"Call your chef,"

Erina Nagikiri, pointing to the haute cuisine on the plate, said coldly to the waiter.

Soon, a middle-aged man in a chef's uniform walked over and showed a hint of surprise on his face when he saw Erina Nagikiri.

"Is there anything wrong with the dishes?"

The chef asked cautiously, and when he saw Erina's noble temperament and elegant manners, he knew that this woman was definitely not an ordinary person.

"Your dish tastes like it's like you're basking in the sun and suddenly getting wet with heavy rain."

Erina Nagikiri said to the chef that she could always make strange but appropriate metaphors because of the tongue of the gods, if she had already put the food on the chef's head before.

The chef's face turned bad instantly, and he felt that the woman in front of him seemed to be sent by a hostile restaurant to smash the scene, otherwise how could he make such an evaluation.

You must know that this dish is his proud work, and it is precisely because of this dish that their restaurant can have a place in the local area, and now a teenage girl can know what to cook.

"Are you here to find trouble?" The middle-aged chef whispered, he didn't expect this noble-looking girl to be a liar who cheated on eating and drinking.

At this time, from the upper floor of the restaurant, a mature woman with all kinds of charms came down, she was wearing a black dress, which highlighted her charm even more, set off her mature figure, and wore a platinum necklace around her neck, which looked full of value.

If Lin Chen saw it, he would definitely call out a stunner.

"Did something happen?"

She saw a beautiful girl standing in front of their chef, so she walked over and asked, her voice like a spring breeze, caressing the hearts of those around her and making their bones soft.

"Hello boss"

everyone around her greeted her, and then the chef explained the situation to her.

She glanced at Erina Nagikiri, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, Erina's temperament and confident look all showed that this girl's family background was extraordinary.

"My name is Liu Ruyan, and I am the owner of this Ruyan Pavilion, if you think this dish is not good, we can give you a free order."

She smiled and said to Erina Nagikiri, she adhered to the principle that more is better than less, and she still lost the money for a meal anyway.

However, her sixth sense thought that the noble girl in front of her was not here to cheat and cheat.

"First of all, you should use a minute faster when you put this dish into the pot, and then you should use low heat instead of high heat, and then it is better to use red peppers than green peppers..."

While he didn't know why he did most of them, he knew that a few of them would be a great way to improve his cooking and take it a step further.

His eyes became more and more respectful, and finally he treated Erina Nagi with the same etiquette as he treated his teacher.

"Please advise me." The middle-aged chef's tone was full of respect, for his age, the progress of cooking skills was already very difficult, and now that he finally had such an opportunity, how could he not cherish it?

Liu Ruyan looked at the chef's reaction, and opened her mouth wide in surprise, she didn't expect that the usually arrogant chef would treat the girl in front of her like a student.

A glimmer of light flashed in Liu Ruyan's eyes, the girl in front of her had such a powerful ability, so wouldn't she be able to make Ruyan Pavilion go one step further if she left Erina Nagi behind, or cooperated with Erina Nagikiri.

Now Ruyan Pavilion wants to go to the provincial capital to develop, but unfortunately its strength has not been enough, and there has always been an old restaurant that relies on its historical background to oppose them everywhere.

As a result, she couldn't devote herself wholeheartedly to the development of the provincial capital, but now she felt that maybe she had this opportunity.

She smiled charmingly, causing the hearts of the men around her to tremble, and they realized that there was a beautiful blonde girl sitting in the corner, and they wanted to show themselves.

A man in a suit even straightened his clothes, as if he was ready to go forward to talk.

Liu Ruyan looked around, and she said to Erina Nagikiri, "Let's go to my office and talk!" The soundproofing is better there.

Erina Nagikiri nodded, she didn't want to talk about business in this environment.

So the two walked up to the second floor, and when they arrived at the door of a luxury office

, Liu Ruyan opened the door, turned back to Erina Nagi and said very politely: "Please come in" Erina Nagi was not polite, and walked straight in, Liu Ruyan was stunned, usually at this time, the other party should respond to her politely, but Erina Nagi

is different, which can't help but make her sigh at the big background of Erina Nagikiri.

So she had to be more cautious about the next deal.

"I want you to work for me, the salary is 100,000 a month, and the holidays are normal, how about it."

This treatment is the top treatment in the whole of China.

"Impossible," Erina Nagi said firmly.

This surprised Liu Ruyan again, she didn't expect Erina Nagikiri to refuse without even thinking about it.

So she smiled and said, "Then let's be direct, what do you want, and what can you give me." "

I can come to the restaurant once a week for a review, as for the price?" A million a month.

"Impossible!" This time it was Liu Ruyan's turn to refuse, she stood up directly excitedly, who would have thought that the girl in front of her would open her mouth, and her monthly profit from the restaurant was only more than 10 million.

If you want to take a million and only come once a week, she won't agree to that condition.

"It seems that you don't know how much of an impact my review can have on a chef, and I dare say that even if you only come once a week, it will only take a few months to make a world difference in your restaurant."

Liu Ruyan frowned, of course she knew the value of Erina's comments, which could be seen from the reaction of her chef.

Her chef is arrogant and sometimes doesn't even give her face, but their restaurant relies on her chef to be among the top, so sometimes even she has to bow to the chef in some things.

But such a proud person has so much respect for the girl in front of him, and you can see how much her evaluation can help the chef.

But the conditions she put forward were too much.

She looked at Erina Nagi and saw that Erina Nagi was leisurely sipping tea, as if she didn't care if she agreed or not.

That's right, for Erina Nagikiri, you're not the only restaurant here, and I don't work with you, but I can work with other people.

There will always be someone who can see her value, there will always be someone who is willing to pay for it, and then your restaurant will probably fall behind the others.

Liu Ruyan gritted her teeth, she slapped the table and said directly to Erina Nagikiri: "I agree, give me your bank card number and I will transfer money to you."

Erina Nagi tidied up her clothes, she stood up elegantly, and said to Liu Ruyan: "Don't worry, wait for a month, it's not too late for you to give it to me after you see the changes in your restaurant, by the way, happy cooperation." "

It's a pleasure to work with."

Erina Nagikiri didn't mind if she would deliberately default on her bills, and when she found out about the progress of her restaurant in a month, she would probably beg to cooperate with her.

Afterwards, Erina Nagikiri left the restaurant under the gaze of Liu Ruyan, watching Erina Nagi gradually disappear.

Liu Ruyan couldn't help but sigh, this girl is really a genius.

You must know that when she talks business with others, the other party is basically following her train of thought, and then successfully achieves her goal.

As a result, I didn't expect to be suppressed by a little girl who was more than ten years younger than me today.

"I hope it's like she said." Liu Ruyan smiled bitterly, and then she went back to the office to continue working.

"Oh, oh, I forgot to ask what that girl's name was!"

They didn't sign a contract, it was just a verbal agreement, but if Erina Nagi could really make her restaurant go further, she wouldn't owe the million and would give her more.

But if she was teased, hehe, she wouldn't make Erina Nagi feel better, the lake in the city was very cold.

Don't think that she is a woman and underestimate her, how can she be an ordinary person who can cultivate a restaurant from scratch to this point?

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