Chapter 100 Yuigahama Yui awakens! Embarrassing Yumeko!

Harano was silently observing Yui Hahama in the dark.

He couldn’t help but shake his head slightly and sighed secretly in his heart.

Yui is just like everyone else.

All I know is fear and escape.

She had already labeled Yui as a”failure” in her heart and turned around to leave.


Right now.

She heard Yui in the corner shouting at the top of her lungs:”Don’t come over!”

Yuiko in reality also heard Yui’s sleeping voice whispering in a low voice.


She hurriedly tried to wake her up.

Yangno turned around and the real Yuiko.

Almost at the same time, they saw Yui slowly raising her right hand.

“I said, don’t come any closer!”

Accompanied by a deafening shout.

It was like thunder on the ground.


A raging and violent air flow spurted out from her hand.

In an instant, everything in the corridor was swept away by this violent air flow, as if it was violently bombarded by artillery shells.

Yangno watched in amazement as the zombies were knocked down by the air wave. land

“This is……”


Yomiko in reality was also knocked away by the airflow in Yui’s hand.

“Unlock the gene lock under this situation, Yui, you are truly unique.”

Seeing that Yumeko was about to hit the wall hard.

Weiming suddenly appeared like lightning and caught her steadily with both hands.

The wall that was cracked by the airflow also returned to its original state under the action of a mysterious force, as if everything was gone. never happened

“wake up.”

Yui suddenly opened her eyes and sat up straight.

She saw Yumiko being hugged by Wei Ming at a glance.

Suddenly her mind went blank.

“Eh? Yumiko… Wei Mingjun… what are you secretly doing behind my back?”

This is what she said subconsciously in confusion.

Only then did Yumeko come back to her senses.

She also instantly realized that the posture of the two of them was too intimate at the moment, so she hurriedly stood up to explain

“Yui, things are not what you imagined. Just now……”

I hesitate to speak, I don’t know how to explain it for a moment

“Yui, congratulations on passing the dream assessment. Now you have officially become a member of the Potential Academy.”

Weiming first congratulated Yui, and then explained briefly.

“Just now, your gene lock suddenly opened under the stimulation of the dream, and your out-of-control ability almost hurt Yumeko. I happened to arrive here to prevent the accident from happening.”

When Yui, who was originally gloomy, heard these words, her eyes immediately regained their luster.

She couldn’t wait to jump off the hospital bed and ran to Yumeko.

“Yumeko, I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“Well…I’m fine.”

Yomiko was a little embarrassed and guilty.

Because she even hoped that Yui would wake up later.

“By the way, Mr. Wei Ming, what exactly is a gene lock?”

Yomiko suddenly thought of this question

“You have successfully passed the assessment and become official members of the academy. You will naturally be exposed to courses on gene locks later on.”

“Gene Lock, simply put, is your superpower potential”

“Once unlocked by a specific stimulus, superpowers are gained.”

Weiming pointed at Yui and the things that were blown away.

“Just like Yui’s awakened”Airflow User” gene lock, she has super powers similar to”Air Cannon” and”Airflow Barrier”.”

Unclearly explained to the two of them concisely.

Yui’s awakening ability is quite good.

【Meme]:Gene-locked air flow user

【Level】:C level


【Air Cannon: Compressed air forms a powerful cannon

【Airflow barrier]: Use airflow to build a barrier


Yui pointed at herself, with doubts on her face.

“Have I awakened my super powers?”

Yomiko said enviously:”It’s true, it shocked me just now.”

If you don’t know yet, be warned.”

“Don’t try it in the dormitory before you master the ability. Tomorrow, train in the training ground according to the course schedule and have a good rest.”

When leaving, Weiming left a thoughtful message.

“I didn’t expect to meet so soon. I don’t know what you are thinking now.”

This sentence was like a flash of lightning, instantly making the two of them stunned.

Yui thought this was a hint to her, and couldn’t help but blush. But

Yumeko knew it in her heart.

This was clearly meant for her!

After all, she had just plucked it up not long ago. I had the courage to confess.

I thought I would never see you again, so I deleted my unidentified friends without hesitation, but at this moment… it was so embarrassing!


After a long time.

The assessment is finally over.

Although they were given half a day.

But still no one has the courage to fight the zombies head-on

“This is my record and summary. The five people I tested failed.”

Ruixi completed the final report.

The three people’s conclusions were exactly the same.

Except for Yuel, Longzhu Momo, Yumeko, and Yui who passed the initial assessment, no one passed the assessment.

Weiming had already sent these people home safely.

“Alas, are my expectations too high?”

After listening to the report, he couldn’t help but frown, secretly wondering in his heart.

The test he set was not very difficult, so why was there such a result?

“I don’t think it’s the principal’s problem.”

Yang Nai has a different view.

“What our Potential Academy pursues is not the accumulation of numbers, but the cultivation of high-end talents for the principal’s own power.”

“If they can’t even pass such a simple test, then keeping them is just a futile effort.”

Shinomiya Kaguya also expressed her insights

“I think what Ms. Yangno said is right. People who are not strong-willed will eventually betray their trust.”

Hearing this,

Wei Ming couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth.

“Haha, you guys see it so clearly”

“In fact, this is exactly what I thought, so I designed this assessment”

“This is not only a test for them, but also a trial for you.”


Kaguya and Yangno looked at each other with doubts on their faces.

Weiming stood up and walked between the two of them.

He patted their shoulders lightly with both hands.

“That’s right, it’s an assessment of your abilities.”

“I am very satisfied with your excellent execution and unique vision. As secretaries, you deserve it”

“From now on, Kaguya will be my office secretary, while Haruno will be responsible for helping me keep an eye on external developments. What do you think?”

The two people were overjoyed to be recognized.

Yang Nai:”I will definitely do my best.”

Kaguya:”Please feel free to entrust me with this important task.”

Weiming smiled slightly, but he still didn’t finish his words.

“In addition, there is a special assessment, which you also successfully passed.”

He turned to Yangno

“From today on, Yukinoshita Harano, I appoint you as the captain of the second team of Futuremen.”

Then Kaguya

“Shinomiya Kaguya, you are the captain of the third team”

“As for your team members, it’s up to you to select them.”


Future comers!

Joining the Future People is the key step to enter the unknown direct power.

This is undoubtedly the ultimate ideal that the students of the Potential Academy dream of.

Now they have not only got their wish to join the Future People, but they have also been awarded the title of team captain. It is really a double happiness!

Shinomiya Kaguya took a deep breath, her eyes were bright, and she nodded solemnly.

“yes! Principal, I will carefully select suitable team members”


Wei Ming always feels that this title is a bit inappropriate for people from the future.

“When you talk to me as a future person, please call me Lord.”

“Yes, my lord!”

Shinomiya Kaguya immediately changed his mind.

Yangno hesitated for a moment and then said:”My lord, I propose that Yukino be the captain of the second team, and I will be the deputy captain, is that okay?”


Weiming was quite surprised by her decision.

“You have so much faith in her abilities.”

Yang Nai looked determined and nodded decisively.

“I firmly believe that Yukino will be able to do the job”

“Well, since even your secretary, who pleases me, says so, then this position is reserved for her.”

“However, the premise is that she must show her strength, whether it is force or wisdom.”

Ruixi’s status has long been rock solid and there is no need to change.

So far.

The second batch of assessments has come to a successful conclusion.


The next day.

Yangno and others introduced the entire Potential Academy in detail to the newcomers.

The scale of the Potential Academy was like a behemoth, which astonished them.

The magical power of the dome… the bright stars in the night sky shine with mysterious light.

The abilities of other teachers and students are like a hundred flowers blooming, each showing his or her own special abilities.

Everyone was shocked by the grand scale and magical power of the academy.

Weiming also emphasized to the four of them again the purpose of this academy and the importance of future generations. at the same time.

It also gave the four people a chance to make a final choice.

If you can’t accept being trained as a subordinate.

Wei Ming will take action to block their memories of the Potential Academy and the Future People, and then send them away.

“It turns out that the purpose of this academy is so simple, which is to cultivate talents.”

Not only was Long Zhutao not surprised, but she felt that all this was reasonable.

After all, how could someone offer such an alluring offer regardless of reward?

The magical power contained in that star dome is enough to make the whole world attracted. Crazy.

You must know that opening the gene lock requires extremely strong stimulation.

The stimulation of death is undoubtedly the simplest, but also the most difficult step.

However, with the help of the Star Dome, this process will become easy..

It is conceivable that countless people will fall into fanaticism in order to obtain superpowers.

Yuiko, Yui and Longzhu Tao all chose to accept the unspecified conditions without hesitation. Only Joel’s face showed an undecided look.

After seeing it, he was not surprised and said bluntly:”Miss Joel, you must be a killer.”

Joel strongly denied his identity as a killer from the very beginning of their meeting.

Ruixi pushed up his glasses and explained:”Joel Blair

“The killer of the”Garden” organization, codenamed”Princess of Thorns”””

When she and Joel first met, she felt a strong killer aura from her.

So she immediately asked Hutao to investigate Joel’s identity.

Joel’s face turned gloomy, and she nodded slightly

“Sorry… I’m a killer, codenamed Princess of Thorns”


Except for Longzhu Tao and Ruixi, everyone else was extremely surprised by Joel’s identity.

“So, putting aside the identity of the killer organization, what do you really think?”

Weiming asked.

Joel bit his lip and said hesitantly:”I…I want to join here, but because of my organization……”

“There is no need to worry about any organization. As long as you join here, you will no longer be bound by any organization.”

Weiming raised his hand to interrupt Joel’s worries.

Joel was a little surprised:”You…are willing to believe me?

Weiming smiled slightly:”Why not?””

“Sincerity or falsehood, it is difficult to escape my eyes. What I see in you is sincerity.”

“Moreover, the fist has the final say in everything.”

Weiming clenched his fists tightly, and the air crackled. This is his greatest way of doing things.


Joel looked directly into those eyes that were like the golden sun.

For the first time, I felt like I was being stripped naked and being seen through without reservation.

She looked away shyly

“I…I know, thank you for your trust”

“Please allow me to join, and I will work hard to become an excellent future candidate!

Weiming clapped his hands vigorously:”Very good!””

“From now on, Joel, you will be the captain of the fourth team of the Future People, and Long Zhutao will be the deputy captain. You can choose the team members that suit you among the students.”


Joel was stunned by this sudden decision.

She had already prepared to work hard to become a future person.

Unexpectedly, she became the team leader of the future people in a blink of an eye.

Weiming patted the shoulders of the two of them, He said firmly:”Don’t worry too much. I have full confidence in your sincerity, strength and wisdom.””

“Head to the training ground, today’s class is about to begin.”

Starting from today, there are four more energetic new students in the academy.

The 11 people who were repatriated caused an uproar in the families behind them and other families.

After learning that the Potential Academy has an entrance examination, various forces Notices were issued one after another, asking everyone to actively prepare for the war.

The world outside was turbulent, but the Potential Academy was like a paradise, unmoved.


【PS:Pictured is Joel Blair!】

【PS:Thank you all for your support, and I urge you to vote monthly, comment, and send flowers! The more votes you get, the faster the update will be! 】

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