Comprehensive comic: Starting from jobless reincarnation

Chapter 363 The hanging heart finally died (4k)

The nobles and ministers all stared at Luo Ya, they wanted to see what else Luo Ya wanted to say.

Luo Ya didn't say much nonsense. When everyone quieted down, he said directly: "This is only temporary, to avoid some accidents. The power is only temporarily returned to Her Majesty the Queen."

"It's not that your fiefdom will be directly deprived. We won't do that. Those who can stand here have ancestors who have made meritorious deeds. The current titles are also earned by the ancestors with sweat. I am also a noble. I won't say that I will confiscate your titles directly. No."

The middle-aged man who asked the question earlier asked again: "You have taken back all the rights. How do I know if you will give it back to us in the future?"

This is also the most worrying point for all the nobles.

You know, the ruler's words have always been only half listened to, and even the half that is listened to is less than 30% credible.

Anyone can write a written agreement, not to mention that this time it is a verbal check without even a guarantee. Who knows if the power in your hand has just been taken back, and your head will fall to the ground the next moment.

So, they didn't actually believe what Luo Ya said.

The middle-aged man continued to ask: "What if you didn't fulfill your promise at that time?"

The middle-aged man's eyes were fixed on the young man's pale golden pupils. Although he was a little afraid of the young man in front of him at the moment, he had to stand up when he should. If he didn't stand up this time, he would never have the chance to stand up next time.

In response to the middle-aged man's question, Luo Ya still seemed very calm.

Luo Ya simply asked back: "Can't trust me? Then do you have any other choice?"

The middle-aged man's mouth twitched. Even he couldn't bear it at this moment. Although his voice was still humble, it was a little angry at this moment. The middle-aged man said: "This is not your attitude to solve the problem. We now need a common solution, a solution that can solve the problem smoothly. You, no, it should be Her Majesty the Queen, must give me a suitable solution so that the kingdom will not be in turmoil."

Hearing this, Luo Ya fell into thought.

Actually, what the middle-aged man said made sense, but it was not the case that it was just a matter of reason. With the nobles' current expressions, he would not believe that they would give him a chance to calm down unless they made a fuss.

So Roya refused directly, "No, you can't trust me, and I can't trust you either."

"But you need us to manage this country! You can't kill us all, right?"

The middle-aged man looked at Roya in confusion. He didn't understand why Roya was unwilling to take a step back.

However, facing this, Roya smiled slightly and said, "No, this country doesn't need you to manage it. Don't you understand? The country is the same with or without you nobles. Maybe it would be better without you."

The middle-aged man frowned and wanted to refute.

However, Roya asked directly, "Can you farm? Can you herd sheep? Or can you do business? Or are you very strong and can sit in one place and fight against those demons?"

The middle-aged man stared at Roya, and Roya also stared at him. The middle-aged man understood what Roya meant at this moment.

Obviously, the young man in front of him looked down on the so-called nobles, and he looked down on the type of nobles.

"No, no, no, you can't say that. We have our own things to do. We don't have to do those vulgar things. We have to tell the peasants how to work, when to go to the fields, and supervise them to pay taxes on time."

The middle-aged man didn't notice the problem, and even Ariel frowned. They didn't understand what Luo Ya meant at the moment.

Luo Ya sighed. He was born in the 21st century. He was influenced by the core values ​​of socialism since he was a child, and he read so many history books. Although he didn't say much, he saw the drawbacks of this era at a glance.

The so-called nobles are actually a group of leeches, constantly sucking the blood of civilians.

And this situation will continue to intensify as the dynasty goes on.

When the country was first founded, there was indeed no mediocre person who could become a noble.

But the problem is that nobles are all hereditary. An outstanding father does not mean that there is an outstanding successor.

The corruption of power and money is quite amazing. For example, Darius was also a leader when he was young. However, looking at him now, he is a typical villain, and the most annoying villain. He is the kind of villain that the protagonist must get rid of if he encounters him.

When a person who does not have the ability to match his status takes this position, there is no need to say what will happen.

What else can he do besides becoming a termite?

At present, the Kingdom of Asura is facing this situation. It is time for a large-scale blood transfusion, or simply change the political system directly.

Of course, these things cannot be accomplished overnight.

But the middle-aged man could actually say that the country would not be able to operate without them, which made Luo Ya feel very funny.

Without them, it may indeed fall into chaos in a short period of time, but this kind of chaos can be quickly resolved as long as someone takes over, and the scope of influence will not be so large. After all, all they know is to collect taxes and squeeze ordinary people. Without them, civilians will live better.

After all, it was just one less tax collector.

However, it seemed that only Roya would have such an idea. Looking at the expressions of these nobles, they all looked unconvinced. Even Ariel, who Roya thought was smarter, was limited to this kind of cognition and thinking.

Roya sighed, and after all, he did not escape the limitations of the times.

But to be honest, people like Ariel who live in the palace have been living a life of luxury since childhood, so how could they think so much?

Even Roya, in fact, to some extent, has actually benefited from the version.

Apart from anything else, being exploited by capitalists is really unpleasant, but being a capitalist is really cool.

This is also the case that many times, the change of an era is often from the bottom up, not from the top down. Only those who have been at the bottom will know the difficulties of the people.

The people in the field did not understand what Roya meant, but they all heard the disdain in Roya's tone. Everyone looked at each other, remained silent, and prepared to wait for the development of the situation.

However, the matter has come to an end here. The middle-aged man has asked all the questions he should ask and said all the things he should say. Now he doesn't know what to say for a while.

Luo Ya's attitude is very decisive and firm. He is a man who does his own thing. He has no intention of negotiating with them. His meaning is very clear. Either he is obedient and honestly hands over the power he holds, or he will all die.

The country is not unable to function without them. The world is still so big. One more of him is not much, and one less of him is not much.

His attitude is very tough, so that everyone doesn't know how to deal with it for a while.

Luo Ya didn't give everyone so much time to think about the pros and cons. Thinking about such things can be thought about when you go back, so don't stare blankly in the hall.

Luo Ya waved his hand and said the last sentence.

"Think about it carefully, don't let your whole family die because of your own mistakes."

Luo Ya looked at the people in the audience with a smile and said this sentence very calmly.

There was silence on the stage and off the stage.

Everyone could see that Roya didn't want to talk properly at all.

Without stopping for too long, Roya told everyone to get out of here. No matter how unwilling the people below were, they had to obey and do it honestly.

Soon, the hall became empty, with only Roya and his group standing at the top. Even the old woman who had stood up to support Roya just glanced at Roya and left directly.

On the stage was her granddaughter, Izeluti, who stood quietly beside Roya without saying a word.

Although she didn't say a word, she was standing there.

Since she had already chosen a team, there was nothing to say.

Izeluti was no longer the little girl she was before. She needed to grow up. Perhaps this change was an opportunity for her.

Roya ignored the water god who left. He looked at Ariel again. The girl's originally calm expression disappeared at this moment. The girl scratched her hair madly, and the originally smooth and neat blonde hair was scratched into a mess.

Ariel said in a somewhat collapsed state: "How did the situation develop to this point? Didn't you say you would talk nicely?"

Roya shrugged and said seriously: "I was talking nicely."

Ariel said speechlessly: "Are you really talking nicely? Otherwise, listen to what you said just now?"

Roya didn't want to dwell too much on this topic. As he said, even if he killed all of them, it would only be a little troublesome, but it would be more troublesome to intrigue with those guys, so it would be better to keep it simple: if you don't listen, I will kill you.

Don't say it, anyway, Roya feels very good now. What he does now is to suppress all those guys.

Let these people not make any waves. After things here are dealt with, it's time to go to the Dragon God to fight.

But can I really beat him now?

I don't know why, but Roya always has concerns.

The Dragon God is really powerful. Although Roya is also very strong, he feels a little restrained when facing such a guy head-on.

With such worries, Roya began to think about how to deal with the Dragon God.

Roya's magic attainments are still at the emperor level, and the next level is the god level.

But Roya actually did not use magic as the main means of killing. From his development experience, we can find that he actually likes melee combat very much, so now his sword god flow can reach the god level and can use the complete light sword.

Even if he doesn't use the moment, he can easily kill most people in this world in an instant.

Although using the moment, he can't really say that he can use the light sword at twice the speed of light, but a sword that exceeds the speed of light can also be cut.

But the problem is, for this Dragon God who has survived from the previous era to the present, whether it really works, he doesn't know.

He was not prepared to face the Dragon God, which means that he was still not sure about facing such a terrifying guy.

Roya frowned and sighed deeply. Reality is always more troublesome than imagined.

The affairs of the Asura Kingdom will be left to Ariel. He will be responsible for intimidating those people.

"Then, all this is up to you. I hope you can become an excellent king."

After saying this, Roya left here directly.

Only Ariel and Izelti were left in the hall, looking at each other in bewilderment.

"Just left like that, this guy is so casual!" Ariel pouted in dissatisfaction.

Izelti looked at the direction where Roya disappeared, hesitated for a while, and did not choose to chase him, but followed Ariel.

Ariel looked at Izelti in confusion, the girl stroked her long hair by her ears, and her face was full of interest: "Why don't you leave?"

"I think you need me more than him." Izelti answered straightforwardly.

Ariel smiled, her smile was charming, she blinked her blue eyes, Ariel nodded slightly and said: "That's true, I need the protection of a strong man, so why don't you rest directly in my room at night?"


The days that followed were very peaceful.

Indeed, some nobles still did not give up, and they still wanted to struggle.

The reputation of the old woman of the Water God Stream is still quite useful. Now the guards of the palace basically obey Ariel's command.

Those who can become guards in the capital are more or less capable, so Ariel has enough manpower to mobilize.

Those nobles who were not lurking too deep foolishly bumped into it and conspired to rebel in the palace, which was simply a sign of their rebellion.

Roya was not polite at all. He killed the two people with thunder and sent people to visit their homes and confiscated all the territories and properties that should be taken back.

The property was naturally confiscated, and some of the power returned to Ariel again.

Those old foxes hiding in the dark saw that Roya said to kill and killed without any hesitation.

The hanging heart finally died, and they honestly admitted defeat.

Roya did not say much nonsense and directly sent people to take over the territories of various regions.

Of course, some of these guys are not honest. The most powerful one is the marquis of one of the regions. He actually has a master who has reached the king level of the Northern Divine Stream and is only one step away from breaking through the emperor level. The total number of private soldiers he has at home is more than a thousand.

Seeing that the capital wants to conquer the territory, he is naturally unwilling and directly follows the guards to fight against it.

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