"It's the limit, and now it can't go on. "

Coming to the area of the coronal layer of the sun, the night wind stopped its own flight.

Now his body was being destroyed and reborn every second, and the pain of tearing through the cells of his body was enough to drive others mad.

His cells have changed, and the forces deep within his genes have been stimulated under the guidance of the force of the magnetic field.

In millions of deaths, the feeling and process of death are little by little engraved into the genes.

The genes of ordinary Kryptonians who were originally just began to evolve at this moment!

The powerful cell genes began to explode irrepressibly, and just as they were about to begin to distort, the night breeze used the power of [Tranquility] to smooth them out.

The handwriting of [Infinite Regeneration] on his panel became more and more blurred, and finally changed to [Infinite Regeneration].

[Infinite Regeneration (EX): Even if there is only one cell left, it can be quickly regenerated and restored!]

At the same time, another new talent ability appeared on the panel.

It only has two very simple words – evolution!

[Evolution (EX): Your cells have overcome death, they will evolve in battle, and after being killed, they will evolve the ability to deal with them, and they cannot be destroyed in the same way to kill you more than twice. 】

The blazing sun flames were still scorching the night wind's body, and he could walk in them now, even if he was unsuspecting.

The night breeze walked briskly towards the sun, and now he walked alone on the surface of the sun.

His body evolved and was thoroughly adapted to the temperature of the flames.

For the flames to be eligible to burn him again, they must fly further into the depths of the corona.

But there is no longer any need for this.

The night breeze spreads its arms and soars freely over the surface of the sun, bathed in endless solar radiation.

His cells receive all the solar radiation perfectly, and even if they are blown up, they will quickly recover after the destruction and regeneration!

"It's work! The shackles of genes are broken, and in a state of complete sanity, hahahaha!!!"

The night wind laughed maniacally, and the impact of the laughter caused a solar storm to roll up in the area.

He had already figured out how to have a Day of Doom before, but it was only limited to physical reasons, and there was no way to achieve it.

Now it's finally succeeded, and it's the most perfect gesture.

Even without the blessing of the power of [Concept Eternal], he would be able to completely ignore the influence of Kryptonite!

As long as he has access to it, he can even copy the power of kryptonite!

"I must go back and pamper Bishop Serenity, my great fortune star"

Night Wind turned his head to look at the blue star in the distance, and even though it was nearly 150 million kilometers away, he could still see traces on the surface of the planet.

The next moment, he flew towards the blue star like a meteor, starting at a hundred times the speed of sound, and in the process of flying, the speed continued to soar!

It didn't take long for him to be back at the shrine in less than an hour.

He couldn't help but come to the bottom of the shrine and rewarded Bishop Serenity in the palace again.

Even with the blessing of [Tranquility] ability, she couldn't bear to faint.

And the night breeze also vented the emotions that had just swelled out in the process.

After checking the time, Night Wind then set off for Ruby's kindergarten.

It wasn't school time yet, he just wanted to come over and see how Ruby was doing.

Where there are people, there is fighting, and there may be bullying in kindergartens.

Although in terms of possibilities, Ruby is more likely to bully others.

"Children, I'm going to practice my talents~

Next time your mom and dad will come to see you dance, so let's practice together. "

The kindergarten teacher spoke to the girls who sat in rows.

Because it was a private aristocratic kindergarten, Night Breeze simply spent a little more money to let Lubi get into the girls' class.

Hearing the older female kindergarten teacher speak, the girls below all happily replied.

But Ruby's face suddenly became ugly.

She immediately shouted, "No, I don't want to dance!"

Immediately, she ran straight out of the classroom, completely ignoring the female kindergarten teacher behind her.

The older female preschool teacher can't catch up with Ruby.

The main reason is that I am afraid that the chase will be too urgent, and it will be over if I bump into it. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is a private aristocratic kindergarten, and it is either rich or expensive to come here to go to school.

Being able to serve as a female preschool teacher here for so many years, how could she not know this.

No matter which one it is, it's not something she can provoke, all she can do is try to avoid the other party getting hurt.

Ruby, who was running all the way, ran to the grove outside the school and hid.

This wasn't the first time Ruby had done this, so the kindergarten teacher didn't catch up.

Ruby, who ran to hide behind the trees in the woods, squatted on the ground with her knees crossed.

She buried her head deep in her knees, and the memories of her previous life kept flashing back to her mind.

When she was Tendo Temple Serina, she tried to skip in the hospital room.

But no matter how many times she tried, the final result was a hard fall to the ground.

Every time she thinks about it now, she feels like she was back to the powerless version she once had.

"I can't do it, I can't jump at all......"

Ruby muttered to herself, and her memories went back to the way they were.

That's when she wanted to try dancing after watching Ai Hoshino's video.

She struggled to walk in the aisles of the hospital, let alone dance, she couldn't even walk normally.

She tried again and again, and the unsuccessful outcome did not change in the slightest.

So she was scared, afraid that she would fall down again, and that she wouldn't even have the strength to get up.

This fear haunted her, and she was not brave enough to stand up.

"What's wrong? Ruby. "

The sound of the night breeze rang in her ears, and she couldn't help but raise her head.

What caught my eye was the smiling face of the night breeze, just like when she was helped up.

"Are you hiding again?"

Looking at Ruby in a daze, Night Wind naturally asked.

Ruby was stunned, the night breeze in front of her merged with the weight (gained) in her memory.

Because when she fell down and couldn't get up, she happened to pass by by Night Wind also asked her with a smile.

"No, I—I just hate dancing. "

Ruby, who came back to her senses, turned her head weakly and whispered in response.

Looking at her appearance, Night Breeze knew that she had something on her mind.

It's not so much that I hate dancing, but that I hate myself when I can't dance.

Seeing Ruby's thoughts at a glance, Night Wind reached out and skillfully picked her up.

Coming to Nightwind's embrace again, she buried her head deep in Nightwind's chest and chose to hide herself.

Carrying Ruby to the classroom, and after asking the female kindergarten teacher for a leave, Night Breeze took her out.

The female kindergarten teacher naturally approved, after all, it was Night Wind and Ai Hoshino who brought Ruby to school in the first place.

It's all parents who came to pick up their children, how dare she say anything no.

In case of offending any dignitary, the unlucky one can only be her.

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