Solar system, outside the orbit of Neptune.

The human joint fleet stared in astonishment at the giant ship that suddenly appeared.

It was hovering tens of thousands of kilometers away from the joint fleet. Just looking at its hull could give people a strong sense of oppression.

At the same time, the news on Earth broadcast the abnormal situation on the battlefield in real time.

“The Solar System Joint Fleet discovered an unidentified alien warship outside the orbit!”.

“The battleship is speculated to be about the same size as the moon, and it appears to be controlling and capturing water droplets through technological means!”

“The other party does not belong to the Trisolaran Fleet. Currently, the human joint fleet is confronting the alien spacecraft.”

“No matter what kind of enemy we encounter, the Space Force will loyally protect the solar system.……”

From the screen broadcast from the Saturn base, we can see that the combined fleet gradually formed a dispersed formation.

One part attacked head-on, while the other part started the engine and surrounded the flank of the Wannian Fengxue.

Some of the onlookers on Earth were excited, while others looked worried.

“Tsk tsk tsk, I told you, it would be too boring to have just one water drop, and finally a big one came?!”

“Is this the Trisolaran spaceship? It doesn’t look like it.”……”

“This thing should be big enough for the combined fleet to defeat, right? It looks pretty big, right?”

“It’s useless to build it so big. Isn’t it just a sitting duck in space? Can it withstand the fire of 2,000 star-class warships at the same time?!”

“Hey, can you please ask the aliens to return the water droplets to us? This should be the spoils of the combined fleet, right?!”


All kinds of information were transmitted to the Wannian Fengxue, which made Lu Chen and the girls laugh.

Humans were full of confidence at this time.

They really thought they could easily deal with the water droplets and the Three-Body First Fleet, and they didn’t care about anyone.

They wanted to slap the Zeroers when they came.

After a while, a communication request was connected to the AI of the Wannian Fengxue.

“Hello, where are you from?”



The combined fleet sent greetings in dozens of languages to the Wannian Fengxue. They also attached something similar to a translation array, on which characters of various languages were marked with mathematical symbols.

In the universe, mathematics is universal, and numbers and mathematical laws can be translated into various languages.

“What era are you still using this thing? Doesn’t your AI have a self-decoding system?”

Lu Chen threw the translation text sent by humans aside.

He cleared his throat and gestured.

The sensors of the Wannian Fengxue instantly connected 2,015 star-class battleships, the Jupiter base of the human space force and the human coalition government on Earth.

Including the Natural Selection, Blue Space, Ultimate Law, etc., which were on the run, all received Lu Chen’s message.

Swish – the holographic interface opened in front of every spacecraft, as well as all officials of the coalition government and the space force.

Zhang Beihai was originally immersed in the explosive news brought by Dongfang Yanxu.

He was thinking about the aliens.

He was suddenly startled, and the holographic screen suddenly appeared on the main console. The image showed a strange man.

Lu Chen spoke to everyone

“He instantly cracked all human communication networks?”

Ding Yi, Zhang Beihai and others were briefly stunned.

This is a military encrypted network and should not be accessed by anyone at will.

“Hello, Solar System People”

“We come from another world, you can call us the Star Sea Empire.”

Lu Chen introduced himself briefly.


“He is a human?”

Several commanders of the United Nations and the Space Force Fleet stared at Lu Chen in the holographic interface.

They looked at him carefully many times.

No matter how you look at it, he is no different from the people on Earth.

And he is a Christian.

After two or three hundred years of development, the current mainstream aesthetic of the Trisolaran society is based on feminine and neutral soft beauty.

Lu Chen’s temperament is more like the Christian who hibernated hundreds of years ago.

That is, the soldiers in the future plan, such as Zhang Beihai, Chu Yan, etc.


The crowd watching the news on Earth started to make a noise again

“Human?! Aliens are humans?!”

“Could he be something like slime that can transform at will?!”

“Or is it a species that can change its form at will, turning into a human when it sees a human, and turning into a Trisolaran when it sees a Trisolaran?!”


After the United Nations and the Space Force fleet considered for a while, the commander-in-chief of the Combined Fleet asked the first question.

“Is your civilization called the Star Empire? Can you elaborate? You and we seem to be the same species. Which star system are you from?”

“I also come from the solar system, but from another solar system in the universe. You should understand that, right?”

Lu Chen replied.

“Parallel universe?!”

There are many similar concepts in the literature on Earth, and humans soon came to a conclusion that was roughly the same.

People cheered and were happy to have discovered a new civilization.


Only on the Quantum and the Natural Selection.

Ding Yi and Zhang Beihai’s expressions became more and more solemn.

“Can we make the Quantum enter the deep sea state? The kind that can advance four times at any time?”

Ding Yi asked


The technical officer looked at him in confusion.

“That spaceship gives me a bad feeling.……”

Ding Yi knocked on the table with his pipe

“A starship that can travel across worlds… it’s very difficult to deal with. It may be more terrifying than the Trisolaran civilization.……”

The old man wanted to explain to everyone that the Wannian Fengxue was definitely not just thousands of times larger than the human fleet.

Light speed, traveling across the world… a terrifying picture came to his mind, but due to his lack of knowledge, he could not grasp the key points vaguely.

But the crew didn’t take it seriously at all.

“Trisolarans? Mr. Ding, Trisolarans are no longer a threat at all.”

“If that strange alien hadn’t intervened, the water droplets would have belonged to us.”

“The Trisolaran First Fleet probably wants to turn around and escape now, hahahaha……”


After a while of noise between the United Nations and humans,…….

They turned their attention back to Lu Chen.

They were extremely curious about this huge ship from another world.

“So, what is your purpose in coming to the solar system, Mr. Lu?” asked the Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet.

“On behalf of mankind, I welcome you. We can establish a cooperative relationship between the two worlds. Our scientists are very interested in your civilization.”

“We can exchange and cooperate with each other and share our advanced technologies……”

He described a lot of beautiful fantasies to Lu Chen, including mutual migration between the two worlds, visiting the Star Sea Empire, sharing technology, etc.

The people on Earth soon indulged in the beautiful dream of traveling to the solar system of another world.


Lu Chen felt that the time he traveled to was probably the most stupid and arrogant period of human beings.

He coughed and interrupted the officials’ unrealistic imagination.

“Sorry, I don’t have that plan.”

“The solar system will be under the jurisdiction of the Xinghai Empire and used as an outpost scientific research station.”

“And you… after all disarmament, are allowed to live on Earth at pre-space age standards”

“In the future, there will be other aliens living with you. I will ensure your basic living standards, but don’t have any unrealistic delusions.”

“Forget about your so-called freedom, art and other messed up things, the universe is very cruel.”

Before setting off, Lu Chen pondered for a long time how to deal with the earth and humans in the Three-Body World.

This group of unruly people are not suitable to be vassals. If they develop resources, the Three-Body Universe will be very chaotic, and the investment may not be recovered.

The solar system has also been almost dug up by humans.

After thinking about it, he found that it is most suitable to build a small star base here to conduct scientific research. There are many interesting things in the Three-Body World, and it is difficult to catch them all in one trip.

Risky scientific research projects such as two-dimensional foil are not suitable in their own universe, but they are just right in the Three-Body Universe.


Maybe in the future, we can do experiments on ether engines, and we won’t feel bad if something goes wrong.

We can also study aliens like singers and Trisolarans.


“Accept the jurisdiction of the Xinghai Empire? And they want us to disarm?!”

The United Nations officials and the fleet commander were shocked.

“Yes, you have thirty minutes to make a decision. The combined fleet surrenders to me, and from now on the solar system will be under the unified management of the Star Empire.”

“As for the Trisomy……”

Lu Chen glanced in the direction of the Earth. He knew that Sophon was monitoring there.

“I allow the Trisolaran civilization to retain no more than 50,000 survivors, who will immigrate to Australia and live in reservations, with living conditions limited to the low-tech level of the pre-space age.”

“We have some interest in studying aliens”

“Likewise, all your spacecraft will be destroyed, and you will not be allowed to enter space again, nor conduct any research work.”

He slapped the table, stood up, and the sound echoed in the silent Earth and space fleet.

“This is the final proposal, no room for negotiation”……….

I said: Hieu Baocot

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