"Alas, when will my body be able to carry living things, it feels like I'm more and more like a removable refrigerator now." "

After counting the contents of the lower body, except for the crystal unicorn, the remaining things stored are basically animal corpses.

If he could store living things, Bai Ye had the confidence to turn his body space into a super-large zoo.

"Refrigerators? can't that kind of thing be made with magic? How can it compare to your body space that doesn't know how many things can be stored.

Megumi threw the two crayfish she caught into the pile of lobsters that surrounded Bai Ye's body, twisted the water stains on her clothes and said suspiciously.

She thought that the refrigerator was a magic item powered by magic, and something similar to it was not untried by Floating Saburo and was inspired by a monster called a snow spirit.

Unfortunately, it takes too much magic to maintain the cold, and even the Red Devils have a weak heart and are unsold.

"It's not the kind of magic prop that has side effects, forget it, it's too troublesome to explain, you should be a delicate magic prop that requires very little energy." Regarding

the difference between the refrigerator and the space in the body, Bai Ye did not want to bother with more words, and explained it very perfunctorily.

"Why don't you say, can't it be that you look down on the intelligence of the Red Devil Clan..." Hui

Hui picked up a straight and smooth wooden stick and gestured twice in front of her like a magic wand, the account that was wet by Bai Ye before has not yet been calculated, and now she actually fools her child, it is really intolerable.


Hooked, sister has fish hooked."

Without waiting for Megumi to make a move, Mimi suddenly pointed to the location of the bait and shouted, attracting both of their eyes.

The water next to the fishing rod suddenly began to bubble wildly, and if the water temperature hadn't changed, Bai Ye almost thought that some volcano nearby was about to erupt.

Even if it is not a volcanic eruption, the creatures under the surface of the river are definitely not caught by small hooks.

Devouring a large number of fish creatures, Bai Ye acquired a skill similar to danger perception, and if there was a certain crisis nearby, a sound similar to tinnitus would sound in his ears.

The greater the gap in strength, the harsher the voice.

When he met Weiwei for the first time, Bai Ye regretted for the first time that he had not blocked his hearing.

Bai Ye named it [Bai Ye Yi Qiling], the threat was not very great for him, but pinching the two sisters of Hui Hui was not a problem.

"You two hurry up and leave the shore, a big guy is coming up!" The

perception seeped into the river, and everything below was unobstructed in Bai Ye's mind.

At the moment of "seeing" the huge figure, Bai Ye hurriedly shouted to the two, and when he turned around, he found that Hui Hui had run behind the tree with Mimi in his arms, and made a cheering gesture at Bai Ye.


Bai Ye still appreciates Huihui's attitude of running away when in danger, and staying here can only become a burden to him.

In the future, the one who learned the burst magic is completely different, belonging to the final big killing weapon, plus Bai Ye's body tissue, and the effect of restoring a certain amount of magical power.

He no longer dared to imagine how terrifying Hui Hui would be in the future, afraid that he could not blow up the entire forest outside the Red Devil Township.

The water sprayed to the sides, a sharp and high-pitched sound came from the water, the dark shell was carved with blue patterns, and the face was erected with a large blood basin with two rows of sharp teeth.

Saliva dripped down the side of the fangs with the river, and the body was one section after another, and the tail at the end was forked, with a sharp tail tip.

A pair of plump pliers shone with a metallic sheen under the sun, and when they closed together, they really sounded like gold and stone.

[This... The lobsters ate too much, stirred up their boss, and how did this four-meter-tall lobster hide in such a small river? ]

In his heart, he frantically complained about the boss in the river, and from the 3D perspective, he still knew that this big lobster was actually hidden in the mud, otherwise even if he was lying in the river, a large part would be exposed.

"Is it the fiercest, the most evil, the most brutal overlord of the river, the rumored boss of all the crayfish in the river, the 'giant pincer lobster'?!

Megumi pulled Mimi to continue away from the next battlefield, from the "story" she knew, as long as she caught this lobster boss, there would be endless lobsters in the future.

In contrast, the strength of the giant pincer lobster cannot be underestimated, and the harm is far more than that of a single one-hit bear.

"Come on, Blue Uncle Slime!" Mimi

waved her small fist, her eyes glowing as she looked at Bai Ye who was confronting the giant pincer lobster.

"Whether there can be endless lobsters in the future depends on you, for nothing!

"Where are you from Pokémon trainer, don't give such suicidal orders!"

Bai Ye really couldn't listen anymore, and shouted at Megumi who was constantly interfering with him before the giant pincer lobster didn't bite him down.

He couldn't help but wonder if this was the so-called reincarnation of good and evil.

Before he had a Megumi mentality, now she wants to take revenge back.

"Roar!" The

giant pincer lobster saw Bai Ye distracted, a trace of human joy flashed in his eyes, and a black pincer that was one meter in size smashed towards Bai Ye's small body with a whistling sound.

The pliers collided with the ground, accompanied by a splash of sparks, the pliers were buried deep in the ground, and the strong wind set off by the strong impact temporarily drained the river, revealing the muddy bottom of the river.

"Wow, it's terrible, it's terrible, if I get hit by this, I'm going to fall apart." "

Although this kind of physical attack without attached magic is not effective for me at all. A

stream of water shot out from Bai Ye's mimicry mouth, dodged the attack of the giant pincer lobster, playfully jumped into its ground-trapped pincers, and said to the lobster in an exaggerated tone that made people feel angry.

Judging from the pincers just now, this lobster was indeed much stronger than an ordinary one-hit bear, and Bai Ye's crystal unicorn could not even break through the opponent's defense.

[But ordinary one-hit bears and one-hit bear kings are almost two species, and I accepted the oversized grilled lobster!]

The giant pincer lobster pulled the pincers out of the ground, and the tail behind him quickly slapped the surface of the water, as if irritated by Bai Ye's yin and yang strange qi.

A red glow lit up on the pincers, and purple gas spewed out from its mouth, and the plants that came into contact withered quickly in just three seconds.

"Roar!" the

purple mist was blasted away by a deafening roar.

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