The Wannian Fengxue, carrying the shipgirls who were watching the fun, started the jump engine and after several consecutive jumps in the void, landed in an unfamiliar galaxy.

This place is more than ten thousand light years away from the solar system, and it is a strange nebula that has never been explored before.

Swish – everyone sat on the Aurora’s hull and followed Xiao Hui’s instructions to an asteroid on the edge of the galaxy.


“What do they look like? Are they mammals, cold-blooded reptiles, or birds?”

“It can’t be Cthulhu, the octopus-like one, right?”

Xuefeng, Taiyuan, Fushun and other small ship girls were leaning on the porthole impatiently.

They wanted to see the legendary god-level civilization of the Three-Body World.

“Well… considering the size of the universe, there may be life forms we have never seen before, such as silicon-based life or gaseous life.”

Chishou Natsuyo thought about it.

“In addition, I don’t think a civilization that has reached an almost infinite technological level will retain its original form.”

“The way they exist should be something we have never imagined.”

The vision of scientists is broader than that of the little ship girl.

Due to the different environments in which aliens are born in the universe, it is not easy to find some animals, let alone human-like mammals.

In addition to the slime monsters and the three-body people, the ship girl expedition team has stuffed the alien zoo with various mushrooms, shrubs and even indescribable weird creatures.

God knows what kind of civilization will evolve into in various alien environments.

“I hope it doesn’t look too disgusting, or I’ll become a racial mysophobe.”

Lu Chen cleared his throat.

A year or two ago, he might have been very afraid of the Zeroers.

When crossing the line beyond the speed of light, the so-called god-level civilization was nothing more than that in his eyes.

They were just the stronger ones among the natives.

Outside the planet, everyone saw a black beam of light extending from the ground to the starry sky, with a diameter of about 20 to 30 meters and a length of more than 100 kilometers.

It is the blackest thing in the universe – the dead line.

When a high-power light-speed spacecraft is started, the byproduct of the distorted space is zero. Zero light speed is true death, absolute death, 100% death.

Every elementary particle, every quark, is dead, without the slightest vibration.

This is the masterpiece of the Zeroers.

The Zeroers Alliance wants to reduce the speed of light to zero and then restore the infinite light speed of the pastoral era.

“Stay away from the dead line, it will be troublesome if this thing spreads out.”

Lu Chen gestured.

It is not difficult for a superluminal spacecraft to escape from the black domain, but time will also be distorted in the low-light-speed black domain.

He didn’t want to be like Cheng Xin, who went in and out of the black domain and spent 18 million years outside.

Not long after, the spacecraft slowly descended from the sky, and everyone saw Xiao Hui waving his hand below.

The surface of the asteroid is very desolate, with only a thin atmosphere.

You can almost see the starry sky above your head at a glance.

The nanorobot stood in front of a small spaceship and waved to everyone.

That spaceship was not Xiao Hui’s hull. The design concept was full of alien style, but it was a little damaged, and it seemed that it had been beaten.

But what shocked Lu Chen and the ship girls the most was the girl standing next to Xiao Hui, whom she called”zero¨¨”The creature


“”What is that? ?!”

There was a commotion in the spaceship.

After opening the hatch, everyone rushed up impatiently and looked him up and down.

“Here, this is a member of the Zero Alliance”

“When I found it, this guy was starting up his lightspeed spaceship and using maximum power to create a ‘dead line’ nearby. I beat him up.

“Are you a Zeroer?! Is this true?!”

Almost at the same time, Lu Chen and the ship girl asked a soul-searching question.

Standing in front of them was not a strange-looking mushroom bush, or an indescribable ancient monster.

It was a person.

A person who looked too standard.

He was a middle-aged man, wearing a white shirt and black pants, without a tie.

His face had both Asian and European features, but he would never be mistaken for a local in any place.

His facial features were too regular, so regular that it was a little unrealistic.

Standing straight on the ground, no expression could be seen on his face.

“Hello, to be exact, I am a member of the ‘Zero’ Alliance”

“There are many members in the alliance, and my civilization is just one of them.

His voice is just like his face, extremely standard and featureless.

It seems that he has completely mastered the language self-decoding system sent earlier.

“Are you human? Wait, that’s not right, why do you look like this?!”

Lu Chen found that his sensors did not recognize him as a living being.

“My civilization has already completed the transformation to pure energy. I do not have your strict”appearance” and”image”.’”

Zeroer Answers

“I use this appearance so that we can communicate better. Whether you agree with my human appearance or not, I have tried my best.”

Transformed into pure energy.

Lu Chen and his companions were slightly surprised.

Their forms have become energy bodies, completely abandoning the constraints of the material body.

This is indeed a very suitable existence form for a god-level civilization.

“Which star system are you from?”

The observer asked, waving his tentacle ship.


Zero was silent for a moment, then looked at Xiao Hui.

“Sorry, I can’t answer this question.”


The ship girls were even more surprised

“Because we are afraid of you. In this universe, everyone, any intelligent and wise civilization is afraid of you.”

“You have surpassed the speed of light and broken the rules of the universe.”

The ‘human’ in front of him answered in a standard voice

“Look at you, you’ve traumatized everyone.”

Sister Li glanced at the nanorobot.

“How could I have one?! When I encountered it, it tried to run away, so I intercepted it.”

“Besides, I have already taken away the other Gray Gu fleets in the galaxy, okay?!”

Little Gray looked unhappy.

Lu Chen didn’t know how she dealt with the Zeroer, but it was obvious that the other party was very afraid of her. He was afraid that the location of his home planet would be exposed and the Gray Storm would rob his home. The superluminal disaster was too terrifying for the subluminal natives.

As he spoke, the nanorobot pointed at Lu Chen.

“This is the commander, the leader of our Star Empire.”

“He wants to see you, to ask you to tell him the truth,”


Zero looked at Lu Chen.

Then he looked at the ship girls and the Wannian Fengxue above him.

“You still maintain your original material form? Incredible……”

“I originally thought that as the ‘God’ of this universe, you should have already completed the transformation into pure energy and become a higher level life form.”

“Forget it, this may be your philosophy of existence, I shouldn’t say too much, sorry”


Lu Chen didn’t want to turn into a ball of energy, he just thought that being in human form was good, and he could have some fun with the shipgirls.


A few minutes later, the two sides skipped the unnecessary greetings. The

Zero Returners were in awe of a father who could travel faster than light. The more powerful the civilization, the more it could understand the absurdity of the Xinghai Empire and know how to respect the strong.

Instead of looking for trouble like the unruly people.

Lu Chen and the ship girl were also very interested in the Zero Returners.

In the small shuttle, they listened with interest to the Zero Returners’ story about their origins and the state of the civilization they were in.

It came from an ancient civilization far away. As early as when life began to evolve on Earth, its civilization had already rushed into space and traveled in the universe on a light-speed spacecraft.

However, he did not say that he came from that star cluster, and his expression when looking at Xiao Hui was always a little uncomfortable.

The Zero Returners Alliance is actually a general term for multiple civilizations. They are a union of multiple civilizations with the same purpose.

The purpose is also simple: reset the universe.

Reduce the entire universe to zero dimension and then reduce it again, so that the universe cycles to ten dimensions, so as to reproduce the pastoral era of ancient times.

In a ten-dimensional universe, the speed of light is infinite, even faster than the jump engine on the Ten Thousand Years of Snowstorm.

You can fly from one end of the universe to the other in one Planck time.

At the same time, time has more than one dimension.

This means that people can make two completely different choices at the same time.

Even after making a choice, you can go back to the past.”.~ Regret”.

It was a dreamlike (Li Li’s) universe, and just listening to the description made the ship girls a little fascinated.

Of course, becoming a member of the Zero Alliance is also conditional.

All civilizations in the alliance basically belong to the so-called”great god civilization”.

They at least have the ability to use ultra-high-power light-speed spacecraft to create a”dead line”, and generally have the technology to manipulate the laws of the universe or carry out dimensionality reduction attacks.

“How did so many civilizations come up with the same idea?

Richelieu asked with a little surprise.

She thought it was incredible that countless advanced civilizations in the universe had the same goal.

Just like the Trisolarans, the singers, and humans, three civilizations with very different social forms and ideologies could not reach a consensus on anything. They would fight to the death when they met.

“After any civilization has mastered the laws of mathematics, they will do the same thing as us and join the Zero Reset Alliance.”

The Zero Reset replied


“What did you say? Mathematical laws?!”

The shipgirls were shocked.

As expected,

Zero has mastered the most powerful law weapon in the Trisolaran Universe, which is said to be wielded only by gods.

——「Mathematical rules」………

(The picture shows Taiyuan. She looks more silly after the change.)……)Copy.

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