Half an hour later.

In the office of the college chairman, Akikawa Yayoi sat in front of the chairman’s big desk, looking at the people in front of her in confusion.

She usually appears as an easy-going senior in front of the racing girls, with no airs at all.

Facing the tall man in military uniform, I felt a faint feeling of fear.

Tereson College is only responsible for educating horse girls and has never been involved in any political or military affairs.

The planet here is also very peaceful, and wars rarely break out.

Soldiers are a very distant and unfamiliar image to them.

His image reminds Akikawa Yayoi of the fleet commander in science fiction movies, and he is the kind who has experienced hundreds of battles and has seen the world.

You can feel the pressure of his aura just by being around him

“Chairman, please calm down and let’s talk slowly.……”

The secretary in green uniform next to him poured tea for everyone and observed these extraterrestrial visitors from the corner of his eye.

“I…I don’t quite understand what you mean by”217″……”

“Which country are you a consortium from? Looking to acquire Treyson College? Sorry, this is unacceptable. Chairman

Loli said thoughtfully.

“The purpose of our school is to cultivate excellent horse girls, and we do not want to be interfered by the outside world.”

She thought about it for a long time, but she couldn’t recall which country on earth had built a large spaceship. She just thought it was because she was ignorant.


Lu Chen almost laughed out loud. When the natives from another world met him, they always used native thinking to think about problems.

This is normal, but they lack imagination.

He walked up to the chairman.


In front of her, a superdimensional star map was projected, as well as some information and images of the Star Sea Empire.

Let the little Loli learn about her origins.

“We come from another universe, and you are our neighbors a little further away.……”



About an hour passed

“aba aba……”

Akikawa Yayoi received too much information in a short period of time, and her brain was in a state of shutdown.

It took him a long time to recover.

The multiverse, ship girls, star sea empire, and super-light spacecraft are all too much for me!!!

I’m just an ordinary college chairman, okay?!

This kind of matter should be handled by the United Nations or the Human Defense Force.

Akikawa Yayoi, who was used to playing house with Ma Niang and enjoying daily life, was greatly shocked.

After digesting it for a while, I finally regained my ability to think.

“Are you from an advanced civilization in the space age and want the racehorse girl from Tereson College to go with you to yonder Earth?!”

“Why? Are we of no use to you? Jockey girls are just some athletic kids who have no idea about your advanced technology and magic.……”

Seeing that Lu Chen didn’t mean to use his power to overwhelm others, she bravely asked

“I simply like horse racing girls, so I use them to enrich my spare time activities and satisfy my desire for collecting.”

Lu Chen leaned on the chair and answered with a smile.

“If everyone has to be divided into usefulness and useless, then the Star Sea Empire can only retain the strongest personnel such as ship girls, brie, and elves, and those who are not strong enough will be kicked out.”


Akikawa Yayoi was speechless.

For the leader of a strong civilization, all it takes is”I like it.”

There are not so many high-sounding principles

“However, this should be a government matter between the two worlds. Should you discuss it with the country here?……”

“Oh, I have arranged for Bismarck to set off with the fleet”

“If everything goes well, you should see the news tomorrow morning that various countries have agreed to surrender and become vassals of the Star Sea Empire.”

Lu Chen replied indifferently


Akikawa Yayoi’s pupils trembled.

She couldn’t keep up with Lu Chen’s rhythm at all, and she tried many excuses in her head but none of them worked.


The little Loli scratched her head in distress, looked at the secretary, opened her mouth, but stopped talking.

“Are you worried that I know nothing about the training of racing girls and can’t educate them well?”

Lu Chen saw what she was thinking.


Akikawa Yayoi first shook her head, then nodded slightly.

“Yes, the training of a racing girl is very complicated and cannot be accomplished overnight.……”

She admitted that Lu Chen was very powerful, and if he wanted to forcibly annex the world, there would be no possibility of resistance.

The only thing I worry about is how the horse racing girl will fare after she escapes from this environment.

As the chairman of the board, she simply wants to make life better for the ma girls in the academy.

But he didn’t dare to ask this question for fear of making the other party angry. Unexpectedly, Lu Chen took the initiative to bring it up.

“Your racing girl breeding technology is too backward, and you cannot reach the limit of your body through daily exercise alone.”

“Whether it’s educational courses, nutrition, training… there’s a lot of room for improvement.”

Thor said bluntly.

“Teach the commander to manage, and the genes will soar, ensuring that the strength will increase hundreds of times.”

“Pick a horse girl at random, no matter it is the Yayoi Prize, Satsuki Prize, Tenno Prize, Saint-Cloud Prize… you can get it with your eyes closed.”

“——Oh, we will also organize several horse racing competitions regularly at the base. I think it will be quite fun to watch people running………..”


Akikawa Yayoi frowned.

Can any horse lady be given a grand slam if she picks one at random?

She felt it was a bit outrageous.

The competition among horse girls is so intense that even the strongest aristocratic horse girls cannot say that they can win every game.

The college’s teaching methods have gone through long-term practice and demonstration, and it should be the most advanced training institution for horse racing girls in the world.

“I happen to be free these days, how about we do an experiment?”

Lu Chen said with a smile.

He was about to get acquainted with the horse girls.

“Let you see the power of genetic technology”




In the cafeteria of Tereson College.

A horse girl wearing a school uniform, purple pupils, short brown hair and a tuft of white hair on her forehead was holding a dinner plate in her hand and humming a song. Cooking at the window.

The college cafeteria provides a free buffet. You can eat as much as you want. There are various carrot dishes.

Ma Niang picked up two radishes and looked at the full plate with tangled eyes.

“Well, I’m 80% full after eating, so I’m in good health during the competition.”

Special Zhou muttered and gave up the idea of extra meals.

She had just joined the academy not long ago, and according to the process, she will soon participate in the debut competition. Only after winning can she participate in higher-level competitions. If she does not complete the competition within a certain period, If you can win, you will be disqualified from horse racing.

“Hey, am I really okay?……”

“In case of losing……”

After thinking about it, Qi Zhou felt a little guilty 3.3. suddenly.

There was a noise from the crowd in the distance.

Lu Chen came to the cafeteria surrounded by the ship girl, the chairman, and the onlookers Ma Niang.

It was rare to see outsiders, so the horse girls all made way for them.

He walked straight to Special Zhou

“Hey, it looks like the world line has changed a bit? Don’t have a trainer yet?”


Special Zhou nodded subconsciously.

“You aspire to be the best horse racing girl in the world, right?”

Lu Chen patted Feiqi Zhou on the shoulder.

When he came to the world of horse racing girls, he naturally found the protagonist first.

“Ah, uh, um……”

Ma Niang was confused. She didn’t recognize Lu Chen or the people around him at all.

And his goal is actually to be number one in the island country. I don’t know why Lu Chen upgraded him.

“That’s right, elbow, come into the house with me!”

“You are about to be strengthened!”………

(The picture shows the special week).

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