"I'll take you to the street today to buy some necessities, and tomorrow I'll go to work."


Erina Nagikiri nodded, she wanted to live here permanently, and it was not enough to rely on the few clothes Lin Chen bought yesterday.

Lin Chen had a little headache, because his salary was not high, just the few clothes he bought in the mall yesterday almost wiped out one-fifth of his salary.

Although he has saved a small amount of money over the years, it is the money he kept to buy a house, a car and get married.

Now if you want to buy clothes for Erina Nagikiri, you must buy her a mobile phone, which is too cheap for him to give away, but he is distressed if it is too expensive.

"After all, it's still the fault of poverty."

Lin Chen secretly swore that he must make enough money, otherwise he wouldn't even have the money to buy things for the people he liked.

Soon, the two of them went out together, and this was the first time Erina Nagi really saw the world.

Many things are indistinguishable from the world she lives in, but there are still some gaps.

The technological trends of the two worlds are similar, but Erina Nagikiri is from 2016, and Lin Chen's world is in 2023.

In the era of the big explosion of science and technology in recent years, many high-tech products have appeared, of course, there is not much difference between civilian items.

First of all, Lin Chen took Erina Nagi to the mall and saw all kinds of mobile phones, Erina Nagi was very shocked, she didn't expect that it had only been so many years, and the changes in mobile phones were far away.

The most ordinary mobile phones here were all high-tech in their time, and here she really looks like a person who has never seen the world.

Look at this, touch that, and finally when he saw that the people around him were looking at him, he lowered his head shyly and walked gently to Lin Chen's side.

pulled Lin Chen's shirt and said softly,

"Which one can I buy?"

Erina Nagikiri's voice was very thin, so thin that others could barely hear it, but Lin Chen was relatively close, so he could barely hear it.

"Whatever you want, I can buy it for you."

"Really?" Erina Nagikiri's excited voice popped out, she thought that Lin Chen would just buy a mobile phone for her, but she didn't expect to let her choose it herself.

If it was in the distant moon before, Erina Nagikiri wouldn't care about these things at

all, but now she knew that Lin Chen was not a rich person, after all, she lived in such a humble rental house.

But Lin Chen let her choose by herself, which can be seen that Lin Chen is considerate and concerned about her.

This moved her very much, but she is not a particularly ignorant girl, she carefully selected and compared the cost performance of each family and then picked a mobile phone with a price of 3,000 and a high cost performance.

Then took the mobile phone to Lin Chen to check out, Lin Chen didn't expect Erina Nagikiri to pick a medium-priced mobile phone.

This made him breathe a sigh of relief, if Erina Nagikiri chooses the kind of mobile phone that exceeds 10,000, although he will buy it, he will definitely feel distressed for a long time.

He always thought that Erina Nagikiri would not care about people, and she was arrogant and willful, but Erina Nagi was very sensible.

So Lin Chen happily settled the bill and left the mobile phone store under the surprised eyes of the shopping guides.

They thought that the person who could bring such a beautiful girl here must be very rich, and it is estimated that the rich second generation took the girl out to shop, and only bought a mobile phone of more than 3,000.

I really don't know why such a beautiful girl doesn't want a better one, and she can't find anyone outside with her appearance.

After buying the mobile phone, Lin Chen went to get a calling card with his ID card, and then took Erina Nagikiri to go shopping.

Is it really a woman's nature to go shopping? Erina Nagikiri has never been shopping, and in her free time she usually spends her free time researching dishes or tasting them at high-end restaurants.

Clothes are usually custom-made by international designers.

In addition, there is no one to go shopping with her at all, so this is Erina Nagikiri's first time shopping.

But even though it was the first time, she felt very familiar, and she picked up this one for a while, touched it, and then took out that one to try it on.

As a result, it wasn't until the evening, when Erina and Lin Chen's stomachs were very hungry, that they stopped.

Obviously, he didn't buy many clothes at all, but it took a whole day, Lin Chen was so tired that he couldn't walk, but Erina Nagikiri seemed to have infinite energy.

After visiting one store after another, she kept changing her clothes, and after she saw one dress, she put them on and tried them on and then went to other stores, and after the last shopping mall was done at the clothing store, she would choose to buy those pieces.

Although he saved money, it was hard for Lin Chen, and he accompanied Erina Nagi to walk in the mall over and over again.

Wherever they go, the people around them will look at them.

There's no way, Erina Nagikiri's bright blonde hair, coupled with a beautiful appearance and graceful figure.

As long as there is a man's passing, he will definitely turn back, and after a couple passed by, the girl found that her boyfriend had been staring intently at Erina Nagikiri, and she was so anxious that she twisted her boyfriend's waist three hundred and sixty degrees.

It hurt so much that her boyfriend couldn't help but open his mouth, but his eyes still didn't leave Erina Nagikiri, and in the end, the woman couldn't stand it and broke up with him decisively, so he cried and apologized to her girlfriend.

If vision could kill people, I'm afraid Lin Chen would have been slashed by those male compatriots a long time ago.

And there are also many girls who will also stare at Erina Nagikiri, in addition to envying why she is so beautiful, and why the pair on her chest is so huge.

Lin Chen was in pain and happy under everyone's gaze, the pain was because his legs were really unbearable, and the happiness was because Erina Nagikiri held his hand while shopping.

When he looked at Erina Nagikiri, he saw Erina Nagi blushing and looking to the other side.

During the meal, Lin Chen took Erina Nagikiri to eat the self-service barbecue that he often went to, because the meat was grilled by himself, so he didn't have to worry about the taste.

After a day of shopping, Lin Chen was really tired, and he gobbled up the meat on the table.

"Eat slowly, there's a lot of it anyway."

Erina Nagikiri said softly, and as she spoke, she put a few more slices of meat on the stove to roast, and then elegantly ate the freshly roasted meat on her plate.

After eating, she sandwiched the beef tenderloin that she had specially roasted for Lin Chen on Lin Chen's plate.

"Let's see how I bake it." Erina Nagikiri showed a very bright smile, and she was very, very happy today.

I remember the last time she was so happy was when she first tasted Ichiro Caipa's food.

Lin Chen looked at Erina Nagikiri's smile, and even forgot to eat the meat for a while, and the men around him were also stunned, how could there be such a superb girl who also gave her boyfriend a barbecue.

Look at the dinosaurs that are eating like crazy, and they can only be reduced to barbecue tools, why are men so different at the same time.

Erina Nagikiri is really beautiful, especially when she laughs, who would hate a beautiful girl who loves to laugh?

Erina Nagiri, who realized that she was a little out of shape, blushed, and she lowered her head again and looked at the meat on the oven.

Soon the dinner was over, and Lin Chen and Erina Nagi returned home holding hands, this time Lin Chen took the initiative.

Although Erina's face was very red, she didn't resist, but instead clenched Lin Chen's hand hard.

Everything today is like a dream for Erina Nagikiri, a life she can't even imagine.

In the past, Erina Nagikiri was always busy with various things, but now she is very laid-back.

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