Early in the morning, Lin Chen woke up, last night was the coolest night he had slept in so many years, yesterday's events were like a dream, making him wonder if he was in a dream.

But when he smelled the tempting fragrance, he knew that yesterday was not a dream, and the characters in the second dimension really came to this world and came to his side.

He opened the door and saw Erina Nagi busy in the kitchen, moving between the kitchens in a wonderful figure.

Soon, Erina Nagikiri made breakfast, and then she took off her apron and shook off her tied hair, and the whole person looked very chic.

"We ate eggs benedict this morning, and last night we watched the spirit of the halberd, and it occurred to me that we made this this morning, I don't know if you like it or not."

Erina Nagikiri said calmly, although it seemed to be asking Lin Chen, but her tone was actually full of confidence.

She believed that her cuisine would definitely be able to conquer Lin Chen's palate, making Lin Chen a prisoner of her cuisine.

Looking at the luxurious breakfast on the dining table, Lin Chen couldn't help but move his index fingers, and he gently cut a piece of the tableware and put it in his mouth.

"Woo, the taste feels okay, but you fried the eggs for a second longer, and the heat was a little smaller, and if you changed the sauce, it would be fine, after all, I don't have the Dutch chutney in the anime, and..."

Erina Nagikiri didn't care at first, after all, how useful could a person who had never cooked anything to say about her cooking.

But as Lin Chen said more and more, her face became worse and worse.

"Enough, you're just a person who hasn't eaten much food, how can you be qualified to criticize my cuisine, do you think you have the tongue of God?." Erina Nagikiri patted the table dissatisfied.

She thought that Lin Chen was deliberately finding fault, after all, if Lin Chen really had such a good sense of taste, he wouldn't have gobbled up the curry rice she made so much last night.

Lin Chen frowned, he didn't know why he found the shortcomings in the cooking, but his tongue was reflecting these shortcomings to him all the time.

Erina Nagikiri picked up the cutlery, gently slice open the eggs Benedict, and then put one piece in her mouth and chewed it elegantly.

At first, her face was relatively normal, but after chewing for a while, she found that what Lin Chen said was actually true, Lin Chen knew the shortcomings of this dish as soon as she ate it, and she actually had to taste it slowly.

On top of that, there are several shortcomings that can't even be tasted with her god's tongue.

"Do you also have the tongue of God?" Erina Nagikiri said suspiciously, and she thought that Lin Chen's divine tongue was probably more sensitive than herself, obviously Lin Chen was a person who had never eaten much high-end cuisine.

And she has tasted the world's food since she was a child, and her sense of taste has always been her proud capital, but now she has lost to an ordinary person who can't cook.

This devastated her, and she had already hit her after coming to this world and learning that her world was an anime, and now this kind of thing is happening. (No way, people are the protagonists, and there are authors who send plug-ins.)

"I don't know, after eating your food last night, I slept well, but as soon as I ate your food this morning, I could find the shortcomings"

Lin Chen said at a loss, could he be the legendary genius that is rare in 10,000 years? Originally, the talent was hidden, and it will only awaken under special circumstances.

And Erina Nagikiri's cuisine just happened to be the key to awakening this talent.

So he just stumbled upon the ability to match the Tongue of the Gods?

But the problem is that the tongue of God is not only a power, but also a curse!

For Lin Chen, who finished watching the anime, he knew very well how much Nagi Nagi paid because of the Tongue of God in the later stage, and in the end, there was no food that could satisfy her tongue, and she lived on nutrient solution all day long.

In any case, Lin Chen didn't want to live a life like Nagi Shinaki, even if he didn't have this kind of talent that was different from ordinary people, he was willing.

"You don't seem to be happy with the way you look!" Erina Nagi said a little angrily that she regarded the Tongue of God as a gift from heaven, but Lin Chen didn't take it seriously.

This made her feel very unhappy, obviously having such a good sense of taste, but still sullen, what did he want to do.

Lin Chen looked at Erina Nagikiri, shook his head, and said in a low

voice, "You don't know, sometimes it's not a good thing to have this ability, it may bring you endless pain."

"It seems that you really don't understand what the tongue of God represents." Erina Nagikiri is still chasing after her, and she still thinks that the tongue of the gods is a gift.

So in order to convince her, Lin Chen directly opened the last few episodes of the Spirit of the Halberd and played the part of her mother for her to watch.

The more she looked at it, the worse Erina's mood became, she really didn't expect that the Tongue of God that the whole Neon was so sought after turned out to be a curse, and she had always regarded the Tongue of God as a gift from heaven.

But she didn't expect that this gift would one day bring her nightmares, and she didn't want to become like her mother.

"Don't worry, it's still early for that day? Besides, didn't you survive all the books in the book? Now that you know your future, can you be worse than you were the original? Lin Chen said softly and comfortingly.


Erina Nagi replied softly, she didn't worry about it now, anyway, if something really happened, it would be the guy in front of her who would have an accident first, after all, his divine tongue was more sensitive than herself.

Thinking that in the future, Lin Chen didn't want to eat other dishes and could only rely on her cooking to obtain energy.

She suddenly became less flustered, and Lin Chen was right, she was able to successfully get rid of this curse in the original book, although with the help of Kohei Sojin.

But now she understands her future, and she knows the secret of improving her cooking ability: find someone she loves and want to give him all her dishes to taste.

Thinking about it, Erina Nagi glanced at Lin Chen

, "Well, he's barely half of it."

Thinking about it, Erina Nagikiri returned to her previous state of confidence.

"However, this guy's talent is really suitable for being a chef." Erina Nagikiri thought to herself, knowing very well how much of a role the Tongue of God could play in enhancing cooking.

That's why many high-end restaurants spend a lot of money to invite Erina Nagikiri to taste their dishes.

The first is to use Erina's reputation to increase her popularity

, and the second is to use Erina Nagikiri's comments and suggestions, for those chefs, it is indeed a good way to improve their cooking ability

, so those high-end restaurants are eager for Erina Nagikiri, but now Lin Chen's sense of taste is higher than hers, so Lin Chen's culinary talent is definitely pulled to a very high position by the sense of taste.

Even if he doesn't know how to do anything, just being a food critic in the world of halberds can easily make a name for himself.

No way, this is talent, the efforts of others in a lifetime are sometimes really not as good as those talented days of hard work, this is the reality.

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