The eldest prince and the second prince looked at each other and said nothing. Although their father died, it was not the time to seek justice.

The most urgent task now was to stabilize Luo Ya and discuss other things later.

At present, the ministers were trapped. Luo Ya said to kill people and kill people. Whoever showed up would die. There were not many strong fighters among them. Not to mention Luo Ya, even a water god could not stop him, let alone the two of them who were mixed together and colluded with each other.

If they really wanted to take action, they had to wait until they returned to the territory and sent troops to encircle and suppress together.

Everyone thought clearly at this moment. Now Luo Ya was powerful, so they listened to Luo Ya.

But not everyone thought clearly.

The long sword pierced the old king's heart, and the scepter symbolizing the king's power also fell to the ground, and the blood stained the floor red. The old king was the one who did not see all this clearly.

Roya ignored Ariel, who was pale, and took a step forward. With a wave of his hand, the bloodstained scepter came into Roya's hand. Roya handed the scepter to Ariel and said to everyone: "I won't say anything else. I just want to ask one question. Who is in favor of Ariel becoming king and who is against it?"

Although the voice was not loud, it echoed throughout the hall.

The people below did not dare to say anything, and everyone was dumb.

The noble who stood at the end to express his position just now raised his arms and shouted: "I am in favor, I am in favor."

Roya ignored him and asked again: "Those who are against it, please stand up. I only look at the votes against it."

The nobles couldn't help but twitch their mouths when they heard Roya's words.

The old king in the hall was nailed to the ground. Who dared to say no?

Is Roya really going to rule the country by force?

Seeing that everyone was still silent and no one dared to say no, Roya smiled.

Without further ado, Roya clapped his hands and said, "In that case, Ariel will be the next king."

After saying this, everyone knelt down without further ado and said, "Meet Her Majesty the Queen."

Ariel smiled bitterly, the current situation was beyond her expectations.

There was no coronation ceremony, the former king lying on the ground was the best coronation ceremony.

Roya, who was standing next to Ariel, was Ariel's strongest backer.

The eldest prince and the second prince did not dare to say a word of no, they were now showing a humble attitude, fearing that Roya would directly settle the two of them and take them out for treatment.

After the ceremony, Ariel's throne was recognized by everyone. As for Darius and the king who died below, they could just find a reasonable reason to deal with it.

Ariel looked at the trembling people below. Although she was also a little frightened, she still used a soothing tone to comfort everyone.

It's not to mention that the girl's voice seems to have some kind of magic, and it actually has some soothing effect.

Just soothing is not enough, and you have to draw some big cakes appropriately, such as following me, there will be absolutely no problem, and the power and status in the future can also be preserved.

These words are all empty words, and whether they can be done is also unknown.

But some people like to listen to them. Although it is just a verbal check, everyone finds that it seems good if it is really as Ariel said.

In fact, up to now, only the old king and Darius have died. Although the two are indeed powerful, to be honest, the country is not unable to turn without these two people.

On the contrary, Roya's sudden appearance is a surprise in a strict sense.

With one more top combat force, the Kingdom of Asura has also gained another powerful country, which is also a good thing.

Everyone only listened to half of Ariel's words and believed half of them. Some smart nobles have already cooperated with Ariel to sing a double act, looking well-behaved and honest.

Roya took in the expressions of the people below. He just smiled and nodded slightly without saying anything.

After Ariel sorted out everything, the girl felt that she had said everything she should say, so she looked at Roya.

This meant that Roya was ready to end the day.

Roya nodded, and everyone in the audience breathed a long sigh of relief.

‘Is it always over? ’ This is what everyone thought. Everyone wanted to slip away quickly and return to their own territory.

This feeling of not having your life in your hands is very uncomfortable.

However, Roya’s next words made everyone’s face stiffen.

“Considering the recent severe winter cold and heavy snow, the roads are blocked. We finally got here, so don’t go back.” Roya smiled and said something that made everyone’s heart sink.

The old man who had confronted Luo Ya before stood up at this moment, with a slightly ugly smile on his face. He touched his graying beard and said seriously: "I have something to do at home, I need to go back and deal with it quickly, I can't stay here all the time."

Luo Ya didn't say anything, he just looked at the old man.

The old man felt a chill on his spine when he was stared at, he couldn't help but said coldly: "Why, you want to control my freedom of life?"

However, Luo Ya just said lightly: "Do you think I am an idiot?"

Everyone was silent.

Those who can become sword gods are naturally not fools, but they still have a fluke in their hearts, hoping that Luo Ya will be confused.

People always make mistakes, and they don't think things through. For example, now, these nobles hope that Roya will treat them as a fart.

They are unfamiliar with the place. The palace is now Roya's territory. Staying here is equivalent to being a hostage to the other party.

Ariel also knew what Roya meant at this moment. He was planning to keep all these people as hostages.

The recovery of power will not be too smooth. These nobles are not lambs to be slaughtered. They are very smart. Once these old guys return to their own territories, and now they have to recover so much power at one time, these guys will definitely unite and make some moths.

In order to avoid such trouble, it is the best choice to directly control all the people in the palace.

After all, the nobles of each territory are in the capital. As long as they are for their own lives, these people standing in front of Roya now know what to do.

Obeying obediently is the only way to survive. With the character that Roya just showed, if there is a problem in his territory, Roya will kill them first.

The nobles who understood sighed and showed a bitter expression on their faces. Of course, half of the people in the field were smiling foolishly, looking stupid and not knowing what was going on.

The old man looked at Roya deeply, said nothing, and retreated. The people who had been shouting before stopped talking at this moment.

Roya looked at Izelti next to him and said to her, "In that case, Izelti, you should arrange a place for them to live."

Ariel interrupted at this moment and said, "No need. They all have their own rooms in the palace. Although the rooms are not luxurious, everyone has lived there before."

"Is that so?" Roya nodded, not dwelling on this topic. The current problem has been almost solved. If it is done so thoroughly at one time, there will definitely be some impact in the future. For example, these nobles are likely to have other ideas, which is also normal.

In response to this, Roya did not stop at one stroke. He simply detained all the people here and took back the rights issued. If anyone was unwilling, he would be killed.

As for why he did not use the demon species to control those people, it was because Roya was afraid that these people would go back and pretend to obey, and be respectful on the surface, but secretly prepare to unite against Roya.

Moreover, the demon species can only control the life and death of the other party. If you really meet someone who doesn't want to die, the demon species can't control the other party.

After all, the other party is not afraid of death, so what else is there to be afraid of.

Roya's demon species is also very special, and it is not all bad. As long as you can accept being controlled by Roya, and the disadvantage of life and death is in Roya's mind, your strength will be greatly improved in an instant, and your life span will also be improved.

To a certain extent, this is a good thing. The demon species controls those scum, which is simply a favor to those old immortals. Roya would rather control a dog than those dirty things.

So it is better to tie them up in the palace in the most direct and simple way.

Let's see if these guys are willing to cooperate. If they cooperate, take their families over and let them live in the palace, and let the nobleman manage the territory. In this way, even if the other party leaves, he will have to consider his family.

As for whether the other party will have any opinions, Roya said that if the fist is bigger than his, he can do whatever he wants.

Otherwise, just sit down honestly.

After hearing what Luo Ya said, the eldest prince and the second prince looked at each other, and saw some helplessness and unwillingness in each other's eyes.

If Luo Ya really let these guys go back so easily, then there is still room for things to turn around. With the cooperation of inside and outside, they may be able to get a glimmer of hope.

The throne is not just a dream. For that little chance, if you really want to fight, you can.

Anyway, even if you lose, the worst thing is to escape thousands of miles away, and then you will be a hero again.

But the problem is that Luo Ya doesn't give them this opportunity at all. The young man in front of them is smarter than they thought. He directly plans to take advantage of this opportunity to control everyone, then take back the power, and then carry out a new round of resource allocation.

Not to mention, although this is a bit extreme, it is indeed a good way to deal with it.

At least this can reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble.

The nobles present, except for those who were really stupid, had already understood that this trip to the palace had become very dangerous, and they might really die here.

But they always felt unwilling to watch the territory accumulated by their ancestors being taken back by the other party.

There were some middle-aged nobles standing in the middle row, their fists clenched, and their breathing was rapid.

Now their fundamental interests have been affected, which is equivalent to taking half of their lives. If the power is really taken back, the future of the entire family will be extremely difficult.

For this reason, they must do something, even if their power is very limited, but they cannot let Roya be so satisfied.

The nobles all know one thing, that is, if the ruler is too satisfied, then what they can share in the end will become very limited.

The cake is so small, and the power is so limited. If the rulers want it all, what are the nobles doing?

Just watch?

So many times, the rulers and the nobles are fighting against each other, and there is a constraint between them.

But now, this constraint is obviously going to be broken.

This can't go on. Almost all the nobles know this. Now is the best time to raise objections. If you don't raise it, it will be too late. When that time comes, you will really become fish on the chopping board and be slaughtered.

Finally, after the old man, a middle-aged man stood up expressionlessly. His tone was humble and his expression did not change at all. He only asked one thing: "Will our territory be reclaimed?"

This sentence almost pointed out the possible problems now. He asked the problem that all the nobles are worried about now. After hearing this question, the nobles present pricked up their ears and listened carefully to see what Roya said.

Roya was straightforward and his answer was very concise.

"It will be taken back."

Everyone was in an uproar, and many people showed an expression of "as expected". Some stupid nobles finally turned around at this moment and understood why everyone had a heavy expression just now.

Ariel sighed, poked Roya's clothes, and said speechlessly: "You shouldn't be so direct. Obviously you can think of a good idea to keep these nobles here. Now you are so direct. Don't you understand the consequences?"

Many times, guesses are always guesses. As long as they don't really take action, people will still have a fluke, and those who are lucky will not choose to fight to the death as long as they can see a glimmer of hope.

Smart people are a minority after all, and those who are smart and decisive are even more of a minority.

I believe that even those who have seen through the situation can only feel powerless at this moment, but Roya's posture is clearly to use them as a knife. The current situation is that any normal person should choose to resist.

Luo Ya shrugged. Ariel's worries were indeed reasonable. Perhaps in Ariel's eyes, what he did was extremely confusing.

Luo Ya did not let the meeting become noisy. Luo Ya coughed hard a few times, and the noisy voices in the room instantly quieted down.

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