An iron-clad cabinet, a flowing emperor.

And because of this, Catherine the Great.

This beautiful and capable empress was not absorbed by the Supreme Church.

Or her own character is not easily seduced.

The High Church is more about maintaining the previous order and silently performing its role and work.

As long as the night wind does not give an order, then the operation of the whole country is quite normal.

And Catherine the Great's abilities are also obvious to all.

In the reign of only ten years, he annexed and united many small countries and expanded many territories.

Now the empress of the Hairy Bear Country has issued an order to let Lacey act.

However, this order has just been issued, and the first to get the news is from the side of Night Wind.

Even if the night breeze does not come, the Bishop of Temperance will contact him later to explain the situation.

For more information about Lesse, Night Wind has also finished reading.

He has been an orphan since he was a child, and was taken in by the secret service organization as a tool man.

The Most High Church is also keeping pace with the times, and naturally it is also experimenting.

And this experiment is the demon organ transplant experiment, and Lesse is the only one who survives.

The whole experimental team is also the people of the Most High Church.

And this is the case in all countries of the world.21

The more Night Wind looks, the more I feel that he seems to be a big boss behind the scenes, and his crimes are simply too numerous to mention.

Now the question is, is he going to give the order for Recy to assassinate or take him away?

I kill myself?

Nightwind fell silent for a moment.

If this is not possible, and it reaches the ears of Catherine the Great, what will happen.

found out that there were undercover agents under him, or were they basically all of them?

After this operation, wouldn't it become "why did Your Majesty rebel?"

When Catherine the Great was surprised to find out that she was a traitor, what was her expression?

Night Wind suddenly looked forward to it, but this thought was quickly erased by him in a flash.

What are you thinking, this will only make a mess of the world now.

He glanced at the pattern of the world, and if he did this, the turmoil might be even greater.

The pattern of overall world peace, the night wind does not want to break.

If this is broken, once the war is lifted, the demon of war will definitely take off somewhere.

When the time comes, famine, disease, and the like run rampant, and the corresponding demons run out again, the world will definitely be in chaos.

"Give the order, just follow the original plan, and let Lacey act. "

After thinking about it, Night Wind still made this decision.

He can still bear these female agents or something, and the men will be slaughtered

Bishop Serenity nodded and began to command.

The entire staff of the Most High Church is made up of his dependents.

The precepts that the night breeze had engraved in the body of each bishop were continuously distributed into the body of each believer.

The prerequisite for becoming a believer in the Most High Church is to first become a dependent.

Therefore, the whole church is also iron-clad, and their absolute loyalty has kept them hidden for hundreds of thousands of years without being discovered.

Now that the situation has almost been resolved, Night Wind has not stayed here for long.

He had just gained the innate ability of [Tranquility] and [Truth], and he was going to test it.

The most important thing is this [Tranquility] innate ability, which gives Night Breeze a whole new idea.

After leaving the shrine and coming to a deserted forest, the night breeze felt the rhythm of the cells all over the body.

"[Concept of Eternity] can only fix a certain state, and cannot really reconcile my body.

And [Tranquility] is different, it is peaceful and chaotic on the basis of the original, then the aberration of cells is also within this category!"

Thinking of this, Night Wind immediately stomped on the ground.

Bang bang bang!!

After a series of explosions, he tore through the atmosphere and came to the outer side of the planet.

Overlooking the grand blue star, Night Wind turned its head to look at the sun in the deep sky of the universe!

The nano suit on the whole body transformed like flowing water, the pitch-black suit covered the surface of the body, and the cloak also extended from behind to be windless automatic.

In the next second, [Ten Thousand Spirits] flowed out of the battle suit, and the silver-white color immediately spread.

Silver patterns appear throughout the black suit, and the [S] in the center is outlined by a crimson color.

The overall appearance of the suit is closer to the state of the lord Superman at the moment.

With the blessing of the Ten Thousand Souls, endless sunlight poured into his cells.

The arrogance of the night wind immediately skyrocketed, soared, and strengthened!


There was a ripple in the silent vacuum, and the night wind picked up its speed again, flying straight towards the sun.

As it gets closer to the Sun, the cells throughout the body of the Night Wind absorb excess solar radiation.

A large amount of solar radiation is poured into the cells, and the rapid strengthening rate causes them to break apart.

His cells have begun to self-destruct, just like All-Star Superman.

And his Kryptonian genes are not as good as All-Star Superman. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

People absorb too much radiation on the surface of the sun, and they are already overloaded before they get close to the surface of the sun.

The excess solar energy gradually erodes itself.

However, unlike All-Star Superman, Night Wind's regenerative ability is not comparable to him.

At the same time that the cells are collapsing, the cells are also regenerating wildly!

The night wind forcibly endured the pain of burning and regenerating the cells of the whole body, and forcibly used the power of the magnetic field.


The night wind couldn't help but let out a howl of pain.

The frantically rotating force of the magnetic field did not heal his body or reach the sun's radiation.

On the contrary, the power of his magnetic field is directing the self-destruction of the cell!

At this moment, the night breeze immediately used the [Tranquility] ability.

The brain, which could not be turned because of the pain, calmed down at this moment.

"According to the previous research 090 research, at the rate of destruction at this frequency, it is definitely enough to completely trigger the potential of the cell!"

The night breeze calmly guided the cells in the body to self-extinguish, while continuing to speed up towards the sun.

Not enough!


The collapse of his body seemed to be separated from his spirit at this moment.

His flesh is melting and regenerating, and his bones are shattering and regenerating!

Every rebirth represents a death, and the Night Wind is now jumping left and right on the edge of death.

And because of the [Over-Limit Regeneration], every time he regenerates his body, he becomes more and more adaptable, and this impact of the sun's blazing heat and solar radiation.

Therefore, the night wind must continue to increase, so that the power of the Doomsday hidden in his cells will be completely stimulated!

I don't know how long it has been, and the small figure of the night breeze has come to the surface of the sun.

Sunspots and solar flares on the surface of the sun pour unreservedly on the flesh of the night wind.

The high temperature of nearly 6,000 degrees Celsius scorched the night wind.

The night wind, however, was not afraid at all, but continued to penetrate deeper into the sun.

He flew through the sun's atmosphere and toward the depths of the coronal layer.

Every time you fly a certain distance inside, the temperature of the sun also soars!

With the blessing of [Ten Thousand Souls], the nano battle suit on the body is also reincarnated in destruction and rebirth like the night wind!

ps: The current Superman suit is similar to the picture, but it's a little more gorgeous and mysterious.

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