“scare! ?”

“May I ask you are?!”

Qi Zhou was shocked by Lu Chen, who seemed to know him very well.

He even said some remarkable words casually.

“Well, in layman’s terms, I am a commander, or a horse trainer.”

“I invite you to be my horse girl”.

Lu Chen bluntly extended an invitation to Special Week.

In the world of horse racing girls, each trainer will lead a few racing girls to form a team.

It’s right to find the protagonist first. He really likes this lively and cute pony girl.

“Hey, hey?! Was he actually a trainer?!”

Qi Zhou took a look at Lu Chen.

Without a trainer, she was really like a headless fly when exercising on her own.

She really hoped to have an experienced training camp to guide her.

But for some reason, she felt that the man in front of her had a different impression. The trainer in was completely different.

She looked like Akikawa Yayoi next to her looking for help.

The chairman nodded and recognized Lu Chen’s status as a trainer.

——It’s too troublesome to explain the concept of aliens to Ponygirl again, so why not just introduce it in an easy-to-understand way?

“Oh – new trainer!”

The horse ladies eating around put down their tableware one after another and started whispering.

“He looks quite handsome…but I haven’t seen her on TV. I wonder which racing girls I have brought with me?……”

“Handsome is enough! With him guiding me in training, everything will be fine!”

“How can that work!! We want to chase the dream of racing girls! Do you understand dreams?!!”

“I actually just want to be an idol, can he be my manager?!……”

The arrival of every trainer is a big event at Treson Academy.

Most of the horse girls are very curious about the new trainer, and a few horse girls are obsessed with it.


“Want to join me?”

Lu Chen was stunned when he saw Qiqi Zhou, patted her on the shoulder, and extended the invitation again.

“May I ask…who are the horse girls in your team?”

Qi Qi Zhou raised his head and asked

“You are the only one now, but there will probably be many in the future.”

Lu Chen told the truth.

“Are you really a new trainer?……”

Ma Niang was slightly disappointed.

After thinking for a moment, he nodded.

“Forget it, I have just joined the academy, and the famous trainers will definitely look down on me… It would be nice if someone was willing to mentor me.”

With the idea of giving it a try, Qi Zhou agreed to Lu Chen.

Bowed to him

“Special week from Hokkaido”

“My goal is to become the number one horse racing girl in the island country. Trainer, please give me your advice!”




Lu Chen took the ship girls and waited patiently for Special Week to finish lunch.

During this period, I received a lot of attention from Ma Niang in the college, and many people even came up to chat with me.

Regarding the food in the cafeteria, both Ship Niang and Long Niang were quite critical.

Except for rice, there are radishes, and assorted vegetables and fruits, and there is no meaty smell at all.

——The eating habits of racehorse girls are almost exactly the same as those of horses.

Only in special weeks can I feel satisfied.

In order to celebrate getting a new trainer, she decisively added a few radishes to reward herself.

After they had eaten and drank enough, Akikawa Yayoi helped Special Zhou go through the relevant procedures and helped the two of them sign the contract.

She admitted that Lu Chen was her trainer.

The chairman really wants to see what methods these visitors from other worlds can use to train Ma Niang.

If they can really cultivate Ma Niang with abilities far beyond the academy’s imagination, Akikawa Yayoi is willing to hand over the academy to Lu Chen with all her heart.

Even without resorting to force.

In Akikawa Yayoi’s philosophy, supporting racing girls is the first priority

“Trainer, are we going to work out next?”

“Is it long distance running, hills or strength training?”

Special Week asked with great anticipation.

“The college is a big place and I’m ready.”

She jumped on the spot and showed Lu Chen the beautiful body lines of the horse race girl. She is slim without looking thin, and has a well-proportioned figure. According to human standards, it can be considered healthy.

Paired with her cute appearance, she has a certain Youthful and beautiful feeling

“No, that training method is too primitive”

“We need to do some methods that should be used in the interstellar era”


Swish – a shuttle stopped in front of everyone.

Special Zhou and Lu Chen’s group nervously boarded the spacecraft and arrived at Aurora’s hull.

Her eyes kept wandering on Long Niang and Ship Niang.

These girls look very beautiful, not like humans, but they don’t have the characteristics of a racehorse girl, which is very strange.

“Well, trainer, where is this?”

“Aretosa-class light cruiser Aurora”


“Aren’t you a trainer? The trainer also has a spaceship?”

“Just kidding, I am actually the Emperor of the Star Sea Empire and Commander of Azur Lane”


“What is the Star Sea Empire?!”

“civilization from another world”

“ah? ? ?”

The more she asked, the more questions popped up in Qi Qizhou’s head.

She has lived on the ground for so many years, except for running and eating carrots, and has had little contact with the technology of human society.

The spaceship gave Ponygirl a huge Shocked.

Small eyes filled with big doubts

“Could I be abducted?!”

She thought about some urban legends about criminals kidnapping horse girls for ransom.

After thinking about it, the target of the other party should be big stars such as Silent Suzuka and Emperor’s Symbol.

She, a horse girl who didn’t even run away in her debut fight, He De How could someone else drive a spaceship to kidnap someone?

He followed Lu Chen ignorantly and entered Aurora’s cabin. After going around seven times, he came to a place similar to a biological laboratory.

Sumire Muroto took Several omnipotent angels and scientific research lolita are already ready.

The room is equipped with hibernation chambers, vital signs monitors, operating tables and other things that look a little scary.

“Yo? coming?”

“Is this the horse racing girl? 180 feels as cute as a cat girl……”

Sumire Muroto turned around from her chair and spoke lazily.

She was still wearing a white coat, had dark circles under her eyes, and looked like she didn’t get enough sleep.

As the Minister of Life Sciences, it is natural for me to be at the forefront of studying such wonderful creatures as race horses.


“You don’t think about it… you want to slice me up and study it, do you?!”

Special Week was almost frightened to tears.

“What are you thinking about?”

“Aren’t you about to go out for the debut battle? Simple training is too troublesome, we will give you some technology to strengthen your physical fitness.”

Lu Chen patted Special Zhou’s head.

He decided to win the game in the way of horse girls. There was no need to use force against these cute girls.

In layman’s terms, he became the trainer of all horse girls.

“Eh? I will not use illegal drugs! I will rely on my own strength to win with dignity!”

The special weekly meeting was wrong and I rejected it righteously and sternly.


“We don’t do such tasteless things. Thank you.”

Lu Chen knocked her again.

“Genetic ascension is the permanent improvement and liberation of the upper limit of physical fitness of organisms through technical means, which is fundamentally different from drug abuse.”

“Our scientific researchers and combat personnel have all been genetically enhanced. Don’t worry.”

“If that’s not enough, you can ask Thor to enchant you… Well, how about a flying magic?”………

(The picture shows the special week).

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