After returning to the rental house in the evening, Erina Nagikiri opened the mobile phone she had just bought, looking at the exquisite mobile phone, Erina Nagikiri felt warm in her heart

, this feeling of someone caring is so good, I hope all this will not be a dream.

Erina Nagikiri thought in her heart that she had now begun to enjoy this leisurely and happy life, which she had always thought was a kind of depravity, and it was this kind of person that she despised the most.

But when she's also in this laid-back environment, she can't help but relax.

"It's not depravity, it's just relaxation." She said to herself that although she came to this world, her food could not be left behind.

She noticed a lot of high-end restaurants on the way to shopping, maybe she could be a food critic, because she didn't have an ID card, she couldn't be a chef at all, but she didn't need an ID card to do food reviews.

As long as those chefs are not stupid, they will surely realize how valuable her comments are after following her methods and improving them.

She knew exactly how much she could help a chef improve with her divine tongue.

So for those chefs who are at the top, money is really just a number, and it doesn't matter how much money you spend if you can get a culinary improvement.

Erina Nagikiri knew that today's expenses had caused a huge burden on Lin Chen, so she also wanted to do something to help Lin Chen reduce the burden.

"If I could, I would also like to buy him what he wants."

Erina Nagikiri thought so, she was not a person who liked to take advantage.

But she wasn't going to tell Lin Chen about it, she was going to give that thing to Lin Chen as a surprise.

"What time do you go to work tomorrow and when will you come back?" Erina Nagikiri asked, she wanted to ask Lin Chen's commute time, and then adjust it according to Lin Chen's time.

Do it when you want to, Erina Nagi is not a person who likes to procrastinate, so she plans to go find a high-end restaurant tomorrow to try it and then make a review.

If the chefs in the halberd knew that Erina Nagikiri would take the initiative to taste it at the restaurant, I am afraid that their eyes would fall in shock.

They spend a lot of money, precious ingredients, kitchen utensils... I can invite the queen to taste their dishes.

And that proud and perfect queen of food would take the initiative to taste it in a restaurant, which sounds ridiculous.

But the fact is that Erina Nagikiri is no longer the same person in this world, and it can basically be said that she has undergone a radical change.

"I start work at 8 a.m. tomorrow, leave home at 7.30 a.m., and don't come back at noon, then from 1.30 p.m. to 6 p.m., but I often work overtime until 7 a.m."

"Then how about I get up early tomorrow morning and make breakfast for you."

"Wouldn't that be too much of a hassle for you

?" "How could it be?"

Erina Nagi showed a gentle smile, she didn't hate cooking for Lin Chen, and she used to get up when the sun didn't come out to study the cuisine when she was in the far moon.

Otherwise, she would not have become one of the top ten in her first year of high school and gained the admiration of others.

You must know that this is a new record that broke the far moon, although there were people who became ten masters in the past, but they were all second-year students, and only one of the ten masters became Erina Nagikiri in the first grade. "

Then I'll trouble you tomorrow" Lin Chen clasped his hands together, for Lin Chen, who had now eaten Erina's cuisine and awakened the tongue of the gods, he really didn't want to go out to buy breakfast to eat.

So since Erina Nagi offered to help him make breakfast, why didn't he accept Erina Nagikiri's kindness?

"Then go to sleep, I'm tired of the day." Lin Chen stretched, he turned off the light, and was about to enter the room to rest.

Erina Nagi suddenly stopped him, only to see a gentle smile on Erina Nagikiri's face, then hesitated, then put her hand on her chest, exhaled softly, and said softly to Lin Chen

, "Good night, Lin Chenjun, I wish you a good dream."

Lin Chen was stunned, and he also showed a gentle smile.

"Well, good night, and good dreams."

Hearing this, Erina Nagikiri's face turned bright, and then she walked into the room with a satisfied face.

Nothing was said all night.

The next morning, Lin Chen was attracted by a very attractive fragrance.

He opened the door softly, and saw that breakfast was neatly placed on the table, and his old-fashioned iron lunch box was beside it.

Erina actually helped him even make lunch, what a thoughtful girl!

And Erina Nagikiri held her head with one hand at this time, and the other hand was gently resting on the table, squinting her eyes, as if she had a sweet dream, and there was a hint of crystal at the corner of her mouth.

After all, she got up so early, and there was nothing wrong with taking a break now.

Lin Chen saw that the clock hanging on the wall was only 6.50 now, and she had already prepared breakfast and lunch, which showed that she really valued the breakfast prepared for Lin Chen and got up early.

Looking at Erina Nagikiri who was resting, Lin Chen's eyes were full of warmth, compared to the cold queen in the anime, he preferred the current humane and cute Erina Nagikiri.

So he crept across from Erina Nagikiri, not ready to wake her.

Unfortunately, the chair still made a sound when it slid on the ground.

"Hmm! You're awake. Erina Nagi opened her eyes in a daze, and when she saw Lin Chen, she was stunned, and suddenly found that she still had saliva at the corner of her mouth, and then her little face turned red, and she quickly wiped the saliva with her hand.

Then she stared at Lin Chen, as if asking why he didn't tell her when he woke up, and saw her ugly appearance, but soon couldn't help but be embarrassed and withdrew her gaze.

"Ahh actually let Lin Chen see me sleeping, ah, it's really embarrassing to be thrown home! What to do, he won't hate himself. Erina Nagi thought.

Before she could look at it for a while, Erina's face turned even redder, and then she glanced at Lin Chen a few more times, and found that Lin Chen was looking at her, and hurriedly withdrew her eyes.

"Since, since you're awake, let's eat, Miss Ben is ready for you."

Erina Nagi endured the embarrassment and said to Lin Chen as if she was very strong.

"Well, thank you, Erina-chan."

"Why are you screaming so numb all of a sudden?"

Erina Nagikiri's voice became smaller again, and her face was already red like a ripe tomato.

Hearing Lin Chen's thanks, Erina Nagi suddenly felt that her heart was full of warmth, and she felt that she had not done it in vain to get up so early to cook for Lin Chen.

"I just suddenly want to practice my cooking skills, and this lunch is just made in passing, but it's definitely not something I made for you."

Erina Nagi said, but in fact, Lin Chen could see that the rich dishes in the lunch box betrayed Erina, and this lunch was definitely carefully prepared by Erina Nagikiri.

"By the way, Erina, do you have any money?"

Erina Nagikiri shook her head and said,

"Why did you ask this all of a sudden?"

"I'm mainly afraid that something will happen to you, so I'll give you some money just in case." Lin Chen said as he took Erina's mobile phone and transferred a thousand yuan on her Alipay.

In fact, Erina Nagikiri was also about to ask Lin Chen for some money, because she was going to a high-end restaurant to try it, and she had to have some money to order food first.

Although she usually doesn't give money for meals, but the chef wants to give her money, but now is a special period after all.

"What is this?"

Erina Nagikiri's eyes were full of curiosity, why he just moved his fingers and turned a thousand dollars.

"This is Alipay, which can make payments and transfers, and this is WeChat also has the same function. You can transfer money directly from the bank card, and WeChat can also chat and send red envelopes, and then this is..."

Lin Chen explained to Erina Nagikiri, and introduced her to the major apps, Taobao, and Station B and registered accounts for her.

"Is your technology really convenient now?"

"Of course, but only Huaxia's online payment is so developed," Lin Chen said proudly.

Compared with neon, most people still use paper money, and Huaxia online payment is obviously much more convenient.

Erina Nagikiri nodded, she specially checked all kinds of news and achievements in Huaxia before going to bed last night, and she was shocked if she didn't know if she didn't check.

The "Sky Eye" telescope, the Shenzhou spacecraft, the Chang'e moon landing, the Beidou satellite positioning system, the C919 domestic large aircraft, the Dongfeng series of missiles, the Liaoning ship, the Shandong ship, the Fujian ship, the J-20 fighter jet, and the united

efforts of the epidemic to fight the epidemic all shocked this Nagi Erina, in her time, although China was much stronger than the last century, but far less powerful than now, China only took a few years to surpass the development of European and American countries for decades.

As for Neon, she has done a lot of disgusting things, especially some time ago, she disregarded the discharge of nuclear sewage from all over the world

, and as a Neon upper-class person, she knows very well how much damage that thing will cause to marine life.

It is clear that Neon itself is very dependent on the ocean, and most Neon people can't do without seafood, and now it is actually discharging nuclear sewage into the ocean.

In this way, will the marine products still be eaten really clean in the future?

Erina Nagikiri is very disgusted, and if this kind of thing happens in her world, she will definitely be the first to oppose the discharge of nuclear wastewater.

You must know that her status as a chef in the world is very high, so high that there are too many people to directly affect the neon government.

If you want to be in Lin Chen's world, let alone a chef, even if neon-like people oppose it, those in power will still do their own thing, and carry out their father's orders.

Looking at Lin Chen again, after eating breakfast, he left the rental house under the gaze of Erina Nagikiri.

After Erina Nagi saw Lin Chen walking away, she took out her mobile phone and searched for nearby high-end restaurants with the mobile phone QPP that Lin Chen had just taught her.

After a lot of screening, she chose a very high-end restaurant called Ruyan Pavilion nearby, and she planned to go there to taste the food today.

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