
Lu Chen and the other shipgirls were surprised, and so was the Zeroer.

“Sorry, I thought that as a technical”god”, you should have mastered the laws of mathematics long ago.”.

“Otherwise, how did you achieve this?……”

Even in the eyes of the native great god civilization like the Zeroers, they are considered”gods”. It is strange that gods have knowledge that they have not mastered.


“”We have different focuses in our development.”

Lu Chen coughed and said tactfully.

Most of the technologies in the Xinghai Empire’s technology side come from the stars and the blue lane world.

They are all used for fighting.

In fact, it is very useful. If you are better than others, others will talk to you calmly and reasonably.

Because you have the freedom to negotiate and the freedom to overturn the table.


The Zeroer thought for a moment, and seeing that Lu Chen was indeed not hostile, everyone was curious.

So he started to explain.

“I think you have seen weapons that control the laws of the universe?���There are many two-dimensional spaces that have been hit by two-dimensional foils recently.”

Everyone nodded.

“So what do you think about manipulating the laws of mathematics or using them as weapons?”


Xuefeng thought for a while

“Let 1+1=3? Then all the enemy’s basic science will collapse?……”


Chishou Natsuyo and several scientific research loli immediately shook their heads

“Mathematics is a formal tool that has no meaning in itself. It belongs to logic, not science.”

“Modifying the definition of mathematics will not have any impact on reality. Making 1+1=3 is a logical confusion, not a change in the laws of mathematics.”

As she spoke, the little girl gave an example and took out two apples from her pocket.

“1 apple plus 1 apple equals 2 apples, right? Even if you define 1+1=3, there are still actually 2 apples.”

“If we really change the law and make 1 apple + 1 apple become 3 apples, then what is violated is the law of matter and the law of conservation of mass and energy, which has nothing to do with mathematics.”

The scientific research loli tried to explain it in a simple way. Lu Chen and the ship girls pondered for a while and barely understood the concept.

“Yes, mathematics is an abstract concept, it does not directly affect reality.”

Zero slowly nodded.

“When mathematical laws are mastered to the extreme, probability is eliminated and everything in the world can be solved.”

“A perfect calculation of all events?!”

Chishou Natsuyo and Xiao Hui were stunned for a moment.

Suddenly they thought of something incredible.

“Deducing and predicting the future??! This is really the power of God, right?!”


Seeing that several large and small ship girls were still confused, they gave me some popular science.

For a civilization with infinite attainments in mathematics, they can build a perfect mathematical model to calculate all the complex systems in the world.

According to the current state, all future states can be calculated, and all problems have solutions.

For example:

The butterfly effect is a chaotic phenomenon. A butterfly flapping its wings in South America may cause a tornado in Texas.

After mastering the laws of mathematics, everything in this chaotic model can be manipulated.

For example, let a butterfly flap its wings at the right time and in the right place, and then get the result I want-causing a hurricane in South America.

“The law of cause and effect? !”

Lu Chen pondered for a moment and understood.

Use mathematical laws to sort out all the cause and effect relationships in the world, and then let things develop in the direction you want.

It is not an exaggeration to call it”God’s weapon”.

To make a more outrageous but very appropriate assumption, Ye Wenjie’s first broadcast to the universe can also be regarded as a butterfly effect.

If someone wants to destroy humanity, the Three-Body Civilization and the entire Milky Way without making a sound, they only need to push Ye Wenjie to do so and then wait for the results 400 years later.

“Then can you predict our future?”

Taiyuan asked curiously.

“No, the main core cannot construct your mathematical model”

“I speculate that you do not belong to this universe, but come from a larger superstring universe or a higher-dimensional world, otherwise I would not have been caught.”

Zero shook his head, and everyone’s face changed slightly.

It is amazing that an advanced civilization can deduce this far. He is already very close to the truth, but Lu Chen did not point it out to him.

“In short, after we mastered the laws of mathematics, the speed of civilization expansion increased exponentially, and we soon occupied a large star cluster and destroyed all our enemies.”

“Because of the ability to deduce and predict the future, the civilization that controls the laws of mathematics is the pinnacle of the universe. At the same time, the war between two civilizations that control the laws of mathematics is also extremely tragic.”

Zero continued

“Then, one day, we tried to deduce the past and future of the universe, but got a disturbing result.”

“The universe will expand endlessly and eventually reach heat death, or be reduced to two dimensions, right?”

Lu Chen asked.

This is also the final result of the Three-Body Universe.


Zero nodded.

“The universe is dying. After deducing the future of the universe, we began to save ourselves.”

“Reducing the universe to zero dimension and restarting it is the only way we can think of to recreate the pastoral era”

“Every civilization that controls the laws of mathematics and predicts the dark future of the universe will join us.”


After listening to the Zeroers’ story, Lu Chen was silent for a while.

He originally thought that the Zeroers were a group of performance artists, but now it seems that they are the last effort made by advanced civilizations to save the universe after foreseeing the future.

They don’t even care about the survival of civilization, because if the universe is gone, everything will be gone.

“God from another world’”

“Excuse me, is the future of the universe you see as dark as ours?”

Zeroer looked up and asked Lu Chen, as if waiting for the final judgment.


Lu Chen remained silent

“Can you save the universe?”

Zero asked again


“”Wait a minute.”

Lu Chen was shocked.

He came to the Three-Body Universe just to grab useful technologies and leave. He didn’t care about the life and death here.

Even if the natives regarded him as a god, the task of saving the universe was not suitable for the current Xinghai Empire.

Maybe he had to go to the next door to find Yuan Shen.

“Please, since you know we are not a civilization in this universe, why do you ask us to save the world?”

Xiao Hui looked at the Zeroer as if he were a retard.

“Because you come from a bigger world, you are the only hope in this universe.”

Zero paused and looked around.

“I can provide you with something that may interest you. You seem to be unfamiliar with some of the laws and technologies in this universe.”


Lu Chen glanced sideways.

Even if the basic technology of the Three-Body Universe is not as good as that of the Xinghai Empire, they also have a lot of black technologies like two-dimensional foil and sophon.

“But you can’t get any guarantees from me. Let me make it clear that I will not share any technology including superluminal speed with you.”

“I know.”

Zero was not surprised.

“And even if I don’t bring it up, you will find other ways to achieve your goal later, right?”


Xiao Hui gave a thumbs up.

She was not a kind person who just invited the Null Resetter to come over for tea.

The natives saw the FTL dad, and wanted to leave without paying tribute?

If the Null Resetter went back like this, she would 100% track it all the way to its home planet and give them a little star disaster shock.

“OK, I can’t guarantee that I can do it in the future, but maybe when I have nothing to do I’ll come here to do some experiments and try to restart the universe or something.”

“And, I will let you go back alive.”

Lu Chen replied.

If he had the chance, he would really like to see the Three-Body World of the Pastoral Era.

Facing this group of idealists who are determined to save the universe, there is no need to be too extreme. There may be opportunities for cooperation in the future.

“That’s enough, thank you.”

Zero nodded slightly.



A few days later, the Wannian Fengxue returned to the solar system star base.

In the database, there was a lot of information from alien civilizations.

The Zeroers really wanted Lu Chen to take on the responsibility of saving the world, and shared various cutting-edge scientific and technological theories with him.

——Even though most of them seemed to be backward things of the sub-light-speed natives, there were still some very interesting things, and Siren and the scientific research loli had a lot of fun watching them.

On a bright morning,

Lu Chen crossed out all the items on the memo.

“Zeroer, completed”

“Microcosm manufacturing technology, collected and under research……”

“Mathematical laws, basic concepts have been mastered, and in-depth research is needed……”

The tasks set before departure have all been completed, and the spoils are too numerous to count, just waiting to be digested slowly when returning.

Swish – he clicked on the holographic interface and connected to the fleet communication

“Everyone, go home!”………

(The picture is Xiaohui, or AI picture).

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