Chapter 99 A real dream! Real assessment test!

Most of the people who were selected were extremely excited

“Mr. Wei Ming, are you really planning to let them pass so easily?”

In the principal’s office, Ruixi asked with doubts on her face.

She didn’t have too many doubts about Joel and Longzhu Tao being able to pass directly.

After all, they had cooperated in the virtual world. They knew each other deeply and had strong abilities. It’s really outstanding.

Not only her, but Yangno and Kaguya on the side are also curious about Wei Ming’s thoughts.

“Haha, you guys in the first batch are just special cases.”

“If you want to enter the academy in the future, it will definitely not be so easy.”

Weiming chuckled softly.

While slowly turning the office chair under him, he turned his gaze to the beautiful scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling window.

“Before that, you’d better have a solid sleep here.”

Before he finished speaking, the three people in front of him seemed to have had all their strength taken away from them. They fell limply on the sofa next to them and fell asleep instantly.

At the same time, all the interviewers seemed to be pulled by a mysterious force. They fell asleep together.

Kaguya slowly rubbed her brows, and then slowly opened her eyes.

She vaguely remembered hearing Wei Ming tell everyone to sleep, but the scene around her made her feel extremely.


The walls are peeling off.

The narrow and dark corridors are dimly lit. There is no doubt that we are in a dilapidated hospital. It’s definitely not where the academy is! Just when Kaguya was as stunned as a clay sculpture, a figure suddenly appeared beside her. This person was Wei Ming, followed by Mizuki and Yangno as silently as a ghost. The ground appears, following closely behind like a shadow

“When the test begins, you must record it carefully.”

Weiming’s voice was as cold as ice and without any emotion.

“This is a dream.” he continued.

His tone was eerily calm.

“All of them were involved in this dream, but were isolated in different areas.”

“Next, everyone will encounter a zombie. You need to record in detail their reaction and the response actions they took when facing the zombie.”

“Remember, they can’t see you, so you can do whatever you want.”

After saying this, he suddenly disappeared without a trace like light smoke.


The three people exclaimed in unison.

This dream is so real.

It’s as if they are immersed in it, which is shocking.

What’s even more surprising is that everyone’s dreams can actually be connected to each other!

Such a miraculous ability is really It’s incredible, it’s jaw-dropping

“The first task is coming, so I will take the first step.”

Yangno walked through the wall without hesitation and headed in a certain direction.

After Mizuki and Kaguya exchanged a look, they headed towards the target area.

Wei Ming looked at it from the perspective of God.

Like a god who dominates all things.

Look at everything in the dream calmly.

As expected, Long Zhutao and Joel were like cheetahs

, attacking quickly and swiftly, killing all the zombies without any delay. :”Congratulations on passing the test.” In fact, I had foreseen that they could easily pass the test. After all, both of them have been successfully promoted to the second level. Coupled with the further improvement of the gene lock , it would be strange if they could not even pass such a test. Joel’s Gene Lock【Sublimation

【Meme]:Gene Lock Sublimation

【Level】:C level


【Body Sublimation]: The body enters a state of sublimation

【Spiritual sublimation]: The spirit enters a state of sublimation.

Dragon Ball Peach’s Gene Lock【Armed】

【Meme]:Gene Lock Arms

【Level】:C level


【Armed】: Manipulating additional features of weapons

【Transformation]: Control weapons to transform.

It would be outrageous if he couldn’t even pass such a simple test.

The zombies in the dream are simply weak and vulnerable.

Its overall strength is not even as good as ordinary people, and it is completely a scary paper tiger.

Pull them out of their dreams.

Release the spirit of speech.

Wake them up from their sleep.

Long Zhutao opened his eyes and sat up, and saw Joel sitting up from the bed as well.

“Sure enough, testing is still required for admission.”

Joel nodded in agreement:”This is very reasonable. We can pass the test easily, but it may be difficult for ordinary people.”

“I’m just curious, was that really just a dream?”

“That kind of clear feeling is really incredible. How on earth is it achieved?”

Long Zhutao shrugged helplessly:”With super powers, it’s normal not to understand them.”

Their guess is indeed correct.

Except for the two of them, everyone else’s performance was not satisfactory.

Throughout the dream,

Wei Ming used the power of the mantra to prevent everyone from realizing that this was just a dream.

The real It feels like being there.

Only in this way can the most realistic reaction be elicited.

Most people ran away in panic, while some people hid in the room and shivered.

However, some people performed reasonably well..

Miura Yuko’s performance is outstanding.

“Ho ho ho!”

The zombies are like dying old people, moving forward staggeringly.

In fact, as long as you can stay calm and not be enslaved by fear, or can quickly get rid of fear, you will find that apart from their extremely ugly faces, these zombies actually have The mobility is appallingly poor.

The speed and reaction of the zombies will be completely out of reach when running, and the only way to do that is to use the items in the hospital, such as a cart.

In the long and narrow corridor, it can become a strong shield to protect life, easily isolating the threat of zombies.

Look at what Yuiko is doing now.

She is leaning on the corner, adjusting her nervous heartbeat and breathing, fighting against her fear. A fierce battle.

With her keen observation, she understood the extremely slow movement speed of the zombies.

When her eyes touched the multi-layer medicine cart not far away, a bold idea flashed in her mind like a spark of electricity.



It’s too late, it’s fast.

She gritted her teeth without hesitation and ran away like an arrow. in a blink.

Then you arrive directly behind the cart.

Push the cart.

Crash into zombies resolutely like a warrior.

Even if the zombies show their teeth and claws, they can only look like seedlings blown down by the hurricane.

Pinned against the cart, it waved its hands in vain, unable to reach her.

Be aware of this.

The stone hanging in Yumeko’s heart finally fell to the ground.

His courage gradually inflated like an inflated balloon.

Aiming at the open door at the end of the corridor behind the zombies, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes


Yomiko pushed the cart with all her strength.

The zombies were like fallen leaves swept by the strong wind. They had no power to fight back and could only be forced back by her.

Finally, they were pushed into the room together with the cart.

Immediately afterwards

“”Clang”���There was a sound, and the door closed tightly.

An impenetrable wall completely isolates danger.

Just in case.

She immediately ran to other rooms


Quickly pick up the bed sheets and tie the door handle tightly around and around, adding a layer of insurance to this line of defense.


The zombies roared angrily behind the door.

“Bang bang bang!”

Crazyly banging on the door, trying to break through this last line of defense.

However, it was all in vain, the door was as solid as a rock.

It was confirmed that the door could not be opened.

Only then did Yumeko feel relieved.

She slumped on the ground weakly against the wall.

At this time, she finally had time to think about the situation in front of her.

“Aren’t I in the dormitory of Potential Academy with Yui?”

She was sure she had never been to this hospital before.

“Da da!”

The sudden footsteps hit Yumeko’s heart like a heavy hammer, and her nerves instantly became tense.



Yomiko’s hair stood on end, and she trembled with fright. She turned around and looked.

She saw Shinomiya Kaguya’s indifferent face appearing in front of her like a ghost.

“It’s you!”

Yomiko naturally knows her.

Shinomiya Kaguya said concisely and concisely without any nonsense:”Congratulations, you successfully passed this assessment. Welcome to join the Potential Academy.”

“Next, you will escape from the dream”

“Assessment? Dream?”

Yomiko was confused, as if she was in a cloud, and wanted to get to the bottom of it.

Suddenly, a strong sense of detachment came over her like a tide.

Everything in the dream was distorted and broken before her eyes.


Yomiko suddenly sat up on the bed, breathing heavily.

When she woke up, she saw Yui who was still sleeping beside her.

Finally realized? She probably understood the”dream” and”assessment” in Kaguya’s words The meaning.

She smiled helplessly:”I’m just saying, how can it be so easy to join the Potential Academy?”

“I don’t know how Yui is doing now.”

She was very worried at this time.

Yui, whom she was worried about, was being scared by the zombies and was retreating step by step.

She was about to retreat to a corner, with no way to retreat.


【PS:The picture shows Yuigahama Yui!】

【PS:Thank you all for your support, and I urge you to vote monthly, comment, and send flowers! The more votes you get, the faster the update will be! 】

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