Compressing his body to a minimum again, Bai Ye hid under Megumi's huge wizard hat.

With the barrier of the wizard hat, Bai Ye naturally roamed freely inside, and when he was bored, he could use his tentacles to tie a bow in Megumi's hair, which was much more flexible than on Mimi's little head.

[Oops, accidentally tied into a dead buckle.]

Believe it or not, I slipped a handful of dirt into my hat and turned you into a dirty slime. Feeling

that her hair was under Bai Ye's ravages and tied several knots, Megumi couldn't help but want to go crazy.

Grab the mud on the ground and yell at your wizard hat under the gaze of the passerby Red Devil.

Fortunately, here is the Red Devil Clan, as long as it does not do things that seem normal on the outside, it is absolutely normal in the Red Devil.

The Red Devils who passed by were just when Megumi thought of some handsome script, wondering in her heart whether she should also arrange a background such as a dual personality for herself.

It's handsome to think about.

"Hmph, if you give up your hair, throw it away."

Uncle Ben, who has the body of a slime, can remove the filth from his body by throwing away a little insignificant flesh, but your hair will stink for at least a long time. Lying

on Megumi's head with confidence, he was convinced that Megumi could not do such a thing of killing an enemy and damaging himself by a thousand.

Sure enough, she silently took off her hat and held the wizard hat in her arms along with Bai Ye.

No matter what Bai Ye said, "so hard", "teach me how to rotate my head one hundred and eighty degrees" and other words that she couldn't understand, she was silent...

Fishing out a food-sized Bai Ye from the wizard's hat, under his surprised gaze, Megumi opened her mouth.

"Wait a minute, I'm wrong, shut up, I won't be deliberately tying your hair!" Bai

Ye of the body was not worried that Mei Hui's teeth could hurt him, but the feeling of being stuffed into his mouth was really not good, this kind of dark history he didn't want.

Hearing this, Hui Hui smiled stiffly: "Oh ~ it turned out to be all intentional, I said why can't I untie it,"

Seeing Hui Hui's eyes flash, Bai Ye used her slippery body to break free from her clutches and jump above her head.

Under Mimi's adoring gaze, eight tiny tentacles erupted and pierced into the knotted hair crevices like needles, and in the blink of an eye, Megumi's hair returned to its original state.

"It's amazing, if I have tentacles, I can tidy my hair in the future." Finding

Bai Ye jumping on himself, Mimi enviously touched the tentacles that he hadn't had time to retract.

Little girl, what are you talking about.

Bai Ye fantasized about Megumi with eight tentacles all over her body, and shivered in horror, and a few drops of slime jelly disguised as sweat trembled to the ground.

He will definitely be removed as a monster that seduces the little girl.

"Mimi, being a girl tentacle is an absolute taboo, and if you want to get your hair tidy, a lot of magic can do the same thing.

So, please don't install anything terrible on yourself in the future.

Megumi's eyes narrowed half-narrowed, and she noticed that whether it was for her parents or Mimi, Baibai's attitude towards them was quite good.

Occasionally, she wondered if she was the only one who picked up this home.

It's not that it's not good for yourself in vain, so the precious crystal unicorn can be sent away.

But why...

Megumi walked to the river with a tangled tangle, washed her face with clean water from the river, and patted it twice.

"It's good, there are a lot more fish in Hanoi than in previous days, and this time you can definitely catch a lot. A

simple fishing rod was placed on the shore, and Mimi crouched on the side expectantly looking in the direction of the hook.

In the past, the two sisters could eat some meat, so they counted on this small river.

Megumi took off her shoes and socks and tried fishing by hand away from the direction of the hook, occasionally peeling off a few rocks.

"I caught it, and I actually caught two at once, and this time it was really a big harvest." Grabbing

a river shrimp in one hand, Megumi nodded in satisfaction, and turned to look at Bai Ye, who was playing with butterflies on the shore, with a defiant gaze.

"I want to compare this efficiency to your Uncle Slime, I ate more fish the other day than you have ever seen in your life." Swallowing

the butterfly that fell on his body, a white gas spewed out from Bai Ye's back.

The huge propulsion force sent him directly into the river, and his blue body instantly merged with the river.

The next moment, Bai Ye changed his form and turned into a fish half a meter in size, with wing-like fins spreading on both sides of his body, and an ornament similar to a golden crown on his head.

The red scales reflect the cold light of Sensen like metal, and the texture is like fine jade.

With a slight flick of her tail, she turned into a red lightning bolt and galloped through the water, and Megumi didn't even notice that a "king red-tailed fish" that was far larger than her kind was circling her several times.

It's just that Bai Ye inadvertently set off a wave of water, accidentally wetting Mei Hui's skirt, making it stick tightly to Bai's thighs.

"Snap!" Before

Megumi could react, two river shrimp flew out of the water, cut a crystal arc with water droplets in the air, and landed on the shore.

If someone picks it up and looks carefully, they can find that the shell of the river shrimp is already full of cracks, and they basically can't survive.


Every time the sound sounds, at least one shrimp will fly out, and occasionally there will even be five shrimp in the same frame.

It's outrageous.

[This river shrimp doesn't even have a little magic in its body, it's just an ordinary creature, and if you want to get their genes, you have to devour at least thousands of them to have a little probability of success. ] The

gains outweigh the losses.

The fish's eyes flashed with wisdom, and it had only been a long time since he showed this gesture, and the creatures in the river were actually hiding more than thirty percent.

This speed is not normal.

Over time, the situation where they couldn't catch fish before may happen again.

Adhering to the principle of sustainable development, Bai Ye put away the form of the king redtail fish, jumped up from the bottom of the river with the help of slime jet, rushed to the shore like a jet, and plunged into the river shrimp pile.

"Dozens of river shrimp, how can you think that a girl and a little girl can't finish eating." To

avoid waste, Bai Ye collected most of the river shrimp into the body space.

In order to prevent too many things in the body space from causing chaos in the items, Bai Ye deliberately divided the food area and the props area, and counted them from time to time.

A situation like a certain blue fat man who pits himself at every turn will never happen to him.

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