My name is Erina Nagikiri, and since I was born, I have been the object of attention from the people around me, and I was born with a superior sense of taste, and a single sentence can determine the future of a restaurant, which has earned me countless honors and attention, and also made me develop a proud character.

I'm the granddaughter of the ogre king Nagi Senzaemon.,The eldest lady of the Nagi family.,The queen of the Far Moon Academy.,It's also the first student in the history of the Far Moon to become a top ten in high school.,Although I was educated by some of my father's perverts when I was a child.,But with the help of Caibo's predecessors, I came out of the shadows.。 (I changed it here, and changed it to her eating the food of Ichiro Naba after her father's education.)

When I was about to go to the transfer exam as an examiner, I came to this world and met this ordinary man, I didn't expect that our world turned out to be just an anime in their world, and I turned out to be just one of the characters.

This ordinary man didn't seem to value me very much, he didn't seem to worship me like everyone else, he didn't fear me like everyone else, I didn't trust him at first, but he was very kind and took me in, and I didn't know how to be grateful, and I doubted him for no reason, and later, I found out that he also had a tongue of God, and it was even more advanced than my tongue of God.

Then he took me shopping and bought me what I wanted, which I had never experienced before, and finally, for some reason, I began to care about this man's feelings and began to care about him, which I could not have done before.

I feel relaxed and happy with him, even though he can't cook, but I don't care, obviously I used to hate people who can't cook.

I began to be influenced by him, and with his help, I felt that I was really starting to step out of my father's shadow, maybe I really liked him. When I heard that he had no money because I didn't have money, I immediately wanted to lighten the burden on him, I didn't expect that I could care so much about someone.

When I found out that he endured the insults of others for me, I found that my heart was really touched, and I realized that perhaps, I was really in love with him, but when I wanted to help him succeed in revenge, he was seriously injured in order to protect me, and when I saw him lying in his arms, his face was getting worse and worse, and I couldn't do anything about it.

Finally, I found that I was truly in love with him, Lin Chenjun, I like you.

I wanted to confide in him my feelings for him, but he was unconscious, and maybe I wouldn't have a chance in the future.

Why save me? Anyway, I'm not a person from this world, and even if I die in this world, no one will feel sorry for me. Why save me, why put yourself in such a dangerous situation.

At that time, I finally realized that I was not a big lady or a cooking genius, I was just a waste who could not do anything about it when my lover was endangered.

I found that my feelings for him were irrepressible, and I wished I was lying on the operating table, but these could not be changed.

Lin Chenjun, you must, you must survive! I haven't confessed to you yet.

Erina Nagikiri was sitting outside the door of the operating room covered in blood at this time, she was silent, her head bowed, no one could guess her thoughts, only that this woman was in a particularly bad state at this time.

Liu Ruyan bit her lip, she couldn't bear to see such a beautiful girl as Erina Nagi so haggard, so she gently walked to Erina Nagikiri's side, and then gently put her hand on Erina Nagikiri's shoulder, wanting to comfort Erina Nagikiri.

But Zhou Yi came out to stop her, Zhou Yi shook her head at her, and motioned for her not to disturb Erina Nagikiri, who needed nothing more than to be alone at this time.

So Liu Ruyan withdrew her hand, she and Zhou Yi walked to the side and sat down, leaving only Erina Nagikiri at the door of the operating room, Erina Nagi was silent, Liu Ruyan and Zhou Yi were also silent, as if the whole world had fallen into silence.

"Ding" The light on the operating room turned from red to green, Erina Nagikiri quickly stood up, she stared at the operating room intently, eager to rush in immediately and ask Lin Chen how his condition was.

The door opened, and out of it came a white-clad doctor wearing a mask and a tired face.

"Doctor, how is he?" Erina Nagikiri asked anxiously, her eyes staring straight at the doctor, her eyes bloodshot, it was hard to imagine what kind of pain she had gone through to become like this.

The doctor looked at her tiredly and nodded at her, Erina Nagi breathed a sigh of relief, from the morning when the sky was still bright until the sun had set, Erina Nagi did not take a drop of water, and has been sitting at the door of the operating room.

She prayed countless times that Lin Chen would come out safe and sound, even if it was at her expense.

In the end, her prayer worked, her spirit relaxed all of a sudden, she felt her eyes darken, and she fell straight back, but fortunately, Liu Ruyan was next to her and hugged her.

"Hey, it's really hard for you, let's get a good night's sleep." Liu Ruyan now also admires the perseverance of this little girl, she has always thought that Erina Nagikiri is just a big lady with unusual talents, but she really didn't expect Erina Nagi to be able to last so long.

"It seems that the man inside is going to be blessed in the future. Liu Ruyan hugged Erina Nagi and smiled, at this time she was also happy for Erina Nagi, and Zhou Yi next to her was also happy for them.

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