since he was conceived, so there was no rush at the moment.

Two months later.

Chen Zhi heard the noisy commotion outside and had a premonition, waking up from his deep sleep.

"I'm finally going out."

Chen Zhi touched his small house and inexplicably felt a bit reluctant. He couldn't help but silently sing in his heart, "Goodbye, mother. Tonight, I will set sail. Don't worry about me. I have the oars of happiness and wisdom."

After finishing the song.

Chen Zhi rolled his body and chose a good position in the womb, gathering his strength and charging forward.

With a "wah" sound, Chen Zhi left his small home.

Then, someone took scissors and removed the heavy luggage from his body.

"Seven pounds and nine ounces! It's a boy!"

Before he could even adjust, he was lifted up and patted on the bottom.

A urging voice sounded.

"Cry! Cry quickly!"

Helpless, Chen Zhi had to cooperate with them and opened his mouth, crying loudly, "Wah, wah, wah."

"Lady, take a look. The child's voice is so loud and he looks so good."

The midwife who delivered Chen Zhi carried him to the bedside.

Chen Zhi also opened his eyes to look.

He saw a pale-faced, gentle woman with beads of sweat on her forehead, looking at him with a gentle expression.

This was his mother in this life.

Unknowingly, smelling the scent on his mother's body, Chen Zhi also felt a warm and comforting feeling in his heart.

However, before he could continue to familiarize himself with the scent of his mother.

"Hehehe! Let me take a look!"

With a hearty laugh, Chen Zhi saw a middle-aged man with a burly figure and rough appearance, his eyes shining, constantly rubbing his hands, and walking towards him with a sly expression.

Chen Tianliang picked up Chen Zhi and looked at him, then laughed, "He looks just like me, with a nose and eyes!"

Chen Zhi glanced at him, thinking to himself, wow, so other people's children don't have noses and eyes?

"Hahaha, my big boy, tonight, daddy will tell you the story of the golden axe, silver axe, and iron axe. How about that?"

Before Chen Tianliang could finish speaking.

Chen Zhi slowly raised his little hand and took aim.

With a "smack" sound.

Chen Zhi's little hand slapped Chen Tianliang's face.

Hmm, now the thought was clear!

[I had originally written until later, but it seems that many friends are still concerned about the issue of the fetus, and I am a person who pays attention to details, so I came back to say a few words.

My child was born on March 19th this year, and I have been involved in all the prenatal check-ups, so I should have a relatively good understanding of fetal development.

Generally speaking, the fetus will have slight movements at around two to three months, which can be felt.

By the 24th week, which is the sixth month, the first comprehensive four-dimensional prenatal screening is done, and by then, the bones and limbs are fully developed, and the facial features can be clearly seen. This screening is also used to determine if the child has any abnormalities.

The second comprehensive screening is done around the 28th to 30th week, which is the seventh month.

By this time, the fetus's nails, hair, bones, and so on, are fully developed.

By this time, the child's appearance is similar to that at birth.

I wrote until the eighth month for the protagonist, and he had consumed many treasures of heaven and earth and cultivated his body, so his bones were strong and his hair was thick.

May I ask, is there any problem?

Furthermore, the protagonist has been cultivating since he was in the womb, so isn't it normal for him to be different from ordinary people?

May I ask, is there any problem?

Also, writing a book is not about popular science, and there are many things that I don't delve into. If you insist on scrutinizing it with a critical eye, then everything will be wrong.

Writing a book is like making friends, focus on the strengths and overlook the weaknesses.

Otherwise, there will be too many things to nitpick.

If I explain like this and you still want to argue, then... well, everything you said is correct.

Finally, if it affects everyone's normal reading, I apologize.

I wish you all happiness. O(∩_∩)O]

(This chapter is complete)

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