After dinner, Lin Chen brushed the bowl and knocked on the door of Erina's room.

"Nagikiri, are you there? Can you come out for a while? Lin Chen shouted towards Erina's room.

As soon as the words fell, the door opened, and Erina Nagikiri came out in the green dress he had just bought in the morning, holding her arms to her chest and pouting slightly.

"Call me Erina!" Erina Nagikiri looked at Lin Chen with resolute eyes, and at this time she seemed to have become the queen of the distant moon again.

People who are generally unfamiliar with neon call their surnames, and only those who are more close to him will let him call by his name.

"Well, Erina." Hearing Erina Nagi's request, he said that he couldn't ask for it, after all, he wasn't sure what his position was in Erina Nagi's heart.

If you rush to call her by her name, it may cause her disgust.

However, it seems that his status in Erina's heart should not be very low. (After all, Erina doesn't know much at all)

"By the way, do you still watch the halberd?" If you want to see it, I'll see how it goes.

"Hmm" Erina Nagikiri's face flushed slightly, she lowered her head to the floor (chest), and then her voice answered like a mosquito.

After hearing Erina's answer, Lin Chen walked to the sofa, took out his old laptop, and continued the morning play.

Erina Nagikiri followed closely behind him, and when she saw him sitting in front of the computer, Erina Nagikiri blushed and opened her mouth to ask

, "Excuse me, where should I sit."

Lin Chen only reacted, there was another person next to him, he stood up and sat next to him and moved a space for Erina Nagikiri.

Erina Nagikiri's eyes earned a lot, he didn't expect this man to be so cheeky, forget it, anyway, let him touch his head, just take it as compensation for him in the morning (girl, you don't have this idea) Erina Nagikiri's

face turned even redder, she sat next to Lin Chen carefully, and put a pair of white and tender legs under the coffee table.

From time to time, he would touch Lin Chen's legs, and then retract them as if they were electrocuted.

The wonderful touch that occasionally came from the key legs, and then saw Erina Nagikiri's shy appearance, Lin Chen almost couldn't help it.

But after thinking about it, he still has to put a long line to catch a big fish, and when he confirms his relationship with Erina Nagikiri in the future, he won't need to be as patient as he is now.

Although both of them were fascinated at first, they were soon attracted by the plot in Halberd Eater.

Seeing that Kohei Soma turned out to be the son of Seiichiro Kanoha, but in the anime, she always wanted to drop out of school when Kohei Sokuma quit school, and her face couldn't help but turn white.

If she really succeeds in getting Kohei Soma out of school, and then letting her know that Kohei Somasa is the son of her idol, she won't forgive herself.

Because when she was in the dark, it was Ichiro Kanami's cuisine that pulled her out of her father's shadow, otherwise there would not be the glorious Erina Nagikiri she is now.

Looking at Erina Nagikiri, whose face turned pale, Lin Chen couldn't

help but comfort her, "It's okay, you didn't drop her out of school until the end, but successfully rebelled against her father with the help of him and the people of Polestar Liao."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but touch Erina's head.

This time Erina Nagikiri didn't react much, she just looked at Lin Chen, felt a warmth in her heart, her face gradually turned red, and then lowered her head again.

"Thank you!"

She slowly said thank you, and her voice was so small that Lin Chen didn't even hear it.

If Lin Chen had a favorability system, he would definitely be able to find that Erina's favorability had increased a lot.

Even if a person is strong, there will be times when he is vulnerable, can he grasp the fragility of others, find her scars, and finally heal it with his heart.

This is what makes others like you, instead of licking her again and again in the way you think is good for her, which will backfire.

Although it is outrageous to say, at least within this day, Erina Nagikiri has been able to trust him.

But it's just trust, and it's far from liking, after all, Lin Chen is not handsome enough to make others fall in love with him at a glance.

After watching the first season, Lin Chen found that it was already late, so he forcibly closed the notebook, and then explained to her with Erina Nagikiri's puzzled eyes.

"It's too late now, let's take a look at the rest later, girls will become ugly when they go to bed late."

Erina Nagikiri nodded, it was indeed late by now, so she tried to stand up, only to find that she couldn't stand up directly on her legs at all because she had been in one position for so long.

So he lost his balance and fell into Lin Chen's arms all of a sudden, and Lin Chen was also getting ready, but he just hugged Erina Nagikiri and put his hand on her pair of jade rabbits.

"Hmm, don't pinch it."

Lin Chen's face was covered by Erina Nagikiri's back, and he pinched his hand involuntarily (deliberately) in a hurry, and then he heard Erina Nagikiri's shy voice.

That soft touch made Lin Chen feel that he had definitely saved the world in his previous life, otherwise how could there be so many good things today.

First, the anime heroine came to him, and then touched his head, and in the end, he went directly to second base, although it was just an accident.

But that touch will really make him unforgettable for the rest of his life.

Erina Nagikiri stood up, saw Lin Chen putting the hand that touched her jade rabbit to his nose and sniffed it, shyly called "perverted" and fled back to the room.

"Wait a minute, Erina." When Erina Nagikiri was about to enter the door, Lin Chen stopped her.

She turned her head and looked at Lin Chen shyly,

"What are you doing!"

"It's nothing, I just wanted to tell you, good night, I wish you a good dream"

Hearing this, Erina Nagikiri was stunned in place, this was the first time someone had told her good night.

She smiled slightly, and said to Lin Chen very gently

, "Thank you, good night, and I wish you a good dream!" As he spoke, he closed the door softly.

As Erina's door closed, Lin Chen couldn't help but jump up and put on a triumphant pose, he felt that this hand didn't need to be washed at night.

And Erina Nagikiri didn't blame him too much, which made him even more excited, maybe she already liked me? (One of the three major illusions in life, she likes me)

Let's go back to Erina Nagikiri's side, she can't calm down for a long time at this time, and her heart has been repeating today's events over and over again.

She thought of Lin Chen stroking her head and watching anime with her, remembering Lin Chen's sluggish appearance after changing into a skirt, and remembering Lin Chen's gobbling up when he was eating.

She had never felt it, but she didn't hate it.

Thinking about it, Erina Nagikiri gradually fell asleep, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Nothing was said all night.

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