The human joint fleet was completely unable to understand what was happening at first.

The space fleet relied too much on so-called advanced technology.

No movement of the giant ship was found on the radar interface of all starships.

It was technically invisible to everyone.

In theory, a starship of the same size as the moon would inevitably cause obvious disturbances to other planets in the star system.

But it has no gravity at all, and neither gravitational wave detection nor radar waves can detect the slightest anomaly.

Only when the distance is close enough can the behemoth be seen with the naked eye.

Even the people watching the excitement on Earth saw the Wannian Fengxue before the crew of the joint fleet.

They looked up in the night sky.

On one side of the night were two thousand points of light, which were the fleet of the space force.

On the other side was a meteor as big as the moon, streaking across the sky.

When it passed the perihelion, the wings that covered the sky and the sun blocked the moonlight and the starry sky, casting a large dark shadow in the northern hemisphere.

Almost the entire Eurasian continent was shrouded in the shadow of the Wannian Fengxue.

The people on Earth stared at the sky in a daze.

There was no information about the planetary giant ship in any of the intelligence sent by the Space Force.

The first fleet of the Trisolarans would take another two hundred years to reach Earth.

So far, only a probe had arrived.

As for other aliens?

Humans did not remember that there were other alien civilizations outside of Alpha Centauri.

Moreover, if such a large spacecraft approached the solar system from outer space, there was no reason for the Space Force not to discover it.

“Run? Where? Why?”

“”Where did it come from? Why didn’t we find it?”

The officer next to Ding Yi asked subconsciously.

After the joint fleet discovered the Wannian Fengxue, most of the captains and crew members, as well as the commander-in-chief of the space force, were in a state of extreme shock and a short shutdown.

“Neither gravitational waves nor radar observations found anything abnormal?!”

Ding Yi wanted to urge the fleet to stay away from the giant ship, but he soon received even more shocking news from the technical officer.

“No, the detection station in Saturn’s orbit did not find anything.”

The sergeant shook his head.

Ding Yi frowned and thought for a moment.

Cold sweat gradually seeped down his forehead.

A planet-sized spacecraft was not detected at all during its arrival in the solar system from an alien galaxy.

According to his own knowledge, there are two possibilities:

First, its anti-reconnaissance technology exceeds all existing levels of human beings, and gravitational waves, electromagnetic waves and the like have no effect on it.

Second, it is in an accelerated state, exceeding the speed of gravitational wave detection, that is, the speed of light.

The electromagnetic waves emitted by the detector are completely unable to keep up with the speed of the starship, and no signal reflection can be received at all. Naturally, humans, and even all civilizations in this universe, cannot observe its existence through observation equipment.

It may be the first one, or it may be the second one, or both.

Ding Yi shook his head. He felt that the second hypothesis was too horrifying. Just thinking about it was terrifying, and he instinctively didn’t want to believe it.

“”The Asian Fleet, the North American Fleet, the European Fleet, spread out!!! Enter combat status!!!”

The Commander-in-Chief of the Space Force quickly issued an order.

The three fleets and more than 2,000 starships slowly adjusted their formations.

With basic technology locked, although humans have the ability to build spaceships, the corresponding command system has not been built.

For a time, there was a commotion in the starship fleet.

The water droplet a thousand kilometers away seemed to have sensed something.

It turned to the Wannian Fengxue, emitting an invisible gravitational wave in an attempt to detect the internal structure of the giant ship.

The starship’s own tachyon interference equipment prevented it from succeeding, and only a string of garbled codes remained in the returned signal.

In the field of electronic warfare, the sub-light-speed natives are also incomparable to the super-light-speed civilization.

The basic science of the two sides is not at the same level.

In addition to observation with the naked eye, any technical spying on the Wannian Fengxue will not work.

“Tsk tsk tsk, it feels like the ancient cavalry, who tried to interfere with the radar on the plane by shouting and yelling. As stupid as that?”

In the bridge, Nymph made a wonderful analogy.

Buzz – the water droplet reacted much faster than the human fleet.

When it found that any detection method was ineffective, a blue halo appeared at the tip of its tail. It expanded rapidly, and the color changed from blue to yellow and finally to red.

Under the propulsion of the halo, the water droplet began to move and accelerate.

It moved forward at a speed of ten times the third universe speed. After passing through the two nearest human fleet starships, it made an acute angle turn in violation of the law of conservation of momentum and the law of conservation of angular momentum.

Then, it fled at the maximum speed in the opposite direction of the solar system. The technology level of the Trisolarians far exceeded that of the Earth. As a civilization that entered the space age earlier, they looked at the Earth fleet as bugs.

The Earth bugs could not understand the Trisolarian technology.

But the Trisolarians could not understand what the giant starship that covered the sky and the sun was.

In other words, they were also bugs in front of the other side.

“”Hide yourself.”

This is the truth that the Trisolaran civilization realized a long time ago.

They clearly know how terrible it is to be crushed by the technology level in a space war, and have no intention of getting entangled with the Wannian Fengxue. They don’t even bother to pay attention to the human solar system fleet, even if the water droplets only need 30 minutes to completely destroy them. They still turn around and run away.

“You can’t run away~”

In the bridge, a huge holographic interface appeared in front of Nymph.

Her eyes turned red, and a large amount of information flowed through her pupils, rapidly clicking on the holographic interface, her eyes fixed on it.���Looking at the direction of the water droplets in the distance.

The universal electronic warfare humanoid was also upgraded after completing the superluminal technology.

0 ······Request flowers· ·········

Even though Nymph’s combat power is not as good as Ikaros and Astraea, she has the strongest information warfare and electronic warfare capabilities in the entire base.

Buzz – the water droplet suddenly paused in the air.

It was as if the two sides were fighting for control.

Then, it emitted a dark red light all over its body, trying to enter the self-destruction program.

“What? You want to turn the table over because you can’t play anymore?”

The little blue-haired girl pouted and nodded a few more times.

After a few minutes, the light on the surface of the water droplet gradually dissipated and stabilized in space.

“Done, Commander, I’ve disabled it, and the self-destruct system has been disabled!”

“Bring it back and modify it, we can continue to use it~”

Nymph raised her head to ask for credit from Lu Chen.

“Not bad.”

Lu Chen rubbed the loli angel’s head.

After the hatch opened, two universal angels took a small shuttle and brought the water drop back.

“It’s so beautiful, like the tears of the Virgin Mary”


Chishou Natsuyo made a face and picked up the equipment to disassemble and study it.

It took her some effort to convince the commander to let her go on the ship to investigate. Let’s go to the Three-Body World together.


“Are you addicted to cosplay?!”


On the other side of the solar system.

Natural Selection was fleeing the solar system at 1% of the speed of light.

At the fourth stage of advancement, all crew members had entered the deep sea state.

Zhang Beihai locked himself in the spherical cabin and communicated with Dongfang Yanxu through the internal communication system.

“The pursuit fleet is only 1.2 million kilometers away from the Natural Selection.”

Dongfang Yanxu said

“Your pessimism about the war is totally unfounded. Now, the Trisolaran world has shown signs of negotiation, and the Solar System Joint Fleet has set sail to intercept the Trisolaran probe. The war will end with the victory of mankind.

She tried to persuade Zhang Beihai to give up his escape.

“I’ve seen the news.……”

Zhang Beihai shook his head.

Natural Selection was still in contact with Earth, but as the starship got farther and farther away from the solar system, there would be a certain delay in their receiving news.

“Are you still clinging to your defeatism and escapism?”

“Yes, I think humans will lose.”

Zhang Beihai sighed.


Dongfang Yanxu wanted to say something more.

She tried hard to find some information about the human joint fleet in the news she received, so that Zhang Beihai would give up.

While searching, Dongfang Yanxu was stunned for a moment by a piece of explosive news.

The young captain confirmed many times that it was not a joke from the Earth.

Then he spoke with a somewhat uncertain tone:

“……There is a situation”

“A strange spaceship appeared in the solar system not long ago, and the water droplets were captured by aliens.”


Zhang Beihai:”?”………

( Pictured is Nymph).

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