Wu Tao next to him heard this, his face changed, you must know that he has done a lot of tricks in the company's account books over the years, but because he is a manager who is deeply trusted by Zhou Yi, he has not had an accident.

If Zhou Yi went to check the account books now, he would not be fired, but would go directly to the bureau.

Wu Jian next to him wanted to say a few words, but Wu Tao rushed over directly, and slapped Wu Jian in the face with a "snap", leaving a red slap mark on his face.

Wu Jian was stunned, no, uncle, why are you beating me when I speak for you, and don't you see that Zhou Yi has already started to ask him about the conditions, which means that this matter can be discussed?

It was so heavy, he looked at Wu Tao with a puzzled face, and wanted to say a few more words, but after seeing his uncle's murderous eyes, he immediately shut up, he was very afraid of his uncle.

Wu Tao is also afraid of his nephew now, if you are talking, it is estimated that he will not have to wait a few days, he will be able to enter the game now, who knows what amazing words can pop out of his mouth.

Although there is a problem with the account book, it is still difficult to find if you don't check it carefully, after all, Wu Tao is a cautious person, otherwise he would not have been able to hold the position of manager for so long.

Thinking of this, he slowly walked towards Lin Chen again, and said with a gloomy face: "You have to be forgiving and forgiving, if you are doing too much now, be careful of what happens one day, right."

Lin Chen frowned when he heard Wu Tao's resentful words, this old guy still wants to do something, no, cutting the grass will not remove the roots, the spring breeze will blow and grow again, if you don't solve him now, I'm afraid something will happen.

Although Lin Chen was not afraid of his revenge, he was not afraid of ten thousand, he was afraid of what happened, and it was better to have more than one thing, wouldn't it be better to solve this matter directly now.

But how can we get him in now?

Lin Chen thought for a while, and when his gaze swept towards Wu Jian, his eyes lit up, and he almost forgot that there was this stupid boy.

But how do you get him to account for his uncle?

He glanced at Zhou Yi, and then glanced at Wu Jian under Zhou Yi's gaze, and Zhou Yi immediately understood what Lin Chen meant.

She showed a smile and said to Wu Jian: "Wu Jian, I know that Manager Wu has done many things for the company, and Manager Wu's contribution to the company is obvious to all, as his nephew, you should know what your uncle has contributed to the company."

Wu Jian's face showed a hint of pride, and he said: "You have to know that the big project we talked about last year was negotiated by my uncle, and the cooperation with the local leading company at the beginning of this year was also him..."

Zhou Yi took out the phone and called the company's finance, asking them to thoroughly investigate these things, and the results soon came, there were many things wrong in the accounts of those projects, at least 10 million loopholes.

Hearing the situation on the phone, Zhou Yi was furious, although she knew that Wu Tao would do some tricks, but as long as it was not excessive, she would only turn a blind eye, but Wu Tao had already been greedy for more than 10 million yuan in these few items alone, so Wu Tao was probably greedy for at least nine figures of money in the company in the past few decades.

It's already equivalent to a few years of the company's income, and this is the manager she just wanted to try her best to keep.

She looked at Wu Tao with angry eyes, and at this time Wu Tao knew that he was completely finished, and he didn't even have a chance to turn over.

Originally, he also wanted to find his friends in the company to operate on the ledger.

But he didn't expect Zhou Yi to find out about him so quickly.

"Is there anything else you'd like to explain?" Zhou Yi asked in a low voice, as if she was a devil from hell, she was really blind to let this person be the manager.

Wu Tao shook his head, now that everything is over, he is estimated to spend the rest of his life in prison.

If you are lucky, you can apply for a commutation of sentence, but when he comes out, Lin Chen will not be the poor boy he is now, and it is estimated that he will not even have the chance to see Lin Chen at that time.

He looked at Lin Chen resentfully again, if it weren't for this guy, he wouldn't be as miserable as he is now.

"It's all you, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be like this!" Wu Tao roared and rushed towards Lin Chen.

He smashed the glass violently, then picked up one of the glass shards and rushed towards Lin Chen.

But Lin Chen had already guarded against this guy, after all, from a company manager to a prisoner, the gap was too big, who knew if he would die or not.

Seeing Lin Chen defending himself, a smile flashed at the corner of Wu Tao's mouth, his target has never been Lin Chen.

With his current middle-aged age, plus he has been greedy for pleasure in the past few years, his body has long been ruined and he doesn't know what it will become, and Lin Chen is a young man, his physical fitness and reaction are above him, and he may not hurt him at all if he deals with Lin Chen by himself.

His purpose has always been Erina Nagikiri, if it weren't for Erina Nagi to help Lin Chen, that kid would not have had such a great ability to let him be expelled

, and he could see that Lin Chen liked Erina Nagikiri, if he ruined Erina Nagikiri, I'm afraid Lin Chen would regret it for the rest of his life.

He was greedy for so much money, and after entering, his luck was indefinite, and his luck was almost estimated to be a death sentence.

He can't go to his former friends, who can help you when you are powerful because you can bring benefits to them, and now that he is in, those people will probably disassociate themselves at the first time.

He has lived a good life for so many years, and he is not used to the boring life in prison at all, since this is the case, it is better to take another one, thinking of Lin Chen's painful appearance, he couldn't help laughing.

Noticing the smile on the corner of Wu Tao's mouth, Lin Chen secretly said that it was not good, he knew what Wu Tao was going to do.

He hurriedly rushed towards Erina Nagikiri, fortunately Lin Chen was relatively close to Erina Nagi, so he successfully rushed to her side before Wu Tao hurt Erina Nagi, but although he didn't stab Erina Nagi, he stabbed into Lin Chen's body.

Lin Chen held back the pain and punched Wu Tao hard, and soon the security guard of the Smoke Pavilion rushed in and held Wu Tao down.

Lin Chen clutched his stomach, and the blood on it kept flowing down.

Looking at Lin Chen's blood-stained blouse, Erina Nagikiri's face was full of distress, her tears fell drop by drop, and finally her face was covered with tears.

"Ah Chen, Ah Chen, how are you!" Erina Nagi gently covered Lin Chen's wound with her hand with tears on her face, hoping to make him bleed less, but found that it didn't work at all.

She wanted to help Lin Chen, but she didn't know how to help, because she had never encountered anything like this.

"By the way, call an ambulance, hurry up and call an ambulance." Erina Nagikiri hurriedly took out her mobile phone and hurriedly called an ambulance.

Lin Chen's face was pale at this time, and he felt that the glass bottle that stabbed into his stomach should have cut his intestines.

He felt his consciousness blur more and more, and all that was left in his eyes was Erina Nagikiri, anxiously calling for an ambulance.

Liu Ruyan, Zhou Yi and others next to them also reacted, they didn't expect that Wu Tao would really choose to break the net, and the object of choice turned out to be Erina Nagikiri, and they didn't expect Lin Chen to use his body to block that for Erina Nagikiri.

Liu Ruyan covered her little face, her face was full of shock, she always thought that Erina Nagi could fall in love with Lin Chen because he also had the tongue of God, but she didn't expect Lin Chen to be so desperate to save her.

You must know that although most people usually say that they love you, when it comes to life, it is estimated that they will sacrifice others to save their lives as soon as possible.

After all, how can others have their own lives are important, and their own lives are the most important.

But Lin Chen is different, if it weren't for Erina Nagikiri, it is estimated that he would still live a chaotic life, constantly being bullied by his boss, and then get married and have children like ordinary people, and finally spend his life like an ordinary person, although it is not said that the life of ordinary people is not good.

But who wants to live the life of an ordinary person all the time if they can?

And when Lin Chen often felt confused, lonely and helpless, it was these heroines of the second dimension who brought him happiness and hope, and it was these heroines who saved him.

He yearns for the beauty of the second dimension.

So Lin Chen has always longed to meet a kind and lovely heroine like in the anime, even if he knows that with his ability, it may be impossible for the other party to fall in love with him.

And now that he has not only met Erina Nagikiri, but also has a bond with her, he must not let her be harmed.

Even if you sacrifice yourself.

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